
发布时间:2012-02-08 13:28:58   来源:文档文库   


Sleeping Beauty  ['sli:piŋ 'bju:ti:] 

Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan.

[kwait]相当 ['glitəriŋ] 闪闪发光的 [ə'semblidʒ] 聚集;集会


Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and, how quaint, even therebel

['rɔiəlti] [no'bɪlətɪ] ['dʒentri] [kweint] ['rebl,ri'bel, 'rebəl,ri'bel]

皇室, 高贵的, 贵族们 ,还有,多 奇怪呀,甚至(还有)反判者

I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation.

['riəli, 'ri:li]实际上 [felt]感觉 [di'strest]痛苦 [ri'si:viŋ]接受 [,invi'teiʃən] 邀请


You weren't wanted! ['wɔntid, 'wɔ:n-]想要;渴望(want的过去分词)


Not wa...? Oh dear, what an awkward situation.

['ɔ:kwəd] [,sitju'eiʃən, -tʃu-]

别这么说 噢,亲爱的,真是一个尴尬的 局面啊,

I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight.

[həupt] ['miəli] [dju:, du:] 到期的;应得的 ['əuvəsait]

我很 希望 仅仅是 由于 一些 疏忽

hoped [həupt]

Well, in that event I'd best be on my way.

如果是那样,我最好 要离开了。

event [i'vent] best [best]

And you're not offended, your excellency? 我们没有冒犯你吧,阁下

offended [ə'fendid] excellency ['eksələnsi]

Why no, your majesty.哦!没有,皇后(关于这一句的语感,要在反复跟读后,从剧情中去体会)And to show I bear no ill will,为了表示我没有恶意

 I, too, shall be stow a gift on the child. 我也会给一份礼物给孩子 

bear [bεə] ill [il] will [wil, wel] stow [stəu]

Listen well, all of you!你们所有人好好听着

The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, 公主的确会在优雅和美丽中生长,indeed [in'di:d] grow [ɡrəu] grace [ɡreis]

beloved by all who know her.受到所有认识她的人的热爱。

beloved [bi'lʌvid, -'lʌvd]

But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday,在她16岁生岁日那天

she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. 她将在一个纺车的沙锭上扎破她的手指然后死去。

sun set日落 prick [prik] spindle ['spindl] spinning ['spiniŋ]

Oh no! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Seize that creature! 抓住那个怪物!Seize [si:z] creature ['kri:tʃə]

Stand back you fools. 退后,你们这些白痴!

Stand [stænd] fool [fu:l]

Don't despair, your majesties.别绝望,陛下 despair [di'spεə]

Merryweather still has her gift to give. 玛莉怀德还有一份礼物没给

Then she can undo this fearful curse? 那么她能破解这个可怕的诅咒吗?

undo [,ʌn'du:] fearful ['fiəful] curse [kə:s]

Oh no, sire. 哦,不,陛下 sire [saiə]

Maleficents powers are far too great. 巫婆的力量太大

maleficent [mə'lefisənt] power [pauə]

But she can help! 但她能帮助 But ... 但是

Just do your best, dear. 尽你所能,亲爱的

Yes go on.是的,去吧Sweet princess, 可爱的小公主

if through this wicked witches trick如果通过这个邪恶的巫婆法术,

through [θru:] wicked ['wikid] trick [trik]

a spindle should your finger prick, 你的手指会被一个纱锭扎破

spindle ['spindl] should [ʃud, ʃəd, ʃd] prick [prik]

a ray of hope there still may be in this, 或许这仍有一点希望

the gift I give at thee.我给你的礼物

Not in death but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep,


death [deθ] sleep [sli:p] fateful['feitful] prophecy['prɔfisi] keep[ki:p] slumber['slʌmbə] wake[weik]

and from this slumber you shall wake 将会从沉睡中苏醒,

when true love's kiss the spell shall break. 当真爱之吻来临,咒语将被打破。

For true love真爱 conquers all 战胜一切

slumber['slʌmbə] wake[weik] true[tru:]

spell[spel] break[breik] kiss[kis] conquer['kɔŋkə]

But King Stefan, still fearful of his daughter's life,但是斯蒂芬国王,仍然担心他女儿的生命 fateful['feitful]

did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in the kingdom所以他颁令所有王国内的手纺车轮 decree[di'kri:] spinning ['spiniŋ]

should on that very day be burnt. 在那天都要被烧毁 burnt [bə:nt]

