
发布时间:2013-02-28 18:02:53   来源:文档文库   


behave oneself 为检点;使

behaviorist/ism n./n. []

socialist/ism n. / n.

capitalist/ism n. 本家;本主/ n. 本主

individualist/ ism n. 利己主者,人主/ n. 人主人特征;利己主

collectivist/ism n. 集体主/ n. 集体主

in a/this way 程度上 /这种方法, 这样, 因此

in an extraordinary way 以不平凡的方式

contribute to sth 有助于;促

=devote to sth

=commit to sth

contribution to 捐助;促成;贡献


count out ;不把算在;拳中判

count on 依靠

=rely on

=depend on

countable adj. 算的;能算的 n. ;可西

=be able to count

a savings account 活期存款

accompany vt. 陪伴,伴;伴奏vi. 伴奏,伴唱

acknowledge vt. ;答报偿;告知已收到

accustom vt. 使习惯

a deposit account 存款帐户

a check account 支票账户

a credit account 信用账户

open an account with the bank 开户

accounting n. 会计会计学帐单v. 述;解accounting

=finance([fai'næns]) n. 财政;金融 vt. 供给经费

account for=consider 的原因,的原因


=interpret [in'tə:prit]

take sth into account 把某事考虑其中

=take sth into consideration

on ones account 了某人;

be accountable for ……负责

=be responsible for

out of 由于;缺乏;自;用(材料)

be in trouble 于困境中

be out of trouble 离麻

in my sight 在我看

under the condition(n. 件;情境;身分) 件下

under construction 在建造中

=being constructed

under discussion 讨论

within one’s reach 在某人能力范围内;在某人伸手可及的地方;

beyond=exceed([ik'si:d]) ,超越

go beyond 超出, 胜过



representative adj. 典型的,有代表性的;n. 代表;典型;

present absent 存的,今的



the present government 今政府

the existing educational system 有的育制度

currency ['kərənsi] n货币;通

presence n. 存在;出席;加;度;仪态

absence n. 缺席;缺乏;有;不注意

at present=today=now 目前,,

supply demand 供需

curves of s&d 供需曲线

supply sb with sth 某人提供某物

provide vt. 定;提供;准;装vi. 抚养定;作准

provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物

provide sth for sb 提供某物给某人

vary from…to ……化到;不等(种类

differ 不同;区别

range form…to 围内变

be distinct from, be different to 不同

ample=enough 充足的,足

=adequate ['ædikwit]

=sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]

rather than 而不是;宁可也不愿

more than 多于;超出;比

The old rather than the young like listening to the news in the morning.

he is more a doctor than a teacher.

=he is a doctor more than a teacher.

would rather do…than do 宁愿做也不愿

=prefer to do…rather than do…

=prefer doing…to doing…

children would rather play than go to school.

children prefer to play rather than go to school.

children prefer playing to going to school.

children prefer to play instead of(代替;不是而是…) going to school.

take up(拿起;开始从事)

=occupy 占据,

occupation 职业专业


take over 接管;接收

take sth in 吸收;领会;理解


take sb in 某人

take after ;像

=be like

=resemble [ri'zembl] vt. 类似,像

assemble [ə'sembl] vt集合,聚集;装配;收集 vi. 集合,聚集

assembly line 装配线[] 流水作业线

apply for

apply to do sth 做某事

apply sth to sth 用于


apply theory to practice 把理论运用到实践中去

application for the job

application to 用于;用到

applicant ['æplikənt] for n. 人,申者;求者

job applicant

postulant, proposer

be applicable for/to 于,适用于

assign sb to do sth 分配某人做某事

assignment ;功


equip sb to do sth 助某人做某事

equipment=facility [fə'siliti] n. 设备,装;器材

be equipped with 装备有

be armed with 武装的

be covered with 覆盖的

be loaded with

be crowded with 挤满

be filled with

The company equiped with the advanced technology is a leading one in the world.

toward=to action of 有助于

trend to ...趋势

employ sb 雇用某人

employer/ee/ment/受雇者/ n. 职业;雇用

staff(集合名) is /are

on the staff of

=be the member of

Stuff(不可)= material()

possess=have=own 有,占有

in possession of() 有,占有

in the possession of () 占有

He is in possession of the factory.

