
发布时间:2017-06-06 13:47:47   来源:文档文库   



I. Choose the best item to complete the sentence (10 minutes, 20 points):

1. Scholarships create an _____ for students to excel in their academic achievements.

A. equipment B. incentive C. exception D. expectation

2. The economic growth rate is _____ with the population increase in this region.

A. inevitable B. inaccurate C. inadequate D. incompatible

3. Future supplies of oil will be costly not simply _____ dollars and cents but also in their effects on the environment.

A. in accordance with B. in comparison with C. in terms of D. with respect of

4. The newly-elected Prime Minister and his Cabinet are faced with a host of _____ socioeconomic problems.

A. competent B. compelling C. competitive D. compiling

5. In the last several years, the scientific evidence that human activities could _____ climate has become particularly robust.

A. abrupt B. disrupt C. corrupt D. interrupt

6. Reasonable housing prices should match residents’ incomes and should be _____ to their investment.

A. proportional B. progressive C. appropriate D. disproportionate

7. In World War Two, he _____ with the Nazis to persecute thousands of Jews.

A. corresponded B. collaborated C. allocated D. concurrent

8. China’s house prices are still far from returning to a reasonable level and the country will not _____ efforts to regulate the sector.

A. widen B. tighten C. slacken D. strengthen

9. So the _____ level of gaming, for most people, is an hour a day playing our favorite games.

A. optional B. instrumental C. optimal D. fundamental

10. The police _____ the attention of the kidnappers from the boy by making some strange noises.

A. distracted B. distributed C. scattered D. disguised

11. The jeweler reported that the diamonds were _____; they were not counterfeits(假货、赝品).

A. glorious B. marvelous C. generous D. genuine

12. This year, the government’s top _____ should be curbing inflation or creating more job opportunities.

A. liquidity B. priority C. productivity D. visibility

13. It is said that Wall Street employees can make greater fortune because they have a stronger desire to_____ in stock market..

A. prospect B. inspect C. speculate D. spectacular

14. Drivers must be constantly _____ traffic signals.

A. prone to B. with an intent to C. on the alert to D. regardless of

15. As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the Internet itself is becoming the world’s largest _____ market.

A. emerging B. appearing C. submerging D. ascending

16. In Japan, food safety standards and inspections are unusually more _____ than in the United States.

A. fault-finding B. indispensable C. rigorous D. rational

17. It’s difficult to _____ all his credit card debts, so he had to declare bankruptcy.

A. add to B. pay off C. thirst for D. admit to

18. There are currently 208 men’s national football teams _____ to FIFA(世界足协), the world’s football governing body, through their national football associations.

A. appreciated B. applied C. approved D. affiliated

19. The science fiction writer has developed several _____ in case of an attack from outside space.

A. occasions B. scenarios C. images D. ruins

20. It was, to a great extent, his music-obsessed parents who _____ their own dreams of greatness onto their young son.

A. ejected B. projected C. objected D. congested

II Reading Comprehension (10 minutes, 10 points)

The catastrophic decline around the world of “apex” predators (高级掠食动物)such as wolves, cougars, lions or sharks has led to a huge increase in smaller “mesopredators(中级掠食动物)” that are causing major economic and ecological disruptions, a new study concludes.
  The findings, published in the journal Bioscience, found that in North America all of the largest terrestrial predators have been in decline during the past 200 years while the ranges of 60 percent of mesopredators have expanded. The problem is global, growing and severe, scientists say, with few solutions in sight. For example, in Sub-Saharan African, lion and leopard become less while baboons population has surged. In some cases children are now being kept home from school to guard family gardens from brazen packs of crop-raiding baboons.
  There’s evidence that the explosion of mesopredator populations is very severe and has both ecological and economic repercussions.
  In case after case around the world, the researchers said, primary predators such as wolves , lions or sharks have been dramatically reduced if not eliminated, usually on purpose and sometimes by forces such as habitat disruption, hunting or fishing. Many times this has been viewed positively by humans, fearful of personal attack, loss of livestock or other concerns. But the new picture that’s emerging is a range of problems, including ecosystem and economic disruption that may dwarf any problems presented by the original primary predators.
   The elimination of wolves is often favored by ranchers, for instance, who fear attacks on their livestock. However, that has led to a huge surge in the number of coyotes, a “mesopredator” once kept in check by the wolves. The coyotes attack pronghorn antelope and domestic sheep, and attempts to control them have been hugely expensive, costing hundreds of millions of dollars.
  “The economic impacts of mesopredators should be expected to exceed those of apex predators in any scenario in which mesopredators contribute to the same or to new conflict with humans,” the researchers wrote in their report. “Mesopredators occur at higher densities than apex predators and exhibit greater resiliency to control efforts.”

1. Which of the following animals belong to “mesopredators” based on this passage?

A. Lions and wolves.

B. Wolves and sharks.

C. Baboons and coyotes.

D. Cougars and leopards.

2. According to the passage children do not go to school in order to _____.

A. stay home to drive off baboons destroying crops in their family gardens

B. protect themselves from being attacked by baboons on the way to school

C. keep themselves safe from the aggressive baboons and other predators

D. help prevent the explosion of mesopredator populations near their homes.

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to this passage?

A. Primary predators have often attacked human beings and livestock.

B. The subsequences of reducing primary predators are beneficial to man.

C. It was costly to keep pronghorn antelope and domestic sheep under control.

D. Things get even worsened when we reduce the number of primary predators.

4. The following are reasons for primary predator population declining dramatically EXCEPT _____.

A. habitat degradation

B. hunting or fishing

C. human killing them on purpose

D. mesopredators becoming dominant

5. One word that can best replace “resiliency” in the last paragraph is _____.

A. flexibility B. hatred C. inclination D. tendency

IIITranslate the following paragraph from English to Chinese (20 minutes, 20 points)

Recent US graduates, burdened with an average of $26,000 in loans, are watching closely the debate between Washington’s Republicans and Democrats over how to finance higher education, including details like the interest rates that students pay for loans. But some economists say the real issue is controlling the soaring cost of college at a time when post-secondary schooling is crucial to getting a good job and a middle class salary. Universities say they’re caught between record-high enrollments, a workforce of professors who have the skills to find work elsewhere if they are not well paid, and falling financial support from state governments. While most students made it to graduation, experts worry the high cost of college makes it less likely that bright students from poor families will attend college, depriving the economy of some of the scientists, engineers and others who could help boost growth.

IV. Translate the following paragraph from Chinese to English (20 minutes, 20 points)


V Composition (40 minutes, 30 points)

Write a composition of no less than 250 words based on the following topic: Working and Living in First-Tier Cities or Otherwise? You should compare and contrast different places and give your choice when you graduate with a Master Degree.



I. Voc


6-10 ABCCA

11-15 DBCCA

16-20 CBCBB

II. Reading Comprehension

21-25 CADDA

III. 英译汉:


IV. 汉译英

The purpose of assigning homework to the children is to strengthen their understanding of what they have learned inside the class and improve their skills in the relevant subjects. More importantly, by doing homework children can open up their horizon, and thus enhance their ability to do exploration by themselves. However, if parents tutor their children with their homework, the teachers will not be able to see the students’ real strength, which makes it meaningless for the teachers to assign homework in the first place. Overtime, children’s own thinking will be stifled/ killed, and they will lose their ability to think independently and creatively. Educated like this they will be turned into robots from one generation to the next. If there is a need to offer help, it should be the responsibility of professionally-trained teachers, rather than the kind-hearted parents’.


