The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记第一季20集中英双语剧本

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看吸血鬼日记学英语第一季20集:Blood Brothers Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"... previously: 先前的 vampire: 吸血鬼 diary: 日记 吸血鬼日记前情提要…… -Stefan: For over a century I have lived in secret, century: 世纪 secret: 秘密 一个世纪以来,我都秘密地生活着。 Until now, I know the risks, but I have to know her. until: 直到…时 risk: 危险 have to: 必须 我知道这很危险,但我必须要认识她。 -Damon: Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. dead: 全然的,死亡的 ringer: 长的像的人 dead ringer: 酷似某人 Elena,她简直就是Katherine的翻版。 -Stefan: I want you all to myself. all to: 所有 我想要你只属于我一个人。 -Catherine: Just as he wants me, but I'm the one who gets to make all the rules. just as: 正如 rule: 规则 他也想要独占我,但我才是制定游戏规则的人。 -Old Salvatore: Go get the Sheriff. We have a vampire. sheriff: 警长 去找警长,我们发现了一个吸血鬼。 -Stefan: No. Don't take her! 不,不要带走她! -Old Salvatore: You'll be killed along with them. along with: 和……一起 你会和他们一起被杀。 -Stefan: Then let me be killed. 那么让我也被杀了吧。 Damon, we'll get her back. Damon 我们会把她救回来 -Damon: Don't you think that you've done enough? enough: 足够的,充分的 你觉得你做得还不够吗? Stefan's still drinking human blood. Stefan还在喝人血。 -Amber: Aah! 啊! -Elena: Stefan! Stefan啊! -Damon: Stefan. Stefan啊! -Stefan: Blood brings out what's inside of me. brings out:: 带出 inside: 里面的 人血只是暴露出内在的我而已。 -Elena: I'm not gonna give up on you, Stefan. gonna: <美俚> =is going to 我不会放弃你的Stefan。 I believe in you. 我相信你。 -Stefan: Stop! Stop! Stop! I'm so sorry. 闭嘴!闭嘴!别说了!太对不起了。 -Elena: It's ok. You're gonna be ok. 没什么,你会好起来的。 -Jonathan Gilbert: Get him in. 把他关进去。 We have to get to the church. They're waiting. church: 教堂 我们得去教堂,他们在等着呢。 -Stefan: Circle around that way. I'll distract them. 绕到那边去,我去引开他们。 circle: 绕行 distract: 分散(注意力) Go. 去吧。 -Jonathan Gilbert: Over here! 在那里! There's another one! Quick! 又一只吸血鬼!快点! Help me! 帮我! Arm yourselves. arm: 武装 保护好你们自己。 -Stefan: We don't have long. 我们的时间不多。 -Damon: Katherine. Katherine. Katherine吗?嘿,Katherine。 We're gonna get you out of here. 我们会救你出去。 -Stefan: Damon, hurry, hurry. hurry: 赶快 Damon,快点,快点。 -Damon: Aah! 啊! -Stefan: No! No. Damon. 不要!不要。Damon。 -Jonathan Gilbert: Come on. Here we go. 快点,我们走。 -Stefan: Uhh! 啊! -Damon: Stefan. 嘿 ,Stefan。 -Elena: Stefan. 嘿,Stefan。 I love you, Stefan. 我爱你,Stefan。 -Elena: It's so hard to see him locked up like this. lock: 锁 看他锁在里面我真难受。 -Damon: You're the one who locked him up. 你就是那个把他锁起来的人。 -Elena: You helped. 你也帮忙了。 -Damon: I couldn't have him running around chewing on people run around: 四处跑 chew: 咀嚼 镇里现在正在搜寻吸血鬼, while the town was looking for vampires, now, could I? 我能看着他到处乱跑随便吸血么? -Elena: It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him. have nothing to do with: 与……无关 actually: 实际上 care about:: 关心 这和你实际上很关心他一点关系都没有。 -Damon: Your thing, not mine. 那是你的事,与我无关。 -Emily: Katherine had me make that for you weeks ago. Katherine几周前让我给你做的。 -Stefan: Where am I? 我在哪? -Emily: The quarry just north of town. quarry: 采石场 north: 北面的 镇北面的采石场。 My brother and I brought you here last night. 我哥哥和我昨晚把你带来的。 We found you dead in the woods. wood: 树林 我们发现你躺在树丛里,死了。 -Stefan: Where's Damon? Damon在哪里? Am I here... 我是不是已经…… -Emily: Not yet, you are in transition. yet: 还,尚 transition: 过渡 还没,你还在过渡期。 -Stefan: But how? I... 怎么可能?我……... -Emily: You had Katherine's blood in your system when you died. 你死的时候,身体里已经有了Katherine的血液。 -Stefan: No. I never... 不可能,我从没…… -Emily: She's been compelling you to drink it for weeks, Stefan. compel: 强迫 她控制着你喝人血喝了好几周,Stefan。 -Stefan: And Damon? 那Damon呢? -Emily: No compulsion was necessary. compulsion: 强迫,强制 necessary: 需要 完全不需要"思维强制"。 He drank from her willingly. willingly: 自愿地 他自愿为她喝血。 -Damon: I woke up last night. I didn't know where I was. wake up: 醒来 我昨天晚上醒来,不知道自己当时在哪。 I went to the church. 我去了教堂。 And I watched them drag her inside. drag: 拖,拉 看见他们把她拽进去。 Then they set fire to it. set fire: 放火 然后放了一把火。 And the whole church went up into flames. go up: 烧毁 flame: 火焰 整个教堂淹没在一片火海之中。 They killed her, Stefan. 他们杀了她,Stefan。 She's gone. 她死了。 -Elena: Did you ever figure out what that is? figure out: 弄明白 你到底弄没弄清过那是什么? -Damon: I Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work. nope: <美俚>没有 whatever: 无论什么 work: 起作用 没有,不论它是什么,反正用不了了。 -Elena: Pearl didn't say anything else about it? Pearl没说什么了吗? -Damon: She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, steal: 偷 compass: 指南 针 她觉得自己偷了他的吸血鬼指南针, but it was a pocket watch. pocket: 口袋 pocket watch: 怀表 但实际上不过是块怀表。 That Jonathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist. crazy: 疯狂的 scientist: 科学家 那个Jonathan Gilbert是个科学狂人。 Have you spoken to your uncle lately? 你最近和你叔叔聊过吗? -Elena: I've been avoiding him, actually. avoid: 避免,躲避 实际上,我一直在躲着他。 