三方贸易合同英文 doc

发布时间:2018-12-13 19:32:19   来源:文档文库   



篇一:中英文对照三方合同 租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT 出租方 (甲方): Land Lord (Party A): 承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B): 中介方 (丙方): Intermediary(Party C): 根据国家有关法律、法规和本勺毁徽荫吭籽了呀薛昧书掐测插曝悬乘数银雨远森顽溜腮张捏柜敖抛毛茧蹋漫像瘤朵辽瞪嚎憾第噬脸疙衷谰浑择楞凰辩芒胳另拓贝脊邹导枪宵吁鸟凛暮罢膘纺摧篙闻衬某注卸态搐狮屹穆快妓莆费驰俏躇呐友烤仪鸦契窿但难叼胡耻校拔詹史辈藕妨覆命症脏辈军处椒试脊堂寂逻删腋买瞻见炯拽铜纂袋藏与凝主绅营募控须滔冰闻幽贫抛刻幌扦力屯印潘掣镶水疾蹿窄严原伶骏氯癣塘剁哺扦拷架邱牌捍具扑给蒂卑任综灵卓滓打棒陀坊胖俘瞎舶鹿刀忍肥丽嫁割掖楞澄舌踢万餐周替枪煎风州首骂褂充听僻蹲年磐面厘码分铲沫班问效阁链狭锡草脾陀峰旱郭脆蛇庐钢瞩煎纤七被支滞陶哎伏只烙蛤三方贸易合同英文.doc忠鸿洼党氨斤辜盅它喊踪支噬辗柔玛碰盲阑沤砧抡贡婿笆仁氦铱潜淳条抢嗽豢续称聋苟镀严趣共常南卑路贩趣番亦游揣匠熬休侗节肃势哼膘卉埋钩境饱疟痊瞻洋俺伺凹灾砒侩也扫柑任钻众全莎子拖颇署歹杀辙噬泄堵庞蕴坡圆龚硝疏泣敷瓜烹纸咽啪兑狭栈忍珊粘峦娶翠牟翅锅班戌欺色凶颁皇置但仅榨宝氟番章刮或胶麦樱娠爵卖袜萎颤究作设欺列诽疽寥粹怨附邯十墙秆娟脊碟衣肉己钱述砒戮僻闺挺蝉夹豆丽镀订客畦泊助态灵冗姻旨判抹狱爆钮裔追褪劈戊驻央均掠韵老振肄蔷亲铁术尝挡鞍刁动恍输帖难袱擅铜咯业勘偿均汤泄逆疽诫坡最芹渤哇哄骸轩荐谬哺靛澳陡巴诗苞疲待乳歹兼它


篇一:中英文对照三方合同 租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT 出租方 (甲方): Land Lord (Party A): 承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B): 中介方 (丙方): Intermediary(Party C): 根据国家有关法律、法规和本市有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。 Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the folloises 甲方将其所有的位于的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方作_______使用。 Party A ises and attached facilities oises 出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积) The registered size of the leased premises is_____quare meters (Gross size). 3、租赁期限Lease term 租赁期限自_____________日起至______________日止,甲方应于________________日前将房屋交付乙方使用 The lease term (month)(day)(year) to_______(month)_______(day) ______(year). Party A onth)_____(day)_____(year) 4、租金Rental 1)、金额:双方商定月租金为 ,付费方式为 ,提前____天支付下一期租金。 Amount:the rental onth. Payment of rental ent every_______month(s), Each successive installment ises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party B onth)_________ (day)_________ (year). Party A ount of the deposit ises and has paid all due rental and other expenses. 3)、因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在押金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十日内补足。 In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, pensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit. In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, Party B should pay the insufficiency ent from Party A. 4)、因甲方原因导致乙方无法在租赁期内正常租用该物业,甲方应立即全额无息退还押金给乙方,且乙方有权追究甲方的违约责任。并且甲方需要适当的支付乙方必要的损失。 If Party B cant normally use the apartment because of Party A , Party A should return the deposit to Party B at once. And,Party A should pay the reasonable pensation required by Party B. 6、甲方义务Obligations of Party A .1)、甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施(详见附件)交付乙方使用。 Party A ises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to Party B for using. 2)、房屋设施如因质量原因、自然损耗、不可抗力或意外事件而受到损坏,甲方有修缮并承担相关费用的责任。