
发布时间:2013-02-19 17:57:00   来源:文档文库   

1. A_________ gain or profit is the actual gain after all working expenses have been paid.
A. gross B. net
C. positive D. negative

2. A better working environment improves people's performance, and _________ productivity.
A. furthermore B. hence
C. moreover D. even

3. A completely new situation will ________ when the examination system comes into exist-ence.
A. rise B. arise
C. raise D. arouse

4. A cork will ________ in water, but a stone sinks.
A. fly B. flow
C. float D. drift

5. A dark suit is preferable _________a light one for evening wear.
A. to B. than
C. for D. against

6. A deputy director will be _________the whole factory next week when the director is away for a month.
A. in favor of B. in charge of
C. in place of D. on behalf of

7. A few minutes after the plane had taken off, it _________to the ground,
A. crashed B. crushed
C. dashed D. flashed

8. A friendship may be _________, casual, situational or deep and lasting.
A. identical B. original
C. superficial D. critical

9. A good newspaper publishes both __________ and foreign news.
A. current B. latest
C. recent D. domestic

10. A good teacher must know how to _________ his ideas.
A. convey B. display
C. consult D. confront


4. [ ]C
[分析]to一般跟preferable搭配在一起,构成preferable to,意思是更好的,更合意的
[分析]in charge of的意思是负责,主管in favor of的意思是赞成,支持in place of的意思是代替on behalf of 的意思是代表

1. A good way to ________ a language is to live in the native culture with the native speakers.
A. require B. acquire e
C. inquire D. sustain

2. A great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the _________ of becoming white collar workers.
A. privilege B. advantage
C. profit D. preference

3. A hush fell over the guests who had _________ for the wedding celebration.
A. assembled B. participated
C. attended D. summoned

4. A Korean manufacturer has _________ us a price ten percent lower than yours.
A. referred B. offered
C. gave D. told

5. A landing on Mars is within the _________ of current physical theory.
A. dimension B. volume
C. magnitude D. scope

6. A Love marriage, however, does not necessarily _________much sharing of interests and responsibilities.
A. take over B. result in
C. holds on D. keep to

7. A man has to make ________ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.
A. supply B. assurance
C. provision D. adjustment

8. A neat letter improves your chances of a favorable_________ .
A. circumstance B. request
C. reception D. response

9. A police officer was sent to ________ the crime.
A. march B. investigate
C. survey D. explore

10. A product is to be considered as being __________, when introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value.
A. discharged B. discarded
C. disposed D. dumped


[分析]acquire的意思获得,习得,常常指经过很长一段时间的努力才获得某种东西。比如说acquire knowledge获得知识。Require的意思是要求,需要inquire的意思是询问,调查,问候,这个单词也可以写成enquiresustain的意思是支持,抚养,维持
[分析]assemble的意思是聚集,集合,召集participate的意思是参加,它是一个不及物动词,后面要加in构成participate in,表示参加……”;从逻辑上讲,attend的意思是出席,它符合题意,但attend是一个及物动词,后可直接跟宾语,因此,C不是答案;summon的意思是召集,召唤,传唤,它也是一个及物动词,故不是答案。由此可见,只有A既符合题意,又符合语法规则,为正确答案。
[分析]result in的意思是导致,结果take over的意思是接受,接管hold on的意思是紧握,等一会儿keep to的意思是遵守,坚持
[分析]provision的意思是准备,预备make provision for的意思是……而做准备supply的意思是储备,供应,常与介词of连用;assurance的意思是保证adjustment的意思是调整,调节
[翻译]如果某产品以低于正常价格进入另一个国家的商业领域,即被视为倾销。 [分析]dump是一经济词汇,意思是倾销discharge的意思是解雇discard

1. A promotion of a country 's international trade position is associated with _________ of its currency.
A. appreciation B. boom
C. spiral D. prosperity

2, A minor is going _________ the school that we will have three days off for this week.
A. by B. ahead
C. round D. down

3. A small child has to learn to keep its __________ before it can walk far.
A. weight B. scale
C. balance D. stability

4. A standard test is supposed to be _________ because the marking is not affected by individual preferences.
A. subjective B. objective
C. transparent D. influential

5. A student sticking closely to the _________of the school is often praised by teachers.
A.orders B. regulations
C. principles D. interests

6. A week after her husband died, Mary broke ________ completely and had to go into hospital.
A. up B. in
C. down D. oat

7. A wooden bridge is not strong enough to _________a railway train.
A. retain B. support
C. maintain D. obtain

8. A year ago the firm had a _________ loss of 4.3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.
A. total B. gross
C. net D. clear

9. Able placed too much _________ on sports mad not enough on his studies.
A. importance B. emphasis
C. interest D. worth

10. According to Nobel’s famous will, the interest on his fund will be _________ to five people who have made great contributions to mankind daring the previous year.
A. contributed B. devoted
C. distributed D. allocated


[分析]go round 的意思是四处走动,绕道go by的意思是(时间)过去,经过go ahead 的意思是继续下去,开始go down的意思是下沉,下降
[分析]break down的意思是(由于过于劳累或焦虑,体力、精神)衰退,支持不住bread up的意思是打碎,中断bread in的意思是闯入bread out的意思是爆发,突然发生。
[分析]place emphasis on表示强调……”重视……”importance的意思是重要性interest的意思是兴趣worth的意思是价值importanceinterestworth都不能和placeon搭配。
10. [答案]C
[分析]distribute的意思是将分发,分配,分送contribute to的意思是捐献,贡献devote to的意思是……奉献给allocate的意思是分配,分派distributeallocate都表示把一定数量的钱或东西在一些成员中进行分配。但在实际运用中,有一定的区别。distribute常指就整体开定量分若干份在各处分发,或将物品等发给某群体分散在各处的员。一般经济上的生产与分配中的分配都用这个词。例如:The teacher distributed the examination papers to the class.教师分发试卷给全班学生。The products should be distributed in accordance with the principle To each according to his work”应该依照按劳分配的原则来分配产品。allocate是指某执政机构为某政府计划拨出专款。例如:Half of medical supplies have already been allocated funds for the new school.一半药品已分配给震区的受害者。The town allocated funds for the new school.这个城镇拨专款给这所新建学校。

1. According to the weather forecast, which is usually _________, it will snow this afternoon.
A. accurate B. precise
C. exact D. perfect

2. Accuracy is to the programming of computers.
A. fundamental B. decisive
C. characteristic D. typical

3. Adam is one of my best friends, He always ________ me whenever I am in trouble.
A. stands out B. stands by
C. stands up D. stands up to

4. After 1978 the farm began to take _________ a new look.
A. in B. on
C, up D. to

5. After a long struggle, he _________ his opponents.
A. competed with B. got on with
C. defeated D. yielded to

6. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _________
A. bill B. note
C. receipt D. menu

7. After a quick _________ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
A. glance B. peer
C. gaze D. scan

8. After careful planning, John ________ a way of solving the problem.
A. thought about B. thought of
C. thought over D. thought out

9. After flying across the Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh became famous _________
A. immediately B. overnight
C. punctually D. promptly

10. After his recovery from illness, he ________ his former position.
A. assumed B. presumed
C. consumed D. resumed


1. [答案]A
[分析]这四个选项都有准确的,精确的意思,但它们的侧重点不同。Accurate强调准确性,与事实无出入。例如:Is your watch accurate?你的表准吗?(即:它记时可靠吗?)通常,表示天气预报准确要用accurate; precise强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密。例如:The definition he gives is not precise enough to be really of any use.他下的定义不够明确,因此没有多大用处。Exact强调在一定数量和质量方面的极度准确,要求丝毫不差。例如:You must give the signal at the exact moment specified.你一定要严格依照规定的时间发出信号。在实际运用中,这三个词大体意义是一致的,常常可互用。例如:He has made an accurate (exact, precise)measurement of my garden.他准确地丈量了我的花园。Perfect的意思是完美的,完善的
2. [答案]A
3. [答案]B
[分析]stand by 的意思是支持;遵守诺言stand out的意思是突出,显眼 stand up的意思是站起来;(证据、论点等)站得住脚stand up to的意思是勇敢地面对
4. [答案]B
[分析]take on的意思是呈现(新面貌)take in的意思是接受;欺骗 take up的意思是占据,从事 take to的意思是喜欢
5. [答案]C
[分析]defeat的意思是击败,(使挫折)compete的意思是……竞争get on with的意思是继续做……;与……和睦相处yield to的意思是屈服,让步
6. [答案]A
7. [答案]A
[分析]glance at的意思是看一眼,瞥;指由于专心于某事而在匆忙中迅速地看一眼;peer的意思是仔细地看,凝视,强调透过某物或从事物的后面看,暗含好奇看不清楚的意味。例如:She peered through the mist, trying to find the right path home.她透过薄雾,想找到回家的路。gaze的意思是凝视,注视指由于感叹、好奇、感兴趣而长时间目不转睛地看,常常跟介词at搭配。scan的意思是(为了找到某一点或某件东西而)浏览,审视
8. [答案]D
[分析]think out的意思是想出,设计出think aboutthink of的意思是一样的,都可以当想起,想到,考虑讲;think over的意思是仔细考虑
9. [答案]B
[翻译]飞过大西洋以后,Charles Lindbergh一夜成名。
10. [答案]D
[分析]resume的意思是继续,从新开始,符合题意,所以 D是答案;assumepresume都近于汉语的假定,假想Assume含有比较强烈的武断成分,往往把一件尚未证证实的或尚存在异议的事作为自己论断的基础。例如:Let us assume that this is true.我们先假定这是真的。Presume表示根据过去的验或者是合乎逻辑的推测来假设,一般是有较充分的理由,虽然结论仍可能是错误的。例如:From the available data it may fairly be presumed that the writer flourished in the 4th century.从现有的材料来看,推测作者活跃于第4世纪大概是不会错的。Consume的意思是消费,消耗

1. After kiting in the United States for five years, I have _________myself to the American customs.
A. adopted B. adapted
C. adjusted D. accepted

2. After negotiation, the two countries ________ the terms of peace.
A. agreed with B. agreed in
C. agreed to D. agreed on

3. After several months of practice, I can ________ VOA without much difficulty.
A. hear B. listen to
C. realize D. follow

