
发布时间:2018-06-30 01:13:30   来源:文档文库   


v.  [gɪv] ( gives; gave, given; giving )


vt. vi. 1.给予,赠送,授予  cause a person to have, receive; hand over to sb without payment or exchange

vt. 2.供给,提供  provide or supply

vt. 3.交给,托付   cause sb to have; ask sb to look after

vt. 4.作出(某一动作),发出(声音等)  perform or carry out (an action)

vt. 5.举办,表演  cause (a performance, amusement, or public event) to take place

vt. 6.付出,出售  pay in order to buy

vt. 7.产生,引起   produce

vi. 8.(物体)塌下,折断   bend or stretch under pressure

vi. 9.让步   give up


1.give是常用动词,词义丰富,用法复杂,构词能力强; 其基本的词义是give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+n.”充当补足语的复合宾语。
2.give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语; 也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。
3.give的过去分词常用作定语,多前置,构成过去分词短语时则一般后置。过去分词短语作状语时表示完成或被动的意义,假定; 容许; 如果有…”解。
5.习语give it me主要用在英国, give it to me则多用在美国,是正式用法。



give a cough  咳嗽一声

give a cry  叫喊一声

give a dinner  设宴

give a garden party  开游园会

give a good account of oneself  表现优异〔英勇〕

give a jump  跳了一下

give a kick  踢一脚

give a lecture  开演讲会

give a look  看一看

give a loud laugh  大笑一声

give a play  上演一剧

give a ring  打了一个电话

give a shout  叫一声

give a start  大吃一惊

give a try  试一试

give cause  给予理由

give chase  追赶

give thanks  作感恩祈祷

give the gun  加速

give voice  引吭高歌

give way  退后,失效,屈服,所代替

give sb a hand  援助; 赞许

give sb a piece of one's mind  责难,责骂

give sb the cold shoulder  待人冷淡

give sb the gate  解雇,放弃

give sb the slip  溜走

give the city a new look  使这个城市面目一新


give abundantly  丰富地供给

give charitably  宽厚地供给

give conscientiously  诚心诚意地提供

give discreetly  谨慎地提供

give exclusively  孤傲地表演

give freely   慷慨捐助

give generously  慷慨解囊

give grudgingly  吝惜地提供

give intentionally  故意地提供

give magnificently  宏伟地表演

give willingly  乐意给予

give around  让步

give away  放弃,泄露,分配,贡献

give away a secret  泄露秘密

give a friend away  出卖朋友

give away one's comrades  出卖同志

give oneself away  暴露自己,露马脚

give away to sb   向某人让步

give back  归还,恢复,反射,报复

give sb back an angry look  回瞪某人一眼

give sb back his health  使某人恢复健康

give sth back to sb   把某物归还给某人

give in  屈服,交上,所取代,瓦解,失态,(驾车时)礼让

give in to sb   对某人让步,迁就某人

give off  ()放出,发出(气味等)

give off heat  发热

give off light  发光

give off smoke  冒出烟

give out  布置,分发(,文件等),用尽,发表,发布(新闻),发出(,热等),交出()

give out a sweet smell  吐出芬芳

give out assignment  布置作业

give out the examination papers  分发试卷

give out the news   宣布消息

give over  放弃,递交,致力于,把精力花在

give over a mode of life  放弃一种生活方式

give over a package to sb's keeping  把包裹交某人保管

give oneself over to drinking  纵酒

give up  中止,屈服,引渡,放出

give oneself up to  投降,自首,专心致志()

give oneself up to the police  向警察局投案自首

give up a secret  泄露秘密

give up all hope  放弃一切希望

give up halfway  半途而废

give up job  辞去工作

give up life  献出生命

give up one's arms  缴械

give up school  辍学

give up seat to sb   把座位让给某人

give up smoking  戒烟


give sb sth as a present  给某人某物作为礼物

give cause for  的原因,引起

give money for sth   花钱买某物

give one's life for the country  为国捐躯

give one's answers in English  用英语回答

give one's daughter in marriage  嫁女儿

give into  通向(大街等)