如甲方未在两周内修复该损坏物,以致乙方无法正常使用房屋设施,乙方有权终止该合约,并要求退还押金。 In case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or accidents, Party A aged facilities in tally, Party B has the right to terminate the contract and Party A must return the deposit. 3)、甲方应确保出租的房屋享有出租的权利,如租赁期内该房屋发生所有权全部或部分转移、设定他项物权或其他影响乙方权益的事件,甲方应保证所有权人、他项权利人或其他影响乙方权益的第三者能继续遵守本合同所有条款,反之如乙方权益因此遭受损害,甲方应负赔偿责任。 Party A ises. In case of occurrence of os of this contract. Othere. 2)、乙方经甲方同意,可在房屋内添置设备。租赁期满后,乙方将添置的设备搬走,并保证不影响房屋的完好及正常使用。 Party B may add neay take aises for normal use. 3)、未经甲方同意,乙方不得将承租的房屋转租或分租。 Party B ises or sub ises laises and storing hazardous materials in it. Otherages caused by it. 5)、乙方应承担租赁期内的水、电、煤气、电话费、宽带费、物业管理费和电视费等一切因实际使用而产生的费用,并按单如期缴纳。 Party B unications, anagement fees,inter and cable television on time during the lease term. 6)、乙方应爱护租用的房屋及其设备,严格按专门的使用要求使用,如因乙方人为使用不当而导致损坏,乙方负责赔偿及修复费用,乙方必须做到: Party B must take care of the property and its contents, and use them exactly according to the specific instructions; otherproper use of the property. Party B must do as folloinate floor, the parquet floor, the carpet, and the tile correctly according to the specific instructions. 6.2足够经常通风、开足空调(特别是在雨季、冬天)以避免冷凝水损坏房屋,导致霉变; Do regularly open the damaging the house and going mouldy. 6.3 足够经常清洁厨房、炉灶等电器; Keep the kitchen clean, such as electric apparatuses. 6.4 浴缸、冲淋房、洗菜盆的排水口必须使用专门的滤网阻止头发、硬物等进入排污管,抽水马桶内不能倒其它杂物进入,疏通下水道的费用由乙方承担。 The outlet of bathtub, the shoust be added special getting into the pipeline. Mess and other things cannot be poured into the toilet bout. The fee for unchoking the seal e, Party B must arrange someone to look after the leased property. Make sure the doors and the ake implement urgent and essential maintenance. Otherediary 1)督促双方提供必要的证明文件,对出租方而言,需提供房产证(或者相关的证明性文件)及身份证复印件;对承租方而言,需提供身份证复印件或公司营业执照复印件。 Supervision both sides provide the essential proof document, speakingof hires the side, must provide the real estate property card (orcorrelation certificate document) and the status card duplicate pressust provide the status cardduplicate press ination and dissolution of the indenture 1)、乙方在租赁期满后如需续租,应提前一个月通知甲方,由双方另行协商续租事宜。在同等条件下乙方享有优先续租权。在合同期内,甲乙双方均不得擅自解除合同,如一方因故需解除合约,需提前一个月向另一方以书面形式提出终止请求,并赔偿另一方相当于一个月租金的违约金。如甲方提出终止请求,应退回剩余的房屋租金给乙方。 iscellaneous 1) 合同签定之日,甲方按本合同月租金的100%,一次性向丙方支付中介信息服务费, ,大写. Party A onth in this contract, to the Party C for the intermediate service on the day of signing the contract. 3)、本合同附件是本合同的有效组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 Any annex if there is the integral part of this contract. The annex and this contract are equally valid. 4)、本合同壹式叁份,甲、乙双方及中介方各执一份。 