4. After the explosion, the factory was a _________of total confusion.
A. situation B. scene
C. view D. show

5. After the good harvest, the young farmer _________ 2,000 yuan in the bank.
A. set aside B. saved
C. drew D. deposited

6. After the lecture we went ________ to the city center.
A. along B. forth
C. straight D. throughout

7. After their misfortunes the once wealthy family slowly became _________ again.
A. famous B. respectable
C. prosperous D. impressive

8. After trying this new medicine, he found it didn't ________ at all.
A. affect B. effect
C. work D. care

9. Albert Einstein was a mathematical _________.
A. inventor B. advocate
C. architect D. genius

10. All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully _________ the risks and benefits.
A. weighing B. valuing
C. evaluating D. distinguishing


1. [答案]A
[分析]这四个选项都有准确的,精确的意思,但它们的侧重点不同。Accurate强调准确性,与事实无出入。例如:Is your watch accurate?你的表准吗?(即:它记时可靠吗?)通常,表示天气预报准确要用accurate; precise强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密。例如:The definition he gives is not precise enough to be really of any use.他下的定义不够明确,因此没有多大用处。Exact强调在一定数量和质量方面的极度准确,要求丝毫不差。例如:You must give the signal at the exact moment specified.你一定要严格依照规定的时间发出信号。在实际运用中,这三个词大体意义是一致的,常常可互用。例如:He has made an accurate (exact, precise)measurement of my garden.他准确地丈量了我的花园。Perfect的意思是完美的,完善的
2. [答案]A
3. [答案]B
[分析]stand by 的意思是支持;遵守诺言stand out的意思是突出,显眼 stand up的意思是站起来;(证据、论点等)站得住脚stand up to的意思是勇敢地面对
4. [答案]B
[分析]take on的意思是呈现(新面貌)take in的意思是接受;欺骗 take up的意思是占据,从事 take to的意思是喜欢
5. [答案]C
[分析]defeat的意思是击败,(使挫折)compete的意思是……竞争get on with的意思是继续做……;与……和睦相处yield to的意思是屈服,让步
6. [答案]A
7. [答案]A
[分析]glance at的意思是看一眼,瞥;指由于专心于某事而在匆忙中迅速地看一眼;peer的意思是仔细地看,凝视,强调透过某物或从事物的后面看,暗含好奇看不清楚的意味。例如:She peered through the mist, trying to find the right path home.她透过薄雾,想找到回家的路。gaze的意思是凝视,注视指由于感叹、好奇、感兴趣而长时间目不转睛地看,常常跟介词at搭配。scan的意思是(为了找到某一点或某件东西而)浏览,审视
8. [答案]D
[分析]think out的意思是想出,设计出think aboutthink of的意思是一样的,都可以当想起,想到,考虑讲;think over的意思是仔细考虑
9. [答案]B
[翻译]飞过大西洋以后,Charles Lindbergh一夜成名。
10. [答案]D
[分析]resume的意思是继续,从新开始,符合题意,所以 D是答案;assumepresume都近于汉语的假定,假想Assume含有比较强烈的武断成分,往往把一件尚未证证实的或尚存在异议的事作为自己论断的基础。例如:Let us assume that this is true.我们先假定这是真的。Presume表示根据过去的验或者是合乎逻辑的推测来假设,一般是有较充分的理由,虽然结论仍可能是错误的。例如:From the available data it may fairly be presumed that the writer flourished in the 4th century.从现有的材料来看,推测作者活跃于第4世纪大概是不会错的。Consume的意思是消费,消耗

1. All of them _________technical innovations.
A. are absorbed in B. ate absorbing in
C. are absorbed to D. are absorbing to

2. All of us were_________ that the old man could walk on his hands.
A. shocked B. amazed
C. frightened D. pleased

3. All students _________a loud laugh when Prof, Henry Mitchell told them the joke.
A. let off B. let out
C. let down D. let go

4. ________ all the difficulties, she finished the project by herself.
A. As for B. In spite
C. Besides D. Despite

5. All the information we have collected in relation to that case _________ very little.
A. makes up for B. adds up to
C. comes up with D. puts up with

6. All the leading newspapers _________ the trade talks between China and the United States.
A. reported B. printed
C. announced D. published

7. All things are interrelated with and interact ________ each other.
A. from B. on
C. in D. down

8. All workers in this factory are required to ________ at the age of 60.
A. resign B. retire
C. restrain D. retreat

9. Alone in London, without friends, work or money, Shelley fell into ________
A. despair B. disappointment
C. dissatisfaction D. disgust

10. Although architecture has artistic qualifies, it must also satisfy a number of important practical ________
A. obligations B. observations
C. considerations D. regulations

1. [答案]A
[分析]形容词短语(beabsorbed in是因定搭配,意思是聚精会神于……,专心于……”

2. [答案]B
[翻译] 那个老人能够用手走路,我们都感到惊奇。
[分析]amazed的意思是惊奇的,惊讶的shocked的意思是震惊的,它跟amazed的区别在于shocked所指的震惊一般是指突然发生的,语气要比amazed强;例如: I was shocked at the news of his death.我听到他去世的消息十分震惊。Amazed表示在似乎不可能或不大可能的事物面前所表现的巨大的惊奇或迷惑。有还有惊叹佩服之意。例如:The teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student had gained a mark of 100 in an important test.老师惊奇地发现一个懒惰的学生竟在一次重要的考试中得了100分。We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they overcome their difficulties.他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹。Frightened的意思是受惊吓的pleased的意思是高兴的,满意的

3. [答案]B
[翻译]Henry Mitchell先生讲笑话的时候,所有的学生都放声大笑。
[分析]let out的意思是发出(声音),释放let off 的意思是使解脱,宽恕let down 的意思是使失望let go 的意思是放开,松开

4. [答案]D
[翻译] 尽管困难重重,但她还是自己完成了这个项目。
[分析] despite的意思是尽管,不顾as for 的意思是至于……;就……而言in spite必须和of连用,形成in spite of结构,意思与despite相同,均表示尽管,不顾besides的意思是除了……之外(还)
5. [答案]B
[分析]add up to 的意思是总计,意味着make up for 的意思是补偿,弥补come up with 的意思是赶上,提出put up with的意思是忍受

6. [答案]A
[分析]report 的意思是报告,报导print的意思是印刷; announce 的意思是宣告,宣布publish的意思是公布,发布announce publish 用于主动态时,其主语一般是人或机关团体。

7. [答案]B
[分析] interact的意思是相互作用,后面常跟介词on,其余几个介词皆不与interact搭配。

8. [答案]B

9. [答案]A
[翻译] Shelley一个人呆在伦敦,没有朋友,没有工作,也没有钱,她陷入了绝望。
[分析] despair的意思是绝望disappointment的意思是失望dissatisfaction的意思是不满意disgust的意思是厌恶

10. [答案]C
[分析]consideration的意思是考虑 obligation的意思是义务,责任 observation regulation的意思是规则,管制

l. Although Asian countries are generally more _________ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leaders in both China and India.
A. conservative B. confidential
C. comprehensive D. consistent

2. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful_______ through the window.
A. vision B. look
C. picture D. view

3. Although I warned him of the possible danger, he never took any _________ of what I said.
A. attention B. remark
C. observation D. notice

4. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have _________ vision.
A. vigorous R. exact
C. acute D. vivid

5. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s_______ policies.
A. economical B. economy
C. economic D. economics

6. Although the main characters in the novel ate so true to life, they are entirely _________
A. imaginary B. imaginative
C. imagine D. imaginable

7. Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work_________ in other ways.
A. payable B. respectful
C. grateful D. rewarding

8. Although the two players are ________ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.
A. partners B. enemies
C. rivals D. companions

9. Although there are still many problems ahead, _________ our work has been successful.
A. by and by B. by and large
C. by all means D. by no means

10. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to ________ enterprises.
A. moveable B. changing
C. flexible D. varying


1. [答案]A
[分析]conservative的意思是保守的,守旧的 confidential的意思是机密的,秘密的 comprehensive 的意思是广泛的,综合的consistent的意思是一致的,一贯的

2. [答案]D

3. [答案]D
[分析]take notice of是一个固定词组,意思是注意……” attention 也有注意的意思,但要说pay attention to ……

4. [答案]C

5. [答案]C
[分析]economic的意思是经济上的,经济学的economical的意思是节俭的,经济的economy作形容词时的意思是便宜的。例如:Enjoy our economy prices now.售价便宜,请快采购。但economy 一般用作名词,意思是经济;节约economics是名词,意思是经济学

6. [答案]A
[分析]imaginary的意思是虚构的,想像的imaginative的意思是富于想像力的;例如:The imaginative child made up fairy stories. 这个富有想像的小孩创作了许多神话故事。Imagined 是过去分词,一般不用作表语或定语;imaginable的意思是可以想像的,例如:We must make the best efforts imaginable to strengthen our national defense.我们必须尽一切可能的最大努力来加强我们的国防。

7. [答案]D
[分析]rewarding的意思是有报酬的,值得做的payable的意思是可支付的,应支付的 respectful的意思是恭敬的,尊重人的grateful的意思是感谢的,感激的

8. [答案]C

9. [答案]B
[翻译] 虽然还有一大堆问题需要解决,但总的说来我们的工作还是成功的。
[分析]by and large的意思是一般说来,大体上。例如:By and large, the British working class is better off today than it was.大体上说,英国工人阶级的境况比以前更好。by and by的意思是不久,不一会儿。例如:The clouds will disappear by and by. by all means的意思是务必,尽一切办法。例如:You must keep your promise by all means. by no means一点也不,决不意思.