The factory is in the possession of him.

in charge of() 负责

in the charge of() 负责

possessive adj.占有的;

instinctive [in'stiŋktiv] adj. 本能的;直的;天生的

efficiency n. 效率;功效

effective adj. 有效的

put regulation(sth) into effect 使规则生效

=put contract(sth) into operation 使合同生效

=put sth into practice 使投入实践

effect =carry out vt. 行,行;贯彻实现;完成

resist (to) sth 抵抗

=stand sth

resistance to sth 的抵制

be resistant to sth 有抵抗力

pierced ears 穿耳孔的耳

visit sb 访某人

the visit to sth 访

the visitor to the city 游客到城里去

rugged=unsmooth adj. 不平滑的

allow doing sth 做某事

allow sb to do sth 某人做某事

allowing floors to remain intact=unaffected 不受影

provide sth for 提供

in the event of/that 如果

induce= cause 引起;诱导


reduce= decrease




formation n. 形成;造;编队

preform n. 粗加工的成品

uniform adj. 一的;相同的;均衡的;


decentre vt.(使)离中心;

departure n.;出


deliberate adj. 容的;深思熟

=consider carefully

figure=number 字;人物;形象;

even /odd number /

there’s a figure behind the building.

a great figure will visit our city.

figure out=count out ;算出;想出;理解;

=find out

=think out

increase to/by 增加到/增加了


inhale [in'heil] vt. 吸入 vi.

in honor of ...;向致敬

with a view to do sth ...目的

he bought the house with the view to get profit. 了那房子以便得利

result in/from /造成

his hard work results in his success. 他的努力致他的成功。

as the result of 由于; 果;

except 之外 vt. ;把除外

except for 除了以外; 只是

except that 除了之外; 只可惜 [后接名词从]

I have no friends except you.

we know little about her except that she is a doctor.

except for =but for 要不是;只是

paris is a beautiful city except for some rubbish.

maintainance n. 维护;保

comsuption 上岸

remember to/doing 得要做某事/得做某事

admit doing 某事

deny doing 某事

recall vt. 召回;回想起;

remember vt. 得;牢

start off to =set off

=start out

keep up in 集中精力做某事

=keep the high spirit in doing sth

hold to sth ...

=insist on /that

=stick to

stick sth to ...

=attach sth to

tie sth to 系在...

bind sth to ...

the workers bound to() the big machines set free now.

tie this rope to that bottle

hold on=control 控制

tend to do sth 向去做某事

=plan to do sth 计划做某事

the tendency to/of sth 向做某事

trend to ...趋势

claim for 求,要求

=appeal sth





require sb to do sth

request that sb do

it’s requested that sb do

the requirement that sb do

on one’s way to doing sth 正在做某事的程中

in the way 妨碍

=block the way

=obstacle ['ɔbstəkl]

be in the way 路;碍事的

stand in the way 妨碍...

be strict with sth/sb ...

persist in

persist with 耐心地继续下去

persistent adj. 的,持的;持久固的

peruse=read carefully 细读

for your peruse 您参

=for your reference

fight against 抗;反...作斗

resolve=analyze 解析,分析



resolve on=work on

resolve into

=convert into

=change into

affect sb=influence sb 某人

affection n. ,感情;影;感染

effect=influence on sb 某人

effect(动词)=carry out

in effect(后面+on表影) 实际上;生效

take sth into effect 使...生效

sth comes into effect ...始生效

take sth into practice ...诸实践

take sth into operation

take regulation into effect

the effect of the medicine on children


effective adj. 有效的;实际的,

efficient adj. 有效率的;

matter=be important 重要

as the matter of fact 上,实际

=in fact

have trouble (in) doing ...有困

=have difficulty doing
mind doing 介意做某事

the last will 最后一份遗嘱

be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

willingness n. 意;

suffer from 忍受,遭受

enduring=lasting 持久的

endurance n. 忍耐;持久;耐久;忍耐力

prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

=stop sb from doing sth

keep sth from sb 把某事着某人

hide sth from

be safe from danger 逃离危

pretend to do 假装做某事

burst into tears/cheers/laughter 突然...

be covered with ;充...