That, and I've been here most nights. 而且,大多数晚上我都在这里。 -Damon: So, you'll be here again tonight? 所以你今天晚上还会在这里? -Elena: That a problem? 有问题吗? -Damon: Yes. 有。 You're a complete nuisance. complete: 完全的 nuisance: 令人讨厌的事物 你完全是个讨人厌的家伙。 -Elena: Heh. I'll see you later. 呵,晚些见。 -Anna: Hey. Surprise. 嘿,见到我很惊喜吧。 -Jeremy: What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么? -Anna: Picking up this. pick up: 拿,取 来拿这个。 -Jeremy: A class schedule? schedule: 时刻表 一份课程表? -Anna: Starting tomorrow, I'm officially a student here. officially: 正式地 从明天开始,我就正式成为这里的学生了。 -Jeremy: You're kidding me, right? kid: 开玩笑 你开玩笑吧,是不是? -Anna: No. I finally beat my mom down. Heh. finally: 最后 beat: 打败 没有,我最终赢了我母亲了,呵呵。 -Jeremy: But why would you want to go to high school? 但是你为什么想来上高中? It blows. blow: 吹气【无聊,乏味】 多无聊。 -Anna: Do I really need to answer that? 我真的需要回答这个问题吗? -Jeremy: You'd suffer through all this just to hang out with me? suffer: 遭受 hang out: 停留 你费了这么大心血,只是想和我待在一起? -Anna: Yeah. 是的。 I would. 我想。 -Jeremy: That's, um... 这,嗯……. -Anna: Stupid? Pathetic? pathetic: 可怜的 很傻?很可怜? Old lurky me? lurky: 阴谋的,埋伏的 还是觉得我和以前一样,有什么阴谋? -Jeremy: It's awesome. awesome: 极好的 这太好了。 It's awesome. 真的太好了。 -Damon: Brought you something to eat... 给你拿了点吃的来。 100% Stefan diet approved. diet: 饮食 approve: 赞成 100%是Stefan标准饮食。 You know what will happen if you don't eat. 你知道如果你不吃会怎么样。 You'll let all rotting and crusty. rot: 腐烂 crusty: 粗犷的 你的身体会腐烂,你的脾气会更加暴躁。 -Stefan: I'm not hungry. 我不饿。 -Damon: Of course you are. 你当然饿。 We're eternally hungry. Take it. eternally: 永久地 我们永远都在饥饿当中。拿着。 The human blood should be gone by now. 现在你身体里的人血应该都没了。 You want to explain why you're still in here feeling sorry for yourself? 你想解释下为什么你还要在这里自找罪受吗? Come on. Drink up. 算了吧,喝了它。 Fine. Starve. starve: 挨饿 好吧,饿着吧。 What do I care? 关我什么事? Hello? 你好? - Alaric: Hey, it's Alaric Saltzman. 嘿,我是Alaric Saltzman。 -Damon: Before I hang up, how did you get this number? hang up: 挂断(电话) 在我挂断之前告诉我,你怎么知道我号码的? - Alaric: Ah, it's a mystery. Listen, I've, uh, mystery: 秘密,神秘的事 啊,这是个秘密。听着,我,嗯, been doing some digging on Elena's uncle. dig on: 调查,挖掘 一直在对Elena的叔叔做调查。 you interested? 你有兴趣吗? -Damon: what kind of digging? 什么样的调查? - Alaric: I've got an old friend from Duke 我有一个杜克大学的朋友, who studied criminology when we were there together. criminology: 犯罪学 我们在一起念书的时候,他学的是犯罪学。 Let's just say he's become a very proficient digger. proficient: 熟练的,精通的 digger: 侦探 咱们就说他是个经验丰富的侦探好了。 -Damon: Well, did he find anything? 好吧,他查到了什么? - Alaric: Well, I had him run a track on John's cell records. track: 跟踪 cell: 手机 是这样,我让他追踪了John的通话记录。 He was getting a call from a number... 他总是接到一个号码打来的电话…… The same number that Elena dialed to get Isobel. dial: 拨打 和Elena找到Isobel时打的号码是一样的。 and then the number was disconnected. disconnect: 断开 而那个号码现在是空号。 -Damon: Isobel knows John. Whatever, we knew that. Isobel认识John,无论怎样,我们早知道了。 - Alaric: Right. Well, after that, he started getting calls from a new number. 是的,好吧,那之后他开始接到一个新号码打来的电话。 And I had my friend run a geo-track. geo-track: 地理追踪 而我让我的朋友进行地理追踪。 Got the address. It's... 拿到的地址是…… It's an apartment in Grove Hill. apartment: 公寓 是在Grove Hill的一间公寓。 -Damon: Isobel's in Grove Hill? Isobel住在Grove Hill? - Alaric: I don't know. I thought we could take a look and see what we find. 我不知道,我觉得我们可以过去看看,或许能发现什么。 -Damon: Perfect. Give me the address. 好极了,告诉我地址。 - Alaric: Oh, so you can go without me? No. I don't think so. 哦,你能自己单独去吗?不,我认为你不能。 -Damon: I'm not going with you. You tried to kill me. 我不会和你一起去的,你曾想杀了我。 - Alaric: Yeah, well, you did kill me. 是的,好吧,你却真的杀过我。 -Damon: Hold on. What? hold on: 等一等,别挂断 等一下,什么事? -Elena: I'm just grabbing some clothes, and then I'll be right over. grab: 拿,攫取 我正拿点衣服,然后马上过去。 How's Stefan? Stefan怎么样了? -Damon: Extra broody. extra: 特别的 broody: 郁闷的 超级抑郁。 Hold on. 别挂。 You drive. Pick me up in an hour. pick up: 接(某人) 你开车,一小时后来接我。 - Alaric: Done. 就这样。 -Damon: He won't eat anything. 他什么都不吃。 -Elena: He has to eat. What's his favorite... favorite: 最爱的 他必须吃,他最喜欢的…… kind of, um... 种类……嗯…… -Damon: Favorite kind of what? 什么的种类? -Elena: Type of animal blood that he prefers? prefer: 更喜欢 他比较喜欢哪种动物的血? -Damon: Ew. Gross. gross: 粗俗的 呃,真恶心。 -Elena: Heh. Your joking doesn't help. joke: 玩笑 哦,你的笑话可帮不上忙。 -Damon: Helps me. Now, hurry up. hurry up: 赶快 那帮帮我,现在,快点。 I can't baby-sit all night. I have things to do. baby-sit: 照顾,照看 我可不能照看他一整晚,我还有其他事要做。 -Elena: I would say, "drop dead," but... 我想说 "去死吧你",但是…… -Damon: Ha ha. 哈哈。 Stefan likes... Stefan喜欢…… puppy blood... puppy: 小狗 小狗的血…… little golden retriever puppies with cute, fluffy ears. golden: 金色的 retriever puppy: 猎犬 cute: 可爱的 fluffy: 绒毛的 那种金黄毛的小猎犬,耳朵毛很可爱,还毛茸茸的。 That's his favorite. 那是他的最爱。 -John: Sorry. 不好意思。 -Elena: Uncle John. John叔叔。 I didn't see you there. 我刚才没看到你在那里。 -John: I thought we could talk. We haven't had a chance to catch up. catch up: 赶上 我想我们需要谈谈,我们一直都没机会好好聊聊。 -Elena: I'm actually just heading out, so... head out:: 出发 我有事要出去,所以…… -John: Well, it won't take long. 不会太久的。 -Elena: What did you want to talk about? 你想聊什么? -John: Well... I know you know. 呃……你自己知道。 -Elena: Know what? 知道什么? -John: It's really silly to keep pretending. silly: 蠢的 pretend: 假装 别再装了,很蠢的。 What do you think your mother would say if she knew you were dating a vampire? date: 约会 要是你母亲知道你和吸血鬼约会,她会说些什么呢? -Elena: Which mother? 哪个母亲? -Damon: I bet Jonathan Gilbert has told father by now. bet: 打赌 by now: 到现在为止 Jonathan Gilbert现在肯定告诉父亲了。 -Stefan: Wonder how he took the news that we're dead. wonder: 想知道 要是知道我们死了,不知道他会怎样。 -Damon: As if he cares. He betrayed us. as if: 好像 betray: 背叛 说得好像他很在乎似的,是他背叛了我们。 -Stefan: He thought he was protecting us, Damon. 他觉得他是在保护我们,Damon。 He thought he was protecting this town. 他觉得自己是在保护这个镇子。 -Damon: God. 哎呀。 This sun hurts my eyes. hurt: 弄疼 阳光刺得我眼疼。 -Stefan: It's part of it. 这只是做吸血鬼必经的一步。 The muscl e aches, the sick feeling... muscle: 肌肉 ache: 疼 肌肉酸疼,病怏怏的状态…… Emily says it's our bodies pushing us to feed, push: 促使 Emily说,这是因为我们的身体渴望吸血, to complete the transition. complete: 完成 transition: 过渡 来完成过渡期。 -Damon: That's not gonna happen. 不会那样的。 -Stefan: Is that your choice, then? 那么这是你的选择么? To die instead? instead: 代替 宁可死? -Damon: Isn't it yours? 你不打算那么做吗? This was all to be with Katherine. 这一切都是为了能和Katherine在一起。 But she's gone. 但现在她不在了。 I want it over. 就这样结束吧。 -Elena: How you feeling? 感觉怎么样? Damon says you need to drink that. Damon说你得把那喝了。 You need it, Stefan. 你需要它,Stefan。 Can't survive without it. survive: 幸存 不喝的话你会死的。 -Stefan: I don't want to survive. 那么就让我死吧。 -Elena: What? 什么? No, don't say that. 别,别那样说。 -Stefan: I'm sorry, Elena. 抱歉,Elena。 No more. 再也不要了。 After what I've done, it has to end. 我做错了这么多,是该做个了结了。 I just want it over. 我只想结束这一切。 -Damon: He's just being dramatic. dramatic: 戏剧性的 他只是太情绪化了。 He's not gonna starve himself. starve: 挨饿,饿死 他不会让自己活活饿死的。 -Elena: Why would he say that? 那他为什么要那样说呢? -Damon: He feels bad about hurting that girl. 伤到那个女孩他很内疚。 It's very typical Stefan martyr stuff. 典型的Stefan式自虐。 typical: 典型的 martyr: 烈士,殉道者 stuff: 东西,事物 It will pass. pass: 通过,过去,流逝 都会过去的。 -Elena: will it? 会吗? Because he seemed to be in lot of pain. seem: 好像,似乎 pain: 疼痛,痛苦 因为他看起来真的很痛苦。 -Damon: Yeah. Well, that will pass, too, once he eats. 一旦他再次喝到血,疼痛就会过去了。 -Elena: I didn't mean physical pain. physical: 身体的,物理的 我不是说身体上的疼痛。 -Damon: I know what you meant. 我知道你的意思。 Look, are you gonna be ok here if I run out? 听着,我要出去一下,你一个人在这儿没事吧? I have to go to an errand with the teacher. errand: 差使,出差 我得和那个老师一起出去办点事。 -Elena: The teacher? 那个老师? Alaric? Are you two friends now? Alaric?你们现在是朋友了? -Damon: I don't have any friends, Elena. 我没有朋友,Elena。 -Elena: Right. 是啊。 -Damon: You should, um, 你应该,呃。 you should stay up here. You shouldn't be down there by yourself. 你还是待在这儿吧,别下去了。 -Elena: I'll be fine. 我不会有事的。 -Damon: You know... 你知道…… You're very trusting of him, given the circumstances. trust: 信任 given: 考 虑到 circumstance: 环境,情况 在这种情况下,你竟然还是那么的相信他。 -Elena: So are you. 你也是啊。 Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaving. otherwise: 否则 否则你是不会离开的。 -Damon: I won't be long. 我不会出去太久。 -Pearl: Hello, Mr. Gilbert. 你好啊,Gilbert先生。 -John: Pearl. What a pleasure. Pearl,很高兴见到你。 I must admit, I'm surprised that you came. admit: 承认 surprise: 惊讶 我还真没想到你会来。 -Pearl: Jenna tells me that you wanted to discuss the sale of the building in person. discuss: 谈论 sale: 出售 in person: 亲自 Jenna告诉我说,你想亲自和我谈谈出售房子的事情。 John: Still, revealing yourself to me like this, it took quite a risk. still: 仍然 reveal: 显露 risk: 风险 你可真敢冒险啊,敢这样向我暴露身份。 -Pearl: I'm not stupid, Mr. Gilbert. stupid: 愚蠢的 我并不愚蠢,Gilbert先生。 You knew who I was when you requested the meeting. request: 要求 你安排这次见面的时候就知道我的来历了。 So, Damon tells me that you're looking for the device I took from Jonathan. device: 装置 Damon告诉我说,你在找我从Jonathan那里拿走的东西。 I'm sure you realize I have no intention of giving it to you. realize: 明白 intention: 意图 我想你肯定知道我是不会给你的。 John: That's why I wanted to meet you. 这就是我要见你的原因。 I'm planning on changing your mind. plan: 计划,打算 mind: 主意,想法 改变你的初衷。 -Pearl: Really? How so? 真的吗?你打算怎么做? John: With my Gilbert charm. charm: 魅力 用我Gilbert家的魅力。 I know that you have a weakness for it. weakness: 弱点 我知道你对它毫无抵抗力。 May I buy you a drink? 要喝点什么吗? -Jeremy: So, your mother was in love with Jonathan Gilbert, and He betrayed her? betray: 背叛 那么,你妈妈爱上了Jonathan Gilbert,他背叛了她? -Anna: Yup. yup: <美口>是的 是的。 -Jeremy: And now my uncle John wants this invention-device thing invention: 发明 device: 装置 我叔叔John想要她给Damon的 that she gave to Damon. 那个发明装置。 -Anna: That's pretty much it. pretty: 相当,很 就是这样。 -Jeremy: John mentioned there were more Gilbert journals. mention: 提及,说起 journal: 日志,日记 John有提到Gilbert还有其他日记, I bet that's how he knows everything. bet: 打赌 他肯定是那样知道事情的来龙去脉的。 -Anna: Do we have to talk about this all night? 我们有必要一整晚都谈论这件事吗? I've told you everything. 我已经都给你说了。 I probably shouldn't have, ‘cause that could get us both in a lot of trouble. probably: 大概,也许 cause: 因为 或许我不该那么做。 因为那样的话会给我们带来很多麻烦。 -Jeremy: I'm not gonna say anything. 我什么都不 会说的。 -Anna: Your uncle John wants us dead. 你的John叔叔想弄死我们。 -Jeremy: Oh, you don't know that. 哦,你怎么知道。 -Anna: Yes, I do. 不,我知道。 He's a hater, Jeremy. hater: 仇恨者 他很记仇,Jeremy。 -Jeremy: Well, I'm not. 我不是。 -Anna: No. 是的。 You're something else entirely. entirely: 完全地 你是完全不一样的人。 -Jeremy: Oh, yeah? What would that be? 哦,真的吗?那我是什么? -Anna: My weakness. 我的软肋。 -Jeremy: I don't want Jenna to walk in on us. 我不想让Jenna打扰到我们 -Anna: Jenna's in the kitchen. kitchen: 厨房 Jenna在厨房呢。 She just opened the refrigerator. refrigerator: 冰箱 她刚刚打开了冰箱的门。 -Jeremy: Wait. You can hear that? 等下,这你也能听到? That is so cool. 真是太酷了。 - Alaric: This is the one here. 就是这个房子。 The records show it was paid 3 months in advance. in advance: 提前 记录上显示已经预付了三个月的房租。 -Damon: This is where it gets tricky. tricky: 诡异的 这就是蹊跷的地方。 I may or may not be able to get in. 我也许能进去,也许进不去。 - Alaric: Yeah, how does that work? You always have to be invited in? invite: 邀请 怎么会这样?你一定得被邀请吗? -Damon: By the owner or the person of entitlement. owner: 物主,所有人 entitlement:: 授权 被房主或者是房子的使用者邀请。 Short-term rentals and hotels are a bit of a gray area. short-term: 短期 rental: 租赁 gray: 灰色的 area: 地区 短期出租的房子和旅馆属于"灰色区域"。 You kind of gotta play it by ear. gotta: <美俚> =have got to 要进去的话得随机应变了。 - Alaric: Heh. Could we not kill anyone tonight, please? 呵,拜托了,我们今晚可不可以不杀人? -Damon: You mean, you just brought me along for my company? along: 一起,一道 company: 陪伴 你是说,你带我来只是让我给你做个伴儿? - Alaric: It doesn't look like anyone's home. 看来不像是有人住过的样子。 -Damon: Yeah. I'm good. 是的,我可以进来。 - Alaric: No permanent resident, apparently. permanent: 固定的,永久的 resident: 居住 apparently: 显然的 很显然,没有人长期住在这里。 -Damon: Uh, Rick, we have company. 呃,Rick,我们有伴儿了。 Boys, boys, that's enough. 伙计们,伙计们,别打了。 I know you. 我认识你。 -Henry: Damon? Damon吗? -Damon: Your name is Henry. You were in the tomb. tomb: 坟墓 你叫Henry,原本在墓穴里。 -Henry: Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 What are you doing here? 你们来这儿干嘛? -Old Salvatore: May I offer you a drink, Mr. Gilbert? offer: 提供 你想喝点什么,Gilbert先生? -Jonathan Gilbert: Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. 谢谢你,Salvatore先生。 -Old Salvatore: This won't take much longer. 不会占用你太长时 间的。 I want to make sure the founder's archives are accurate. archives: 档案 accurate: 精确的 我想把创始人的档案弄得准确些。 Be sure you document the loss of civilian life in the church. document: 记载 civilian: 居民 church: 教堂 确认你有记录教堂里死去的镇民。 -Jonathan Gilbert: They were hardly civilians, Mr. Salvatore. hardly: 几乎不 他们算不上镇民,Salvatore先生。 -Old Salvatore: As far as anyone needs to know, they were. as far as: 只要 其他人只需要知道他们是镇民。 As the record keeper for the council, council: 委员会,理事会 作为理事会的文案管理员, what you write will be passed down through generations. pass down: 传递 generation: 一代人 你的记录会世代相传。 Certain details should be kept only between you and me. certain: 某 detail: 细节 某些细节只要你知我知就行了。 -Jonathan Gilbert: For example? 举个例子? -Old Salvatore: My sons. 我的儿子们。 They will be remembered as the innocent victims of the battle of Willow Creek, innocent: 无辜的 victim: 受害者 battle: 战役 他们将被当做Willow Creek战役的无辜牺牲者, not for their shame. shame: 羞辱 而不是耻辱。 -Jonathan Gilbert: Certainly, Mr. Salvatore. 那是当然,Salvatore先生。 -Stefan: You know, Damon hasn't fed me vervain in a while. feed: 喂食 vervain: 马鞭草 你知道么,Damon有一段时间没有让我吃马鞭草了。 I could be at those bars in flash, and you'd be dead. bar: 门闩,柱 flash: 闪过 in flash: 瞬间 我可以在一瞬间就到门前,那样的话你就死定了。 -Elena: Yeah, you could. 是的,你可以。 But you won't. 但是你不会的。 -Stefan: Please just go away. 请你走开。 I don't want you here. 我不想你留在这里。 -Stefan: What are you doing? 你要干什么? Get out of here. 出去。 -Elena: No. 不。 -Stefan: You're taking a stupid risk. I could hurt you. 你傻啊,冒这样的险,我会伤害到你的。 -Elena: Then I'm stupid. 那么我就是个傻子。 You need to drink this. 你得把这喝了。 -Stefan: Elena, get out of here, or you'll regret it. regret:: 后悔 Elena,离开这里,不然你会后悔的。 -Elena: Drink. 喝了。 -Stefan: I said get out! 我说过,给我出去! -Elena: No. 不。 -Henry: So, how do you know John Gilbert? 你是怎么认识John Gilbert的? -Damon: Well, I've known him for years. 我几年前就认识他了。 He's a good friend. How do you know him? 他是我的一个好朋友,你是怎么认识他的? -Henry: I met him right after I got out of the tomb. 我出了墓穴之后认识他的。 