10. [答案]C
[翻译] 美国的公司正在从劳动密集型生产向灵活多样的企业化发展。

1. American women were _________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
A. ignored B. neglected
C. denied D. refused

2. An argument was _________ because they disliked each other so intensely.
A. possible B. probable
C. inevitable D. decisive

3. An elephant’s trunk is its most noticeable ________
A. Specific B. characteristic
C. peculiar D. particular

4. Animals can become usually_________ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.
A. vigorous B. predominant
C. aggressive D. irritable

5. Anything that is able to flow as liquid is a kind of ________ substance.
A. mobile B. variable
C. fluid D. movable

6. Anything that is dropped from a height falls towards tile center of the earth because of the pull of _________.
A. weight B. attraction
C. gravity D. density

7. Applicants are _________to provide evidence that their English is good enough to study in the United States.
A. demanded B. obliged
C. due D. necessary

8. Are the apples __________enough to eat yet?
A. mature B. big
C. adult D. ripe

9. Are you ________ when you say that you will help me?
A. honest B. frank
C. sincere D. profound

10. _________ are you to leave your post.
A. In any case B. In no case
C. Without question D. Out of the question


1. [答案]C
[分析]ignore的意思是忽视,忽略;对……装作不知neglect的意思是忽视,忽略;表示对人或物没有给予应有的注意和关心;denyrefuse都可表示拒绝,但用法不同。deny的意思是拒绝,使人不能得到;后面连接两个宾语,指人的是间接宾语,直接宾语是所拒绝的事物。例如:The library will not deny you access to those documents.图书馆不会不让你看那些文献。refuse 表示拒绝,不肯讲,是极常用的。例如:A good doctor should have sympathy for his patients and never refuse their reasonable requests for proper advice. 好医生应同情病人,绝不可拒绝病人的合理要求而不给予正当的指导。由些可见,本题中的主语American womendeny 的间接宾语,the rightdeny所拒绝的事物。

2. [答案]C

3. [答案]B

4. [答案]C

5. [答案]C

6. [答案]C
[分析] gravity的意思是重力,地心引力weight的意思是重量,重力attraction的意思是吸引力density的意思是密度,密集

7. [答案]C
[分析] be obliged to do something的意思是不得不做某事,被迫做某事demand的意思是要求;它只能用在demand sth.demand to do sth .demand that 这样的句型中,而没有demand sb. to do sth 这种结构,因此A不是答案。due to sth.的意思是预定将做某事”necessary的意思是必要的,必需的Necessary主语不能是人,故不是答案。

8. [答案]D
[分析]ripemature都可以表示成熟的,但其应用范围不同。Ripe 主要指水果、蔬菜、农作物成熟的也可指时机成熟的,适宜的。例如:The pears won’t be picked until they are ripe.这些梨熟了以后才能摘下来。I won’t tell you the news until the time is ripe.待时机成熟后我才能告诉你这个消息。Mature主要用于人和有生命的动植物,表示生长和发育期的完成,此外,它还可以指想法、意图等经过深思熟虑的。例如:He is a mature person who can make his own decisions.他已经成人,可以自己做决定了。She put forward the argument after mature consideration.经过深思熟虑后,他提出了这个论据。big的意思是大的adult的意思是成年的,成熟的

9. [答案]C

10. [答案]B
[分析]in to case的意思是决不。当否定词和表示否定意义的词或词组置于句首时,主谓要倒装,所以are提到了 you的前面; in any case的意思是无论如何,不管怎样,它必须与否定的谓语连用,故与句子的结构不相符;without question的意思是毫无疑问out of the question的意思是不可能的,办不到的

1. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals_________ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.
A. relieve B. release
C. dismiss D. disclose

2. As a matter of rule, the scrap value of a vessel can hardly be at ________ with the sound value.
A. par B. bearish
C. collapse D. rally

3. As a salesman, he works on a (an) ________ basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.
A. income B. commission
C. salary D. pension

4. As all of us know, color-blind people often find it difficult to ________ between blue and green.
A. separate B. distinguish
C. compare D. contrast

5. As everyone knows, the exchange ________ fluctuates almost daily.
A. ration B. ratio
C. rate D. interest

6 As far as the rank of position is concerned, an associate professor is ________to a professor, though they are almost equally knowledgeable.
A. attached B. subsidiary
C. previous D. inferior

7. As I was just getting familiar with this job, 1 had_________ to ask my boss.
A. many B. most
C. much D. more

8. As is well-known, knowledge is the __________condition for expansion of mind.
A. indispensable B. indefinite
C. inevitable D. impossible

9. As scheduled, the communications satellite went into _________ round the earth.
A. circle B. orbit
C. path D. course

10. As soon as it started to rain we turned round and _________ home.
A. made for B. called for
C. cared for D. searched for



2. [答案]A
[分析] par 的意思是等价bearish的意思是看跌的”;collapse的意思是暴跌rally的意思是回升

3. [答案]B
[分析] commission的意思是佣金,回扣它是一个经济词语;income 的意思是收入,所得salary“(按月领取的)薪水 pension的意思是养老金,退休金

4. [答案]B
[分析] distinguish的意思是别,区别,经常用于distinguish one thing from the other distinguish between A and B结构中;separate的意思是分离,分开,隔离,常和from连用;compare的意思是比较,比喻,可用于compare…with…结构中,意思是……相比contrast 的意思是(使)对比,(使)对照,常用在“in contrast to”的结构中,意为……相对照

5. [答案]C
[分析]rate的意思是比率;速度exchange rate是固定的搭配,意思是兑换率ratio的意思是定量配给ratio的意思是比,比率,表示两个量之间的关系。例如:Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one.此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。The ratio of 1 to 5 and 20 to 100 are the same.15之比和20100之比相同。interest的意思是利息

6. [答案]D
[分析]inferior的意思是地位较低的,地位较差的,这个词源于丁文,有比较意义,后跟介词to引导出比较对象;attached的意思是附上……的,连接的 subsidiary的意思是辅助的,附属的;次要的previous的意思是先前的,以前的

7. [答案]C
[分析]have much to do意为有许多事情要做many作名词时是许多个;许多人

8. [答案]A

9. [答案]B

10. [答案]A
[分析] make for 的意思是……前进,前往call for 的意思是要求care for的意思是照顾,照料searched for 的意思是寻找,寻求 1. As the ________ of working too hard, the man became ill.
A. end B. reason
C. cause D. result

2. As die clouds drifted away, an even higher peak became ________ to tile climbers.
A. obvious B. visible
C. present D. apparent

3. As the plane was getting ready to take off, we all _________our seat belt.
A. fled B. locked
C. fastened D. closed

4. As we are on the point of _________ some important business with them, we should like to know exactly about their credit standing.
A. transmitting B. transferring
C. transacting D. transporting

5. As your teacher advised, you should spend your time on something ________researching into.
A. precious B. worth
C. worthy D. valuable

6. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly to another subject.
A. committed B. switched
C. favored D. transmitted

7. At the banquet, we all _________ our glasses and drank to each other's health.
A. increase B. lift
C. raise D. rise

8. At the meeting, Robert argued _________in favor of the proposal.
A. severely B. heavily
C. forcefully D. warmly

9. At the moment there are a lot more________ to be filled in the company.
A. variations B. vacuums
C. vacations D. vacancies

10. At the present __________of progress, we shall shortly free ourselves from poverty and backwardness.
A. rate B. pace
C. speed D. growth


1. [答案] D
[翻译] 由于工作过度,他病了。
[分析] as a/the result of 是一个固定短语,意思是由于,因为。例如:He was late s the result of the snow.他因下雪迟到了。

2. [答案] B
[翻译] 当云朵消散以后,爬山者可以看到更加高的山峰。
[分析] visible的意思是看得见,可见的obvious的意思是显然的,明显的present的意思是现在的,出席的apparent的意思是明显的,显而易见的

3. [答案] C
[翻译] 飞机准备起飞时候,我们都把安全带系好了。
[分析] fasten的意思是系住,扎牢,使某物结合在一起tie指用绳子打扣起来,没有使牢固的含义;lock的意思是上锁,在这里不符合题意。Close的意思是关闭,合上

4. [答案] C
[翻译] 因我方正与该公司磋商一些重要的交易,所以想确切了解它的资信情况。
[分析] transacting的意思是交易transmit的意思是传播,传送transfer的意思是转让transport的意思是运输

5. [答案] B
[翻译] 正如你的老师那样,你应该把时间花在钻研一些值得研究的事情上。
[分析] worth worthy 都可能当值得的讲,worth的后面接名词或动名词,worthy的后面接动词不定式或者与of 搭配使用,空白处后面的researching是一个动名词,根据这一点我们可以看出B应该是正确的答案。Worth一般作表语,在本句中作不定代词的后置定语。Precious的意思是珍贵的valuable的意思是有价值的,这两项都与题意不符。

6. [答案] B
[翻译] 这演讲者开谈该国的污染问题,中间却突然转到了另一个话题。
[分析] switch是不及物动词,后接to,表示转到,转向commit意为犯(罪) favor的意思是赞成transmit的意思是传送,传递

7. [答案] C
[翻译] 在宴会上我们都举杯健康。
[分析] raise是一个及物动词,意思是提高,增加,强调人或人体某部分的抬高,如抬头,举手,举杯,提高声音等。Increase意思是增加、强调增加数目,数量,体积等; lift意思是举起,抬起,强调抬起人或物;rise是不及物动词,意思是升起,起身

8. [答案] C
[翻译] 会上Robert作了强有力的辩论,赞成这一提案。
[分析] forcefully的意思是强有力地severely的意思是严格地heavily的意思是沉重地,猛烈地warmly的意思是温暖地,热情地

9. [答案] D
[翻译] 眼下该公司有很多空缺。
[分析] vacancy的意思是空缺,空位variation的意思是变化vacuum的意思是真空,空间vacation 的意思是休假,假期

10. [答案] B
[翻译] 按照目前发展的速度,我们不久就会摆脱一穷二白的状态。
[分析] pace的意思是节奏,步伐。它可以指走或跑的速度,也可以指发展、活动的速度。例如:Many people complain o the raid pace of modern life.许多人抱怨现代生少的节奏太快。Rate speed都可作速度讲,往往可以通用。但在指固定的速度或可能达到的最高速度时,用speed。例如:The newly-designed airplane has a speed of 800miles an hour.新设计的飞机速度可达系小时800英里。在指运动、变化等的速度、进度或指相对增长的速率时,用rate。例如:His pulse-rate dropped suddenly.他的脉搏突然放慢了。Growth的意思是增长,发展

1. Barbara ________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times.
A. resisted B. insisted
C. persisted D. assisted

2. Be here on Friday __________ the latest.
A. at B. by
C. for D. in

3. Be sure to get a __________ electrician for the job.
A. keen B. capable
C. able D. competent

4. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he ________ his opinion.
A. struck at B. stuck to
C. strove for D. stood for

5. Because he was_________of the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.
A. ignorant B. accustomed
C. reluctant D. pathetic

