
发布时间:2013-02-26 22:08:13   来源:文档文库   

A latte (shortened form of the Italian caffè latte or caffellatte pronounced [ˌkaffelˈlatte], meaning "coffee milk") is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk.

The drink is similar to a cappuccino, the difference being that a cappuccino consists of espresso and steamed milk with a 20 mm (¾ inch) layer of thick milk foam.

拿铁咖啡,亦称拿铁咖啡(Caffè Latte)是诸多意大利式的拿铁咖啡中的一种,因为拿铁(latte)在意大利语意思是鲜奶,所以若是你身处意大利,记得不要只对咖啡店店员说你要一杯Latte,不然你会得到店员狐疑的眼神以及一杯鲜奶。在英语的世界里,Latte则已是Coffee Latte的简称,泛指由热鲜奶所冲泡的咖啡。而法语单词lait与意大利语单词latte同义,都是指牛奶。Caffè Latte,就是所谓加了牛奶的咖啡,通常直接音译为拿铁咖啡甚至拿铁那提。至于法文的Cafe au Lait就是咖啡加牛奶,一般人则称为咖啡欧蕾、或是欧蕾咖啡。直到1980年代,拿铁咖啡一词才在意大利境外使用。一般的拿铁咖啡的成分是三分之一的意式浓缩咖啡Espresso加三分之二的鲜奶,一般不加入奶泡。它与卡布奇诺相比,有更多鲜奶味道。

Caffè latte vs. latte macchiato

A caffè latte differs from a latte macchiato in that in a latte macchiato, espresso is added to milk, rather than the reverse. A caffè latte has a stronger coffee flavor.(Latte:milk is added to espresso and has a stronger coffee flavour.Macchiato:espresso is added to milk.and a small amount of milk foam is added on top . Cappuccino has thicker milk foam than Latte but the same prossess.)

The latte macchiato is milk steamed to microfoam, served in a glass with a half shot of espresso poured gently through the foamy top layer, creating a layered drink with a “macchiato” – a spot – of espresso on the top. As with a caffè macchiato, which is espresso with a spot of milk atop, indicating there's a hint of milk underneath the espresso foam, a latte macchiato is the opposite, to indicate there is espresso in the milk.

Cappuccino is a coffee drink topped with foamed milk. It is made in a steam-producing espresso machine(蒸汽浓缩咖啡机). Espresso is poured into the bottom third of the cup, followed by a similar amount of hot milk. The top third of the drink consists of milk foam; this foam can be decorated with artistic drawings made with the same milk, called latte art. The drinker may sprinkle shaved chocolate, raw sugar, cinnamon, or other spices onto the top of the finished drink, or have chocolate melted into the coffee before the milk is added. Cappuccinos are served with a teaspoon and then consumed.

Iced cappuccinoCappuccino Freddo is the cold version of a cappuccino, where the drink usually has a small amount of cold frothed milk atop it. This drink is widely available in parts of Italy. In Rome, for example, each bar has the drink already prepared. In cities of Northern Italy, like Milan, however, it is almost impossible to find cappuccino freddo. Instead, "gelato da bere" (a thick blend of gelato and espresso) or "shakerato" (espresso and ice shaken together) are more popular. The term has also spread throughout the Mediterranean region where foam is added to the drink just before serving, often varying from the Italian original. In North America, however, the terms "Cappuccino Freddo" or "Iced cappuccino", if offered, may be somewhat of a misnomer if the characteristic frothed milk is omitted in the iced variation. For example, at Starbucks, without the frothed milk the drink is called an "iced latte".