give of one's best  尽自己最大的努力

give on to the street  ()正对着大街

give onto  朝向,面对,开向,通向

give to  给予,赠给,交付,委托

give colour to  使生色

give oneself to  专心致力于,沾染上

give place to  让位于

give tongue to one's doubts about  说出对有怀疑

give way to  让位于,让步,让路,妥协

give wide berth to  避免


give and take
互让,互相迁就; 平等交换 make mutual concessions; exchange on an even basis
Faculty members will have to give and take in creating new courses and revising old ones.开设新课程或修订旧课程时,教师们应该互相迁让。

give away(v.+adv.)
1.送掉; 赠予; 颁发 give sth free of charge; give sb a present or prize of sth
give sth away
She decided to give these old clothes away.她决定把这些旧衣服送给别人。
We have invited a famous former student to give away the prizes.我们邀请了一位知名校友来颁发奖品。
He only gave away a small part of his fortune.他只捐赠了小部分家产。
give sth away to sb/sth
He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.他把他大部分财产都送给了穷人。
He gave away a lot of clothes to the people of the flooded area.他向水灾地区的人民捐了许多衣物。
They gave away a large sum of money to the people of a poverty-stricken area.他们向贫困地区人民捐赠了一大笔钱。
2.泄露; 告发 tell a secret; inform against sb
give sb/sth away
He didn't want to give his comrades away.他不愿背弃他的同志们。
Don't give away the ending of the story.别把故事结尾说出来。
He was arrested for having given away state secrets.他因泄漏国家机密而被捕。
用于be ed结构
He was given away by one of his accomplices.他被一个同伙出卖了。
3.失去; 丧失; 抛弃 lose or waste sth carelessly
give sth away
You've given away a good chance of success.你失去了一次获取成功的良机。
4.(在婚礼仪式中)将新娘交给新郎 in a marriage ceremony, present the bride ritually to the bridegroom
give sb away
Mr. Jackson gave away his daughter.杰克逊先生将女儿交给新郎。

give back(v.+adv.)
1.归还; 恢复 return or repay sth to its owner; give sth again to sb
give sb/sth back
It isn't mine; I must give it back to the owner.这不是我的,我得把它归还原主。
I hope that the holiday will give back my good spirits.我希望假日能使我的心情好转。
Living here has given me back my health.在这里居住使我恢复了健康。
用于be ed结构
He asked for, but never was given back, his Olympic Prizes.他要求发还给他奥林匹克奖牌,但最终也未能要回。
2.后退 stand back
give back
Give back there, the express is due.往后退,快车就要进站了。
The soldier around the door gave back to let the general through.门前的士兵纷纷闪开让将军通过。

give forth(v.+adv.)
发出,发表 send forth; emit; issue
give forth sth
On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent.夏日的傍晚,鲜花散发出醉人的芳香。
She gave forth the same view at the meeting.她在会上发表了同样的观点。

give in(v.+adv.)
1.屈服; 投降; 让步 yield; surrender
give in
He will soon give in because he cannot win the game.因为他赢不了这场比赛,所以他很快会认输的。
One shouldn't give in while he or she stands and sees.只要一息尚存,就不应投降。
The demonstrators were compelled to give in to the police.示威者被迫向警察投降。
As neither management nor labor would give in, the union organized a strike.由于劳资双方互不让步,工会组织了一次罢工。
The argument went on for hours as neither side would give in.因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。
2.; 上交; 递交; 呈送 give sth to a person who is authorized to receive it; hand in
give sth in
用于be ed结构
All papers should be given in before 12 o'clock.12点以前必须交论文。

give it to(v.+pron.+prep.)
惩罚; ; 责备 punish; beat or scold
give it to sb
I gave it to him hot.我痛骂他一顿。
I'll give it to you when I catch you.等我抓住你我会揍你。
Ann's mother gave it to her for being late.安的母亲责备她迟到了。

give off(v.+adv.)
发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出 send out, or emit (especially a liquid, gas, or smell)
give off
When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapour gives off.将硝酸倒在铜上,会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。
give sth off
The liquid gave off a strong smell.这液体散发出一种强烈的气味。
The market was full of salted fish, giving off the worst smell.市场上到处是腌鱼,散发出最难闻的味道。
The chimney gives off a lot of harmful gases.烟囱放出大量的有害气体。
The fire that broke out in the plant during the night was still seen giving off a lot of smoke the next morning.那家工厂头天夜里着的火,第二天早晨还在冒烟。