The little bird can only cover 300 miles.

cover=include 包括

the cover of the book 封面

coverage n. 覆盖,覆盖范

cover the cost of 支付...

at the cost of ...代价

at the price of ...的代价;以...的价格

the dress priced 300 yuan is very dear.

delay ,推

=put off


without any delay 毫不

delay doing sth 迟迟未做某事

prolong=be longer

run dry=become 变干

go red 变红

redden 使...变红

come true 实现

run a company 经营公司


a state-run company 国营公司

=the company run by the state

a private-run company 公司

run wild 失去控制

=out of control

run the chance of being 可能

=may be

run a temperature 发烧

=have a fever

slow down 速,放慢速度;使……慢下

run down 停止


run out=use out 用完;耗

run/take a risk of 冒着...的危

call in 召集

ask for help

call on sb 访某人

call at some place 访问某地

call off=cancel 取消

lest conj. 唯恐,以免;担心

begin with sth ...始;始于...

the equipment of the new hospital is as good as or better than that of the old one.

twice as large as …in size ...倍大小

three times more than ...三次以上

five times less than ...不到五次

twice as much as ...

be superior to ...,...

=be better than

be inferior to ...,次于...

=be worse/less than

superiors and inferiors 领导与


economic crisis 经济危机

domestic affairs 国内;家事 [dəu'mestik] adj. 国内的;家庭的;

political issue 政治问题

bath vt. 洗澡 vi. 洗澡 n. 沐浴;浴室;

bathe vt. 沐浴;用水洗 vi. 洗澡;n. 洗澡;游泳

breath n. 呼吸,息;

breathe vt. 呼吸;使喘息; vi. 呼吸;低;松口

so as to do sth ...

=in order to do sth

so that 了;以便

=in order that

mean to do/doing 打算做…/意味着

intend to do… 打算做

regret to /doing 后悔要做某事/后悔做某事

try to do/doing 努力做某事/尝试做某事

Please try adding some water to it.

I don’t mean to hurt you.

Wasting time means committing suicide().

by means of 凭借...

meanwhile adv. ,其, 此同


It’s important for sb to do sth

It’s very kind of you to help me.

kind adj. 的;容的;令人感激的

selfish adj. 自私的;利己主

foolish adj. 愚蠢的;

clever adj. 明的;机的;熟

wise adj. 明的;明智的;博

sensible adj. 明智的;意到的;通事理的;明

sensitive adj. 敏感的;[] 敏的;感光的;易受害的

touchy adj.易生的;以取;敏的

mean adj. 低劣的;平均的;卑鄙的

generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的

friendly adj. 友好的;切的;支持的;融洽的,和睦的

indifferent adj. 漠不心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的

cool adj. 的;凉爽的

thoughtful adj.的;切的; 深思的

considerate adj. 的;体的;考周到的

on condition that 如果


to the point of 的程度

=to the scale of [skeil] n. 规模;比例

=to the extent of n. 程度;范围;长度

there’s little point (in)doing

It’s no sense doing 必要做某事

There’s no use doing 做某事毫无意

have difficulties doing 做某事有困

It’s no good doing 做某事有用

It’s no easy to do 做某事不容易

therefore 因此

whereas=however 然而;但是


=take into consideration the fact that ...的事实

=but in contrast 正与此相反

tell lies

tell story 故事

tell the truth 说实话

tell sb sth 某人某事

tell sb to do 某人做某事

tell from区分

=distinguish [dis'tiŋɡwiʃ] vt. 分;辨

teller 讲述者

take on=assume sth 承担;呈 [ə'sju:m] vt.承担;呈现;假定

He takes on more interest in reading.

