
发布时间:2019-02-25 05:59:24   来源:文档文库   




thanksgiving day is the united states and canada shared festival, created by the people of the united states, the intention was to thank god given good harvest, thanks to help from the indians. in america, thanksgiving day is the fourth thursday in november every year, and from that date will be on leave for two days; while the canadian and american thanksgiving at different times, the second monday of october.

everyone agrees the dinner must be roast turkey. a turkey with a bread dressing to absorb the delicious juices flowing during baking, but cooking techniques often because of family and regions vary, what filler application is difficult to get consistent.

what are the thanksgiving day game?

the game, cranberry race: put a bowl with cranberries on the floor, 4-10 player in the sitting around, each sent her a. the beginning of the game, they first sewing clothes, and then to a series cranberry, one to 3 minutes; who was the longest string, who will get the prize. as for the string of the slowest person, we also make fun of to send him a worst award.

game two, game of corn: corn five people hid in the house, we go separately, find corn five to

participate in the competition, other people watched. the start of the game, five on the rapid exploitation of maize grain in a bowl, who finished first stripping who the winners, then by no race around the bowl

next to guess how many grains of corn, guess the number of the nearest award to a bag of popcorn.

game three, the game with a teaspoon of pumpkin run, the rules can not be touched by hand pumpkin, who won a first destination. the smaller spoon with the competition, the game is more interesting.












感恩节英文歌曲 colors of the winds

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in the united states, the fourth thursday in november is called thanksgiving day. on that day, americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year. 在美国,每年11月的最后一个周四称为感恩节,在那天,美国人为每年得到的上天赐福表示感激。

thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. 感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。

in 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, they sailed to america on the may flower, seeking a

place where they could have freedom of worship. 1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐五月花号船去美国寻求宗教自由。

after a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy november, what is now

plymouth, massachusetts.他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。

during their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. those who survived began sowing in the first spring. 在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。

all summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. 整个夏天他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来的收成。

finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. and therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed. 后来,庄稼获得了意外的丰收,所以大家决定要选一个日子来感谢上帝的恩典。

years later, president of the united states proclaimed the fourth thursday of november as thanksgiving day every year. 多年以后,美国总统宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。

the celebration of thanksgiving day has been observed on that date until today. 感恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。

does thanksgiving reflect any part of the american culture? 感恩节反映了哪些美国文化?

it reminds us of the history that the pilgrims left europe for religious freedom and

established their new country. 它让人们记住这段历史,从欧洲来的移民祈祷宗教自由,和建立新的国家。

thanksgiving day is usually a family day. people always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. 感恩节一般是家庭的节日,人们总是以节日大餐和家庭成员聚会来庆祝这个节日。

what will we see on almost every thanksgiving dinner table?在感恩节餐桌上我们能见到什么?

turkey火鸡,mashed potatoes 马铃薯,pumpkin pie 番瓜馅饼,corns玉米等。the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. 其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和番瓜馅饼。

第二天是黑色星期五 购物

我感恩iam grateful


what do people do?

thanksgiving day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. the meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables. thanksgiving day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.

thanksgiving day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around thanksgiving day. some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the christmas shopping season. some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends. public life

most government offices, businesses, schools and other organizations are closed on thanksgiving day. many offices and businesses allow staff to have a four-day weekend so these offices and businesses are also closed on the friday after thanksgiving day. public transit systems do not usually operate on their regular timetables.

thanksgiving day it is one of the busiest periods for travel in the usa. this can cause congestion and overcrowding. seasonal parades and busy football games can cause disruption to local traffic.


thanksgiving day has been an annual holiday in the united states since 1863. not everyone sees thanksgiving day as a cause for celebration. each year since 1970, a group of native americans and their supporters have staged a protest for a national day of mourning at plymouth rock in plymouth, massachusetts on thanksgiving day. american indian heritage day is also observed at this time of the year.

