
发布时间:2014-05-26 11:48:31   来源:文档文库   



别: 地球科学与资源系

 业: 资源勘查工程







地壳表层岩石矿石风化作用而形成的矿床。风化作用大多发生在潜水面附近或其上,因此,风化矿床的深度一般距地面不超过数十米,特殊情况下达 100200,个别可达15002000米。风化矿床规模以中小型为主,个别大型或超大型矿床面积达数千平方公里,储量几亿吨甚至超过 100亿吨。矿石疏松,便于开采加工。风化矿床中最多的是铁矿和铝土矿,其次是镍、锰、铀、铜、稀土元素、粘土、磷灰石、菱锰矿。其中镍矿床和铝土矿床在世界镍和铝的生产中占有重要地位,其他矿种也对产地经济有重要影响。


1 影响风化成矿作用的因素  






















Weathering mineral deposit


Rock or mineral surface weathering crust and formation of ore deposits.Weathering occurs mostly near the phreatic surface or on it, therefore, the depth of the weathering deposits generally no more than dozens of meters from ground, special cases from 100 to 200 meters, the individual can reach 1500 ~ 2000 meters.Weathered ore deposit scale is given priority to with small and medium, large or superlarge individual area of thousands of square kilometers, reserves of hundreds of millions of tons of even more than 10 billion tons.Ore loose, facilitate mining processing.Weathered ore deposit is the most in iron ore and bauxite, followed by nickel, manganese, uranium, copper and rare earth elements, clay, apatite, rhodochrosite.The nickel deposit and bauxite deposit in the world occupies an important position, in the production of nickel and aluminum, the other minerals also have important effects on producing area economy.

Key wordsWeathering; Deposit; Residual; Illuviation

1 Factors affecting weathering mineralization

Basically has the following several aspects

(1) The original rock composition. Weathering of original rock is the source of ore-forming materials. Basic and ultrabasic rock with high content of Fe, Ni, and easy to weathering, and beneficial to form the weathering of iron, nickel deposit. And like a feldspathic rock weathering can form various kinds of clay or bauxite deposit.

(2) The weather conditions. It has a decisive effect on weathering mineralization. High temperature is beneficial to the decomposition of the original rock and brought out one of the alkali and alkaline earth metal, damp climate rainfall amount and conducive to weathering, therefore the most favorable for the formation of weathering deposits in tropical and subtropical region.

(3) The terrain factors. Mountainous terrain elevation difference is big, weathering products is not easy to keep; Strongly flattened terrain, also go against weathering mineralization continuous; Between the low mountains and hills area the most beneficial to the growth of weathered ore deposit.

(4) The phreatic surface. Above the phreatic surface, strong chemical and leaching effect made residual material enrichment, and below it may produce leaching material enrichment. So the diving depth is moderate, the decomposition of the rock and leaching, favorable for the formation of weathered ore deposit.

(5) Geological structure. Big fissure zone and fracture zone, and determine the position of weathering deposits and extending direction, but also control the depth of weathering deposits. Tectonic movement also affect the preservation conditions of weathering deposits, weathering deposits on the structural lung area vulnerable to erosion, weathering deposits are buried in subsidence area, only in the case of small settlement, weathering deposits can be covered and preserved.

(6) Time factor.Good weathering deposits both scale and quality, take a long time.Known weathering deposits, mostly in the tertiary, quaternary or Mesozoic formation.History of the earth's crust development around the world are not completely consistent, their weathering deposits forming time is different, but they are late in all previous crustal movement, formed in a stable platform.

2 Types of ore deposits

Weathering deposits according to the morphology of ore deposit can be divided into deposit along the surface of the earth's surface development type, linear deposits along the rock broken zone and along the contact surfaces of the two kinds of rock contact type deposit.Zoning by weathering profile and its forming mechanism can be divided into the top of the crust of weathering eluvial placer deposit, diving residual ore deposit and dive below the surface on the surface of the deposit.Because the eluvial placer is physical weathering products, and its characteristics and other metallogenic regularity and causes of the placer deposit (see sedimentary deposit), and therefore can be classified as placer deposit.

3 The residual deposit

Surface after chemical weathering and biological weathering rock, part of the material was leached, and the other part of the residual accumulation in the weathering crust of deposits, also known as residual ore deposit.Weathering residual substance is stable under the condition of the surface of the earth, including iron and aluminum is the most stable, after weathering as iron ore and bauxite in the upper crust of weathering mineralization and enrichment.Silica, phosphorus, manganese and cobalt, nickel, copper, uranium, vanadium is a bit poor stability, in other conditions favorable, can form oxides, phosphate and other stable oxygen salts as residual ore deposit.

