
发布时间:2018-04-04 19:19:58   来源:文档文库   


考点1 形容词

1(2016·浙江高考)If we know that gossip can be ________ (harm)then why do so many of us do itThe answer lies in another effect of gossipthe satisfaction it gives us.

2(2016·江苏高考)He did not compromise easilybut was willing to accept any constructive advice for a ________ (worth)cause.

3(2016·江苏高考)His ________(comprehension)surveys have provided the most explicit statements of howand on what basisdata are collected.

4(2016·天津高考)The weather forecast says it will be ________ (cloud)with a slight chance of rain later tonight.

5(2016· 天津高考)I’m a 34yearold manmarriedlived in a nice houseand have a successful career as an ________(educate)consultant.

6(2016·四川高考)We do think that you can live a more ________(power) life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.

7(2016·四川高考)Both men and women are living longer these days in ________ (industrial)countries.Howeverwomenon averagelive longer.

8(2016·北京高考)Dr.Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick.Howeverthe ________ (close)supply was over 1000 miles awayin Anchorage.

9(2016·北京高考)I want to prove that I can teach myself a ________(respect)professionwithout going to collegeand be just as good asif not better thanmy competitors.

考点2 副词

10(2016·浙江高考)A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience________(especial) if you are travelling at high speed.

11(2016·浙江高考)Nobody entering a university knows ________ (exact)what they want to study.

12(2016· 天津高考)Regardless of your choice of courseyou’ll develop your language ability both quickly and ________(effect)

13(2016· 天津高考)The link between what the men had done as boys and how they turned out as adults was ________(surprise) sharp.

14(2016·四川高考)In factwomen are less________ (like) to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.

15(2016·四川高考)The giant panda is loved by people throughout the world.Chinese scientists ________(recent)had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.

16(2016·北京高考)On the 20th of that monthDr.Welch examined a Sick boyBillyand knew he had diphtheriaa ________ (dead)infectious(传染的)disease mainly affecting children.

考点1 形容词

1(2015·江苏高考)The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and ________(comprehension)review of the case.

2(2015·浙江高考)Listening is thus an active, not a ________(passively), behavior consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.

3(2015·湖北高考)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be________(punctually)

4(2015·湖北高考)I don’t think what he said is ________(relevance)to the topic we are discussing.He has missed the point.

5(2015·四川高考)Andy is content with the toy.It is the________(good)he has ever got.

6(2015·四川高考)Little Tom sat ________(amaze)watching the monkey dancing in front of him.

7(2015·安徽高考)I’m so________(gratefulness)to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.

8(2015·福建高考)It was ________ (consider)of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.

9(2014·福建高考)With online shopping increasingly popularthe Internet is seen as an ________ (efficiency) way of reaching target customers.

10(2014·安徽高考)My good performance in the job interview left me ______(optimism) about my future and about what I can do here.

11(2014·湖北高考)What was so ________(impress) about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon barefooted.

12(2014·湖北高考)Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ________(tolerance) smile and let him go.

13(2014·大纲卷)Raymond’s parents wanted him to have the ________(good) possible education.

考点2 副词

14(2015·浙江高考)Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was ________(former) alive.

15(2015·湖北高考)The girl used to be shy, but is ________(gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.

16(2015·安徽高考)They gave money to the old people’s home either ________(personal)or through their companies.

17(2014·安徽高考)It’s our hope that we will play a ________(great) role in the market place andthereforesupply more jobs.

18(2014·湖北高考)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ________(sharp)Don’t be so meanpointing a finger of warning at her.

19(2014·江苏高考)I can’t meet you on Sunday.I’ll be ________ occupied.

20(2014·江西高考)Thanks for your directions to the housewe wouldn’t have found it ________

21(2014·浙江高考)The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others ________(blind)

22(2014·大纲卷)Henry was away from home for quite a bit and ________ saw his family.

考点1 形容词

1(2016·苏、锡、常、镇四市调研二)Nowadays mobile internet devices are pushing up demands for online educationwhich makes people see it as one of the most ________ (promise)new market.