6. Because his health is getting worse, he has to _________himself from drinking to excess.
A. restrict B. confirm
C. restrain D. confine

7. Because I don't take any sugar in my tea, I ____________ to forget to offer it to other people.
A. get B. like
C. tend D. used

8. Because I was ________ in the conflict I was a welcome visitor.
Apartial B. uninterested
C. neutral D. indifferent

9. Because of bad weather the plane was ________ for half an hoar.
A. delayed B. postponed
C. drawn out D. put off

10. Before moving to another city, Mr. Smith_________ of the house and the furniture.
A. discarded B. dismissed
C. discharged D. Disposed


1. [答案] C
[翻译] Barbara虽然失败许多次,但她仍坚持再做一次。
[分析] resist 的意思是抵抗assist的意思协助,帮助AD都不符合题意。Insistpersist都可以做坚持解,但在用法以上有差异。Insist多用于意见、主张,它的后面要接介词onupon,也可以接一个that从句,从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。例如:He insisted on this point.他支持这一点。He insisted on my going with him. (=He insisted that I should go with him) 他坚持要我陪他一起去。Persist一般用于行动,(偶也可用于意见),表示不顾困难阻碍,也可表示玩固,不听开导或劝告。后面应该接介词in。例如:He persisted in carrying on his work in spite of great fatigue。他虽然疲倦极了,可是仍坚持工作。He persisted in his opinion。他固执己见。

2. [答案] A
[翻译] 最迟周五到这里。
[分析] at the latest 是固定搭配,意思是最晚,最迟

3. [答案] D
[翻译] 一定要找一位通用一任这件工人的电气工程师。
[分析] competent的意思是有能力的,胜任的keen的意思是热心的,渴望的,敏捷的capable的意思是有能力的,有才华的,经常用在be able to sth. 结构当中。

4. [答案] B
[翻译] 因为Edgar确信事实的准确性,所以他坚持自己的观点。
[分析] stick to 的意思是坚持,忠于strike at 的意思是打击strive for 的意思是……奋斗stand for 的意思是代表,遵守诺言

5. [答案] A
[翻译] 他不知道对时速有了新的限定,所以警察拦住他并警告他超速。
[分析] be ignorant of 的意思是不知道be accustomed to的意思是习惯于to在这里是一个介词;be reluctant to do的意思是不情愿地做,勉强地做pathetic的意思是令人怜悯的,难过的

6. [答案] C
[翻译] 因为他的健康日益恶化,所以他不得不限制酒量。
[分析] restrain from是固定搭配,意思是限制,不做restrict是及物动词,意思是限制,约束confirm是及物动词,意思是证实,确定confine to的意思是限制(在一个范围内)

7. [答案] C
[翻译] 因为我不爱在茶里放糖,所以我往往就给其他人放糖。
[分析] tend to的意思是往往,它后面跟踪的是不定式;get to do sth.的意思是变得 like to do sth.表示喜欢做used to do sth.表示(过去)常常

8. [答案] C
[翻译] 因为我在这场冲突中保持中立,所以我是一个受欢迎的客人。
[分析] neutral的意思是中立的partial的意思是偏心的,偏向一方的uninterested的意思是毫无兴趣的indifferent的意思是冷漠的,漠不关心的

9. [答案] A
[翻译] 由于天气不好,飞机耽搁了半个小时。
[分析] delay的意思是耽搁,延误,常指(车、船、飞机等)因客观因素而被耽搁;postponeput off都有(某件事情被)推迟的意思,两词可以换用,因此在此不是答案;drawn out(火车)驶离(车站)(汽车等)开出

10. [答案] D
[翻译] smith 在搬到另一座城市以前,把房屋和家具都处理掉了。
[分析] dispose of 的意思是处理掉,卖掉,扔掉discard是及物动词,后面不需要跟介词,意思是扔掉,抛弃dismiss是及物动词,意思是解雇,免去……的职务 discharge 是及物动词,意思是排放,释放

1. Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the _________.
A. agreement B. contract
C. draft D. script

2. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit_________ the expenses Of the trip.
A. to B. about
C. in D. for

3. Being a _______girl, she is easily moved to tears by touching stories.
A. sensible B. sensitive
C. emotional D. severe

4. Being extremely __________ to extreme cold, I do not like winter.
A. sentimental B. sensible
C. sensitive D. sensational

5. Bill doesn't _________ what people say about him. He' 11 go on just the same.
A. care B. concern
C. worry D. trouble

6. Break the circuit first________fire.
A. in line with B. for the sake of
C. in case of D. at the risk of

7. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ________ children as Coca-Cola.
A. for B. in
C. to D. with

8. By _________computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars.
A. coarse B. rude
C. rough D. crude

9. By_________ Mr. Smith is a bus driver.
A. occupation B. profession
C. work D. employment

10. By mutual consent, the negotiators _________ the religious issue, and concentrated on economic and political differences.
A. took off B. kept off
C. got off D. set off


1. [答案] A
[翻译] 在起草正式合同之前,我方想重申协议的主要要点。
[分析] agreement 的意思是协议contract 的意思是合同draft 的意思是草稿,草案script的意思是手稿

2. [答案] A
[翻译] 出发前,学生们花了大量时间对旅行的费用做了限定。
[分析] set a limit to是一个固定搭配,意思是……规定或限制。其他三个选项均不能与limit这样搭配。

3. [答案] C
[翻译] 她是一个感情易冲动的女孩,很容易被动人的故事感动得热泪盈眶。
[分析] emotional的意思是感情的,情绪的sensible的意思是明智的,敏感的sensitive的意思是敏感的,有感觉的be sensitive to表示……很敏感severe意思是严厉的,苛刻的

4. [答案] C
[翻译] 由于对极度寒冷非常敏感,我不喜欢冬天。
[分析] be sensitive to的意思是……敏感的sentimental的意思是伤感的,多愁善感的sensible的意思是明智的,合情合理的sensational 的意思是激起强烈感情的,轰动性的

5. [答案]A
[翻译] 比尔根本不管别人说什么,照样我行我素。
[分析] care用否定句和疑问句中时,意思是介意,关心concern的意思是使关心,使挂念worry的意思是使担心,使发愁trouble的意思是使烦恼,使苦恼

6. [答案] C
[翻译] 如遇火警,先断开电路。
[分析] in case of的意思是万一……,假如发生……”in line with的意思是……一致for the sake of 的意思是为了……的原因at the risk of意思是……之危险

7. [答案] D
[翻译] 到了1929年,米老鼠就像可口可乐一样非常受孩子们的欢迎。
[分析] be popular with sb的意思是受欢迎的,被爱戴的,大众喜爱的

8. [答案] C
[翻译] 经过粗略计算,他估计修理房子将花费他一千美元。
[分析] rough的意思是大致的,概略的;粗糙的(强调粗糙不平的表面)。例如:a rough estimate粗略的估计,gain a rough knowledge of sth.粗略地了解某事;coarse的意思是粗糙的,粗鲁的。例如:coarse cloth 粗布,coarse food粗粮,coarse manners粗鲁举止; rude的意思是未加工的,简陋的;粗鲁的,无理的。例如:a rude product天然产品, a rude hut 简陋的小屋,a rude reply粗鲁的回答;rude 的意思是粗制的,未经加匠,未经提炼的;(指人的行为、言语)粗暴的,粗俗的。例如:crude rubber天然橡胶, crude oil原油。

9. [答案] A
[翻译] 史密斯先生职业是公共汽车司机。
[分析] occupation的意思是工作,职业by occupation的意思是论职业 profession的意思是职业,一般来讲,指的是受过高等教育训练的职业;work 的意思是工作employment的意思是利用,雇佣

10. [答案] B
[翻译] 谈判双方同意回避宗教问题,集中讨论政治经方面的分歧。
[分析] keep off 的意思是远离……,(使)……不接近;避开,回避。例如:If you keep off the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier. 远离烟酒,你会变得更健康。take off 的意思是脱下get off的意思是(从)……下来,逃脱惩罚set off出发,启程;引起

1. By next year, I shall have ________ all my debts.
A. cleared up B. cleared off
C. cleaned up D. cleaned away

2. By the end of 1994, 559 kinds of products bad been _________green food,
A. named B. restricted
C. classified D. labeled

3. By the end of the class, some students had ________ ink.
A. finished B. run out of
C. ended D. dried up s

4. Cambridge has announced plans to establish a business school _________ the master's degree in business administration.
A. representing B. presenting
C. offering D. supplying

5. Can a novelist remain _________ to the problems of the world in which he lives?
A. impartial B. indifferent
C. careless D. detached

6. Can you think of a ________ excuse for our being late?
A. flexible B. reliable
C. favorable D. reasonable

7. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ________ loud continuous noise.
A. subjected to B. filled with
C. associated with D. attached to

8. Children are _________to have some accidents as they grow up.
A. obvious B. indispensable
C. bound D. doubtless

9. Children are very curious ________.
A. at heart B. in person
C. on purpose D. by nature

10. China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _________ a tough, challenging world.
A. encounter B. acquaint
C. preside D. confront


1. [答案] B
[翻译] 到明将士学清我的全部债务。
[分析] clear off 的意思是还清债务clear up的意思是清理;(天气)放晴clean up的意思是……打扫干净clean away的意思是……清除掉,排除

2. [答案] D
[翻译] 1994年底,已有559种产品被列为绿色食品。
[分析] label的意思是贴标签于用标签表明,此的是label的比喻意义,意思是……称为……列为name在这里是动词,意思是命名,其后通常跟某人或某物的具体名字和名称。而绿色食品是一类物品统一的特征不是某个东西的名称,因此不合题意;restrict的意思是限制,约束classify的意思是分类,归类,分类级,需要与as连用。

3. [答案] B
[翻译] 快下课的时候,有些学生已经把墨水用完了。
[分析] run out of的意思是用完,耗尽finish的意思是完成end作及物动词时的意思是完成,结束dry up 的意思是……晒干

4. [答案] C
[翻译] 剑桥大学公布建立可授予商业管理硕士学位的商学院的计划。
[分析] offer的本意是(主动)给予,提供。在本题当中是授予,给予的意思,故C是本题的答案;represent的意思是代表,象征present的意思是赠送,提交,呈现supply的意思是提供

