
发布时间:2018-06-29 20:36:23   来源:文档文库   




一: + (主+谓)

二: + + (主+系+表)

三: + + O (主+谓+宾)

四: ++ + (主+谓+间宾+直宾)

五: + + + (主+谓+宾+宾补)

基本句型 一:S+ (主+谓)


谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come.



1. The sun │was shining. 太阳在照耀着。

2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。

3. The universe│ remains. 宇宙长存。

4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。

5. Who │cares? 管它呢?

6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。

7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。

8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。

基本句型 二: + + (主+系+表)

此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻

1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。

2. The dinner │smells │good. 午餐的气味很好。

3. He │fell │in love. 他堕入了情网。

4. Everything │looks │different. 一切看来都不同了。

5. He │is growing│ tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮

6. The trouble│ is │that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。

7. Our well │has gone│ dry. 我们井干枯了。

8. His face │turned │red. 他的脸红了。

There be 结构: There be 表示存在有。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词‘there那里淆。


试比较:There is a boy there.(那儿有一个男孩。)/前一个there无实意,后一个there为副词那里

基本句型 三: ++ (主+谓+宾)



1. Who │knows │the answer? 谁知道答案?

2. She │smiled │her thanks. 她微笑表示感谢。

3. He │has refused│ to help them. 他拒绝帮他们。

4. He │enjoys │reading. 他喜欢看书。

5. They│ ate │what was left over. 他们吃了剩饭。

6. He │said │"Good morning." 他说:"早上好!"

7. I │want │to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

8. He│ admits │that he was mistaken. 他承认犯了错误。

基本句型 四: ++ + (主+谓+间宾+直宾)


一般的顺序为:动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语。如:Give me a cup of tea,please.

强调间接宾语顺序为:动词 + 直接宾语 +介词+ 间接宾语。如:

Show this house to Mr.Smith.

若直接宾语为人称代词:动词+ 代词直接宾语 +介词+ 间接宾语。如:Bring it to me,please.


1. She │ordered │herself │a new dress. 她给自己定了一套新衣裳。

2. She │cooked │her husband │a delicious meal. 她给丈夫煮了一顿美餐。

3. He │brought │you │a dictionary. 他给你带来了一本字典。

4. He │denies │her │nothing. 他对她什么都不拒绝。

5. I │showed │him │my pictures. 我给他看我的照片

6. I │gave │my car │a wash. 我洗了我的汽车。

7. I │told │him │that the bus was late. 我告诉他汽车晚点了。

8. He │showed │me │how to run the machine. 他教我开机器。


Please tell us a story.

My father bought a new bike for me last week.

Mr Li is going to teach us history next term.

Here is a pen.Give it to Tom.

Did he leave any message for me?

基本句型 五: + + + (主+谓+宾+宾补)



名词/代词宾格 + 名词

The war made him a soldier./战争使他成为一名战士.

名词/代词宾格 + 形容词

New methods make the job easy./新方法使这项工作变得轻松.

名词/代词宾格 + 介词短语

I often find him at work./我经常发现他在工作.

名词/代词宾格 + 动词不定式

The teacher ask the students to close the windows./老师让学生们关上窗户.

名词/代词宾格 + 分词

I saw a cat running across the road./我看见一只猫跑过了马路.

V(及物) O(宾语)C(宾补)

1. They │appointed │him │manager. 他们任命他当经理。

2. They │painted │the door │green. 他们把门漆成绿色

3. This │set │them │thinking. 这使得他们要细想一想。

4. They │found │the house │deserted. 他们发现那房子无人居住。

5. What │makes │him │think so? 他怎么会这样想?

6. We │saw │him │out. 我们送他出去

7. He │asked │me │to come back soon. 他要我早点回来。

8. I │saw │them │getting on the bus. 我看见他们上了那辆公共汽车。


She likes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading-room.

He asked her to take the boy out of school.

She found it difficult to do the work.

They call me Lily sometimes.

I saw Mr Wang get on the bus.

Did you see Li Ming playing football on the playground just now?


(一)句子种类两种分类法 1、按句子的用途可分四种:

1)陈述句(肯定、否定):He is six years old; She didn’t hear of you before.

2)疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):Do they like skating? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, can’t she?

3)祈使句:Be careful, boys; Don’t talk in class

4)感叹句:How clever the boy is!



e.g. He often reads English in the morning.

Tom and Mike are American boys.

She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.

2) 并列句:由并列连词(and, but, or等)或分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成。 e.g. help him and he helps you.

The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。


e.g. The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall.


1. We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.

2. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.

3. There is a chair in this room, isn’t there?

4. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening.

5. He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.

6. He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.

7. Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so.

8. What he said at the meeting is very important, isn’t it?

9. The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.

10. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.


I hope you are very well . I'm fine, but tired . Right now it is the summer vacation and I'm helping my Dad on the farm . August is the hottest month here . It is the time of year for the rice harvest and every day I work from dawn until dark. Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors . We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat We have a lot of machines on the farm . Although the farm is large, my Dad has only two men working for him . My brother takes care of the vegetable garden . It doesn't often rain in the summer here . As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden . Every evening we pump water from a well . It then runs along channels to different parts of the garden .