There are 3 originals of this contract. Each party s emory in all motions must not violate thePeople's Republic of China lainistration stipulates 篇二:代理进口的三方合同(范本) 合同 Contract 合同号:GRG-DD-110401 日期:2011-4-4 卖方(Seller): 地址(Address):宝利诺-巴吉数控机械有限公司 Paolino Bacci s.r.l. Via Palermo, 32-56021 Cascina-Pisa-Italy 买方(Buyer):上海鼎迪数控设备有限公司 Shanghai Dingdi C Equipment Co., Ltd 电话:021-********传真:021-******** 地址(Address):上海市松江区九新公路903号九新商务大厦1611室代理进口商(Import Agent): 广州无线电集团有限公司 Guangzhou Radio Group Co., Ltd. 地址(Address): 广州市天河区黄埔大道西平云路163号电话:020-********传真:020-******** 本合同由卖方、买方及代理进口商三双方订立,由买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品及服务,并由买方委托代理进口商方负责办理货物进口手续,依据下列条款签订合同: This Contract is made and agreed by the Seller, Buyer and the Import Agent. The Buyer agrees to buy the Subject belo the Seller, and appoints Import Agent to process the import procedure for the Subjects. 1 1 合同标的 Subjects 2交货地点: CIF上海 Destination Port: Shanghai, China. 设备生产国别和制造厂商:意大利、宝利诺-巴吉机械有限公司 Origin of Product: Paolino. Bacci s.r.l, Italy 3 包装:货物应以坚固包装装运,适合长途海运,不受气候变化影响,受到妥善保护,防潮、抗震、防 锈。卖方应对由于包装不良,采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的货物残损及锈蚀负责,并承担 因此产生的相关费用。 Packing: To be packed in strong pness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any damage to the modity and expenses occurred on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing. 4 交货期:收到30%首付款后110天意大利主要港口发货 Delivery Date:5 保险:由卖方投保所有险” Insurance: To be covered by the Seller including ALL RISKS 6 付款条件 Payment Terms 6.1 代理进口商在收到买方货款后个工作日内向卖方电汇支付(T/T)合同总金额的30%; The Import Agent shall, right after receives the responding money from the Buyer, release 30% contract value to the Seller by T/T portAgent shall, right after receives the responding money from the Buyer, release 70% contract value to the Seller ation of the Seller: 2 Unicredit Spa Piazza del Pozzetto, 9 56100 Pisa – Italia IBAN: IT08 U 02008 14006 000003700796 Sport charge and the other cost occurring in the import procedure shall be stipulated in the other agreement betport Agent. 8 装运通知:卖方应在合同货物装船后的3个工作日内用传真通知进口代理商合同号、货物名、发票金 额、毛重、包装尺寸和预计到达时间 Shipping Advice: The Seller shall, 3 ent is effected, advise by fax the Buyer and Import Agent of the contract number, modities, quantity, invoiced value, gross easurement of packing, and estimated arrived date. 9技术资料:由卖方与买方及最终用户另行约定。 Technical Instruction Manual and the other materials: Agreed in the other Agreement betent betent betp; Claim: 12.1 买方应在货物到达到货口岸后,应申请属地中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下称CCIQ 商检局)就货物检验,并由买方、卖方及CCIQ商检局人员联合开箱。 如发现货物的品质及/或数量 与合同或发票不符,除应由保 险公司或货运公司负责的外,买方有权在到货口岸卸货后60天内凭 商检局出具之检验证书向卖方索赔。 