have sb do or doing sth[优化课件]

发布时间:2020-01-29 13:59:34   来源:文档文库   

have sb do sthhave sb/sth doing sth简化课件

1 have sb do sth[命令、劝说、安排]使、让、叫某人做某事-- especially AmE ask, tell, order, persuade, or arrange for sb to do sth: have在此为使役动词,含义是make sb do sth,即汉语中的使、让、叫

If you wait a moment, I'll have someone collect it for you.如果你稍等片刻, 我让人替你把它取来。* Ill have the gardener plant some trees.我要让园丁种些树. *

(especially AmE)I’ll have the electrician mend the microwave oven.我会安排技师修理微波炉

* Have[=tell] her call me when she gets back. * Have my assistant schedule another appointment for you.让我的助手为你再安排一次预约。

What would you have me do? [=what do you want me to do?]你要我做什么?

They would have us believe [=they want/expect us to believe] that all these problems can be fixed by raising taxes.他们大概想让我们相信所有这些问题都可以通过提高税收得以解决。【温馨提示:have sb believe可是常用的搭配哦】

She's having the children stay with us for the weekend[=the children are staying with us for the weekend because she wants them to].她想让孩子们周末和我们待在一起。

思考: 这一句have为什么要使用现在进行时呢?这个问题有点意思哎。有兴趣的童鞋可以探究一下。

比较: make, let, get比较

a, b, c三句含义基本相同

(a)I'll have/let my secretary show you around our campus.[havelet没有被动式] 我将让我的秘书领你参观我们校园。

本句含义上相当于: I'll arrange for my secretary to show you around our campus.

(b)I'll make my secretary show you around our campus.

有被动式: My secretary will be made to show you around our campus. [变为被动式时, 要带to]

(c)I'll get my secretary to show you around our campus. [主动式要带to; 没有被动式]

说明: make, let, have, get这四个词中, makehave往往带有强迫的意思, let语气婉转, get使,,含义外, 还有说服的含义, 相当于persuade

下面做一个练习: 分别用make(使,,), let(), get(使,,), cause(使,), ask(要求,请求), tell(), order(命令), arrange(安排)的过去式替换下句中的had, 改写句子

Tom had the barber cut his hair short.汤姆让理发师剪短头发[理发]

Tom made the barber cut his hair short] [变为被动式要带to: The barber was made to cut his hair short.]

Tom let the barber cut his hair short] [let没有被动式]

Tom got/caused/asked/told/ordered the barber to cut his hair short. [都需带to, get通常不用被动式, 其他几个动词均常用被动式]

Tom arranged for the barber to cut his hair short.[别忘了, arrange可要带介词for! arrange for sb to do sth安排某人做某事]

2 have sb doing sth


She had me doing all kinds of odd jobs for her.她让我替她干各种零碎杂活。



have sb laughing/crying etc
(a) She had her audience listening attentively.她使听众听得入神。


The film soon had us crying. *The film had us all sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement.这部影片让我们大家激动不已。

Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping.

* Take lots of snacks or you’ll have the kids complaining.多带些点心去,不然孩子们会抱怨的。


(b) Last year the place was so full we had people sleeping on the floor.年这个地方很挤,以致于我们让大家睡地板。


3 have sth doing使/某物处于某种状态-- cause sth to be in a specified state or condition:


(a) Our engineer will have the machine working again in no time.我们的工程师很快就会让机器再次运转起来。上次有同学问in no time[=very quickly, very soon; almost at once, almost immediately, almost instantly那就是很快,几乎立刻(),转眼间]


(b) My neighbour’s boy is always got the stereo playing full blast.我的邻家男孩总是把立体声音响开到最大音量[(at) full blast非常响亮的():此处含义--at maximum power]



《have sb do or doing sth[优化课件].doc》
