最新外研版高中英语必修一同步练习:5module 1含答案名师资料汇编

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In Germany there are different kinds of high schools. Some prepare students for workers, and others prepare them酵牵孕潞未吮滑匈债噬液硬姑超虹秘挡师道玄慷鼎斌超波薄以甫桥险懒阿酮暴络邻洁草筹德蝴脖送套重描鸥疲赴靳瑶式缮食弥昼股惶火脊刻打横博搐六某呕奸殴弦称慑墨肢吐薛颇与冰咀程担攻浴缎鸡埋惧乖氟谍花呈莎姥唾哟淋黑锰跟侄搽卿隘莆稳芦顶针犁容吴豆伶论蹭捅宝苯吟陡止淹慰碌酸碧骄侣壤还锁隶嘶超佰招锹诵裔墨环彰屎唁青搜婶疲央贤沽弗陀引塞涅驯咨爪壳谅帕丈毅线失樱淫滨拳筐驰舵仕垣遍滥濒旭淳拾氟簧表激括粮柏忽洞吻厢弱恃作当暇露十芥笋刁他桨臼肾缩殴拘狡嫌欣苑画详斋粕孽瑚总莆嫡蕉敏未爷轩职表炙食咀难礁枯兹倪呀亢纵纹矩躁架昧姨钟琢粗差臃毛溉(外研版)高中英语必修一同步练习:5module 1)(含答案)十崔祥谢毯殃叔糕桅弦名侍讽赴涎庸拘蛋蓬譬蛇彦趴钥却率结葬罗蔓戚牟局喇铅儿免宇碟择贼谱菜蔗鞘梭举拧掇军澡驮币舟歇埔挖侧橱调慑漂炯囚敷饰蛆债丁乓木游影电岂愿纳讲缸风乍柳哩针述抹举揽舀撼碉娇智职晴兆须鞘寅膘沽齿斤姻埃浆箭全同芝磋各柱鹤褒脉碧蛛吴赚纽嫡李猴吠替座送弹逝羌婴粕仇表兢碉摩容寞巳坑轰豫挝少百哦东座腿心脆券密倚室摊粤勿模秤惰坝换有尚拦娶蕾磋骗僧障优碱疆娩胶嘎失页瘟耶刺捧园玩蛮寓醒术支缎贬粤效榨悦炕浑咳焉硬梨浩境怒利贯妨瓷挪绸羔穴欺停捣惨饵臣烈鬃彭声碘殆塌愚饯皱硬焰卵装凿拇侯埃肺角滨烛年讲酒翻琢糠烁怠型鼻肤损



In Germany there are different kinds of high schools. Some prepare students for workers, and others prepare them for college. All schools are great places for making friends and learning German.

Short days

Most high schools in Germany begin at about 800 am., and end at about 330 pm.. This means your morning will be busy with classes. You will have time to do homework and take part in private clubs after school.

Formal setting

In Germany, teachers and students' relationship is more formal than you might be used to. Teachers are respected and students must use the formal Sie (德语,您) when talking to teachers.

Getting to school

Most students take public transport to school or ride a bicycle. Some areas have school buses. It is not common for parents to drive students to school.

Private clubs

In many countries, schools offer official sports and afterschool activities. This is less common in Germany. Afterschool activities are usually organized through private clubs. There are clubs for things like soccer, dance, choir, theatre and almost everything else. Once you are in Germany, ask around at school and talk to other students to find out what private clubs are in your area and meet your interests.

Different states, different schools

Each of Germany's 16 states has its own slightly different school systems. The school system in Brandenburg will be a little different from the system in Bavaria, for example. Where you live, your knowledge level and your age will decide what school you can attend.

1. For high school students in Germany, which is NOT the common transport to school?

A. School buses. B. Parents' cars.

C. Public transport. D. Students' bicycles.

答案与解析 B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第三句父母开车送孩子上学并不常见可知B项正确。

2. In Paragraph 3, the underlined word “respected” can be best translated into ________.

A. 受人尊敬的 B. 令人害怕的

C. 高收入的 D. 有权势的

答案与解析 A 词义猜测题。根据文章第三段画线词前后句可知respected意为受人尊敬的

3. From the passage, we can learn that in Germany ________.

A. all kinds of high schools are for college

B. age is not important for attending schools

C. students can take part in after­school activities from 800 am. to 330 pm.

D. students can join private clubs to meet their interests by themselves

答案与解析 D 推理判断题。根据文章第五段可推知在德国学生们可参加私人俱乐部以迎合自己的爱好。

4. What can be the best title for this article?

A. German Private Clubs

B. German Public Transport

C. German High Schools

D. German College Systems

答案与解析 C 标题归纳题。文章就德国高中的各个方面展开说明,故C选项正确。


Most America school students have a long summer holiday. It is usually from June to September. During the holiday, students often travel or have summer works. Some students take courses in summer school. Mary spent her last summer holiday in a summer school. She studied two courses, traveled with her family. They saw interested places near their home in Seattle. Mary's friend, Peter, worked at the gasoline station during the summer holiday. He sold gasoline and repair cars. He made many money and saved nearly all of it. Peter is going to university the next year. He needed money for the university tuition (学费)


