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浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)41(3):365 ̄370,2015 Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.8L Life Sci.1 htp://www.ournals.zu.edu.cn/agr E—mail:zdxbnsb@zju.edu.cn DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008—9209.2014.06.302 绍兴鸭生长激素基因多态性与生长性能关联性分析 李丽 ,徐琪 ,陈阳 ,黄学涛。,李柳萌 ,陶仲连 ,陈国宏h (1.扬州大学动物科学与技术学院,江苏扬州225009;2.福建省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,福州350013 3.浙江省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,杭州310021;4.诸暨国家级绍兴鸭保种场,浙江绍兴311800; 5.缙云县畜牧兽医局,浙江缙云321400) 摘要 以绍兴鸭为材料,选择与生长发育密切相关的候选生长激素(growth hormone,GH)基因,通过直接测序方 法扫描其单核苷酸多态性(sngle nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)位点,并分析其与生长性能的关联性.结果表明: 在GH基因的2 514 A>G和2 691 C>T处检测到2个SNP位点,且2个基因座均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状 态.最小二乘法分析表明,GH基因(2 69l C>T)TT基因型个体的6周龄体质量、8周龄体质量、12周龄龙骨长、 53周龄胸宽显著高于CT基因型个体(P<0.05);TT基因型53周龄胸肌质量、腹脂质量、腹脂率显著高于CT和 CC基因型个体(P<0.05).研究为在本品种选育中监测绍兴鸭公鸭的生长发育和充分利用淘汰种公鸭肉用价值提 供了一定的参考材料,同时从分子水平上丰富了绍兴鸭遗传信息. 关键词 绍兴鸭;生长激素基因;单核苷酸多态性;生长性能 中图分类号S 834.89 文献标志码A Correlation between the polymorphism of growth hormone gene with the growth performance in Shaoxing ducks.Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric. &Life Sci.),2015,41(3):365—370 Li Li 一,Xu Qi ,Chen Yang ,Huang Xuetao。,Li Liumeng ,Tao Zhonglan ,Chen Guohong (1.College of Animal Science and Technology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China 2.Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research,F ian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013,Chin;3.Institute of Animal Husbndry and Veterinary Research Zhei ang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Hangzhou 31 0021 China; 4.Shaoxing Duc Natonal Conservaton Field of ZhuJi,Shaoxing 311800,Zhejiang,Chi 5.Jinyun Bureau of Animal Science and Veteriry Medicine,Jinyun 321400,Zhejiang,Chi Summary As excellent germplasm resources in China,Shaoxing duck is famous for its high egg production al over the world.Laying traits,rather than the growth and development traits,are the main breeding criteria in the duck breeding at present.We usualy use egg laying traits as the main breeding goal,but ignore the growth and development traits, especially in drake breeding.Defective growth and development may lead to the loss of duck breeding value and the low ertilization rate,which wi finally reduce the economic benefit of drakes.Thus,drakes’growh traits must be emphasized n breeding of laying ducks.We must pay more attention to the selection of the drakes’growth traits. This study analyzed the correlation between the polymorphism of growth hormone(GH)gene with the growth 基金项目:浙江省农业(畜禽)新品种选育重大科技专项项目(2012C12906—14). 通信作者(Corresponding author):陈国宏,E—mail:ghchen@yzu.edu.cn 第一作者联系方式:李丽,E—mail:576801792@qq.com 收稿日期(Received):2014—06—30;接受日期(Accepted):2014—10—28;网络出版日期(Published online):2015—05—19 URI :http://www.cnki net/kcms/detai/33.1247.s.20150519.1352.O16.html 
浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 第41卷 performance and slaughter in Shaoxing ducks,which provided some reference material for monitoring the growth and development of Shaoxing ducks breeding. As the candidate genes.GH gene is closely related to the growth and development.The SNP loci of GH were scanned by direct sequencing method.The body size was measured at the age of 1 2 weeks,and the slaughter indexes were measured at the age of 5 3 weeks.Al ducks were sampled randomly according to the group,and the relevance of Shaoxing duck growth performance and slaughter performance were analyzed.The genomic DNA was extracted by phenol chloroform method from blood.Al data were sampled randomly according to the group.According to the published GH gene sequence in GenBank,the primers were designed to amplify the sequences of intron 2,exon 4 and exon 5.The SNP loei of GH were scanned by direct sequencing method.and the sequences were compared by using DNAStar to look for the polymorphic 1oci.The genotype and allele frequencies were calculated and tested by Hardy-Weinberg balance.The correlation between the genotypes and traits was calculated by using statistical software JMP 4.0(SAS Institute,2002)to estimate the 1east square means of traits. The results showed two loci:GH 2 514 A>G.GH 2 691 C>T.The test revealed that al 1oci were in the balance of Hardy-Weinberg(P>O.05).For GH(2 514 A>G&2 691 C>T),6 week body mass,8 week body mass,12一week keel bone length,53一week chest width of the individuals with genotype TT were higher than the genotype CT.The breast muscle mass,abdominal fat mass and abdominal fat percentage of individuals with genotype TT were significantly higher than those with genotype CT and CC(P<O.05). h is suggested that GH gene may be the major gene which directly control the abdominal fat and breast muscle related traits,or may be tightly lnked with the major genes indirectly. Key words Shaoxing duck;growth hormone gene;single nucleotide polymorphism;growth trait 绍兴鸭具有产蛋多、体质量小、饲料报酬高、抗 病力强等特点,是世界优秀水禽品种之一l].但长期 以来,因绍兴鸭体型较小,对其肉用性能的研究较 少,所以对绍兴鸭公鸭的遗传特征和生长性能进行 深人研究,进一步了解鸭体内脂肪分布和生长发育 1.1试验材料及各生长性能指标测定  材料与方法 绍兴鸭195只,均为公鸭,来自浙江省诸暨市国 家级绍兴鸭保种场同一鸭舍、同一批次,饲料与饲养 方法相同,记录其生长指标,12周龄时参照《畜禽遗 的差异,为合理保护和利用我国地方鸭品种遗传资 源,具有重要的理论和实践意义. 生长激素(growth hormone,GH)是一种具有 传资源调查手册》l 规定的方法测定试验鸭的体质 量和体尺指标,53周龄时测定屠宰指标.所有数据 广泛生理功能的生长调节素.GH基因对动物体的 影响主要表现为显著提高生长速度,促进肌肉生长, 降低脂肪含量,进而影响机体生长发育速度.GH基 因由5或6个外显子和4或5个内含子组成,cDNA 长度一般为800 1 200 bp,信号肽和成熟肽分别为 资料均按群组随机取样,同一指标现场专人测定.采 用酚一三氯甲烷法对全部个体血液基因组DNA进 行提取,0.6 琼脂糖检测,一20℃保存备用. 1.2 引物设计和聚合酶链反应扩增 16~27个和186~191个氨基酸_叫].在对畜禽的研 究中发现,GH基因存在丰富的多态性I].与哺乳 动物相比,禽类GH基因的研究起步较晚.本试验 以绍兴鸭公鸭为材料,运用DNA直接测序技术,对 根据GenBank公布的GH基因(登录号: AB158760.2)序列设计引物,扩增其内含子2、外显 子4、外显子5序列(表1).