Espresso浓缩咖啡,或意式浓缩咖啡,是一种口感强烈的咖啡类型,方法是以极热但非沸腾的热水,借由高压冲过研磨成很细的咖啡粉末来冲出咖啡。它发明及发展于意大利,始于20世纪初,但直到1940年代中期以前,它是种单独透过蒸气压力制作出的饮品。在发明弹簧瓣杠杆(spring piston lever)咖啡机,并成功商业化,将浓缩咖啡转型成为今日所知的饮品。制作过程是将温度约90℃的热水,以910大气压力 (bar)的压力,在20~30秒时间内萃取出约30cc的咖啡液。

Espresso is a concentrated beverage brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso often has a thicker consistency than coffee brewed by other methods, a higher concentration of suspended and dissolved solids, and crema (meaning cream, but being a reference to the foam with a creamy texture that forms as a result of the pressure). As a result of the pressurized brewing process the flavours and chemicals in a typical cup of coffee are very concentrated. Espresso is the base for other drinks, such as a latte, cappuccino, macchiato, mocha, or americano. Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most beverages, but the usual serving size is smaller—a typical 60 mL (2 US fluid ounce) of espresso has 80 to 150 mg of caffeine, less than the 95 to 200 mg of a standard 240 mL (8 US fluid ounces) cup of drip-brewed coffee.[1]

玛琪雅朵浓缩咖啡(意大利语Espresso macchiato),一种使用少量牛奶或奶泡加上浓缩咖啡制作而成的咖啡饮料。玛奇雅朵(意大利语Macchiato)的意思是标记烙印染色,因此玛琪雅朵咖啡的字面意思是以牛奶来上色的浓缩咖啡。传统上,玛琪雅朵咖啡是以一杯浓缩咖啡,上面加上大约一茶匙牛奶,让牛奶浮在咖啡表面作为点缀装饰。

Caffè macchiato (Italian pronunciation: [kafˈfɛ makˈkjaːto]), sometimes called espresso macchiato, is a coffee drink, made out of espresso with a small amount of milk. 'Macchiato' simply means 'marked' or 'stained', and in the case of caffè macchiato, this means literally 'espresso stained/marked with milk'. Traditionally it is made with one shot of espresso, and the small amount of added milk was the 'stain'. However, later the 'mark' or 'stain' came to refer to the foamed milk that was put on top to indicate the beverage has a little milk in it, usually about a teaspoon. In fact, a caffè macchiato in Portuguese is named café pingado which means coffee with a drop, the drop of milk.

The reason this coffee drink got its name was that the baristas needed to show the serving waiters the difference between an espresso and an espresso with a tiny bit of milk in it; the latter was 'marked'. In the United States, 'macchiato' is more likely to describe latte macchiato[citation needed], thus arises the common confusion that 'macchiato' literally means 'foam', or that a macchiato must necessarily have foam. (As the term 'macchiato' to describe this type of coffee predates the common usage of foam in coffee by centuries, the staining 'agent' the additive that lightens the dark espresso, is traditionally the milk, not the foam).


意大利语Café Mocha,又名莫加或者摩卡)是意式拿铁咖啡Café Latté)的变种。和经典的意式拿铁咖啡一样,它通常是由三分之一的意式特浓咖啡Caffè Espresso)和三分之二的奶沫配成,不过它还会加入少量巧克力。巧克力通常会以巧克力糖浆的形式添加,但某些咖啡售卖系统便会以即溶巧克力粉取代。有时,打起了的奶油可可粉,和棉花糖都会加在上面用来加重咖啡的香味和作为装饰之用。

与意式卡布奇诺Cappuccino)相同,摩卡咖啡上面也有牛奶泡沫,不过有些时候会以打发的鲜奶油取代。摩卡咖啡顶上常会加上一些肉桂粉或者可可粉。有时候也会在上面加上棉花糖增加风味或做为装饰。有种摩卡的变种是白摩卡咖啡(White Café Mocha),用白巧克力代替牛奶和黑巧克力。除了白摩卡咖啡之外,还有一些变种是用两种巧克力糖浆混合,它们有时被称为斑马Zebras),也有时会被滑稽地叫作燕尾服摩卡Tuxedo Mocha)。

A caffè mocha or café mocha is a variant of a caffè latte, inspired by the TurinCoffee beverage Bicerin. Like a caffè latte, it is based on espresso and hot milk, but with added chocolate, typically in the form of sweet cocoa powder, although many varieties use chocolate syrup. Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate.

