Theme parks说课稿-

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Theme parks fun and more than fun
你有一个苹果,我有一个苹果,我们交换后各自仍只有一个苹果;你有一种思想,我有一种思想,我们交流后各自会拥有两种思想。很高兴有这样一个机会与各位老师分享我的教学计划和教学思想。我说课的题材是人教版高一必修4第五单元阅读课Theme parksfun and more than fun.我的说课内容由以下8个部分组成。 .对教材的认识
阅读”(reading 部分介绍了主题公园—— 一种围绕一个或多个主题展开,提供游戏﹑展览﹑演出的娱乐中心。并举了三个例子(Disneyland, Dollywood, Camelot Park来说明主题公园的多样性和丰富性。表明人们不仅可以在这种公园中使自己身心放松并得到娱乐,同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和有益的体验。这篇文章属于说明文,按照由总到分的方式来安排顺序,包含了较多新单词和短语,涉及了定语从句,动词-ing 形式的用法,在整个单元教学中起着重要的作用。 .教学重点和难点 教学重点:
帮助学生理解课文主旨大意,把握主要细节信息。 教学难点
1. 如何帮助学生扫除词汇障碍,运用恰当的阅读技巧来提取信息和分析信息。
2.让学生了解主题公园的含义和发展。懂得它带给人们的不仅仅是娱乐,还有各种各样的知识和激动人心的体验,从而加深对文章标题Theme parks have fun and more than fun的理解。淘@课件网 .三维教学目标 知识目标
1. 理解文章主旨大意,抓住主要细节信息,把握篇章结构。
2. 学习并掌握本单元教学大纲中所列的词汇(themecentralvariousbe famous for ……
3.理解重难点句。 能力目标
训练学生的阅读技巧,如略读(skimming,寻读(scanning 理解(comprehending等。 情感态度
1. 让学生体会主题公园的魅力,保持一种乐观的生活态度。 2. 引导学生处理好学与玩的关系。 .说学情
2.他们思想活跃,好奇心强,愿意配合老师进行阅读活动探究。 3.有些同学不知如何在学习和娱乐中寻找平衡点。 .说教法
@ 高中英语五层次阅读教学模式为:循序渐进——新法导入,激活图式;阶段侧重——读略读,构建文意;深入篇章,综合推理;精讲精练——结合语境,识记词句;五技并举——活运用,形成能力 .说学法
陶行知先生曾指出先生的责任不在教,而在教学生如何学学法指导在英语教学中非常重要。 1培养学生养成课前自学的习惯 高中阶段的生词量逐步加大、课文篇幅也逐步加长,因此自学很重要。它可以使学生掌握学习的主动权,增强听课效率,否则上新课时就会心中无数、不得要领。
4.指导学生课后及时复习,反复练习,巩固已学知识。 .教学工具
电脑课件和黑板 (以电脑课件为主 .教学程序 1. Lead-in (导入)

Greet the whole class as usual. Show the following pictures on the computer screen And ask the students:
Who are they?
Where can you meet them? ( in Disneyland
In this way, I introduce theme parks to my students: Disneyland is not a traditional park but a theme park. You can have fun and more than fun in it. Now, please skim the passage on page 34. 3.Skimming(略读)
Give my students five minutes to skim the passage and then answer the following questions on the screen: What a theme park is?
Which theme parks are mentioned in the passage? I’ll remind my students that skimming is not reading in detail, but reading quickly to grasp only the main idea. 4. Scanning (寻读
Ask the students to read the passage again and fill in the blanks according to the pictures and key words. The first theme park

Name: Disneyland Location:
In several parts of the world

Fairy tale stories Attractions:
Travelling through space Visiting a pirate ship
Meeting fairy tale or Disney cartoon characters Riding in a swinging ship Going on a free-fall drop

The second theme park

Name: Dollywood Location:
In the Smoky Mountains inthe southeastern USA Theme:
America’s traditional southeastern culture Activities:
Listening to famous country music^课件网 Watching carpenters and craftsmen making objects Trying traditional candies
Riding on the only steam engine train Watching bald eagles in the preserve
Riding on the old wooden roller coasters, thunderhead which is famous for having the most length in the smallest space.

The third theme park

Name: Camelot Park Location: In England Theme:
Ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies Activities:
Watching magic shows
Seeing fighting with swords or on horseback in the jousting area Visiting the farm area and learning about farms in ancient England
I designed this activity to help my students learn new words and grasp the important information about the three different theme parks. I will divide the whole class into six groups to have a competition in filling in the above blanks and then decide which group is the best one. In this way, I can arouse their interests._课件网 3. Comprehending(对文章进行深层挖掘)
1 Where do you think you would see this kind of writing? A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a story book
D. a guide book 2 Which statement is true according to the passage?
A. Disneyland can be found everywhere. B. Dollywood has the only electric train still working in the USA.
C. Camelot park has an ancient English farm. D. Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in ancient England. 3 What is the meaning of the title “Theme Parks—Fun and More Than Fun”? A. You can have a good time in it
B. You can learn something in it C. Theme parks are more interesting than traditional parks D. Theme parks are fun to visit and can also be educational 4.Summarizing
Ask the students to use the new words and expressions to fill in the blanks to retell the passage. 5.Discussion
Design a new theme park that will attract as many visitors as possible. The following questions can help you: 1. What is the name of your park?
2. What is the theme of your park? 3. What kind of attractions will you have in your park? 4. What do you expect visitors to learn from it? 6.Homework
Ask the students to read the passage again and do exercises123 on page 36.


《Theme parks说课稿-.doc》
