英美文学名词解释 浪漫主义 湖畔派诗人 十四行诗 拜伦式英雄 无韵诗

发布时间:2019-11-12 14:48:05   来源:文档文库   


1)a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art from late 18th century to early 19th century in Europe.

2)emphasized individual values (个人价值)and aspirations(志向,抱负) above those of society.

3)started from the ideas of Rousseau(卢梭) in France and from the Storm and Stress movement (“狂飙突进”文学运动) in Germany.

4)the characteristics of Romanticism(浪漫主义文学特色):Passion / emotion ,Individualism

5)Representative writers(代表作家):

France:Hugo, Lamartine, George Sand

Germany: Geothe, Schiller

Russia:Pushkin, Lemontove

America (30 years later): Irving, Cooper, Emerson, Thoreau

2.Lake Poets湖畔派诗人

WordsworthColeridge and Southey were known as Lake Poets because they lived and knew one another in the last few years of the 18th century in the district of the great lakes in Northwestern England. The former two published The Lyrical Ballads (抒情诗谣)together in 1798, while all three of them had radical inclinations(主要的喜爱,倾向) in their youth but later turned conservative(保守的) and received pensions(退休金) and poet laureateships(桂冠诗人) from the aristocracy(贵族,统治阶级).


1)A sonnet is a 14 line poem that follows a very specific rhyme scheme(特殊的韵律组合).

2)Sonnets are traditionally love poems.

3)There are two different types of sonnets:

- Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet( 意大利诗人彼特拉克推广的彼特拉克十四行诗):

Named after Francesco Petrarch, an Italian poet from the 14th century

–English or Shakespearean Sonnet:

Created by Henry Howard in the 16th century

4.Ballad meter民谣诗歌音节

Ballad meter is a type of poetry that uses alternating (交替的,轮流的)lines of iambic(抑扬格的) tetrameter(四音部诗) and iambic trimeter(三音格,三音步), with a rhyme scheme of A-B-C-B.

5.Byronic hero拜伦式英雄

1 The Byronic hero is an idealized (理想化的)but flawed (有缺陷的)character exemplified in the life and writings of Lord Byron, characterized by his ex-lover Lady Caroline Lamb as being "mad, bad, and dangerous to know".[1] The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's semi-autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18).


The Byronic hero typically exhibits the following characteristics: high level of intelligence and perception cunning and able to adapt sophisticated and educated self-critical and introspective mysterious, magnetic and charismatic struggling with integrity power of seduction and sexual attraction social and sexual dominance emotional conflicts, bipolar tendencies, or moodinessa distaste for social institutions and norms being an exile, an outcast, or an outlaw "dark" attributes not normally associated with a hero[citation needed] disrespect of rank and privilege a troubled past cynicism arrogance self-destructive behavior

6.Blank verse 无韵诗

is poetry written in unrhymed(无韵律的) iambic pentameter(五音部诗行). It has been described as "probably the most common and influential form that English poetry has taken since the sixteenth century"and Paul Fussell has claimed that "about three-quarters of all English poetry is in blank verse."The preeminent(卓越的) dramatic(戏剧的) and narrative(记叙的) verse form in English and also the standard form for dramatic verse in Italian and German. Its richness and versatility (多面性)depend on the skill of the poet in varying the stresses and the position of the caesura (pause停顿) in each line, in catching the shifting tonal (音调的)qualities and emotional overtones (弦外之音)of the language, and in arranging lines into thought groups and paragraphs

The first documented use of blank verse in the English language was by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey in his translation of the Æneid (c. 1554). He was possibly inspired by the Latin original, as classical Latin verse (as well as Greek verse) did not use rhyme; or he may have been inspired by the Italian verse form of Versi Sciolti , which also contained no rhyme. The play, Arden of Faversham (circa大约 1590 by an unknown author) is a notable (显著的)example of end-stopped blank verse.

Christopher Marlowe was the first English author to make full use of the potential of blank verse, and also established it as the dominant verse form for English drama in the age of Elizabeth I and James I. The major achievements in English blank verse were made by William Shakespeare, who wrote much of the content of his plays in unrhymed iambic pentameter, and Milton, whose Paradise Lost is written in blank verse. Miltonic blank verse was widely imitated in the 18th century by such poets as James Thomson (in The Seasons) and William Cowper (in The Task). Romantic English poets such as William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats used blank verse as a major form. Shortly afterwards, Alfred Lord Tennyson became particularly devoted to blank verse, using it for example in his long narrative poem "The Princess", as well as for one of his most famous poems: "Ulysses". Among American poets, Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens are notable for using blank verse in extended compositions at a time when many other poets were turning to free verse.


《英美文学名词解释 浪漫主义 湖畔派诗人 十四行诗 拜伦式英雄 无韵诗.doc》