give or take
或多或少; 左右 more or less; plus or minus
It will take an hour, give or take a few minutes.需要一小时左右。
Three thousand people came, give or take a few hundred.来了大约3000人。

give out(v.+adv.)
1.分发; 散发 distribute; hand out
give sth out
The English teacher gave out the examination papers at 7:50.英语教师七点五十分发考卷。
A young woman standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall.站在门旁的一个年轻的妇女向所有进入大厅的人散发传单。
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Over a thousand copies of the pamphlet have now been given out.现在已分发了一千多本小册子。
2.公布; 宣布 make known; announce
give sth out
The minister gave out the wrong number of the rooms.部长把房间的号码通知错了。
用于be ed结构
The news of the event was given out over the radio.关于这个事件的消息通过广播发表了。
give out that-clause
The announcer gave out that the 3:30 train to Manchester would start from Platform 4.播音员通知:三点三十分开往曼彻斯特的火车将从4号站台发车。
用于be ed结构
It was given out that the strikers had decided to return to work, and place their dispute in the hands of their union.据宣布:罢工者已决定复工,并决定将其争端交予他们的工会。
3.耗尽; 用完 become exhausted; be used up; run out
give out
He plans to stay there until his money gives out.他计划在那里呆到钱花完为止。
When we were only a few miles from our destination the petrol gave out.当我们离目的地只有几英里的路程时,汽油用完了。
It was feared that food supplies would give out before the besieged town could be relieved.人们担心食品储备在被围的城镇解围以前就会耗尽。
4.停止起作用 cause to stop function; fail
give out
We had hardly started from home when the engine gave out.我们刚刚离开家,发动机就失灵了。
Ever since I sprained my ankle I have been unable to walk very far, as I never know when it will give out.我自从扭伤了足踝,就走不了很远,真不知道它什么时候便会动弹不得。

give over(v.+adv.)
1.停止; 中止; 放弃 stop; abandon
give over
I hope the rain will soon give over.我希望雨不久就能停。
give sth over
It's about time you gave over that kind of conduct.你该停止做那种事了。
▲give over v-ing
I have given over trying to convince him.我已经不再试图说服他了。
2.交付; 交出 hand over
give sth/sb over to sb
He gave over charge of his office to his successor today.他今天向继任者交接了工作。
We gave him over to the police.我们把他交给了警察。

give up(v.+adv.)
1.放弃; 认输; 猜不出 stop doing or having sth; stop trying to guess a joke or mystery
give up
I can't answer that puzzle; I give up.我猜不出这个谜语,我认输了。
I give up, tell me the end of the story.我猜不出,把结局告诉我吧。
give sth up
He has given up the idea.他已经放弃了这个念头。
She gave up her job to look after her sick mother.她放弃了工作以照顾她生病的母亲。
It was puzzling that when presented with a chance to study in Paris for a year,Jane should have given it up.当简得到去巴黎学习一年的良机时,她竟然放弃了,这事真让人费解。
用于be ed结构
Bad habits are not easily given up.恶习难改。
give up v-ing
Have you given up drinking whisky before breakfast?你在早餐以前已不喝威士忌酒了吗?
I advised him to give up smoking altogether.我劝他把烟彻底戒掉。
2.交出; 自首 yield sth/sb to sb
give sb/oneself/sth up
We had to give up the castle to the enemy.我们只得把城堡拱手相让交给了敌人。
If you catch the escaped prisoner, will you give him up to the police?假如你抓到了那个逃犯,你会把他交给警方吗?
After hiding in the woods for weeks, the criminal gave himself up.该罪犯在森林里躲了几个星期以后自首了。
3.宣布无法医治; 不抱希望 lose hope for; despair of
give sb up
His pulse was so weak that the doctor gave him up as dead.他的脉搏非常弱,医生认为他没希望了。
When Mary didn't come by nine o'clock, we gave her up.玛丽九点还未到,我们认为她不会来了。
I had already given John up, when suddenly he walked in.我以为约翰不会来了,他却突然走了进来。
4.泄露 reveal or disclose
give sth up
The criminal has given up the names of his accomplices.罪犯已经供出了同案犯的姓名。