2(2016·湖州市八校二次联考)I’m always ________ (caution) about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings.

3(2016·南京、盐城二模)—Do you think he is the only person for the job?

—I’m not quite sure but he’ll prove ________ (equal)to the task.

4(2016·杭州七校联考)I have a habit of taking a coffeewhich makes me feel ________ (energy)when I have to stay up late.

5(2016·杭州二中月考)Compared with his sisterJerry is even more ________ (sense)toand more easily troubled byemotional and relationship problems.

6(2016·南京、盐城二模)One of the characteristics that make me different from many people is my adaptability—I’m ________ (flexibility)and comfortable in new or unusual situations.

7(2016·南通市二模)Considering writers’ different historical backgroundsa literary critic should not be ________ (subject)in his approach to judging a piece of writing.

8(2016·江西上饶一模)According to media reports, the London stadium is 75%________(light) than other Olympic stadiums in terms of steel used.

9(2016·江西余江二模)After the long journey, the Smiths returned home, safe but________(tire)

10(2016·浙江金华十校模拟)Early experiences taught me not to be overly________(enthusiasm) about shopping by mobile phone because there is a high risk of being cheated.

11(2016·福建质检)—Why are you so________(desperation) to get the parttime job, Joseph?

—I am in great need of money to support myself through college.

12(2016·衢州一中一模)As far as I am concerned, Jim is a very________(reliability) boy—if he promises to help ushe’ll do it.

13(2016·浙江象山二模)Thanks to our________(flexibility) schedule, we got our task accomplished ahead of time.

14(2016·湖北武汉二模)If the wild animals wander onto ________(privacy) land, the landowner may require the government to get them back.

15(2016·甘肃河西五市一联)I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as________(tire) a day as today.

16(2016·福建泉州质检)—Excuse memay I have a word with Mr.Jackson?

—I’m afraid he’s not ________(availability) now. He’s having a meeting upstairs.

17(2016·湖北襄阳调研)Don’t take it for granted that parents should show their unconditional love to you. You should also understand and be________(sense) to their feelings.

18(2016·江西红色六校联考)The young man comes from a ________(wealth) family, who owns several companies in London and Paris.

19(2016·南京师大附中模拟)In today’s fast changing and competitive world, to be able to learn faster and more effectively is not merely desirable; it is ________(essentially)

20(2016·福建龙岩一级达标学校联盟联考)Don’t be too ________(toughly) with your children. They know for sure what they will do and how to do it.

21(2016·天津红桥区一模)—How was your holiday?

—It couldn’t have been more________(bore). I just stayed in the hotel because it was raining most of the time.

22(2016·浙江余姚中学月考)Some plants are very ________(sense) to light; they prefer the shade.

考点2 副词

23(2016·江苏高考压轴卷)The football club has died to tighten its belt________(eventual)giving up the idea of training abroad.

24(2016·浙江五校二次联考)I don’t know how he made his money ________ (original)I only know now he is really rich.

25(2016·淮安市二次调研)French writer Patrick Modianodevoted himself ________ (entire)to his writingand won the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature.

26(2016·南通、扬州、连云港二次调研)In order to keep their mother living with them confidentlythe couple ________ (deliberate)leave the washingup for her after meals.

27(2016·杭州七校联考)—You don’t go to that supermarket quite oftendo you?

—NoI only go there ________ (occasional)because it’s too far away from my house.

28(2015·宿迁、徐州、连云港二次调研)—Did your son go to dentist’s to have his bad tooth pulled out?

—Yesthough ________ (reluctant)

29(2016·泰州市二模)The region was served by a railway linewith station stops from three to five miles ________so there was a natural limit to the spread of any particular community.

30(2016·安徽马鞍山一次质检)Although I majored in English, language________(surprising) became a challenge when I set foot in the USA for the first time.

31(2016·衢州一中一模)The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will be broadcast live this weekend. You can expect an exactly________(live) night.