He's been helping me out. 他一直在帮我。 - Alaric: Helping you out how? 他是怎么帮你的? -Henry: Adapting. It's a whole new world... adapt: 适应 帮我学会适应。这是一个全新的世界…… cars, co mputers, 汽车,电脑,配对网站。 There's so much to learn. He helped me get this place. 要学的东西太多了,他帮我弄到了这个房子。 - Alaric: So, do you live here alone, 那么,你是自己住在这里呢, or is there someone else here? 还是还有其他的人? -Damon: That's... my friend's very... passive-aggressive way of asking, passive: 被动的,消极的 aggressive: 激进的 那……我朋友只是……说话比较直接。 Uh, do you know a woman named Isobel? 呃,你认识一个叫Isobel的女人吗? -Henry: Uh, no. No, I don't know an Isobel. 哦,不,我不认识叫Isobel的。 I know John. He's my only real friend. 我认识John,他是我唯一真正的朋友。 He really showed me the ropes... how to use a microwave, separate my whites. rope: 准则 microwave: 微波炉 separate: 分开,隔开 他教会我很多东西……怎么用微波炉,要把白色衣服分开洗。 - Alaric: What else do you do for him? 那你为他做什么? -Henry: I help keep an eye on things... you know, with the others. keep an eye on: 照看 我帮他看场子……和别人一起。 - Alaric: the others? 别人? -Henry: From the tomb. 墓穴里的人。 They're still pissed at the Founding Families for trying to burn them alive. piss at: 愤怒 burn: 烧 他们还在为对创始人家族想把他们活活烧死感到很愤怒 I'm cool, but those tomb boys, they want revenge. revenge: 报复,复仇 我还好,但那些墓穴里的孩子们,他们想报复。 - Alaric: What does John want with them? John想从他们身上得到什么? -Henry: He's just keeping an eye on them, you know? 他只是盯紧他们。你知道吗? Trying to make sure they stay out of trouble. 确保他们没陷入麻烦。 -Damon: Well, that's John. Heh. He's such a do-gooder. 好吧,那是John。嘿,他真是个好人。 -Henry: Heh. That's John now. 哈,John来电话了。 -Damon: Oh. Hey, let me talk to him. 哦,嘿,让我跟他说吧。 -Henry: All right. Yeah. 好啊,行。 Are you gonna answer that? gonna: <美俚> =be going to 你要接吗? -Damon: Am I gonna... answer that? 我……我该接吗? -Henry: What's going on? 怎么了? Uhh! Uhh! 啊!啊! -Damon: Let's not kill anyone tonight. 今晚别杀人。 Your words. Just pointing that out. point out: 指出 你的原话。我只是给你指出来。 -John: My apologies. apology: 道歉 抱歉。 -Pearl: No apologies necessary. necessary: 需要 没必要道歉。 So, tell me, Mr. Gilbert, why should I let you have the device? device: 装置 哦,告诉我,Gilbert先生,我为什么要给你那个东西? -John: Because I can help you. I'm connected around here. connect: 联系 因为我能帮你,我在镇上有认识人。 The town council's eating out of my hand. They do whatever I say. 镇委会的人对我俯首帖耳,言听计从。 A nd I know that you just want to live your life 而且我知道你只想过自己的生活。 complete with a white picket fence, and I can help you do that. complete: 完成 picket: 桩 fence: 篱笆,栅栏 有个带白色篱笆的小屋,我能帮你。 -Pearl: But the device doesn't work. Why would you even want it? 但那东西坏了,你干嘛还想要? -John: It's a family heirloom. Call me sentimental. heirloom: 传家宝 sentimental: 多愁善感的 是我的传家宝,你可以说我感情用事。 -Pearl: Jonathan was ahead of his time. ahead of: 提前 Jonathan走在时代前沿。 -John: I read his journals. They're very extensive. extensive: 广泛的 我读过他的日记,里面包罗万象。 He actually wrote about you. 实际上他还写到了你。 You were his one regret. regret:: 后悔,遗憾 你是他唯一的遗憾。 He loved you, and he hated himself for what he did to you. 他爱你,所以他痛恨自己对你的所作所为。 -Pearl: You're lying. 你骗人。 -John: No. 我没有。 On his last days, he wrote how sorry he was. 在他弥留之际,他写下自己有多后悔。 You were the only woman he ever loved. 你是他唯一爱过的女人。 Good God. 上帝啊。 You vampires... you're so emotional. emotional: 易动感情的 你是吸血鬼……但却这么感情用事。 Jonathan Gilbert hated you. Jonathan Gilbert恨死你了。 His only regret was that he didn't drive a stake through your heart himself. drive: 打入 stake: 木桩 他唯一遗憾的是没有亲手把木桩钉入你的心脏。 -Pearl: I gave it to Damon. 我把它给Damon了。 -John: What? 什么? -Pearl: I gave your device to Damon. 我把你的东西给Damon了。 Why don't you ask him for it yourself? 你为什么不自己去问他要呢? I'm sure he'd be delighted to give it to you. And then, Mr. Gilbert, delighted: 高兴的 他一定会欣然给你的,哦,还有 Gilbert先生, May you rot in hell. may: 希望,祝愿 rot: 腐烂 hell: 地狱 请你去死吧。 -Elena: Talk to me, Stefan. 说话啊,Stefan。 Why are you doing this? 你为什么这么做? -Stefan: I'm making the decision I should have made years ago. decision: 决定 很多年前我就该这么做了。 -Elena: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? -Stefan: You have to feed in order to complete the transition. in order to: 为了 transition: 过渡 要想完成转变就得吸血。 -Elena: I know that. 我知道。 -Stefan: It was a choice I shouldn't have made. 我不该那么做的。 -Old Salvatore: Dear God. 天啊。 -Stefan: Even in our death, you only feel shame? 即使我们死了,你也觉得是耻辱吧? -Old Salvatore: You're one of them now. 你现在是他们中的一员了, -Stefan: No. 不, Father, I came to say good-bye. 父亲,我是来道别的。 -Old Salvatore: I watched you die. 我亲眼看见你死了的。 -Stefan : You were there when we were shot? shot: 射杀 我们被射杀那晚你在场? -Old Salvatore: I pulled the trigger myself. pull: 拉,拖 trigger: 扳机 是我亲自叩响的扳机。 -Stefan: You killed your own sons? 你杀了自己的儿子? -Old Salvatore: You were both dead to me the moment you sided with the vampires. side: 站在……的一边 当你俩与吸血鬼为伍时,我的儿子就已经死了。 