5. [答案] B
[翻译] 一个小说家能对他所生自学成才的社会中的问题置之理吗?
[分析] indifferent to的意思是冷漠的,漠不关心的impartial to的意思是……公正的,客观的careless的意思是粗心的,疏忽的detached的意思是分离的,超然的

6. [答案] D
[翻译] 你能为我们的迟到找出一个正当借口吗?
[分析] reasonable的意思是有道理的,正当的flexible的意思是有伸缩性的;易变曲的reliable的意思是可靠的,可信赖的favorable的意思是有益的,有帮助的

7. [答案] A
[翻译] 人们应该采取措施减少在极度噪音中所停留的时间。
[分析] be subjected to的意思是遭受,受到。例如:She was repeatedly subjected to torture.她不断地受到折磨。be filled with的意思是充满了,填满了be associated with的意思是……联系在一起be attached to的意思是附属于,依恋于

8. [答案] C
[翻译] 孩子们在成长的过程中必然会碰到一些意外。
[分析] be bound to do sth是一个形容词和,意思是必定……,一定……”C符合题,故为正确答案。Obvious的意思是明显的,显而易见的indispensable的意思是必不可少的,必须的doubtless的意思是确定无疑的

9. [答案] D
[翻译] 孩子们天生就很好奇。
[分析] by nature的意思是天生的,出于本性的at heart的意思是内心深处的in person的意思是亲自的,本人的on purpose的意思是有意的,故意的

10. [答案] D
[翻译] 《中国日报》从来就没有忽略过这样的事实,即我们每个人每天都要面对一个充满困难和挑战的世界。

1. Even after the teacher had entered the room she ________ talking.
A. regretted B. stopped
C. continued D. finished

2. Even if this possibility did not _________ to close scrutiny, his theory would still be true
A. look up B. stand up
C. keep up D. hold up

3. Even though he was guilty, the _________ judge did not send him to prison,
A. merciful B. impartial
C. conscientious D. conspicuous

4. Even though she hadn't seen it for many years, the woman _________ bet son's handwriting.
A. remembered B. reorganized
C. recounted D. recognized

5. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants, _________ the color of his skin.
A. with the exception of B. by vitae of
C. in the light of D. regardless of

6. Every society bas its own peculiar customs and _________of acting.
A. ways B. behavior
C. attitudes D. means

7. Everyone_________he was innocent before heating the evidence against him.
A. assumed B. granted
C. guessed D. imagined

8. Every thing seems so since Robert left.
A. flat B. even
C. tasteless D. stale

9. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ________ healthy.
A. preserve B. stay
C. maintain D. reserve

10. Export products may be ________ to foreign markets through the associated agencies.
A. dissolved B. distributed
C. deducted D. defaulted


1. [答案] C
[翻译] 甚至老师已经进入了教室,她还在说话。
[分析] continue的意思是(使)继续,(使)连续regret的意思是遗憾,抱歉stop的意思是停止finish的意思是守成,结束

2. [答案] B
[翻译] 尽管这种可能性经不起斟酌,但是他的理论是对的。
[分析] stand up to的意思是经受得住,勇敢地面对。例如:Why don’t you sand up to your
boss when you know you’re right? 如你明知自己对,为什么你没同你的头头力争?My
wife’s health will not stand up to this cold, damp climate我妻子的健康受不了这种寒冷潮
湿的天气。look up to的意思是敬仰,尊敬。例如:He is looked up to by everybody there.
他在那里受众人尊敬。没有keep up tohold up to的搭配。

3. [答案] A
[翻译] 尽管人犯了罪,可是这位仁慈的法官没有把他送到监狱。
[分析] merciful的意思是慈悲的impartial的意思是偏袒的,公正的 conscientious的意思是责任心的,煞费苦心的conspicuous的意思是引人注目的

4. [答案] D
[翻译] 尽管这个妇女好长时间没有看过他儿子的笔迹,但是她还是一下子认出来了。
[分析] recognize的意思是认出,识别remember的意思是记得,回乙起reorganize的意思是重编,改组,改建recount的意思是重新点数,说细讲

5. [答案] D
[翻译] 本国的每个人均有权居住在他愿意居住的地方,不管其肤色如何。
[分析] regardless of的意思是不管,不顾with the exception of 的意思是……之外by virtue of 的意思是由于,因为in the light of 的意思是按照,根据

6. [答案] A
[翻译] 每一个社会都有其自己独特的习俗和行为方式。
[分析] ways在这里的意思是方式behavior的意思是行为,举止attitudes的意思是态度means的意思是手段,工具,要注意;means的单、复数同形。

7. [答案] A
[翻译] 在听到证明人有罪的证据之前,人人都以为他是无罪的。
[分析] assume的意思是假定,设想Assume含有比较强烈的武断成分,往往意味着把一件尚未证实或尚存在意思分歧的事作为自己论断的基础。例如:This is tacitly assumed, though it has not yet been formally proked.这点是很到默认的,虽然尚未经正式证实。 Grant的意思是承认,赐予或授予特权guess 的意思是猜测imagine的意思是想像,幻想

8. [答案] A
[翻译] 自从Robert 离开以后,一切都好像很平淡。
[分析] flat的意思是平淡无味的,单调的even的意思是均匀的tasteless的意思是没有味道的,缺乏鉴赏力的stale意思是陈腐的,过时的,饭菜不新鲜的

9. [答案] B
[翻译] 专家们认为对于一个人来说。走路是保持身体健康的最好方式之一。
[分析] 根据句子的结构可以看出,空白处后面为一形容词,因此只有空白处填上一个系动词才可构成一个系动词+表语结构。四个选项中只有stay可作系动词,其他词均是动词,后面必须跟宾语。Stay在这里表示保持下去讲,所以答案是Bpreserve的意思是保护,保存maintain意为维持,维修reserve的意思是保留,保存,预定

10. [答案]B
[翻译] 出口产品可能通过代理商销售到国外市场。
[分析] distribute的意思是销售;分配,分发dissolve 的意思是解除(契约)deduct的意思是减去,扣除default的意思是拖欠,违约

1. Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been_________ the goal of a practical and economical way to use sunlight to split water molecules.
A. pursuing B. chasing
C. reaching D. winning

2. Dr. Smith failed many times but he finally _________to find a successful way to solve the problem.
A. broke off B. broke down
C. broke out D. broke through

3. Daring the ________ larrups took all the troubles to irrigate their crops.
A, draught B. naught
C. fraught D. drought

4. During the business depression half the machines in this factory were ________
A. helpless B. vacant
C. idle D. lonely

5. During the nineteen years of his career, France Battista has won the __________of a wide audience outside Italy.
A. enjoyment B. appreciation
C. evaluation D. reputation

6. During the trip Tom and I _________ driving the car. He would drive for about two hundred miles and then 1 would drive for about another hundred miles.
A. took effect B. took turns
C. made efforts D. turned over

7. Education is carried out __________the principles of the school.
A. to keep pace with B. in relation to
C. according to D. in favor of

8. Employers expect their employees to be ________ for work.
A. timely B. punctual
C. prompt D. urgent

9. England, Scotland and Wales ________ the island of Great Britain.
A. consist B. compose
C. make D. combine

10. English has become a communication ________ for people from different countries.
A. medium B. merit
C. stream D. enjoyment


1. [答案] A
[翻译] 世界上计多科学实验团体,一直在寻求利有阳光来分解水分子的切合实际又说济的方法。
[分析] pursue的意思是寻求,从事,继续chase的意思是追逐,追求reach的意思是到达,达到win的意思是赢得,获胜

2. [答案] D
[翻译] Smith博士失败了很多次,但是最终他成功地找到了解决这个问题的办法。
[分析] break through的意思是突破;克服;掐脱出来break off 的意思是突然停止,中断break down 的意思是(机器等)出故障;中断;分解break out的意思是爆发,突然发生

3. [答案] D
[翻译] 在干旱期间农民们想尽一切办法来灌溉庄稼。
[分析] drought的意思是旱灾,干旱draught的拼写形式和drought非常相似,但是 draught的意思是风、气流naught的意思是fraught的意思是充满了。能作表语。

4. [答案] C
[翻译] 在工商业不景气时候,这所工厂里的机器有半数是停顿的。
[分析] idle的意思是闲散,懒惰helpless的意思是无助的,无依靠的vacant的意思是(房间、座位等)空着的,未被占用的lonely的意思是孤独的,寂寞的

5. [答案] B
[翻译] 在他19年的职业生涯中,France Battiate 赢得了意大利以外的广大观众的广泛赞赏。
[分析] appreciation的意思是欣赏,赞赏enjoyment的意思是享受欢乐 evaluation的意思是估计,评价reputation的意思是名誉,声望

6. [答案] B
[翻译] 旅行中,Tom和我轮换着开车,他开两百英里后,我再开一百英里。
[分析] take turns的意思是依次,轮流take effect的意思是生效,起作用make efforts的意思是做出努力turn over的意思是打翻,反复考虑

7. [答案] C
[翻译] 教育工人必须按照学校的原则来进行。
[分析] according to的意思是按照,根据to keep pace with的意思是……齐步前进in relation to关于,考虑到in favor of的意思是赞成,支持

8. [答案] B
[翻译] 雇主们都期望他们的雇员能准时上班。
[分析] punctual的意思是守时的,准时的timelyly结尾的,但它是一个形容词,意思是及时的,正好的prompt的意思是迅速的,敏捷的urgent的意思是急迫的,紧要的

9. [答案] B
[翻译] 大不列颠岛由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士构成。
[分析] compose是一个及物动词,意思是组成,构成。它常用在be composed of 的结构中,意思是……构成consist一般要和介词of搭配在一起,才能表示……组成,由……构成make要和up 搭配在一起,意思是组成,构成combine是一个及物动词,意思是联合,结合

10. [答案] A
[翻译] 英语已经成为不同国家人们交流的一种工具。
[分析] medium的意思是媒体,手段merit的意思是优点stream的意思是溪流enjoyment的意思是乐趣

1. Doctors are often caught in a _________ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not.
A. dilemma B. digestion
C. diploma D. disgust

2. Doctor Smith was one of the_________ in cancer research.
A. Pioneers B. advocates
C. engineers D. founders

3. Doctors keep trying to _________him of his dependence on the drug.
A. break B. rob
C. deprive D. relieve

4. Doctors sometimes _________ old cures when modem medicine doesn’t work.
A. fall behind B. fail in with
C. fall back on D. fall through

