
发布时间:2018-10-22 20:57:18   来源:文档文库   
PRC Due Diligence Documents Preliminary Request List for M&A并购项目中国尽职调查文件初步清单Human Resources劳动人事1Please provide the following documents and the statements regarding the following status.请提供下列文件并就下列情况提供说明。2Where the request is not applicable, please fill in with "N/A".如有关要求确实不适用,请填入“不适用”。3Agreements, licenses etc referred to below cover rights granted either to or by the Company 下述协议和许可等,其中包含由公司授予的或授予公司的权力。1.1. orgnization.请提供本企业的愿景(长期发展目标)、使命和企业价值观1.2. Please list the HR management and organization development actions in 2007 and plans for 2008-1010请列举企业在2007年已经实施和计划在2008-2010年实施的人力资源或组织发展方面的举措2. Organization Structure 组织机构状况2.1. Operating history. Please specify any M&A activities happened before including acquisition, business spin-off, asset purchase etc. Please specify how you handle employment issues in such cases.运营历史:请说明公司历史上发生的如兼并收购,业务剥离,所有权变化等事件;请说明在这些事件过程中,公司员工的劳动关系进行了如何的处理;2.2. Employee category, the description for every category including: competancy requirement,working experience, management range and etc. Please also clarify the principle and standard to divide those category and the headcount in every grade.公司内员工的级别划分,每一级别的描述,包含能力要求、工作年限、管理范围等,请说明岗位级别的评估原则和标准,并请提供目前在每一级别上的具体员工数量;2.3. Organization structure(detail as every in-direct employee especially those who have people management responsibility);the headcount for every department and if there is any headcount change plan, as increase or retrench in 2008-2009, please provide the reason and planed headcount.公司组织架构图(请细到每一位有人员管理职能的管理人员和办公室人员);各部门人数,各部门2008.2009和2010年计划的人员变动情况;如果未来一到三年计划人数有变动,请说明原因;