make out 理解;辨认出

make out with sb ...某人相

=on terms with sb

=get along with sb

take to sth 习惯

=develop a habit gradually

=getting accustomed to sth

get over=conquer 克服,战胜


be able to do sth 做某事

=be capable of doing sth

have the ability to do 有能力做某事

=have the capability of doing


disabled adj. 残废的,有缺陷的

blue-eyed adj. 眼睛的;心

warm-hearted adj. 心的

left-handed adj.笨拙的

red-eyed adj. 眼的;眼圈哭

white-haired adj. 的;头发的;受宠爱

enable sb to do 使某人能做某事

=make sb be able to do sth

apart from ...之外


=in addition 另外,此外

on top of, on the side 另外

with regard

=in regard

=in terms of 依据;按照

=in nection with

imaginative [i'mædʒinətiv] adj. 虚构; 富于想像的

imaginable [i'mædʒinəbl] adj. 可想像的

imaginary=fiction adj.虚构,不真实的

=not real

imagery ['imidʒəri] n. 像;意象;比;形象化

self image designer 自我形象设计师

be short of 缺乏...

=lack of

scared at [skεəd] adj. 害怕的

=be shocked at 感到震

be surprised at 感到奇;使感到意外;……很吃

vacant ['veikənt] adj. 的;空的;空缺的;空的;茫然的

bare adj. 空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的

blank adj. 空白的;

empty the bag 和盘托出

grant sb sth 给某人提供某物

=offer sb sth

be admitted to sth 准许做某事;加入

admittedly [əd'mitidli] adv. 地;无可否地;

allowedly, acknowledgedly adv.

entitle(使) sb to sth 某人力做某事

The ticket entitles you to a free seat in the cinema.

If you failed again, you aren’t entitled to try again.

without delay 立即;毫不迟疑

without fail=certainly 必定;

it goes without saying that 不言而,理所

at the beginning of ...

the reason for sth ...的原因

for this reason 此;由于这个原因

reasonable price 合理价格

a couple of young persons

be engaged in 参加,参与

=take part in

reserve sth

=book sth in advance

order sth

place an order with sb for sth 向某人订购某物

order that sb be

order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事

achieve sth vt. 达到;完成

=get sth by effort

succeed in doing sth 成功地做成某事

success in 方面成功

=be successful in

succeed to sth ...

in succession of ;连续地


successive adj. 连续的;承的;依次的;接替的




spoil one’s pleasure 破坏某人

crash into sth/sb 撞到...;闯入

car/air crash 车祸/机失事

culture crash/conflict/shock 文化冲突


cast light on sth 明某事

be subjected to sth 受到遭受

=suffer from 受到,遭受

=experience vt.经历;体

subject to 使遭受;使服

on condition that 如果

We can place an order with you, subject to your price being cut , say, 8%.

be ejected from 驱逐出 [i'dʒekt] vt. 驱逐;喷射

=be driven from

The foreigner has broken the Chinese law, so he was ejected from china.

one and another/the other 互相/另一

some... and others 有的有的

others 其他人

the rest 其余的

other students 其余

revive [ri'vaiv] vt. 使苏醒;恢复

=come or bring back




it has been two years since his father died.

lay [去式laid 去分laid 在分laying ] vt.

This book has lain here for.

had better 最好...

would rather 宁可...

settle the problem 决问题

settle down 定居;安定下心于

in public adv. 地,当众

before public 面对公众

in front of 前面

he is standing before the court.

take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

take steps/paces to do sth 采取步做某事

use the method 采用

the way to … 通向的路

=the path to...

sharply down/up 下降/上升

sharp words 怒的,激烈的严厉争吵

sharpen ['ʃɑ:pən] 使...

be worth doing 得做...

be worthy of doing 得做..

be worthwhile to do... 得做..

the book is worth reading.

the car needs reparing. 用主表被(wantneed)

=the car needs to be reparied.

the classroom wants cleaning.

worthy 得的



a worthy winner/son 名副其获奖/傲的

worthwhile=valuable 有价

This house is worthwhile. it is worthy of buying.