Has the following several important residual ore deposit

(1) Red clay type iron ore deposit.Ultrabasic rock in hot, humid area after a strong weathering leaching effect, magnesium and silicon are groundwater away from the rock, most low iron into high iron, high water cut of formation of refractory iron oxide, and then dehydration into hematite.The results form the laterite weathering crust, the upper iron up to more than 50% to become rich iron ore.Within the ore body is the original rock residue rich in chromium, titanium, vanadium mineral or after weathering residues of cobalt, nickel, manganese ore, can direct smelting into high quality alloy steel.Famous western Australia hammer, rich iron ore, ore 24.48 billion tons, Cuba card la just natural alloy rich ore of iron ore 17.8 billion tons, in addition, in Indonesia, the Philippines, the former Soviet union, the United States also have distribution.Less development of this type of ore deposits in China, but in north China's shanxi type iron ore, at least in part, is a product of iron carbonate rock weathering.

(2) The red clay type bauxite deposits.Growth in tropical and subtropical regions of alkaline rock and rock weathering crust.Here by separate strong weathering of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions, make alkaline water, can dissolve and out of the silicon dioxide, and residual aluminum in the weathering crust formed sanshui LvShi and LvShi monohydrate, symbiosis with iron oxide and clay, be easy in refining of high quality aluminum ore, is an important source of aluminum.And Arkansas in the United States and Brazil, guinea, India's central plateau has this type of ore deposits.Another type of bauxite deposit is mainly limestone weathering products, known as terra rossa type bauxite, are formed after LvShi limestone weathering iron oxide and clay, measures were taken to karst depressions with a bauxite;Some may be near laterite weathering products, handling by running water in to the limestone cave, so also known as karst type bauxite deposits.This ore deposit distribution in Mediterranean countries and India, the former Soviet union and other places.China's guangxi pingguo bauxite is primary bauxite by the weathering of the Permian collapsing.

(3) Type laterite nickel ore deposit.Also called silicate mineral deposit, composed of ultrabasic rock weathering.Production in the tertiary, quaternary or living with tropical and subtropical serpentinite weathering crust.When the ultrabasic rock weathering, with such quality as mixed with nickel in olivine and pyroxene into the serpentine, serpentine again after the decomposition, nickel analysis, namely into the solution, from top to bottom weathering crust, with secondary nickel minerals and enrichment of nickel minerals to settle and form industrial.Famous new caledonia in the south Pacific (French) silicate nickel deposit, big.China's yunnan and Taiwan also have this type of ore deposits.

(4) Residual clay deposits.Rock zhongfu aluminum silicate minerals in warm humid climate conditions of weathering, and form the accumulation of clay mineral is given priority to, according to the original rock composition and weathering degree and formation kaolin ore deposit or bentonite deposit.Kaolin with montmorillonite as the main ingredient, it is in the process of acidic and alkaline silicate rock weathering, has yet to reach the free alumina phase, formed the silicate minerals, and medium acidic leaching the iron.China mining kaolin ore deposit has a long history, mainly in the Yangtze river downstream of a few provinces, kaolin ore is mica granite and granite pegmatite weathering products.Bentonite is given priority to with montmorillonite, is formed by intermediate-acid volcanic rock weathering.Jurassic and cretaceous volcanic rocks in eastern China has a wide distribution of bentonite, part is formed by weathering.Such as jilin 9 bentonite deposits in the main output of calcium bentonite is weathering residual ore deposit, and the sodium bentonite is volcanic eruption intermittent period, deposited in the lake.

(5) Residual rare earth elements deposits.Acidic magmatic rocks in the dispersion of rare earth minerals are released when the rock weathering, in ionic form by clay mineral adsorption, and the enrichment of mineralization in the weathering crust, also known as the ion adsorption type rare earths mineral deposits.China nanling region have granite weathering residual heavy rare earth elements deposits (yttrium).East China's rhyolitic porphyry contains light rare earth element is more, when rock weathering enrichment.

4 Deposit formed by superficial leaching

Refers to the original rock of active substances, after weathering leaching was taken to a nearby groundwater enrichment of the rock formation of the deposit.The formation of this deposit not only decided by the geochemical nature of ore-forming elements, also need to have clear geochemical barrier, mainly is the diving movement of the block and the physical and chemical environment of rapid change.Spray deposition of the uranium ore, copper is a common deposit.

(1) Illuviation uranium deposits.The original rock weathering, the dispersion of uranium compounds was taken out to the favorable sedimentary enrichment.Uranium is a base element, when containing 4 price of uranium in uranium ore become 6 price of uranium oxide, it is easy to be leaching bring, met with the precipitation of uranium in migration agent, it turns into the sediments of enrichment.The uranium deposits of time and space distribution is very wide, can divide again glutenite of uranium deposits and coal, or bituminous rock uranium deposits in the two classes.The former Colorado plateau of vanadium uranium deposit in the United States, the most famous is the reductant, and the latter is due to the coal asphalt promoted the diving in the concentration and mineralization of uranium compounds.

(2) Copper deposition.Often in the red layer, are widely distributed, copper and uranium symbiosis, often also has a separate mineralization.Complex causes, this kind of deposit with syngenetic sedimentary and leaching deposit again.Pour into the copper ore of copper oxide and oxygen salt (carbonate, etc.), is dispersed native sulfur after oxidation, migration, accumulation of near the phreatic surface.


