
发布时间:2013-12-23 10:21:55   来源:文档文库   


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写信日期8th, March, 1998 8 March, 1998 (英式)March 8th, 1998 March 8, 1998(美式)

信内地址April 7, 1999Dr Peter MackayaDeputy Director ofThe International Education ServiceWashington State UniversitySeattle, WA 96732U.S.A.2. 称呼称呼方式视情况而定。如:“ Dear Mr. Brown , Dear Professor Smith

如果不知道对方姓名时,可用“ To Whom It May Concern Dear Sir or Madam

过去常用的 Dear Sir(s) Gentlemen 宜慎用,若对方是女士,会引起不悦。3. 正文 正文与称呼之间空两行。4. 客套结束语 结束语与正文空两行。1). 用于一般通信,非正式的敬语: Sincerely / Sincerely yours / Very sincerely / Most sincerely 2). 写给比自己地位高的或长辈的敬语:

Yours truly / Yours very truly /Very truly yours / Respectfully/ Very respectfully 敬上3). 写给关系密切的亲属: Affectionately yours 你的亲爱的 Love / With love 爱您的 Your loving son / daughter4). 写给一般朋友或熟人: Yours Yours ever Always yours Sincerely yours 5. 署名6. 附件 通常采用Encl. Enc. ( enclosure 的缩写)7. 附言 P.S. “再启“ ”附言“(注意:1--5是书信必有的内容,6--7是可有内容)

8. 常用的起首语(信件正文首句)1) Thank you for your letter dated Oct. 14, 2004.2) I was so glad to receive your letter of March 1st.3) Your kind letter of May 24th arrived this morning.4) In reply to your letter dated 6th, July, I want to say…5) With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that…6) I am writing to you to ask about the conference to be held in Shanghai.7). I wish to apply for the teaching position you are offering.8). I was shocked to learn that…9) I am too excited and delighted at your good news.10) I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.9.常用的结束语1) Waiting for your good news.2) Looking forward to your early reply.3) Hoping to hear from you soon.4) Your early reply will be highly appreciated.5) Please let us know if you want more information.6) I wish you every success in the coming year.7) Wish best wishes to your family.8) With love and good wishes.9) I hope everything will be well with you.10) I look forward to your early reply at your earliest convenience.

11) I am grateful for your kindness.

12) With many thanks.

13) Regretting the inconvenience caused to you.

14) Hoping that our goods and prices will prove attractive to you.

10. 信封的写法收信人的姓名及地址一般写在信封当中,信封左上角写寄信人的姓名、地址,右上角贴邮票。 例如:

Mr Brown 6 Renmin RoadShanghai


Mr Binks Matrix Toys Line 5 Second Avenue New York U.S.A.