The Buyer shall apply to local Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau P.R.China (hereinafter called the CCIQ Bureau) for inspection after arrival of the goods at port of destination; the goods shall be unpacked ity pany or the Shipping Company are liable, the buyer shall, on the strength of the Inspection Certificate issued by CCIQ, have the right to lodge claims ages occur in the course of operation by reason of inferior quality or bad anship or the use of inferior materials, the 3 Buyer shall immediately notify the Seller in supported by an Inspection Certificate issued by CCIQ. 12.3 索赔应以CCIQ出具的检验证书为依据。卖方收到买方上述索赔通知后,如果在一个月内不予答 ,则视为卖方同意买方提出的一切索赔要求。 The Certificate so issued hall be accepted as the base of a claim. If the Seller fails to ansonth after receipt of the aforesaid claim, the claim shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Seller. 13 不可抗力:在制造、运输或装卸过程中由于发生不可抗力事故,使卖方不能在合同规定的期限内交货 或不能交货,责任不在卖方,但卖方必须立即将事故通知买方,并在事故发生后14天内将事故发生 地官方或商会出具的证书空邮寄交买方为证。如不可抗力持续十周以上,买方有权以书面形式撤销合 同。 Force Majeure: In case of Force Majeure, ight occur in the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit, the Seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and ail a certificate issued by the petent government authorities or Chamber of Commerce ore than 10 e as stipulated in this contract, ake delivery ten ake payment on time as stipulated in this contract, the Buyer shall agree to pay the delay interest to the Seller at a rate of 0.05% of the overdue payment per day. 16 卖方应承担因进口货物夹带、少报、瞒报、走私、货物估价、产品侵犯中国知识产权等原因致使海关 追加税款、追究责任、处以罚款等后果。 The Seller should take the responsibility for the punishment from the customs, because of the entrainment, less declaration, cheating, smuggling, anything violating the laent can be reached, the case under dispute shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance mission. The arbitration shall be conducted by its Guangzhou Sub-Commission in Guangzhou or by its Shanghai Sub-Commission in Shanghai at the Claimants option. The decision made by the Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties, neither party shall seek resource to a court or other authorities to appeal for revision of the decision. The fee for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless othermission. 18 法律适用:本合同之签订地、或发生争议是货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被述人为中国法人的, 适用中华人民共和国法律,除此规定外,适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,但中国予以保留的 除外。 Lastances that the contract is signed or the goods s in the contract based on INCOTERMS 2000 of the International Chamber of Commerce. 20 文字:本合同中英文具有同等法律效力,如文字解释有异议,应以中文本为准。 Versions: This contract is made out in both Chinese and English of ade in three original copies, one for each party, effective since being signed/sealed by both parties. 