It is worth 5 million.

keep contact with ...保持

contact sb 系某人

contrast to 形成

continual [kən'tinjuəl] adj. 繁的;持

continuous adj. 连续的,持的;继续的;连绵continuous casting 连铸连续浇铸

continuous improvement 取不懈

continuous innovation 连续创

continuous line 实线连续线

continuous operation 连续操作;连续运

continuous caster 连铸机,连续铸造机

continuous production 连续;流水生

continuous beam 连续

continuous process 连续过程;连续法;连续加工

continuous flow 连续流;持续气

continuous wave 连续波;等幅波

continuous progress 连续进

continuous function 连续连续功能

continuous phase 连续相(体系的外相)

continuous cropping n. 作,连种

continuous measurement 连续测量;连续计

continuous variable 连续变

continuous system 连续连续式;连续

continuous annealing furnace 连续退火

continuous power 连续运行功率;[]连续电


these apples can go around us.

bound adj. 束的 vt. vi. 限制

bind sth to ......

sth be bound to sth 某物被在于...

pack up 整理;把打包

retreat vt . 后退;(被迫)退却;撤退

perform vt. 先形成 n. 粗加工的成品

lay out=arrange 安排

turn on/off 发动 / 掉,关闭;拐,使转变方向

tune out, shut off ;

turn out sth


turn out to be 果是

=prove sth finally

solve the problem

the solution to the problem

for fear that 生怕,唯恐;以免;以防万一

hold sb in=stop


slow down 速;使...慢下

a is the basis of b. a的基b

b is based on a. b基于a

the basement 地下室

basic adj. 基本的;基

base adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的 vt. 作基

advantages and disadvantages 点和缺点

intensive 集中的

extensive 广泛的

subway n.;地道 vi.乘地

submarine n. 潜水艇;海底生物

subtitle n. 标题

subcontinent n. 次大

subculture n. 文化群

subatomic adj. [] 原子的;原子

minor adj. 小的;次要的;


get profit

bring in


=put forward

his company brought in a lot last year.

bring out


bring up


bring about 引起


account for sth 的原因


= interpret [in'tə:prit]

prepare for ...

make preparation for ...

relate=say=state ,

relate to sth 提及,涉及...


relation to sb 某人有

relatives 亲属



regard sth as

in regard

=regarding prep. 于,至于

be regarding to be

=be expecting to be sth

assemble=meeting 聚集

the assembled watch 装的手表

resemble=be like 像,

=take after ……相像

aim at 针对准;目的在于

aim to do sth 目的做.../ 打算做....

intend to do sth 打算做....

intention to do/of sth 打算做....

oppose to sth ...

be away from=be off

be far away from ...

rely on 依靠

=depend on

=count on

reliable adj. 可靠的;可信

dependable adj. 可靠的,可信的;可信任的

countable adj. 算的;能算的

I’m sure that… 我确定

It’s certain that… 我确定

come to terms with sth 达成一致

=come to an agreement

=come to conclusion

establish …between ...建立联系

get the relationship to ...建立联

get connection with ...建立联

be similar to 相似

be the same as 相同

be familiar with ...熟悉

similarity n. 似;相似点

like to do/doing 做某事(特指一次) / 做某事(常性的)

dislike to do 不喜做某事

be unlike 不同的,不像的

likes and dislikes 欢与厌恶

and the like 等等;依次

=and so on

be likely to do sth 可能做某事

=be possible to do sth

a likely reason 可能的原因

possibility n. 可能性;可能生的事物

likelihood n. 可能性,可能 adv.地;也
equally, too, similarly, also, same

moreover/also 此外;而且

likewise 同样地;

in the same way 地;以同的方式

as well, in the same manner 同样地;也;

ought to do =should 应该

actor 男演员

actress 女演员

action 行动;活动;

act=law 法律 vt. 扮演

acting adj. 代理的;装腔作势的 n. 演技;演戏;假装

These figures suggest(非虚拟语气) that the price of the stock is up sharply.

would be up

should be up

will be up

is up

While standing on the top of the mountain, the whole city can be seen.

while we standing ...