引物由上海翼和生物工 程技术服务有限公司合成,用灭菌超纯水溶解. 聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)反应体系:缓冲液(10×,含20 mol/I Mg纠) 2.0 L,10 mol/L脱氧核苷酸(dNTPs)2.0 L,10 GH基因进行单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotde polymorphism,SNP)检测,对不同外显子、内含子 的遗传变异进行分析,并对其多态性与生长性能进 行关联分析,以期找到遗传变异位点,寻找绍兴鸭生 长性能的主效基因和分子遗传标记,旨在从分子水 平上分析绍兴鸭GH基因单核苷酸多态性及其与 生长性能的遗传调控规律. “mol/L上、下游引物各2.0 tLL,模板DNA 50 ng,1 U Taq DNA聚合酶0.2 L,加超纯水补足体积至 20.0“L.PCR反应条件:95℃2 min;随后30个循 环,94℃30 s,56 oC 30 s,65℃ min;最后65℃延 

浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 第41卷 2.2 GH基因内含子2的群体遗传特性 果表明,该基因座处于Hardy—Weinberg平衡状态. 2.3 GH基因内含子2多态性及其与生长发育性 对绍兴鸭群体中GH突变位点基因型分布进 行统计,发现存在TT基因型、CT基因型、CC基因 型以及GG基因型、GA基因型和AA基因型个体. 绍兴鸭GH基因内含子2的基因型频率和等位基 能和屠体性能的关联性分析 连锁不平衡分析结果表明,2 514 A>G和 2 691 C>T位点之间的R 一1,处于完美连锁不平 因频率见表2.2 514 A>G位点GG纯合子为群体 中的优势基因型,等位基因G为优势等位基因, 衡状态,一个位点的信息完全可以代表另外一个位 
点.因此,本研究只对2 691 C>T位点进行了关联 检验结果表明,该基因座处于Hardy—Weinberg平 衡状态;2 691 c>T位点TT纯合子为群体中的优 势基因型,等位基因T为优势等位基因, 检验结 
性分析.采用最小二乘均值法对GH基因多态性与 其生长发育性能和屠体性能进行关联性分析的结果 见表3和表4. 表2绍兴鸭GH基因内含子2的基因型频率、等位基因频率 Table 2 Gene frequencies,alele frequencies of GH gene intron 2 in Shaoxing ducks 表3 GH基因内含子多态位点(2 691 C>T)对鸭生长发育性能的影响 Table 3 Comparison on the growth performance among the different genotypes of GH gene intron(2 69l C>T) 
第3期 李丽,等:绍兴鸭生长激素基因多态性与生长性能关联性分析 369 续表3 GH基因内含子多态位点(2 691 C>T)对鸭生长发育性能的影响 Continuation of Table 3 Comparison on the growth performance among the different genotypes of GH gene intron(2 691 C>T) 同行数据后的不同小写字母表示在P<O.05水平差异有统计学意义 Values within a row folowed by different lowercase letters are significantly diferent at the 0 05 probabity level 表4 GH基因内含子多态位点(2 691 c>T)对鸭屠宰性能的影响 Table 4 Comparison on the slaughter performance among the diferent genotypes of GH gene intron(2 691 C>T) 同行数据后的不同小写字母表示在P<o.05水平差异有统计学意义 Values within a row folowed by different lowercase letters are significantly diferent at the 005 probabilty level GH的基因型效应对生长和屠宰性能均有不同 体质量、12周龄龙骨长和53周龄胸宽有显著影响 程度的影响.从生长性能(表3)可知,基因型对6周龄 (P<0.05);最小二乘均值分析表明,TT基因型个体 
37O 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 第41卷 6周龄体质量、8周龄体质量、12周龄龙骨长、53周龄 胸宽显著高于CT基因型个体(P<O.05).从屠宰性 能(表4)可知,基因型对53周龄腹脂质量以及53周 龄腹脂率有显著影响(P<0.05);最小二乘均值分析 表明,TT基因型个体胸肌质量、腹脂质量、腹脂率显 著高于CC和CT基因型个体(P<0.05).本研究对2 个性能进行综合分析,发现GH基因TT型在2个性 状方面显著大于CC和CT基因型,可视其为绍兴鸭 公鸭生长和屠宰性能的优势标记基因型. 3 讨论 关于GH基因多态性与生长性能的关系已有 相关研究口 ”],对山羊、秦川牛、豁眼鹅、籽鹅进行 多态性检测,均发现基因型对生长性能有极显著 (P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)影响.采用DNA测序 法对GH基因内含子2的遗传多样性进行分析发 现,不同基因型个体的生长性能如6周龄体质量、胸 宽、龙骨长以及胸肌质量、腹脂质量和腹脂率等性状 间存在显著差异.说明GH可能对绍兴鸭公鸭胸肌 附着的龙骨长及胸宽均有显著影响,并且对腹脂及 腹脂率有一定影响.本研究对GH基因的遗传多样 性进行分析发现其内含子2存在多态性.颜炳学 等 。。在鸡GH基因中发现了2个多态位点,研究结 果表明这些多态位点与腹脂和胸肉等屠体性状显著 相关,与本研究分析结果一致,由此推测GH基因 也许是直接控制腹脂和胸肌相关性状的主效基因, 又或者是间接与主效基因紧密连锁的基因. 本研究结果需在其后代或家鸭品种中验证,同 时还应筛查绍兴鸭GH基因编码区和其他内含子 区的多态性是否对生长性能及抗病性也存在显著效 应,最终获得真实可靠的分子遗传标记,以期用于绍 兴鸭公鸭群体生长性能标记辅助选择的育种实践. 