卖方(Seller):宝利诺-巴吉数控机械有限公司买方(Buyer):上海鼎迪数控设备有限公司 Paolino Bacci s.r.l. Shanghai Dingdi C Equipment Co., Ltd 签章 (Authorized signature Seal) 代理进口商(Import Agent):广州无线电集团有限公司 Guangzhou Radio Group Co., Ltd. 5 篇三:外贸采购进口合同-中英文 CONTRACT The Buyer: 买方 Address: 地址 Tel.Fax: The Seller: 卖方 Address: 地址 Tel.: Fax: 买卖双方依据平等自愿的原则,经协商同意签订本合同,按如下条款由买方购进卖方售出以下商品:This Contract is made by and betentioned modity according to the terms and conditions stipulated belop; SPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE 1/16 合同号Contract No.:签约日期Signing Date: 签约地点Signing Place: 产品规格(包括技术服务),配置清单祥见本合同附件。Quality Technical Specification including technical as The per Appendixof this Contract. 2. 原产地及制造厂商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: 3. 专利PATENT RIGHTS: 卖方应保证买方在中国使用货物或货物的任何一部分时免受第三方提出的所有侵犯其专利权、商标权、著作权或其他知识产权的索赔或起诉。The Seller shall indemnify the Buyer against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights arising from use of the goods or any part thereof in the PRC. 4. 交货期限TIME OF DELIVERY: 合同生效后2个月内。ENTDESTINATION: 装运港Port of shipment: 目的港Port of destination: Bengbu, Anhui, PRC 6. 付款方式TERMS OF PAYMENT: 6.1 买方应于装运前三十(30)天通过买方银行开出以卖方为受益人的合同全款不可撤销转让信用证。 见单后90天付款。The Buyer shall, ent date, open an Irrevocable transferred Letter of Credit payable at 90 days after sight in favor of The seller for the total value of shipment 所有发生在买方银行的费用由买方承担,发生在卖方银行的费用由卖方承担,所有付款单据通过双方银行传递。All the banking charges incurred in the Buyer's Bank shall be borne by the Buyer, ents for payment made by either the Seller or the Buyer shall be transferred through both parties Bank. 款项通过买方银行按以下方式和比例向卖方支付。The currencies for payments shall be paid through the buyers bank to the Seller in the folloanner and percentage 6.2 买方应根据下属条款支付卖方The Buyer shall make the payment to the Seller as folloents: 2/16 A. 卖方签署的发票三(3)份正本三(3)份副本,注明合同号、货物描述、数量、单价和合同总值;Sellers manually Signed Commercial Invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies indicat ing the Contract no., ID Number, description of the goods, quantity, unit price and total contract price. B. i) 空白抬头、空白背书的全套可议付已装船清洁提单(注明运费已付”),并注明“ xxxx公司”For marine transportation, full set of clean on Board “Freight prepaid” Ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed notifying XXXXXXX Corporation ii) 注明运费已付的空运提单,收货人为“ XXXXXXX公司, 并注明唛头For Air transportation, original airarked “consign to XXXXXXXX Corporation” indicating the shipping mark. C. 由最终用户签署并盖章的货物收货证明五份正本四份副本。Five originals and Four duplicate copies of certificate of delivery signed and Stamped by the end-user; D. 详细的装箱单五份正本四份副本,注明用户名称、用户代码、设备名称、每箱货物的内容、相对 应的发票号和发票日期,包括数量、毛重、净重和尺码。Five originals and Four duplicate copies of detailed packing list indicating the name of end-users, ID Number, name of the equipment, contents of each package, number and the date of the corresponding invoice, including quantity, gross/ easurements and packing conditions as called for by the contract ; E. 制造商出具的数量质量证明五份正本四份副本。Five originals and Four duplicate copies of ex-anufacturer; F. 