32(2016·湖北荆门龙泉一模)The woman tried ________(desperate) to push the man away when he tried to snatch the bag from her.

33(2016·银川一中高三二模)Interviews were carried out________(office) over the telephone, via email or fax or face to face in four cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan.

34(2016·湖北八市三模)Young parents are advised to choose for their children natural foods________(absolution) free of chemicals to make sure of their health.

35(2016·福建莆田质检)To be a “tough girl”means you are not only________(physical) strong, but also mentally independent.

36(2016·江西重点中学盟校一联)—Must I do some reading in English every day to improve comprehension?

—Wellyou can never read________much while learning a foreign language.

37(2016·北京西城区一模)It’s going to take ages to get to the airport this way. Can’t you go any________(fast)?

38(2016·湖北荆州质检)No matter how much time you spend planning a trip, things still________(occasion) go wrong and air travel is no exception—from weather delays to lost luggage.

39(2016·江苏扬州高三一模)A good“teammate” doesn’t________(necessary) make a good partner.

40(2016·浙江衢州一中一模)It was________fine weather that many people went out to enjoy the warm sunshine.

41(2016·浙江高考最后冲刺卷)One of the tasks of education is to develop children’s ability of solving problems________(independent)

42(2016·安徽江淮十校一联)—The government should think about the medical reform again and make sure of medical care, in my opinion

—I cannot agree ________(much). The medical services and efficiency are not good at the moment.

43(2016·天津一中模拟)Working hard in study is important, but ________(equal) as important is the desire to learn.

44(2016·重庆南开中学三模)The newly married couple couldn’t afford to buy a new car________they bought a used one.

45(2016·合肥168中学最后一卷)—Why is Thomas so lonely every day?

—Because he has ________(practical) no communication with others.

46(2016·四川联测促改二轮测试)We need to increase employment. We need to reduce crime. And________(final), we need to protect our environment.

47(2016·福建莆田一中月考)I’m in a hurry. You’d better tell me the truth________(brief)

考点1 形容词

1(2015·内蒙古师大附中月考)I worked ________(hard) at my study than most of my classmates.

2(2015·宁夏银川一中月考)I still feel that all children are the ________(great) joy I could ever have.

3(2015·广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)One such hot potato is taxes.Calling for ________(high) taxes can mean defeat for a politician.

4(2015·山西太原五中模拟)This new usage of the term took off in September after a widelyshared joke about a richbut ________ (unhappily) man.

5(2015·黑龙江大庆铁人中学模拟)Some have lost their jobs and some have ________ (fail) marriages.

6(2015·黑龙江佳木斯一中三模)Compared with other forms of writingkeeping a diary in English is shorter and takes ________(little) time.

7(2015·贵州遵义四中模拟)The ________(rich) of these is Bill Gatesworth at least $ 41 billion.

8(2015·甘肃天水一中诊断一)There are more and more carsbuses on the roadsand they give off ________(poison) gases.

9(2015·吉林一中月考)Nearby fishermen rushed over to save him but were ________(able) to recover his body.

10(2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)WellI’m really ________(surprise) too.

11(2015·内蒙古包钢一中月考)I’m sorry to say that I am disappointed about my trip to Norwich.It is the ________(bad) experience of my life!

12(2015·云南玉溪一中月考)When you treat people and things in a kind________(consider)and polite wayyou are being respectful.

13(2015·海南中学月考)So some college graduates prefer to live a ________(peace) life rather than start their own businesses through jobhunting which is competitive.

14(2015·河北邢台一中月考)The old peoplewho were very excited by our visittold us their ________(person) stories.

15(2015·安徽六校联考一)When the whole world is rainy, let’s make it ________(clearly) in our heart.

16(2015·福建清流一中段考)She bought the same skirt at a lower price at the same shop where I bought mine because she was a ________(regularly) customer.

17(2015·湖北武汉二中月考)We should place ________(equally) emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the base of security.

