
发布时间:2015-05-26 16:34:30   来源:文档文库   




方老于1918年出生在广东中山,他是我国新闻漫画的泰斗,又是中国水墨漫画创作第一人。方老八十多岁时腰板挺直,健步如飞,游泳可畅游千米,骑自 行车飙上几十里路更是不在话下。2010年,他应邀参加第十六届亚运会在中山市的火炬传递,以92岁的高龄之躯跑完了110米的路程,依然神采奕奕。

方成是中国画坛上为数不多的多面手。他不仅在漫画领域成就卓著,同时又将漫画融入国画,形成了独具个性的水墨人物画,在国画人物画领域独树一帜。他 以丰富的幽默实践为基础,后又从事幽默的理论研究,成果颇丰,享有学者型漫画家的美誉。他不仅画好,诗歌、杂文也写得漂亮,还创作过相声段子。




先从他画的一幅骑自行车的自画像说起。方成出生于一战结束时的1918年,现在已经90多岁了,但身心健康,神清气爽,80岁后还可骑自行车穿街走 巷。为了表示他对自行车的特殊感情,他便画了一幅骑自行车的自画像。在他所有的自画像中,这幅是最精彩的。从画中可以看出,他骑的是辆破车,连个车铃都没 有。对于没有车铃,他的解释是:车骑起来哪个地方都在响,还要铃干什么?

骑这种车最放心,放在哪里小偷都看不上。再看看他的神态,骑车时还东瞄西瞅的,好一副从容自如的样子!这可是方成的得意之笔:80多岁的人了,骑车 不是战战兢兢的,而是像年轻人一样轻松自如,足见身体之好和车技之高。常有人看了他的这幅自画像后问他,为什么这么大年纪还爱骑自行车,他说骑自行车有两 大好处:一是可以锻炼身体,二是一上车就有座。

Fang Cheng regimen: regimen to rely on a word

Fang Cheng is evergreen Chinese comics industry, it is an art everyone, for dialogues, essays, comedy, parody, also have good achievements. Fang Cheng regimen: regimen to rely on a word, busy as a powerful influencer Chinese comics, we should understand the way into the man!.

This is a famous cartoon: old man riding a bicycle, car basket filled his life favorite pen and paper, the car laden with a thick pile of books on the same painting ...... popular doggerel: "Life has been very common, biking painting writing articles, and health to rely on a word, busy. "This is the self-portrait when comic artist Mr. Fang Cheng octogenarian for his tailor. www.cdfrog.cn www.biggdata.org www.novemgroup.cn www.cai-shen.cn

Party old was born in 1918 in Zhongshan, Guangdong, he was the dean of the Journalism comic, she is the first person of Chinese ink cartoon. Party Skiles teens erect, eighty, swimming and swim km cycling soared on tens of miles way, let alone. In 2010, he was invited to participate in the Sixteenth Asian Games torch relay in Zhongshan to footer at the age of 92 ran the 110 meters away, still sparkle. www.cdfrog.cn www.biggdata.org www.novemgroup.cn www.cai-shen.cn

Fang Cheng is one of the few all-rounder on Chinese painting. He not only outstanding achievements in the field of comics, while comics turn into the painting, forming a unique personality of ink figure painting, painting portraits in the area is unique. His rich humor based on practice, then engage in humor theoretical research, has yielded fruitful results, a "scholarly cartoonist" in the world. He not only drawn, poetry, essays are written in beautiful, but also had created comic scripts.

Although his life was over ninety, but the humor and keep Tongxin Yong, Hefatongyan, in 2009 won the "Chinese Animation Art Lifetime Achievement Award", the still hale and hearty to the scene to accept the award and made a speech. Recently, he also won the first prize of Chinese Art "Lifetime Achievement Award." And watch his people, goods whose painting, reading his book, always makes one feel "fragrance" lovers, fun, beautiful, memorable.

Health rely on a word www.xautoman.cn www.globessc.org.cn www.nhman.com.cn www.jdweixin.org www.ganaiwanqi.org

Life in the square to always humorous, open-minded, cheerful, witty, can be said to "fragrance" overflowing.

He painted a picture start riding a bike to start self-portrait. Fang Cheng was born in 1918 at the end of the First World War, is now 90 years old, but healthy, refreshing, after a 80-year-old also ride a bicycle through the streets. In order to express his special affection for the bike, he painted a self-portrait by bike. In all his self-portrait, the painting is the most exciting. As can be seen from the picture, he rode a vehicle broken car, even a bell at all. For no bell, he explained: Juji up which places in the ring, but also the bell do?

Most assured ride this car, where to put the thief disdain. Look at his demeanor, pointing west cycling Shihai look east, and a good pair like this is quite smooth side into proud of the pen:! 80-year-old man, not a jittery ride, but as Young freely as easily, which shows the good health of the high and the driving skills. People often read his portrait painting since asked him why such a great age but also love biking, cycling, he said there are two advantages: First, can exercise, and second, there got into the car seat.