there are claims that the first thanksgiving day was held in the city of el paso, texas in 1598. another early event was held in 1619 in the virginia colony. many people trace the origins of the modern thanksgiving day to the harvest celebration that the pilgrims held in plymouth, massachusetts in 1621. however, their first true thanksgiving was in 1623, when they gave thanks for rain that ended a drought. these early thanksgivings took the form of a special church service, rather than a feast.

in the second half of the 1600s, thanksgivings after the harvest became more common and started to become annual events. however, it was celebrated on different days in different communities and in some places there were more than one thanksgiving each year. george washington, the first president of the united states, proclaimed the first national thanksgiving day in 1789.

this past year i had great fun illustrating my 28th junie b. jones book, junie b. first grader, turkeys we have loved and eaten (and other thankful stuff)by the ever-entertaining barbara park. junie b. has kept me laughing for 20 years, through 28 books. and this book is

no exception. in this story, junie b.s class puts together a thankful list, and the results are... well, lets just say theyre somewhat surprising (though come to think of it, who isnt thankful for rainbow sprinkles?!)

junie b.s list got me thinking about my own traditions and my own thankful list. like junie

b., there are some delicious foods on my list. i am totally thankful for whoever invented

macaroni and cheese. i love that stuff. and potatoes. i am thankful for all kinds of potatoes. of course, every year, i thank the turkey. back when i was a kid, the preparing of the turkey was a big moment for me, my brothers and sister. one year, my younger sister was all wound up, ready to have her first shot at stuffing the turkey. her shining moment was brief because as soon as she touched the turkey she turned white and nearly passed out! i dont think shes ever touched a turkey since!

like junie b., i also loved cranberry sauce -- from a can, naturally -- so that also makes my thankful list. now that i am grown up, i make my own cranberry sauce (check out my secret ingredient below). its healthy and delicious and so easy! the only drawback is that it doesnt have the can shape junie b. likes so much.

at the very top of my thankful list are my family and dear friends; i am thankful for their love and support and for the time we spend together.(p.s. we laugh... a lot!) ive always loved art (thats why i became an illustrator!) and so as a child, one of my favorite thanksgiving

traditions was the decorating, and thats a tradition i carried on with my own daughter when she was small. two of our favorite thanksgiving crafts are paper bag turkeys and the apple turkeys described below (which can be either decoration, dessert or both!). but, beyond the decorating, as my daughter was growing up, i wanted to show her that thanksgiving day was a day set aside for family, for thanks and appreciation; for sharing and contributing. i wanted her to learn to take those qualities beyond the holiday and practice them in everyday life.

i wish you a happy thanksgiving! i hope your holiday is filled with people you love, lots of laughing and maybe even some rainbow sprinkles.

how to make an apple turkey

ingredients: a large red apple, plenty of toothpicks, one regular marshmallow and as many of the following as youd like: mini-marshmallows, cheerios, raisins, craisins, grapes, cubes of fruit, fruit loops, gumdrops -- the possibilities are endless! insert a row of toothpicks. these will become the tail feathers (we usually use at least 6). for safety, a grownup should do the toothpicks. leave enough room between them so you can fill each toothpick with treats. then let your child decorate. (make sure to end with something solid, like a grape or a

marshmallow, because if you end with cheerios, they may fall off). for the head, we usually

use a giant marshmallow (attached with another toothpick), with raisin eyes and a candy corn beak. you can attach the raisins and candy corn by making a little hole in the marshmallow, besides being a fun activities, these guys make cute table decorations, place card holders, and of course delicious treats

homemade cranberry sauce

1 pound raw cranberries

2/3 cup honey

1 1/2 cups water

1/4 cup date sugar + some regular sugar to taste

* pick over and wash berries under running water. do not soak.

* in a pot, add honey and water to the berries. bring to a boil. keep stirring so the honey doesnt burn.

* when all the berries have popped, turn heat to low and cook a few minutes more until its thickened.

* just before removing from heat, add the date sugar.

* serve warm or cold.

note: date sugar can be found in natural foods stores.