Café mocha, in its most basic formulation, can also be referred to as hot chocolate with (e.g. a shot of) espresso added. Like cappuccino, café mochas typically contain the well-known milk froth on top, although, as is common with hot chocolate, they are sometimes served with whipped cream instead. They are usually topped with a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder and marshmallows may also be added on top for flavor and decoration.

Mocha coffee beans

Mocha is also used to describe a type of coffee bean. Smaller and rounder than most other varieties, these beans are derived from the coffee species Coffea arabica(咖啡树), which is native to Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚) and Yemen(也门). Although the beans originally shipped from the port of Mocha were thought to have had a chocolate-like taste, current mocha beans from Yemen do not.Thus, "Mocha coffee" can refer either to the coffee-with-chocolate drink, or simply to coffee brewed with mocha beans.


Coffee, served as a beverage without cream or milk



In Malaysia, the original white coffee started in the town of Ipoh, referring to a drink made from coffee beans roasted in margarine, brewed and served with sweetened condensed milk in a cream-color form. An example is the original Chang Jiang White Coffee, or Ipoh White Coffee. Local coffee manufacturers subsequently mix instant coffee powder with non-dairy creamer or whitener and sugar together, and market the 3-in-1 mixture as White Coffee as well.


Caffè Americano, or Americano (English: American coffee) is a style of coffee prepared by adding hot water to espresso, giving it a similar strength to, but different flavor from, regular drip coffee. The strength of an Americano varies with the number of shots of espresso and the amount of water added. The name is also spelled with varying capitalization and use of diacritics: e.g. Café Américano – a hyperforeignism using the French word for coffee and the Italian word for American, but with the correct French accent - café Americano, cafe americano, etc.

In the United States, "Americano" is used broadly to mean combining hot water and espresso in either order, but in a narrower definition it refers to adding water to espresso (espresso on the bottom), while adding espresso to water (espresso on the top) is instead referred to as a long black.



在美国、澳大利亚新西兰,有些时候会将勾兑时先放入热水后放入浓缩咖啡的做法称为Long Black。某些时候,一些简单的咖啡机也被称为美式咖啡机。其实他们是滴漏式的咖啡机。美式咖啡一定要用热水制备。因此很难找到美式咖啡制作的冰咖啡。保守的欧洲人并不喜欢香味受到破坏的美式咖啡。法国人会将美式咖啡称为jus de chaussette,意思是袜子汁。



Irish coffee (Irish: Caifé Gaelach) is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar (some recipes specify that brown sugar should be used, stirred, and topped with thick cream. The coffee is drunk through the cream. The original recipe explicitly uses cream that has not been whipped, although drinks made with whipped cream are often sold as "Irish coffee".


越南冰咖啡Vietnamese iced coffee

越南语cà phê đá,字面意思为冰咖啡)是一种滴漏咖啡。加上牛奶,在北越称为越南冰牛奶咖啡(越南语cà phê nâu đá),按其字面意思,就是冰咖啡加牛奶。越南咖啡使用的滴漏具采用有孔的金属,因此不需更换滤纸。而实际饮用时,往往先在咖啡杯内放上炼乳,再通过咖啡具让咖啡滴下。

At its simplest, Ca phe da is made with finely ground Vietnamese-grown dark roast coffee individually brewed with a small metal French drip filter into a cup containing about a quarter to a half as much sweetened condensed milk, stirred and poured over ice.

曼特宁咖啡(Mandeling coffee):产于亚洲印度尼西亚的苏门答腊,别称苏门​​答腊咖啡。风味非常浓郁,香、苦、醇厚,带有少许的甜味。

冰咖啡Frappé coffee: 咖啡中加奶泡、糖和冰块,口感微甜凉爽,几乎没有咖啡的苦涩味道,是适合夏季消暑的饮料。

Frappé coffee (also Greek frappé or Café frappé) (Greek: φραπές, frapés) is a Greek foam-covered iced coffee drink made from instant coffee (generally, spray-dried).[1] It is very popular in Greece and Cyprus, especially during the summer, but has now spread to other countries. Accidentally invented in 1957 in the city of Thessaloniki, it is now the most popular coffee among Greek youth and foreign tourists. The frappé has become a hallmark of the post-war outdoor Greek coffee culture.