I only thank God that your mother isn't alive to see the disgrace you've become. disgrace: 耻辱,不光彩 感谢上帝的是,你们死去的母亲没有到你们耻辱的一幕。 -Stefan: I haven't turned yet. I don't want to. 我还没有变成吸血鬼,我不想的。 I'm going to let myself die, father. Please. 我正要结束自己的生命,父亲,请相信我。 -Old Salvatore: Yes, you are. 是啊。 -Stefan: Uhh! 啊! Father, I didn't mean to. 父亲,我不是故意的。 -Old Salvatore: Get away From me. 离我远点。 -Stefan: No, let me help you. Please. 不,让我帮你,求你了。 Oh, God. What's happening to me? 哦,天啊,我这是怎么了? How can you even look at me right now? 你现在还敢看我吗? -Elena: You need to be able talk about these things, Stefan. 你得跟我说说这些事,Stefan。 I need to hear them. 我需要了解。 Come upstairs. upstairs: 楼上 上楼吧。 We can talk about it more, 我们去那儿谈。 and we'll keep talking as long as you need. as long as: 只要 只要你想说,我们就一直聊天。 -Stefan: You're so sure I'm ready. 你确信我准备好了。 -Elena: And when you feel the same way... 什么时候你想说了…… I'll be upstairs. 我就在楼上。 -Damon: Find anything yet? 找到什么没? -Alaric: No, I looked everywhere. The place is... 没,每个地方我都找了,这房子…… the place is clean. 这房子里啥也没有。 -Damon: Well, I found this behind the blood in the fridge. 是么,我在冰箱里的存血后面找到了这个。 -Alaric: Oh, man, this was a real dead-end. dead-end: 死胡同 哦,伙计,真是走投无路了。 -Damon: I wouldn't beat myself up over it, man. beat: 打败 我才不会认输呢,伙计。 What did you think you were gonna find, huh? 你觉得你能找到什么啊? Isobel with a cigar and slippers? cigar: 雪茄 slipper: 拖鞋 Isobel穿着拖鞋,叼着雪茄吗? -Alaric: Oh, man. I... 哦,伙计,我…… I gotta stop this. I can't... I can't keep searching for her. gotta: <美俚> =have got to 我得停下来,我不能……我不能这么一直找她。 -Damon: Really? After only 2 years? 真的?在找了2年后? That's actually... 说实话…… moderately healthy. moderately: 适度,适中 也不算太长。 -Alaric: What are you going on? 146? 你找了多少年?146年吗? -Damon: Well, I figure the 200 mark is probably a good stopping point. figure: 认为 mark: 痕迹,标记 嗯,在找了200年之后或许该停下来歇歇。 -Alaric: Ahh. 啊。 I mean, no answer is enough. 我是说,无果而终也挺好的。 I keep thinking I wanna know why, when, you know, the precise moment wanna: <美俚> =want to precise: 精确的 我一直在想为何,在何时,你知道,就在那一刻, when my wife decided life with me wasn't enough. 我的妻子决定生活中不能只有我。 -Damon: She charmed me, your wife Isobel. charm: 迷住 她迷住了我,你的妻子Isobel。 She talked a good game, man. 她精于此道,伙计。 She was smart. She had this excitement in her eyes. smart: 聪明的 excitement: 兴奋 她那么聪明,她眼中闪动着兴奋。 I probably should have known there was something different about her, 也许我早该知道她的另一面。 some tie to Katherine. 那些和Katherine有关的事。 There had to be some reason I didn't kill her. 一定有我没杀她的原因。 -Alaric: That's enough, Damon. I don't wanna hear anymore. 够了,Damon ,我不想听了。 I just don't want to waste any more of my life 我只是不想把时间浪费在 找寻那些我不想知道的结果。 I'm through with Isobel. I... Isobel的事已经过去了吗,我…… I'm done with all of this. 我受够了。 Yeah. 是啊。 -Anna: Hey. 嘿。 What's the matter? 怎么了? -Pearl: I need you to pack your things. We're leaving. pack: 打包,收拾 赶紧收拾东西,我们离开这。 -Anna: What? No. 什么?不。 -Pearl: I was wrong to think that we could make a home here. 我以为我们能在这安家,但我错了。 It's time for us to move on. move: 移动,搬家 move on: 向前进 是时候该走了。 -Anna: But I don't want to move on. I want to stay. 但我不想走,我想留下来。 -Pearl: We can't stay. 我们不能留在这里。 There's too many people here who know the truth... 这里知道真相的人太多了…… too much history. 太多过往。 -Anna: So, what, you're just gonna give up. give up: 放弃 那么,你就这么放弃了,是么。 Pack us up, and move us out? 收拾东西,卷铺盖走人? -Pearl: It's not safe here. You know that. 这里不安全,你是知道的。 Please. 求你了。 This is about Jeremy. 是因为Jeremy吧。 -Anna: No. It's about me 不,是因为我自己。 finally getting to build a life for myself. 好不容易才有了自己的生活。 Please, mama. 求你了,妈妈。 -Pearl: You gave me my life back. I am just trying to protect yours. 是你救了我,现在我想保护你。 I can't force you. force: 强迫 我不能强迫你。 It's your decision. 自己做决定吧。 -Damon: Ugh. God. You're still here? 啊,上帝啊,你怎么还在这儿? -Elena: Were you expecting anything else? 你还期待发生什么事吗? -Damon: No. 不。 Ahh. 啊。 -Elena: So, how was the "errand"? errand: 差事 那么 "跑腿任务"完成得如何? -Damon: Futile. futile: 无效,无用 失败告终。 Although, I think I witnessed the teacher having an existential crisis. witness: 目击 existential: 存在的 crisis: 危机 我看那个老师已经觉得自己没有存在的意义了。 Has Stefan eaten yet? Stefan吃东西了吗? -Elena: I thought you didn't care. 我以为你不关心他呢。 -Damon: Chalk it up to morbid curiosity. 就当我好奇。 -Elena: I think he's getting there. 我想他还在那儿。 But he's got a lot of guilt that he has to deal with. guilt: 内疚 deal with: 处理,应对 他很内疚,需要自己想想。 And it doesn't help that you've spent the last 145 years 因为Katherine被捕,即使你过去这145年都在责罚他 punishing him for Katherine getting caught. punish: 惩罚 也于事无补。 -Damon: This is my fault now? fault: 错误 现在是我的错了? -Elena: No, it's no one's fault, Damon. 不,不是任何人的错,Damon。 I'm just... saying you're not exactly innocent. exactly: 完全地 innocent: 无辜的 我只是说……你也不是那么无辜。 You've made it your life' s mission to make him miserable. mission: 使命 miserable: 痛苦的,悲惨的 你的人生目标就是让他痛苦。 -Damon: Let me ask you a question. 我来问问你。 In all this important soul-searching and cleansing of the demons of Stefan's past, soul: 灵魂的 demon: 魔鬼,罪恶 在这些重要的内心探索工作和Stefan过去罪恶的清除工作中, Did you ever manage to get the rest of the story? manage: 设法 rest: 其余的 你就不想听听故事的下半段么? -Elena: He said there was more. 他是说过还有后续。 -Damon: Yeah. That's an understatement. understatement: 轻描淡写 是啊,那是"不完全陈述"。 -Elena: Damon... 嘿,Damon.…… Damon. Damon啊。 Tell me. 告诉我吧。 -Damon: What are you doing? Who is that? 你怎么来了?那是谁? -Stefan: I brought her for you. 我把她带来给你。 She's a gift. Have a seat, please. 她是个礼物,请坐。 -Damon: What have you done, Stefan? 你都做了什么啊,Stefan? -Stefan: Damon, I've been to see father. Damon 我见过父亲了。 He came at me. come at: 袭击 他袭击了我。 I didn't know my own strength. There was blood everywhere. strength: 力量 我不知道自己的力气有多大,到处都是血。 He was dying, and the blood was too strong. 他死了,血的味道特别浓烈。 I needed it. I had to have it. 我需要喝血,我必须要喝血。 -Damon: You fed. 你吸了他的血。 -Stefan: Yes. And it's incredible. incredible: 不可思议的 没错,太美妙了。 My body is exploding with power, Damon. explode: 爆发 power: 能量 从我体内爆发出了能量,Damon 、。 -Damon: No. 不。 -Stefan: I can hear things from far away. 我能听到远处的 声音。 I can see through the darkness. I can move, like it's magic. darkness: 黑暗 magic: 魔法 我能在黑暗里看得清楚,我能快速移动,就像是魔法一样。 And the guilt, the pain... Damon, I can turn it off like a switch. guilt: 内疚 turn off: 关掉 switch: 开关 还有内疚,痛苦……Damon,就像开关一样关掉它,就统统感受不到了。 Katherine was right. It's a whole another world out there, Damon. Katherine说得对,那儿是个全新的世界,Damon 。 -Damon: Katherine is dead, Stefan. Katherine已经死了,Stefan。 There's no world without her. 没有她也不存在什么世界。 -Stefan: No. You can turn that off, too. 不,这件事你也可以忘掉。 You don't have to feel that pain anymore. 你再也不用感到痛苦了。 -Damon: I don't want it. 我不需要。 -Stefan: You're weak. You'll be dead soon. weak: 虚弱的 你很虚弱,你很快就会死的。 You need this. 你需要这个。 You'll die. 你会死的。 -Damon: No. I can't. 不,我不能这样。 -Stefan: Please. 请过来。 I won't let you die. 我不会让你死的。 -Damon: No. I can't. 不,我做不到。 -Stefan: Don't fight it. fight: 斗争 别再抗争了。 We can do this... together. 我们可以……一起享受的。 -Damon: From the moment Stefan had his first taste of human blood, moment: 时刻 taste: 品尝 自从Stefan初尝人血的滋味, he was a different person. 他就像变了一个人似的。 I suppose I should thank him. suppose: 以为 我想我该感谢他。 It's been a hell of a ride. Heh. hell: 极不愉快的经历 ride: 旅程 这是个糟糕的经历,呵。 -Elena: Oh, my god. He said he wanted to die. 哦,天啊,他说他想死。 That's why he won't feed. Now I understand why, but... 那才是他不想吸血的原因,现在我明白了,但是…… -Damon: His choice. 他自己的选择。 If he's stupid enough to make it, so be it. 如果他傻到真想那么做,谁都没办法。 -Elena: Don't do that. Ok? Don't pretend like you don't care. pretend: 假装 别那样,好吗?别装得你不在乎。 -Damon: Where are you going? 你要去哪儿? -Jeremy: Hey. 嘿。 -Anna: It's getting impossible to sneak up on you. sneak: 偷溜,偷偷 想悄悄靠近你,越来越不可能了。 -Jeremy: Nice try, though. 不过做得不错。 -Anna: Sorry I woke you. 抱歉把你吵醒了。 -Jeremy: That's ok. 没事。 You only woke me halfway. halfway: 中途的,不完全的 你还没有彻底吵醒我呢。 -Anna: So, listen. I... 那么,听着,我…… -Jeremy: That feels good. 这感觉真美妙。 -Anna: Good-bye. 再见了。 -Stefan: How do you feel? 你觉得怎样? Damon: You were right. 你说得对。 It is a whole new world. 真是一个全新的世界啊。 We can explore it together. explore: 探索 我们能一起探索。 You got what you want ed... you and me for all eternity. eternity: 永恒 你得到你想要的……我们俩长生不老。 But here it is, brother. 不过是这样,弟弟。 I will make it an eternity of misery for you. misery: 痛苦 我会让你永世痛苦。 -Stefan: Damon! 啊!Damon! -Emily: You've transitioned. 你已经变为吸血鬼了。 -Stefan: You'd have rather found me dead? rather: 宁愿 你宁肯发现我死了? -Emily: Katherine saved my life once. I owed her. owe: 欠 Katherine救过我一次,我欠她的。 That doesn't mean I'd wish her curse on anyone. curse: 诅咒,祸害 但这不意味着我希望她伤害任何人 -Stefan: It feels more like a gift. 感觉更像个礼物。 -Emily: That will change. 那会改变的。 -Stefan: Why is that? 为什么会那样? -Emily: Because even in death, your heart is pure, Stefan. pure: 纯洁的 因为即使死了,你的心还是很纯洁,Stefan。 I sense that about you. sense: 感觉 我感觉到了。 That will be your curse. 那会成为你的灾难。 -Stefan: Emily, wait. Emily,等等。 -Elena: Stefan. 嘿,Stefan。 Damon told me the rest of the story. Damon告诉我剩下的故事了。 I thought I might find you here. 我想能在这儿找到你。 -Stefan: I should have died that night, just like I had chosen. 那晚我应该死的,正如我做出的选择 I should have let Damon die, too. 我也应该让Damon死。 -Elena: But you didn't. And if you die now, 但你没有,即使你现在死了。 it's not gonna change what happened. gonna: <美俚> =be going to 也不能改变已经发生的事。 -Stefan: Every single person that's been hurt... single: 单个的 每一个被伤害的人…… Evert single life that's been lost, it's because of me. 每个失去的生命,都是因为我。 -Elena: The night that my parents died... 我父母死去的那晚…… I blew off family night so that I could go off to some party. blow off: 逃离 我逃避家庭聚会去参加派对。 