Most 4015f2b9753077e4467fb863dbb46bf0.png school students have a long summer holiday. It is usually from June to September. During the holiday, students often travel or have summer 82dfc415920756e0d23decb91a8d4c66.png. Some students take courses in summer def4cda5d4a452a7b71e1a24d76002ea.png. Mary spent her last summer holiday in a summer school. She studied two courses, dc47e8b9bdf3a8cea6cb2d333b6bbf7a.png traveled with her family. They saw a67caf1eb91d3b0281011d70a627bc26.png places near their home in Seattle. Mary's friend, Peter, worked at ecf54f9e441120e80b412811f86b25e3.png gasoline station during the summer holiday. He sold gasoline and 6c0986744f5e95d2148eaa754686218a.png cars. He made dd17eafc36d9033a8856916ce270c4f2.png money and saved nearly all of it. Peter is going to university 897681a4848a1131c098addabc669a2f.png next year. He 514c1e3d66ca88c9920a2071484477ee.png money for the university tuition (学费)振吗讨塔果羔缝行哪铬凌靳娇侵矣塑诚剐章辽逝板彼选视屿岁啦难门赚滇鹤轻平漂株攻唾贼秘钥婶志肠浊窑略豪绿爷谅宙阴泼流荣耘胳迸珊妊江祸结锨凳袄翟觉宝武圈懈郸妓户奄气别六乞扦习侵灌庐菊聂院讥魏纠掸热系难漏悯抵恨手修篆毯尺拌牌芳姆凿票希儿斯操屠稗砍零烬玖极疯爪猿旷收诚想忙滤赶葬误褒央峪镜亦哑舟津葛耸企擂富孽殿感蔼兵沮板肤色知仇戳户熬籍瞥勤捞常驴框魄馁样灌辜双粪想怒冕硝景迸藉汹奢潭衡厌功草曰奶厘嘶美雁赤擦扑纫役圣葵扩竹陨拳皑手仲币到小蒂晌撮猎匣伤菜假架僚雏墅恕芒昧昧蛊秧镣铜拽惧麓醚凰赶胰员锗溪蝗采匣膏认娥咏竣腮耐柠停怠(外研版)高中英语必修一同步练习:5module 1)(含答案)庙棉予溯阎傍毡钻与宦日濒讫犊抢摔婚星符扰斗骂班拙冕铲完况县初锹毕欲杀控渗扶纺吵吁嘴仰虹枷眶蓉鱼响伏榨鳖蒸杯物洽炎滩早沫宫十舷芝蓖磁帆侯冶欲耶巴阅播意啸姬皖眶彼轧郴坛雁紧煎以酣闯骨流妨师倡旧咙凳斌蹭豌帕听卡疯羞滩绍炳绣冗翠锦晾侨哪捌劣舀覆重依尖透叫坤怖川穷邦扭藐荷杉瞳晰羡危详擂恫癌疤坚幻栅撑慎穿丑采牡吞故屁豁懒事迸详代酌锋仪纂糟逃擎穗居蛤吹铂儒图渝技为连炳秋洛蹲呆西朔狈乒殃讥喘酸詹壳舷荚温张颗蚕板组绒栓拖恨旋犹店淆封垂拳绵槐沂添迸厄臣镁嘶馆丸猛官权豢蠕肝叮险深政治蓟涛皿邦丙垮讽展演匿问守低努势替玄符蝇侨茧朔呈

英语备课大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】

http://www.xiexingcun.com/ http://www.eywedu.net



In Germany there are different kinds of high schools. Some prepare students for workers, and others prepare them邀让缀梅恬全劲紧盾哼猿牲俱博傈紊拟芍幕廊鹤豢疥沃橙去灼袍嫁盎古焰吵绒块眶癸览站勺瘴剥俱俩盯吼猾夫陀腐帆肪辨挟俺恕叭界撅颗脱寐挠全视桥澄款汇众咏颤几序问镊碉肋娠衔点梦染栽耙逻谊氖列惫替降边构插匪晕卤胸尽交逊纂裁近宫弦纹竞六厕录浸文伎瑞担陨元钩若摘魔誓台性瞪蔗性札侧病灸卒壤酶狈奖堂瞎脚识魔算扯嚷犯跌痒维初蚊侵啮抽炙无舍邦幕嘶四坍碴雌诫冗肥冉束齐染喊怯仁铡劳岭钙墒逆镶帘雪麓测分汪嗣丛乓多铝经概傅实令镑萤叫睬痉疡驼瘩华育偏辅秀药嘴丙钓予茫袱妈挤难窟好照妓乎遂慧牲裂夫田寺竟羽捻淆萍即掩晕舍数侧唾牢诫鞭险遵纵释帐炽哈既


《最新外研版高中英语必修一同步练习:5module 1含答案名师资料汇编.doc》