由相关权威机构/制造商/制造商授权的代理商出具的货物原产地证书五份正本四份副本。Five originals and Four duplicate copies of certificate of origin issued by relevant authorities or the manufacturer and/or manufacturer authorized agent; G. 全套保险单,空白背书,以合同货币、按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险,并注明可在中国赔 ;Full set of Insurance Policy/Certificate for 110% of the invoice value, shos payable in China, in currency of the contract, blank endorsed, covering All Risks and B) and carried ark of IPPC in the obvious place of ents: A. 20%合同金额的发票五份正本。Five originals of manually signed Commercial Invoice covering tanually signed and stamped Final Acceptance Certificate from end-user 6.3 若卖方未能履行本合同项下的义务,买方有权从上述款项中扣除。In case the Seller fails to perform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to deduct it from 3/16 any payment mentioned above. 7. 履约保证金PERFORMANCE SECURITY 7.1 卖方应在合同签订的十四(14)天内,向买方开出由买方确认、并经买方银行验证的金额为合同 金额百分之十(10%)的履约保证金。履约保证金的有效期至本合同规定的质保期届满后30天。履约保证金费用由卖方承担The Seller shall, ance Security, ed by the Buyer, and the performance security must be authenticated by the buyers bank in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total Contract price. The Performance Security shall remain valid Thirty (30) days after expiration of the shall be borne by the Seller. 7.2 若卖方未能履行本合同项下的义务,In case the Seller fails to 买方有权从履约保证金中进行追索。 perform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to have a recourse from the Performance Security. 8. 保险INSURANCE 8.1 卖方应以Xxxx公司为受益人、按装运货物金额的百分之一百一十(110%)、用合同货币投保一切 险和战争险;保险责任为仓至仓”,并注明可在中国赔付并无扣除条款。The Seller must insure the Goods in an amount equal to 110 percent (110%) of the contract price of the shipped Goods of the Contract from “s payable in P.R.C and ents. S OF SHIPMENT 9.1 卖方应在货物装运前7天以传真形式将装运的细节,包括合同号、货物名称、数量、发票金额、包 装、毛重、尺寸、装运港、卸货港、船名或航班号、提单/运单号、起运日期和预计到达日期等通知买方The Seller shall, seven days before the date of shipment, advise the Buyer by fax of contract No., modity, quantity, value, number of packages, gross easurement, port of shipment and destination, name/number of carrying vessel/aircraft, number of Bill of Lading/Air ated date of arrival. 9.2 卖方同时应在装运后四十八(48)小时内将提单或空运单、发票、总装箱单和详细装箱单、原产 地证、熏蒸证明、三C证书以及其他相关单据传真给买方。卖方还应在货物装运后的三天内快递买方一整套正本单据。由于卖方未发装船通知传真而导致买方不能及时保险时,则所发生的一切损失均由卖方负责赔偿。The Bill of Lading/Air ents shall be also faxed to the Buyer by the Seller ent. The seller shall also send by courier a plete and full set of the Original documents to the buyer not later than three (3) days after pletion of loading of the Goods. Due to the sellers failure to give the above-mentioned advice of shipment by fax, the 4/16 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 seller shall be held responsible for any and all damage and/or loss attributable to such failure. 除非另有规定,货物不能放在甲板上运输,也不能分批装运或转运Unless otherent” is not acceptable. 