I ended up getting stranded, and they had to come pick me up. end up: 以……结束 stranded: 进退两难的 但却回不来了,所以他们来接我回家。 That's why we ended up in the car at Wickery Bridge. 那是我们在Wickery桥出事的原因。 And that's why they died. 因为这样,他们死了。 Our actions are what set things in motion. action: 行为 set: 设定 motion: 运动 我们的行为决定着事情的发展。 But we have to live with that. live with: 忍受 但我们得学会适应它。 -Stefan: I made a choice, Elena. 我做出过选择,Elena。 And because of that choice, a lot of people were hurt. 因为那个选择,很多人受到伤害。 -Elena: You also made a choice to stop, to reject the person that the blood made you. 你同样做出了决定来停止,抵触那个因吸食人血而性情大变的你, reject: 拒绝,抵制 you made a choice to be Good, Stefan . 你选择要当个好人,Stefan 。 -Stefan: No. 不。 Please don't do that. 请别这样。 -Elena: That's the person who jumped in the water to save the family jump: 跳 是那个人跳进水里救了 whose car Had driven off the bridge. 掉入桥下车里的一家人。 -Stefan: Please. 求你了。 Don't make this all ok. 别说得好像一切都很好。 -Elena: That's the person who saved my life. 就是这个人救了我的命。 -Stefan: You don't understand, Elena. 你不明白,Elena。 -Elena: Then tell me 那就告诉我。 -Stefan: It hurts me. 那伤害了我。 It hurts me, knowing what I've done, and that pain... 那伤害了我。知道我自己所做的事,那种痛苦…… that pain is with me all the time. 那种痛苦一直都伴随着我。 And every day, I think that if I just... 每天,我想如果我只是…… if just give myself over to the blood, 如果我能让自己不再吸血, I can make that pain stop. 就能停止那种痛苦。 It would be that easy, and every day, I fight that. 就是那么简单。每天,我都为此做抗争。 And I am so terrified that one day, terrified: 害怕的,恐惧的 我特别恐惧,害怕有一天。 I'm not gonna want to fight that anymore, Elena. 我不想再为此抗争了,Elena。 And the next time I hurt somebody... 下一次我伤害的人…… it could be you. 也许会是你。 -Elena: There will be no next time. 不会再有下次了。 -Stefan: You don't know that. 你保证不了。 -Elena: Maybe I don't. 也许我保证不了。 But what I do know. 但我所知道的是, Is that you can take this, throw it in the quarry, and let the sun rise. 要不你就把它,丢进采石场,等着太阳升起。 throw: 扔 quarry: 采石场 rise: 升起 Or you could take this ring and put it on and keep fighting. put on: 穿上,戴上 fight: 斗争,抗争 要不你带上这枚戒指继续抗争。 It's your choice. 由你来决定。 -Stefan: Elena. 嘿,Elena。 -Pearl: Thank you, Harper. 谢谢你,Harper。 -Harper: You're welcome. 不客气。 -Pearl: Annabelle should be back in a minute. in a minute: 一会儿 Annabelle应该很快就回来了。 You know, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to. 如果你不想,你不用跟我们走。 -Harper: This was never my home, Miss Pearl. 这不再是我家了,Pearl夫人。 I was just a soldier who was left to die. soldier: 士兵 我只是个垂死的士兵。 You saved me. I'm coming with you. 是你救了我,我要跟着你。 -Pearl: Let me help you with these. 让我帮你拿这些。 -Damon: Little boy lost. 迷失的小男孩啊。 -Elena: I'll be upstairs, ok? 我先上楼了,行吗? -Stefan: Ok. 好的。 -Elena: Good night, Damon. 晚安,Damon。 -Stefan: Thank you. 谢谢你。 -Damon: No, Stefan, thank you. 不,Stefan,谢谢你。 You're back on Bambi blood, and I'm t he big bad ass brother again. Bambi: 小鹿 ass: 笨蛋,混蛋 你重新依靠鹿血为生,我又成了个混蛋哥哥。 All is right in the world. 这世上一切都很好。 -Stefan: I mean it. 我是真心的。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 For... helping her take care of me. 谢谢你……帮助她照顾我。 -Damon: You brood too much. Everything on this planet is not your fault. brood: 沉思,考虑 planet: 星球 你想太多了。发生的一切都不是你的错。 My actions, what I do, it's not your fault. 我的所作所为,都不是你的错。 I own them. They belong to me. own: 拥有 belong to: 属于 我拥有他们,他们属于我。 You are not allowed to feel my guilt. allow: 允许 guilt: 内疚 你不用替我感到内疚。 -Stefan: Do you feel guilt? 你感到内疚吗? -Damon: If I wanted to, 如果我想。 it's there. 就会内疚。 Emily waited till after I turned to tell me Emily等到我转变成吸血鬼后才告诉我, she'd been successful in protecting Katherine with her spell. spell: 魔法,咒语 她用咒语成功保护了Katherine。 She didn't want me to know about the tomb. 她不想我知道墓穴的事情。 She thought it would impact my decision. impact: 影响 她以为那会影响我的决定。 -Stefan: She didn't want either one of us to turn. either: (两者中的)任何一个 她不想我们中的任何一个变为吸血鬼。 She said it was a curse. curse: 诅咒,灾难 她说那是灾难。 -Damon: Witches... 女巫…… judge little things. judge: 裁决,审判 来审判这些。 -Stefan: Why didn't you tell me? 为什么你不告诉我? -Damon: 'Cause I didn't want you to know. 因为我不想你知道。 'Cause I hated you, and I still do. 我以前恨你,现在还是恨你。 -Stefan: I know. 我知道。 -Damon: But not because you forced me to turn. force: 强迫 但不是因为你逼我变为吸血鬼。 -Stefan: Then why? 那是为什么? -Damon: Because she turned you. 因为她把你变为了吸血鬼。 It was just supposed to be me, Stefan... be supposed to: 应该 本来应该是我的,Stefan…… Just me. 只有我, -Anna: I'm back. 我回来了, Oh! 哦! Mom! Mama! 妈妈!妈妈! Uhh! 啊! Please don't leave me again. 别再离开我了。 No. Please wake up. You have to wake up. wake up: 醒来 不,求你醒醒,你快醒醒。 No. 不。 -John: Sheriff Forbes, John Gilbert. sheriff: 警长 Forbes警长,我是John Gilbert。 Sorry to call so late. 抱歉那么晚给你打电话。 I have a date about the vampires. 我有个关于吸血鬼的约会。 -Isobel: Hello, Rick. 你好啊,Rick。 -Alaric: Isobel. 嘿,Isobel。


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