参考文献(Refeences): [1] 陈国宏,王克华,王金玉,等中国禽类遗传资源.上海:上海科 学技术出版社,2004:120. ChenG H,Wang K H,Wang J Y,et a1.China Poultry Genetic Resources. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press,2004:12O.(in Chinese) [2] 孙逊,朱尚权.生长激素的结构与功能.国外医学生理病理科 学与临床分册,1999,19(1):6-9. Sun X.Zhu S Q.The structure and functon of growth hormone. Foreign Medical Sciences Physiological Pathology and Clinical Medicine,1999,19(1):6-9.(inChinese) [3]Tyson U E.G rowth hormone and bovine locaton.Nutrition Reviews,1986:4. [4] Vasiatos-Younken R,Wang X H,Zhou Y.New insights into he mechanism and actions of growth hormone(GH)in poultry. Domestic Animal Endocrinology,1999,17(2/3):181 190.  5] Chen H T,Pan F M,Chang W C.Purication of duck growth hormone and cloning of the complementary DNA Biochimica el Biophysica Acta f BBA) Gene Structure and Expression,l988,949(2):247 251. [6] Ku H,Ni I ,Wei G S,et a1.DNA polymorphisms in the chicken growth hormone gene:Response to selection for disease resistance and association with egg producton. AnimalGenetics,1997,28(2):l1 6—123. [7] Kansaku N,Zadworny D,Guemene D.Genomi cloning of duck growth hormone[EB/OL]. National Center for Biotechnology Information.GenBank.2004.http {|ww . ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/AB158760.2 [8] Zhan K,Yang N.Effects of polymorphism in the coding region of GH gene on serum GH,T3 levels and body weight of ducks// W0rld’s Poultry Science Associaton.Proceedings of the 3rd World Waterfowl Conference.Guangzhou:Word’s Poultry ence Association,2005:242—246. [9] 陈伟生畜禽遗传资源调查技术手册.北京:中国农业出版社, 2005:56 64. Chen W S.Technical Manual of Farm Aniral Genetic Resources Survey Beijing:China Agriculture Press.2005: 56 64.(in Chinese) [1O] 颜炳学,邓学梅,费菁,等.鸡生长激素基因草核苷酸多态性与 生长及屠体性状的相关性.科学通报,2003,48(12):1304 1307. Yan B X,Deng X M,Fei J,et al Relationship between growth hormone gene single nucleotide polymorphism with growth and carcass trais of chicken.Chinese S(ience Bulletin,2003,48(12):1304—13O7 (in Chines) [11] 赵文明,陈清,程金花.籽鹅GH基因内含子3多态性及其与 体重和屠体性状的关联分析.畜牧兽医学报,2008,39(4): 443—448 Zhao W M,Chen Q,Cheng J H.Associaton analysis of goose GH gene intron 3 polymorphism and body weight and carcass traits in Zi geese.Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2008,39(4):443—448.(in Chinese with English abstract) [12] 敖金霞,李辉,王启贵,等.鹅生长激素基因内含子2单核苷酸 多态性与体重性状的相关研究.中国畜牧杂志,2006,42(7):9— 11. Ao J X,Li H,Wang Q G,et a1.Study of goose growth hormone gene intron 2 single nueleotide polymorphisms and weight traits.Chinese Journal of Animal Science,2006,42 (7):9 11.(in Chinese with Englsh abstract) [13] 张扬,陈阳,黄正洋,等.豁眼鹅GH基因外显子2多态性与体 重和体尺性状的关联分析.遗传育种,2012,48(23):1-5. Zhang Y,Chen Y,Huang Z Y,et a1.Huoyan goose GH gene exon 2 polymorphism and body weight and body size traits correlaton analysis.Genetics and Breeding,2012,48(23):i-5. (in Chinese with Englsh abstract) 