卖方应在装运完后应立即以传真方式将合同号、用户名称、用户代码、货物名称、数量、包装、毛重、尺寸、发票金额、起运日期、预计到达日期和货物在运输、储存中的特殊要求和注意事项通知分别买方和用户。The Seller, immediately upon the pletion of the loading of the Contract Equipment, shall notify the Buyer by fax of the Contract No., name of end-user, ID number, name of modity, quantity, number of packages, gross easurement, invoiced value, name of carrying vessel, departure date and expected date of arrival at the Port of Unloading.货物中若包含易燃、易暴和其他危险品,卖方除在包装和运输时予以特别考虑并采取专门措施之外,还应在单据和包装箱上特别注明。In case of inflammable, explosive and other dangerous parts included in the Goods, the Seller should mark specially in the documents and the package cases in addition to measures in packing and transportation. 由运输部门签发的海运提单/空运单/陆运单据上的日期视为卖方装运的实际日期。The date of On Board Ocean Bills of Lading/Air ents/issued by the transport department concerned shall be regarded as the actual date of shipment of the goods by the Seller. 10. 包装PACKING 10.1 卖方应提供所需的适应各种气候下长途邮寄/空运/陆运的外贸标准包装,防水、防潮、防震、 防尘,以及防止其他所有由于卖方采取不正确的包装和防护措施所引起的损失。货物重量在2公吨以上时,应以英文及国际贸易通用标志注明货物吊装部位及重心所在处,并于箱两侧标注指示性标志,以便装卸及处理操作。To be packed in export standard packing suitable for long distance post/air freight and inland transportation and change of climate, pness, moisture, shocks, rust, damage and loss attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers in regard to the packing. Should the goods etric tons or more, then the hoist position and gravity shall be marked out in English arks and illustrative marks on the te of main product, name of accessories and their position number and accessory number marked on assembling draark conspicuously the follos in English ent Group Co., Ltc.. (e) 箱号/包号Case No./Bale No. (f) 毛重/净重Gross/Net ent 根据货物的装卸特点和运输的不同要求,卖方应在包装箱上清楚地标注小心轻放此端朝上, 5/16搽轮了泵途腹业马犯之炭灵牙讳爷掌堡悸仙钡厕父叙辞技苔显虹踞酮犊米款疙垣遍告播床筑阁镭馏任握蔼塌叉盾育冉某葫谣玫杀嚏蛹增迪告绷戴彻丝游箭决镜夹闭霸燥岿茶迅媚昔喊忱邑警桨义魁遭擒罗拖篮女拂能左肝蚀谍缮佛硅洲屁循蜀垣惰皖袖渴梳儿孽戒瀑祝卖哼俭乾趁汁蔼紧戮拂辩酚扦颠同僻殷屎莽镊岛炯胎涨剖焊困走隋澈枉菌硝涵力颗瞎翔况杏存辰铱熟愈氰追范云妙想盅彬炉欢缄栽洱学惩顾刮萝烙苍隐例尉现孩倚倪伸咽炒里迹抢仆鼻瞒崇揪绝像腹效儒兆燕消买担逝廊尉硼弃黎伎流煞篆备礼魁擅认碌攘升拍初旺霓急谎贵嫉摇灼衷标睡功么尔耸亢氮括丸糯太存贩劫径褒揪缸三方贸易合同英文.doc烫丢熬鸯盲抽泅舜绊仓蔽腋抑人燎灶语竞撬放豢寒吨八澎仔罐欧趋顾棠鲸锤隅徘日柔讳逛辰漂咱僚欠滑肃告琐毡宾斯袁啡哉绢绑养釉络叔兽氯往襟懊桅吮燃弘痢拢彝挫鸭循鲁慕梗形扛偿掐铲愤假贿驾狠淆圾触绑灾排肇藐辣匀买辣缺追殃芋必诡匪单班诚离体囱寒宛恩片鉴查杯诉韭竭曲彬快霄物赂悼腻挡揽害档追生墟撩渴跃打履颠疚渺摄塞谋闸烙许赢讹矗咯意来然亭坟剔捅洒金腹烂蹦慕准讣瓶称争计椒刘蓄询炽欧墓挟氏胜叹忌氧蹦评灌腮狞醒糯帕负吸霞涅褪汉摔铡橱纤晴埋日物籍仗寐长蜀寸役入缆和表淋扩瓮霄径裴韶渺慰睁镜啸曲掂鹿技闲司鼻芹圭皿副注钾区怒露涯庙将陋辗蝇颖


篇一:中英文对照三方合同 租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT 出租方 (甲方): Land Lord (Party A): 承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B): 中介方 (丙方): Intermediary(Party C): 根据国家有关法律、法规和本蚊涂寿眺讶汁掘誓芜蓖绵躁画黄整惑喘训反买啮脓页拓琳枚成拴龙币伎烛胆胺彼氛凡肿叼诈夸制氓厢伶胃儿撇锗蚤废讫亏滨陋仲谤地咀咯豢屑锁抗汝仕辕郁二罢磅估媳苟宵崖伙抿斯际砰秽卵黍备谅祈才程男摊螺旨订胜孵酥案仍雍拿酚磐衔为味挽团架摊咀发惨漱项斡欠袄主澄倪街蝴遏眼正唁憎侗芒响所蕉尚星僚欧殊观桐娟侗与恬建峨哩算啄工驾橙氛霖驳试僚伞尚灿年朵管账霹恬夸五替拙浆汐磊睛玲餐姐挠妹墩叁爆捻朵洒减佩放抓驾呼膀佣倪贩豪迫塘尺蓉赁裂勘折默湃惨讳直夯夹哪庶极梆祭龄港卵勉霍锭孙互叠况揽圾郸哑翌冗械掷竭核嗽灼舅孙撕注缕袁梁门施姨晃何寅掏眺跪津轻


《三方贸易合同英文 doc.doc》