5. Does brain power ________ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.
A. descend B. decline
C. deduce D. collapse

6. Dogs are often praised for their_________ they almost never abandon their masters.
A. faith B. loyalty
C. trust D. truthfulness

7. Don’t _________ your head about brining your manuscript to our office; we’ll send someone for it.
A. worry B. bother
C. interrupt D. interfere

8. Don’t be so _________as to believe every firing you hear.
A. ignorant B. innocent
C. interrupt D. irritable

9. Don’t eat anything that will spoil your ________ for dinner.
A. appetite B. taste
C. interest D. appreciation

10. Don’t worry! I promise that he will see you again ________.
A. long before B. before long
C. on average D. step by step


1. [答案] A
[翻译] 医生常常因是否要告诉病真相而感到进退两难。
[分析] in a dilemma的意思是进退两难digestion的意思是消化 diploma的意思是文凭、证书disgust的意思是作呕,厌恶

2. [答案] A
[翻译] Smith博士是研究癌症的创始人之一。
[分析] pioneer的意思是创始人,开拓者,先驱者advocate的意思是提倡者,拥护者engineer的意思是工程师 founder的意思是创始人,它强调建立或创立某事的人。例如:founder of a city, institution, company, etc.城市、机构、公司等的创建人。

3. [答案] A
[翻译] 医生一直试图使他戒去依赖麻醉药物的习惯。
[分析] break ……of …… 的意思是戒掉(某种习惯或嗜好)rub……of……意为抢动,盗取deprive……of……意为剥夺,使丧失relieve……of……意为使解除,使免除

4. [答案] C
[翻译] 当现代的药物不起作用的时候,医生们有时候要求助于老的治疗方法。
[分析] fall back on的意思是求助于,转而依靠fall behind的意思是落后fall in with的意思是同意,依从fall through的意思是落空;失败

5. [答案] B
[翻译] 脑力会随着我们年龄的增长而衰退吗?目前,科学家们对这个问题有了令人惊奇的答案。
[分析] decline的意思是衰弱,衰退,下降descend是指(位置的)下降;传下来 deduce的意思是演绎,推断Collapse的意思是崩溃,坍塌

6. [答案] B
[翻译] 人们经常赞扬狗的忠诚,它们几乎从不遗弃它们的主人。
[分析] loyalty的意思是忠诚、效忠faith的意思是信任,信心;宗教信仰trust的意思是信任,信赖truthfulness 的意思是诚实,真实

7. [答案] B
[翻译] 你不用费事把稿子送到办公室来,我们会派人去取的。
[分析] bother one’s head (about) bother about的意思是……而费事worry about/over意为……担心,为……烦恼interfere with的意思是防碍,干涉 interrupt是及物动语,意思是打断的,中止

8. [答案] B
[翻译] 不要太天真而相信你所听到的每一件事情。
[分析] innocent 的意思是天真无邪的,无知的,无罪的ignorant的意思是无知的,不知道的offensive的意思是冒犯的,无礼的irritable的意思是烦躁的,容易生气的

9. [答案] A
[翻译] 别吃那些会让你的晚饭没胃口东西。
[分析] appetite 的意思是胃口,食欲taste的意思是口味,喜欢,味觉interest的意思是兴趣,趣味,爱好,一般配与介词in搭配;appreciation的意思是感谢,感激;欣赏

10. [答案] B
[翻译] 别着急,我保证他会很快来看你的。
[分析] before long的意思是不久以后long before的意思是很久以前on average 的意思是平均地step by step的意思是一步一步地

1. Falling sales and rising overheads have obliged die company to review each customer's__________ limit.
A. credit B. currency
C. check D. certificate

2. Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, _____the same company.
A. all else B. much worse
C. let alone D. less likely

3. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ________
h. relatively B. actually
C. comparatively D. annual

4. For the sake of calf future generations, we should make rational use of natural __________
A. resource B. resources
C. material D. materials

5. Franklin's talent as an inventor was matched by his __________as a politician.
A. ability B. competence
C. capacity D. capability

6. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ________ sicknesses.
A. normal B. ordinary
C. average D. regular

7. From ancient times, the valley of the Nile has been made __________ by the river's floods.
A. fertile B. adequate
C. wealthy D. abundant

8. From here, we can see the bridge__________construction.
A. below B. by
C. in D. under

9. From this material we can ________ hundreds of what you may call direct products.
A. derive B. discern
C. diminish D. displace

10. Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they to violence in order to escape.
A. proceed B. appeal
C. resort D. incline


1. [答案] A
 [翻译] 销售额下降和管理费上升已迫使公司复审每位客户的信贷限制。
 [分析] credit的意思是信贷currency的意思是货币check的意思是支票 certificate 的意思是证书

2. [答案] C
 [翻译] 如今越来越少的工人期望在同一领域干一辈子,更别提同一家公司了。
 [分析] let alone的意思是更不用说,更别提。例如: He has o chairs in his room, let alone a sofa.他房间里连椅子都没有,哪里谈得上沙发呢?由些可见,C符合题意,为正确答案。all else 的意思是其他所有的much worse的意思是更糟糕的是less likely的意思是更没可能的是Likely在作预期的,可能的解时,只能用在be likely to do sthbe likely that…… 结构中。例如:She’s very likely to ring me tonight.她今晚很可能给我打电话。或It’s very likely that she’ll right me tonight.很可能今晚她要给我打电话。由此可见,A, B, D均不符合题意和句法。

3. [答案] D
 [翻译] 每年的洪水造成价值几十亿美元的财产损失。
 [分析] relatively的意思是相对地actually“实际上comparatively的意思是比较地annually的意思是每年

4. [答案] B
 [翻译] 为了我们的后代,我们应合理地利用自然资源。
 [分析] resource 的意思是资源,但表示这个意义时常用得数,例如:natural resources“自然资源Material的意思是资料,材料,物资

5. [答案] D
 [翻译] Franklin作为发明家的天才可与他作为政治家的才能媲美。
 [分析] ability, competencecapability均可用能力解,其有法有细微的差别。 Ability指智力或体力上的能力,主要指人,说明他能否做一件事。其后接不定式或介词infor。例如:To do the work well will require political zeal as well as the ability to grasp what is essential.要做好这里作不仅需要有抓住要点的能力,还需要有政治热情。 Capabilityability互通,也指智力或体力上的能力。常指天生的或潜在的能力,在这意义上,它与ability不同,后者常可指学到的能力。Capability后接介词offor,一般不接不定式。capability of后接主动意义的动作;capability for后接被动意义的动作。例如:The essay is a roof of the writer’s capability of using the right word in the right place. 这篇文章证明作者能在适当的地方用适当的词。Apart from a small handful of die-hards, everybody has the capability for being remoulded. 除了少数死硬派之外,每个人都有改造好的可能。本题含有Franklin天生具备的政治家的天赋能力,所以选D比较恰当。Capacity主要指容纳或课收的能力,可用于人也可用于物。例如:He has a capacity for physics. 他有学物理的能力;competence也指能力,但主要指某人胜任某种工作的能力。

6.[答案] B
 [分析]ordinary的意思是普通的,一般的,它含有平常,平淡无奇的意义,意思与common很接近,例如:Ordinary men and women can work miracles in our country. 在我国普通男女就可以创造奇迹。Average也有一般的,普通的的意思,但它所指的普通,有着接近平均水平、中等水平的含义,例如:The average runner can run 2miles in fifteen minutes.一般人在15分钟的时间可以跑2英里。由此可见,B符合题意,为正确答案。Normal的意思是正常的regular的意思是常规的,经常的。这两项均不符合题意。


 [分析]under是介词,可以表示……产状况中,在……过程中。例如:under consideration在考虑中。其他三个介词均无这种用法。


 [分析]resort to 的意思求助于,诉诸于proceed的意思是进行,继续进行appeal to 的意思是……呼吁、要求incline的意思是使倾向

1. George said he could not kill a living thing except for the __________ of hunger.
A. sensation B. cause
C. purpose D. motive

2. Gold is often called the precious metal because its scarcity makes it __________
A. valueless B. respected
C. worthless D. invaluable

3. Good team-work has played an important __________ in tile club's success.
A. effect B. place
C. game D. part

4. Guilin is known ________ its beautiful scenery.
A. for B. as
C. to D. about

5. Have you anything to say__________the proposal?
A. with regard to B. in contrast to
C. on behalf of D. for the purpose of

6. “Have you finished your report yet?” “No, I' II finish it in__________ten minutes.”
A. another B. other
C. more D. less

7. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe ________ by the judge.
A. service B. sentence
C. crime D. crisis

8 He__________his son by giving him too much money.
A. spoiled B. hurt
C. damaged D. harmed

9. He ________ to be listening attentively.
A. prevented B. presented
C. pretended D. prepared

10. He________ his essay from 3, 000 to 1,500 words.
A. combined B. condensed
C. concentrated D. deleted


[分析]motive的意思是动机,目的sensation的意思是知觉,感觉cause的意思是原因,理由Purpose的意思是目的,意图Motivepurpose都有目的之意,但含义有很大区别。Motive指人的内心愿冲动,如爱、恨、报复或野心,这种冲动促使他带有强烈的目的感而采取行动。例如:His real motive for joining the club was not to make new friends, but to try to meet potential clients.他参加俱乐部的真正动机不是为了结识新朋友,而是为了寻求可能成为客户的人。Purpose表示某人为实现和达到所确定的目标或目的而采取果断的、深思熟虑的、有明确宗旨的行动,而且不懈努力以求实现。例如:He studied hard for the purpose of gaining the prize.他为获得奖品而努力学习。根据以上对两个词的辨析,不难看出,D更切合题意,为正确答案。


[分析]play a part in 是一个固定搭配,意思是(在……中)起作用,(在……中)扮演一个角色。其他三个选项均不侧用在这个搭配中。

[分析]be known for 的意思是……而闻名be known as 的意思是被公认为……,称做……”be known to 的意思是……所知about 不和known 搭配使用。

[分析]with regard to的意思是关于in contrast to的意思是……形成对照on behalf of 的意思是代表for the purpose of 的意思是为了……目的

