清明粿 - 英语作文带翻译

发布时间:2020-06-22 12:47:17   来源:文档文库   


清明节,人们以各种方式表达对逝去亲人的思念,在我的家乡最常见的纪念方式就是做清明粿。今年清明节,我们一家人又聚在一起祭祀祖先,做清明粿。 On Qingming Festival, people express their thoughts on their deceased relatives in various ways. The most common way of commemoration in my hometown is to do Qingming Festival. This years Qingming Festival, our family gathered together to sacrifice their ancestors and make Qingming Festival. 可别小看这小小的清明粿,它的制作过程可一点也不含糊。爷爷奶奶一大早就从地里割来了一大筐艾青叶,然后把它们洗净煮熟沥干水,再揉成糊状。爸爸妈妈也上阵了。妈妈把一大盆米粉倒进木桶里,兑上一些水,就叫老爸来揉面团。老爸呼哧呼哧地使劲和着面,时不时地还往面团里掺进艾青糊,不一会儿,墨绿色的粉团就出现在大伙面前。奶奶端来了调制好的馅,有咸菜肉末笋丁,有豆沙,还有芝麻,香喷喷的,真是让人垂涎欲滴! Dont look down upon this small qingminghe, its production process is not ambiguous at all. Grandpa and grandma cut a big basket of Wormwood Leaves from the ground early in the morning, then washed and boiled them, drained them, and then kneaded them into a paste. Mom and dad are in the fight. My mother poured a big bowl of rice flour into the bucket and added some water. Then she asked my father to knead the dough. Dad wheezed hard to face, and from time to time, he added Ai Qing paste to the dough. Soon, the dark green powder appeared in front of everyone. Grandma brought the prepared stuffing, including pickled vegetables, minced pork, diced bamboo shoots, bean paste and sesame. Its delicious. Its so coveted! 一切准备就绪,大家就围坐在一起做起了清明粿。妈妈手脚麻利,干净利落地把面团一个个分开,再用擀面杖把小团子揉成了薄薄的面皮。大人们把不同口味的馅包进面皮里,做成不同样式的清明粿,有饼状带花的,有带花边的饺子,多像一件件艺术品啊!我看了也忍不住学着大人样做了起来。我先把馅包进皮子里,然后把皮的两边捏在一起,做成了一个圆头圆脑的饺子,逗得大家哈哈大笑。 When everything was ready, we all sat around and started the Qingming Festival. Mothers hands and feet are sharp, and she cleanly separates the dough one by one, and then uses a rolling pin to knead the dough into a thin skin. Adults pack different flavors of stuffing into the noodle skin to make different styles of qingminghe. Some of them are pie shaped dumplings with flowers and lace. They are more like works of art. I cant help but learn to make them like adults. I put the stuffing into the skin first, and then pinched the two sides of the skin together to make a round headed dumpling, which made everyone laugh. 做好了清明粿就要放进蒸笼里烧了。奶奶说只要等20分钟就可以出笼了,可我等呀等,感觉过了好几个小时似的,清明粿却还是没熟,我简直就要望眼欲穿了!好不容易等到清明粿出笼啦!一阵清香扑鼻而来,我迫不及待地抓起一个粿就往嘴里塞,哇,好烫!我咬下一小口,黏黏的,糯糯的,还很有嚼劲呢,真是太好吃了!不一会儿,一个粿就被我消灭了,艾草和米粉的清香却一直留在我的嘴里。 After the Qingming Festival, its time to put it into the steamer. Grandma said that it would take only 20 minutes to get out of the cage, but I waited and waited. After several hours, I felt like the qingmingju was still not ripe, and I could hardly wait to see through it! It was not easy to wait until qingmingju came out of the cage! A smell came, and I couldnt wait to grab one of them and put it in my mouth, wow, it was so hot! I took a small bite, sticky, waxy and chewy Well, its so delicious! In a short time, I wiped out one of them, but the fragrance of wormwood and rice flour remained in my mouth. 我舔舔嘴唇,感觉舌尖好痛,原来是被刚烧好的清明粿烫到了,哎,谁叫我这么贪吃呢!但是这么好吃的清明粿,又有谁会愿意错过呢! I licked my lips and felt the pain on the tip of my tongue. It turned out that I was scalded by the freshly burned qingmingju. Alas, who told me to be so greedy? But who would want to miss such delicious qingmingju!


《清明粿 - 英语作文带翻译.doc》