18(2015·浙江金华十校二模)Early experiences taught me not to be overly________(enthusiasm) about shopping by mobile phone because there is a high risk of being cheated.

19(2015·福建泉州培元中学月考)Taxis outside hotels are usually safer, but more________(expense) for the day hires, which charge more than the passing ones.

考点2 副词

20(2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)That’s ________(absolute) unbelievable.

21(2015·海南中学月考)Ohthey don’t have dreams.But I have made ________my mind to achieve my dream.

22(2015·甘肃兰州一中月考)It was my first time to go to the marketand I was ________(deep) impressed by what I saw in the market.

23(2015·山西太原五中月考)Even days after I reported the event to the policethey failed to ________(proper) solve this situation or even return my calls.

24(2015·吉林一中月考)He was uprightloyal and highly respected.________he was dismissed from office.

25(2015·广州海珠区摸底)A little way down the river from Lake Victoriathe water __________(actual) gets quite rough.

26(2015·甘肃张掖市诊断三)Besidesairplane crashes ________(typical) occur during takeoff or landing.

27(2015·河北衡水中学一模)________(frank) speakingI’m scared to death about it.

28(2015·山西太原五中月考)________(luck)I was not injured and my bicycle was damagedbut still usable.

29(2015·广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)Hot is a simple________(easy) understood word.

30(2015·内蒙古师大附中月考)________ (hope)it’s nothing too serious.

31(2015·黑龙江大庆铁人中学模拟)I have often struggled with what to say________ (most) because I have faced many of the same challenges in my own life.

32(2015·贵州六校联盟联考二)He worked with interestdeterminationand purposeand he soon became ________(extraordinary) good at arithmetic.

33(2015·贵州铜仁一中模拟)________(personal)I think the team that got first place cheated.

34(2015·黑龙江哈三中一模)JackIt’s truebut some people did find their betterhalf through online dating.

David________I won’t try that way to make my girlfriend.

35(2015·安徽六校联考一)Tell your mother not to make a call while driving and her car________(narrow) missed a cyclist when she was on the way to work the other day.

36(2015·江苏南京调研)—I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers.

—Yes________(unbelievable) cheap. Chrisberg is less than $1.

37(2015·重庆巴蜀中学月考)With credit cards________(abundant) available, it is more frequent to see consumers pay for their purchases or bills by card instead of by cash.

38(2015·江西崇义中学月考一)The little girl is walking along the beach, happy and joyful________(occasion) bending down to pick up a beautiful seashell.

Section 4 形容词和副词



1harmful 2worthy 3comprehensive 4cloudy 5educational 6powerful 7.industrialized 8.closest 9.respectful10especially 11exactly 12effectively 13surprisingly 14likely 15.recently 16.deadly


1comprehensive [2passive3punctual4relevant 5best 6amazed 7grateful 8considerate9efficient 10optimistic 11impressive 12tolerant 13best 14formerly 15gradually 16personally 17greater 18sharply 19otherwise20otherwise 21blindly 22seldom/rarely/hardly 


1promising 2cautious 3equal4energetic 5sensitive 6flexible 8lighter 9tired 10enthusiastic 11desperate 12reliable 13flexible 14private 15tiring 16available 17sensitive 18wealthy 19essential 20tough 21boring22sensitive 23eventually24originally 25entirely26deliberately 27occasionally 28reluctantly 29apart 30surprisingly 31lively 32desperately 33officially 34absolutely 35physically [36too 37faster 38occasionally39necessarily 40such 41independently 42more 43equally 44instead 45practically 46finally 47briefly 2经典模拟试题

1harder 2greatest 3higher 4unhappy 5failed 6less 7richest 8poisonous 9unable 10surprised 11worst 12considerate 13peaceful14personal 15clear 16regular 17equal 18enthusiastic 19expensive20absolutely 21up 22deeply 23properly 24However 25actually 26typically 27Frankly 28Luckily 29easily 30Hopefully 31mostly 32extraordinarily 33Personally 34Anyway 35narrowly 36unbelievably37abundantly 38occasionally 