So it was done. 所以就这么做了

ohSilly fiddle faddle! 哦,愚蠢~~fiddle faddle口头禅,无确切含义)

silly ['sili] fiddle['fidl] faddle['fædl]

Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear. 现在,来一杯香浓的茶,亲爱的

I'm sure it'll work out somehow. 我确信总有解决的办法

sure [ʃuə, ʃɔ:] somehow['sʌmhau]

Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent.一场大火并不能阻止巫婆

Of course not. But what will? 当然不会,但什么能阻止

Well, perhaps if we reason with her. 或许我们可以跟她评理

Reason? 理由哪? With Maleficent? 和巫婆?

bonfire['bɔn,faiə] perhaps[pə'hæps, præps] reason['ri:zən]

Well, she can't be all bad. 她不会一无是处

Oh, yes, she can. 噢,她就是这么一个人

I'd like to turn her into a fat old hoptoad! 噢,我真想把她变成又胖又老的蟾蜍

turn [tə:n] hoptoad['hɔptəud]

Now, dear, that isn't a very nice thing to say. 亲爱的,你这么说可不太好(善良人的不说恶毒的语言)。

Besides, we can't. You know our magic doesn't work that way.我们没有这个能力,你知道我们的魔法有限

besides[bi'saidz] magic['mædʒik]

It can only do good, dear, to bring joy and happiness. 我们只能带来欢乐与幸福

happiness ['hæpinis]

Well, that would make me happy. 那样做会使我很快乐

But there must be some way ... There he is! 但是一定有什么办法的

There is There is有了!有了!What is it, Flora? 是什么,弗洛拉?

I'm going to ...我将 shh, shh, shh! Even walls have ears.嘘,嘘,嘘!小心隔墙有耳 even ['i:vən]

Follow me! 跟我来 I'll turn her into a flower! 我要把她变成一朵花

Maleficent? 巫婆吗? Oh no, dear, the princess! 不是,亲爱的,是公主

Oh she'd make a lovely flower. 噢,她将变成一朵可爱的花

Don't you see, a flower can't prick its finger. 你想想,一朵花不能扎破她的手指?

It hasn't any. 它没有任何手指, That's right. 那就对了

She'll be perfectly safe. 她将会很安全

follow['fɔləu] flower['flauə] finger['fiŋɡə]

perfectly['pə:fiktli] safe[seif]

Until Maleficent sends a frost. 直到Maleficent送来一次霜害

Yes, a ... oh dear! 是啊!噢,亲爱的

She always ruins your nicest flowers. 她始终会毁灭你那朵可爱的花

You're right. And she'll be expecting us to do something like that. 是的,她一定正希望我们做些那样的事哪

until[,ʌn'til] sends[sɛndz] frost[frɔst]

always['ɔ:lweiz, -wiz] ruin['ruin, 'ru:-] expecting[ik'spektiŋ]

Oh!Well, what won't she expect, she knows everything. 噢!那么,什么才不是她希望的?她知道一切

Oh but she doesn't dear.不,不会的

Maleficent doesn't know anything about love, Maleficent不懂得任何关于爱的事情or kindness, 或者善意or the joy of helping others.或者是帮助别人的快乐You know, sometimes I don't think she's really very happy. 有时我并不认为她真的很快乐

expect[ik'spekt] everything['evriθiŋ]

kindness['kaindnis] helping['helpiŋ]

That's it, of course! 当然,正是这样

It's the only thing she can't understand, and won't expect. 只有这些她才不能理解和预知oh, oh, now, now ... We have to plan it carefully, 我们必须计划周密,let's see, woodcutters cottage, 让咱们看看,伐木人的小木屋 yes, yes, the abandoned one, 是的是的,一本被遗弃的,of course the King and Queen will object, 当然国王和王后会反对but when we explain it's the only way 但是当我们解释说这是唯一的方式...

understand[,ʌndə'stænd] carefully['kɛəfəli] woodcutter['wud,kʌtə] cottage['kɔtidʒ] abandoned[ə'bændənd]

object['ɔbdʒikt, -dʒekt, əb'dʒekt] explain[ik'splein] way[wei]

Explain what?    解释什么?

About the three peasant women raising a foundling child deep in the forest. 关于三个农妇养大一个弃婴,在森林深处。。。。。

Oh, that's very nice of them. 噢,他们真是太好了。

Who are they? 他们是谁?

peasant['pezənt] women['wimin] raising['reiziŋ]

foundling['faundliŋ] deep[di:p] forest['fɔrist]