[分析]another的意思是再一,另一in another ten minutes 的意思是再在一个10分钟之内Other的意思是其他的,与题意不符。CD与本题无关。



[分析]pretend的意思是假装prevent的意思是防止,阻止,通常用于prevent sb form doing sth.这种搭配中;present的意思是呈现,描述,出示prepare的意思是准备,常与for连用。


1. China has declared her intention never to be the first to use nuclear weapons and has _________the nuclear powers to make similar declarations.
A. called in B. called on
C. called for D. called at

2. China is trying to keep her population _________ down.
A. birth B. increase
C. size D. growth

3. Christmas is coming. It's just round the _________ .
A. bend B. turn
C. curve D. corner

4. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can _________attack their trainer.
A. unexpectedly B. deliberately
C. reluctantly D. subsequently

5. Communication is the process of _________a message from a source to an audience via a channel.
A. transmitting B. submitting
C. transforming D. switching

6. Competition, they believe, _________ the national character rather than corrupt it.
A. enforces B. confirms
C. intensifies D. strengthens

7. __________Conditions led to outbreaks in many cities.
A. disaster B. calamity
C. famine D. accident

8. __________Conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization.
A. Continuous B. Continual
C. Constant D. Contrary

9. Congress was then in session, and a fierce ________ was going on over ratification of the treaty.
A. discussion B. debate
C. quarrel D. contention

10. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are__________in grocery stores.
A. ready B. approachable
C. probably D. Available


1. [答案] B
[翻译] 中国已声明不首先使有核武器,并号召其他核国也发表类似的声明。
[分析] call on的意思是号召;拜访call in的意思是召集call for的意思是要求,需要call at的意思是拜访

2. [答案] D
[翻译] 中国正努力使其人口增长速度放慢。
[分析] growth的意思是增长,发展population growth人口增长的意思;birth的意思是出生,诞生increase的意思是增加,增长,一般不和人口population搭配;size的意思是大小,尺寸

3. [答案] D
[翻译] 圣诞节就要来到了,它就在眼前。
[分析] round the corner的意思是(节日等的)临近bend的意思是弯曲turn的意思是拐弯;拐弯处curve的意思是曲线,弯曲

4. [答案] A
[翻译] 马戏团的老虎虽然是驯服的,但有时也可能性意外攻击驯虎者。
[分析] unexpectedly的意思是意想不至deliberately的意思是故意地reluctantly的意思是勉强地subsequently的意思是以后,后来

5. [答案] A
[翻译] 通信指的是通过频道把信息源传到听众的过程。
[分析] transmit的意思是传播,传送submit的意思是使……服从,屈服于……” transform的意思是转为,改变switch的意思是打开;关闭

6. [答案] D
[翻译] 他们认为竞争可以振奋而不会腐蚀民族精神。
[分析] strengthen的意思是使坚强,加强;使有力enforce的意思是执行,关施,主张confirm的意思是证实,确认,批准intensify的意思是使强烈,增加强度

7. [答案] C
[翻译] 饥荒在许多城市里引起了暴乱。
[分析] famine的意思是饥荒disaster的意思是灾难calamity的意思是不幸之事,灾难accident的意思是事故,意外的事

8. [答案] B
[翻译] 城邦之间的不断争斗最终导致希腊文化的衰退。
[分析] continual的意思是经常不断的,常常的,中间可能有间隔;continuous的意思是连续不断的,强调不中断。Constant可能来指(习惯性的)重复Contrary相反的讲。

9. [答案] B
[翻译] 那时国会正在召开会议,会上就条约批准问题正展开一番激烈辩论。
[分析] debate contention都有辩论,争论的意思。debate一般指在正式会议上就重大进行的辩论,往往限于诉诸理性,目的在于获知真理而不是凭演说技巧取胜。例如:Truth develop through debate between different views.各种不同意见辩论的结果使真理得以发展。Contention通常仅限于指发展到激烈程度的口头争论,并含有为一个目标而竞争的意思。例如:Contention between rival camps at a political convention is often acrimonious.在政治性会议中,敌对阵营这间的辩论时常是尖刻而激烈的。 Discussion的意思是讨论quarrel的意思是争吵

10. [答案] D
[翻译] 在杂货店里可以买到经过加工,随时可供烹调的方便食品。
[分析] available的意思是可利用的,可得到的;例如:Those shoes are not available in your size.那种鞋子没有你要的尺码。ready的意思是准备好的approachable的意思是要可靠近的,可接近的probably的意思是很可能 的,大概的

1. Customers may also be permitted to ________ their current accounts for a short period in anticipation of a credit item coming in.
A. overextend B. overdraw
C. overvalue D. overpay

2. Cut off by the storm, they were forced to ________ food for several days.
A. go in for B. go over
C. go without D. go out

3. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to ________ the eyes from strong sunlight.
A. prevent B. ensure
C. protect D. reserve

4. David's university education gave him ________ over boys who had not been to college.
A. a benefit B. a profit
C. a view D. all advantage

5. Despite all the heated _________ they had, they remained the best of friends throughout their lives.
A. viewpoints B. standpoints
C. differences D. arguments

6. Did you ________ her for breaking the beautiful vase?
A, scold B. accuse
C. charge D. complain

7. Difficulties and hardships have _________the best qualifies of the young geologist.
A. brought out B. brought about
C. brought forth D. brought up

8. Jobs were not so easy to _________ when I was a teenager.
A. get by B. come off
C. come by D. go for

9. Do we have your permission to make _________ on this?
A. subscribe B. subscriptions
C. substitutions D. substitute

10. Do you think the president will be able to ________ his promise not to raise taxes?
A. catch B. fulfill
C. capture D. find


1. [答案] B
[翻译] 如果客户已知有一笔存款即理,则可短时期内透支其往来账户。
[分析] overdraw的意思是透支overextend意思是货款过多overvalue的意思是估价过高,对……定价过高overpay的意思是多付款

2. [答案] C
[翻译] 他们受到暴风雪的阻隔,被迫挨了几饿。
[分析] go without的意思是没有……也应付得过去;没有也行。例如:If there is no sugar for my coffee, I will go without.假如没有糖,我的咖啡可以不加糖。由此可见,C符合题意,故是答案。go in for的意思是参加,从事于go over的意思是仔细检查go out的意思是出去

3. [答案] C
[翻译] 人们有时候戴墨镜是为了保护眼镜不受强光的刺激。
[分析] protect from 的意思是保护……不受……”,它常和介词搭配在一起;prevent from的意思是防止……”ensure 的意思是担保,保证reserve 的意思是保留,预订(座位、饭店)

4. [答案] D
[翻译] David受过高等教育,这就使他比那些没有上过大学的男孩子有优势。
[分析] give an advantage over的意思是比某人强的优势或优点benefit的意思是好处,利益profit的意思是利润view的意思是观点。这三个词都不与介词over搭配。

5. [答案] D
[翻译] 尽管他们之间有激烈的争论,但是他们仍然是彼此一生中最好的朋友。
[分析] argument的意思是争论,争辩viewpoint的意思是观点Standpoint的意思是观点,立场difference 的意思是差异,分歧

6. [答案] A
[翻译] 她把那个漂亮的花瓶打破了,你骂她了吗?
[分析] scold的意思是责备,责骂accuse的意思指控,一般用在accuse sb.of sth的结;charge 一般用在charge sb. with sth.的结构中,意思是指控,控告complain 的意思是抱怨,经常用在complain about sth这样的结构中。

7. [答案] A
[翻译] 艰难困苦使这位年轻的地质工作者的优秀品质得到了最充分的展现。
[分析] bring out的意思是显示出来,暴露。例如:The lecturer brought out the significant aspects of the problem.演讲人充分提示出这个问题的一些重要方面。bring about的意思是引起,造成bring forth的意思是生产,提出bring up的意思是培养,教育,提出

8. [答案] C
[翻译] 在我十几岁的时候找到工作并不那么容易。
[分析] come by的意思是得到,取得,经过get by的意思是通过,混过come off 的意思是离开,举行,实现,成为go for的意思是努力获取,主张拥护

9. [答案] C
[翻译] 您是否允许我方来代理此产品。
[分析] substitution的意思是代理,交换,替换subscribe的意思是订(阅) subscription的意思是预约款,捐款substitute的意思是替代,替代物

10. [答案] B
[翻译] 你认为履行他不加税的承诺吗?
[分析] fulfill的意思是履行(诺言)catch的意思是抓住capture的意思是捕获find的意思是找到

1. He ________ his job in order to engage in full time writing.
A. resigned B. withdrew
C. undertook D. ignored

2. He __________his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.
A. concealed B. retained
C. kept D. shielded

3. He ________ on making an early start.
A. resolved B. revolved
C. solved D. dissolved

4. He__________meant to give his opinion, not to start an argument.
A. safely B. freely
C. simply D. fairly

5. He __________the whole list but still did not find his friend's name,
A. went by B. went on
C. went into D. went over

6. He appeared in the court and supplied the facts __________to the case.
A. subject B. attached
C. relevant D. corresponding

7. He believed that file greatest of his __________was that he'd never had a college education.
A. griefs B. misfortunes
C. disasters D. sorrows

8. He could not__________ the extremes of heat in the desert.
A. tolerant B. tolerate
C. tolerable D. tolerance

9. He couldn't ________ the thought of leaving his hometown for ever.
A. consider B. bear
C. carry D. weigh

10. He deceived the old lady__________lending him all her money for his business.
A. into B. to
C. at D. From



[分析]conceal 的意思是隐瞒,隐藏retain的意思是保持,保留keep的意思是保持shield的意思是保护,防护

[分析]resolve on /upon doing sth. 的意思是决定做,决心做revolve的意思是旋转solve的意思是解决,解答dissolve的意思是使……溶解,解除


[分析]go over的意思是复习,重复,检查go by 的意思是(时间)过去,经过go on 的意思是进展,进行下去go into的意思是调查,了解,研究,讨论

[分析]relevant的意思是有关的,适宜的,常与to搭配使用。此处relevant to是一个形容词短语做定语修饰factssubject的意思是……支配的attach的意思是附上……的,连接的corresponding一般是用来做定语修饰一个名词,意思是符合的,相应的