The old man is sitting there, with his hands resting on his knees.

I’m sorry for my father’s coming late.

by intention(n. 意图;目的;意向) 故意;有意

=do sth intentionally([in'tenʃənli]) 故意做某事

do sth on purpose 故意做某事

the purpose for sth 做某事的意图

by mistake 错误地;无意中地

rise—arise(vi.)=appear 出现

sleep—asleep 睡着的

wake—awake 醒着的

wait—await(vt.) 等待

wait for sb 等待某人

=await sb

praise sb for sth 因某事表扬某人

apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉

give the apology to sb for 因某事向某人道歉

thank sb for sth 因某事感谢某人

give thanks to sb for 因某事感谢某人

blame to sb 责怪某人

whom do you blame to 某人被责怪

scold sb for sth 因某事责怪某人

delay (in) doing 在某一方面延迟

require=request=ask 需求


inquire 询问


inquiring desk 咨询处

acquire=obtain 获得,得到

learned taste 学来的品味

invoice ['invɔis] vt. 开发票 n. 发票

receive vt. 收到;接待;接纳

on receipt of 已收到...

=have received

in receipt([ri'si:t]) of 一收到...

=as soon as receive

stand up to 抵抗

=resist to

pretty well/much=almost adv.几乎

scarely had sb done sth...when…

hardly had sb done …when

=no sooner had sb done…than

It’s the high time that I +虚拟语气

It’s the first time that I +完成时

convince sb that 使某人相信

sb convinced that 某人相信

scenery ['si:nəri] n. 风景;景色;舞台布景

scenic ['si:nik] n. 风景胜地;风景照片

scene [si:n] n. 情景;景象;场面;事件

preferable 喜爱的


considerate adj.体贴的;周到的

considerable 相当大的

=quite large

available adj. 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的


be available to 可以接受

Being nurses should be available to each weekend.

access to 接近

be accessable to 接近

She rushed out before saying good bye.

remedy=cure 治疗

feasible(['fi:zəbl])=workable 可行的

unusual 不平常的

expand to 变大

=become larger

extend to =make longer 延伸

=spread 传播;伸展

show off 炫耀

show up to =appear 出现

=attend 出席

turn down=refuse 拒绝

turn in sth=undo=cancel 取消,撤销

unlock 解锁

unload 卸货

turn to sth ...求助

take turns to do sth 轮流做某事

agree to sb/with sth 同意;建议某人/ ...意见一致

object to 反对...

oppose vt. 反对;对抗,抗争

find fault with sb/sth 抱怨...

=complain about

fault-finder 挑剔者

I didn’t receive your letter until yesterday.

It was not until yesterday that I received your letter.

Not until yesterday did I receive your letter.

regret to /doing 遗憾做某事/ 遗憾做过某事

regretted vt. regret的变形 感到遗憾的?

regrettable adj. 可惜的;

regretful adj. 遗憾的

make sth of sb 培养某人成为

=cultivate /educate sb to be

His father wants to make a doctor of his son.

make an appointment with ...有约会

=have a date with sb

date out

respect 尊敬

respected 受尊敬的

respecting 令人尊敬的;关于

respectable 值得尊敬的;

respectful 充满敬意的

respective 各方面的;分别的;各自的

The twin brothers have their respective rooms.

exhaustive([iɡ'zɔ:stiv])=complete 筋疲力尽的;彻底的