[分析]deceive sb into dong sth 意思是诱骗某人去做某事

1. He didn't go into detail on the subjecthe spoke ________
A. in common B. in particular
C. in general D. in short

2. He does not ________ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.
A. equal B. match
C. qualify D. fit

3. He doesn't work but he gets a good ________ from his investments.
A. wage B. income
C. earning D. salary

4. He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to ________ the consequences
A. answer for B. run into
C. abide by D. step into

5. He felt rather ________ as he was the only person who wore sport-wear at the dinner party.
A. suitable B. in the way
C. improper D. by the way

6. He gave each servant a ________ present of a hundred dollars every Christmas.
A. sufficient B. wonderful
C. handsome D. considerable

7. He gave the best performance of his acting career in the ________ of Romeo.
A. action B. role
C. theme D. work

8. He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ________ out of his money.
A. deceived B. robbed
C. made D. tricked

9. He had ________ finding a good job after graduation because he failed in the College English Band-Four Exam when at the university.
A. luck B. trouble
C. opportunity D. misfortune

10. He had lost all ________ in his own ability to succeed.
A. resolve B. reliance
C. certainty D. faith


[分析] in general的意思是一般地说,通常in common的意思是共同,共用in particular的意思是特别地,尤其in short的意思是简而言之

[分析]qualify的意思是胜任,具备合格条件equal作及物动词时,意思是等于,比得上match的意思是配得上,使相配fit 的意思是适合,符合


[分析]answer for的意思是……负责,为……担保,为……的后果承担责任run into 的意思是相撞,遇上abide by 的意思是遵守step into的意思是进入,走进

[分析]improper的意思是不适当的,不合礼仪的suitable的意思是适当的,相配的in the way 的意思是挡道by the way 的意思是顺便说,在途中

[分析]handsome 的原意是指(男子)英俊的,(女子)端庄,但是在这里它是指(金钱或是礼物)数目相当可观的,相当大的sufficient的意思是充足的,足够的wonderful的意思是极好的,奇妙的considerable的意思是相当大的,相当多的


[分析]trick的意思是欺诈,哄骗trick sb out of one’s money 的意思是骗取某人的钱财deceive sb in to doing sth, 意思是利用欺骗手法使某人做某事rob的意思是抢劫,盗取,常说rob sb of sth; make sth out of sb 的意思是将某人培养为……”,但不能说make sb out of sth

[分析]have trouble doing sth 是固定搭配,意思是做某事有困难。其他三项不符合语法和题意。

[分析]lose faith in的意思是……失去信心resolve的意思是决心,决定reliance的意思是依靠,依赖,它后面常跟介词oncertainty的意思是确信,确定性

1. He had to ________ his savings to buy the car.
A. draw back from B. draw in
C. draw up D. draw on

2. He has been ________ in foreign trade for more than ten years.
A. engaged B. filled
C. forced D. taken

3. He has been so busy recently. It isn't quite ________ that he will be present at the meeting tomorrow.
A. sure B. right
C. certain D. exact

4. He has brought forward conclusive evidence, which leaves no ________ for further dispute.
A. area B. place
C. room D. space

5. He has disappeared for five years and nobody knows the reason ________ his disappearance.
A. for B. of
C. about D. over

6. He hasn’t ________ to take a holiday this summer.
A. determined B. planned
C. suggested D. supposed

7. He hoped that the repairs would stop the leak ________ .
A. for good B. for all
C. at hand D. at large

8. He hoped the firm would ________ him to the Pads branch.
A. exchange B. transmit
C. transfer D. remove

9. He hunted zebra, antelope, and other __________ in Africa.
A. game B. animal
C. birds D. beast

10. He is__________the most active member of our group.
A. by far B. by chance
C. by now D. by all means


[分析]draw on的意思是动用,向……支取draw back from 的意思是收回,退缩draw in的意思是(汽车、火车等)到达,到站;吸收draw up的意思是起草,制定;(使)停住

[分析]be engage in 是固定搭配,意思是忙于,从事于,致力于

[分析]sure certain都能表达肯定的,确定的,但是用法却不太一样。Surecetain后面都可以加of +名词/动名词,或接不定式或that引导的从句,例如I’m sure/certain of his hnesty.我相信他的诚实。但是在It is that 句型中,只能用certain而不用sureBD完全与句意不符,不是答案。

[分析]room原意是地方,空间,可引申为余地area 的意思是面积,地区,地域place的意思是地方,场所,地位space的意思是太空,空地,场地,篇幅



[分析]for good意思是永久的,一劳永逸的。例如:I have given up smoking for good 我已经永远戒烟了。For all 的意思是尽管。例如:for all his achievements, he is very modest. 尽管他有这么多的成就,他还是十分谦虚。At hand 的意思是在手边,在附近。例如:Spring is at hand.春天马上就要到了。At large的意思是一般地,自由地。例如:They wandered at large over the countryside. 他们在乡村自由地漫游。

[分析]transfer的意思是调动(工作),使转移exchange的意思是交换,交流transmit 的意思是传送,传递,传播remove的意思是移动,排除,消除

9. [答案]A
[翻译] 在非洲他追捕斑马,羚羊和其他的猎物。

[分析]by far 和一个形容词的最高级连用时,意思是……”。例如:This problem is y far the easiest.这个问题是最简单的。如果放在比较级的前面或后面,意思是“……得多,远远地。例如:His explanation is clearer by far 他的解释要清楚得多。By chance的意思是偶然的by now 的意思是到现在为止by all mean的意思是务必,尽一切办法

1. He is __________to hardship and danger.
A. inconvenient B. prior
C. superior D. indifferent
2. He is a man you can rely on. He never ________.
A. goes back on his word B. has words with anyone
C. eats his words D. swallows his words
3. He is an artist with seemingly unlimited ________.
A. creativity B. creature
C. creation D. creative
4. He is holding a ________ position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.
A. subordinate B. succeeding
C. successive D. subsequent
5. He is now familiar with the business ________ of export trade.
A. habit B. routine
C. practice D. custom
6. He is still ill, but the doctor is sure be will pull ________.
A. back B. in
C. up D. through
7. He knew himself to be raw, quite__________of making mistakes through his inexperience.
A. able B. possible
C. likely D. capable
8. He knew with his knowledge and experience that any decision he'd made was bound to be a one.
A. unchangeable B. fixed
C. steady D. sound
9. He made such a ________ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.
A. genuine B. minimum
C. modest D. generous
10. He might pardon you on the very ________ that you pay him a visit.
A. occasion B. condition
C. chance D. principle


[分析]be indifferent to的意思是……不在乎,对……漠不关心,故D为正确答案。虽然inconvenient, prior,superior三项均可与介词to 搭配,但意思都不符合本题题意。Inconvenient 的意思是不方便superior的意思是优越的prior的意思是在先的,优先的,更重要的

[分析]go back on one’s word的意思是食言,不守信word在此只能用单数形式,不能用复数形式;have words with sb 的意思是与某人发生了口角eat one’s words的意思是收回自己说的话,这里的word必须要用复数形式;swallow one’s words的意思是说话口齿不清楚,此外word也要用复形式。


[分析]subordinate的意思是从属的,下级的succeeding的意思是接着的successive的意思是继续的,连续的subsequent 的意思是后来的,随后的


[分析]pull through 的意思是(使)脱离危险,(使)恢复健康pull back的意思是……向后拉,撤回pull in 的意思是停止,阻止pull up 的意思是停下,停车

[分析]capable of的意思是……的,能……。如果指一个人的能力时,也可以表示……的能力able也是能够的意思,但它和capable的区别在于:able后面习惯跟不定式,capable后面要跟介词of possible的意思是可侧的likely一般要用在be likely to do sth be likely that这样的句型当中,意思是可能的,有希望的

8. [答案]D

9. [答案]D

10. [答案]B
[分析]on the condition that 是一个固定搭配,意思是条件是,以……为条件occasion的意思是场合chance的意思是机会principle的意思是原则

1. He once again went through his composition carefully to__________all spelling mistakes from it.
A. withdraw B. diminish
C. abandon D. eliminate

2. He opened the cage door, and set the bird __________.
A. loosen B. lost
C. free D. loose

3. He pointed out that the living standard of urban and ________ people continued to improve.
A. remote B. municipal
C. rural D. provincial

4. He ran back into the room to see if he had ______ anything behind.
A. forgotten B. laid
C. left D. placed

5. He read through the papers and made a (n) ______ of their contents.
A. compression B. abstract
C. shortage D. concentration

6. He recovered slowly after his ______ illness.
A. long B. strong
C. deadly D. heavy

7. He refused to disclose what had been told him on the ______ that it would be a breach of confidence.
A. reason B. plea
C. grounds D. excuse

8. He reluctantly ______ the task.
A. undertook B. upheld
C. underestimated D. undeceived

9. He rescued the child at the ______ of his own life.
A. danger B. disregard
C. risk D. negligence

10. He said that he was so __________that he could drink a well dry.
A. wet B. hot
C. thirsty D. fired

1. [答案]D

2. [答案]C
[分析]set free的意思是释放

[分析]rural的意思是农村的,它与urban(城市的)相对应,符合本题题意,为正确答案。Remote的意思是(在空间或时间上)遥远的municipal的意思是市的,市政的provincial的意思是地方的,省的。例如:municipal government市政府;provincial government省政府。

[分析]leaveforget都有遗忘,忘记的意思。两者的区别是如果有具体的地点就要用leave,否则就要用forget。在这里面有一个具体的地点就是the room,所有这道题的答案应该是C,而不是A。例如I forgot my umbrell.我忘了带雨伞。又如:I have left my umbrella at home.我把伞忘在家里了。placelay均没有忘记之意。


[分析]deadly的意思是致命的,剧烈的,极度的long的意思是长的strong的意思是强壮的heavy 的意思是沉重的,它不能修饰illness,但可以说have a heavy cold“患重感冒

[分析]on the grounds of /that 意思是……为理由,以……为借口A,B,D都不能用在此处表示这个含义。


[分析]at the risk of 的意思是……的危险danger的意思是危险,没有at the danger of 这种说法,往往说in danger of,意思是……的危险disrgard的意思是忽视,漠视disregard一般用在in disregard of 结构中,意思是不顾,不理negligence的意思是忽略,疏忽大意;一般说by negligence,意思是由于疏忽

10. [答案]C
[分析]从题干的后半句he could drink a well dry”可以看出,只有thirsty(口渴)才符合题意。


