
发布时间:2018-07-01 17:28:27   来源:文档文库   

Advantages: to improve the physical and mental state; through appropriate computer games can improve brain power, coordinating hand and eye coordination; exercise operating the mouse and keyboard proficiency. Computer Basics training. To play a good game, must have a solid foundation of computer application technology, in this sense, the children play games to promote mental and physical hands-on research has become the driving force behind the computer. Culture reaction force and thinking skills. Different games require different responsiveness and ability to think, play the game itself is the training process.
Relieve the pressure of study. Work and rest, relax, why not?
好处:改善身体和精神状态;通过适当的电脑游戏,可以提高大脑的思维能力,协调手和眼睛的配合;锻炼操作鼠标和键盘的熟练程度。培养电脑基础知识。要玩好游戏,必须有扎实的电脑应用技术基础,在这个意义上,玩游戏成了促进小朋友动脑动手研究电脑的原动力。 培养反应力和思维能力。不同的游戏需要不同的反应力和思维能力,玩游戏本身就是培养的过程。


1, is important to grasp the many ways computer knowledge has become an important source of access to knowledge.
Most of the information in major libraries around the world through the computer Internet access, it is not only efficient but also eliminating the need for access to a large number of additional expenses.
As well as news, information, entertainment, literature and other information. Through the computer on the Internet we can see the latest, fastest and most authoritative news, you can learn without the knowledge of books, learn a wider range of unknown information, but also so that more students faster, sooner, closer to the technology front, it helps us to love science, advocating science.
1、是快速掌握多方面知识的重要途径 电脑已经成为一种获取知识的重要来源。



2, effective way to education the current array of learning software, and the book is much more flexible compared to fun, just like watching cartoons as easy to attract our attention.
2、接受教育的有效方式 目前的学习软件琳琅满目,与书本相比要有趣灵活得多,就像看动画片一样,容易吸引我们的眼球。

Encyclopedia of Great Britain a few Big thick, a small disc can get. There are "Wang Xiao," this new way of teaching, "Wang Xiao" in a single teacher to teach you, "students" who learn from each other during the exchange, there is no face to face with the teachers in the classroom the kind of binding, are not subject to time , place constraints on our freedom of students to play a great help.
3, the computer is a useful tool to enhance communication. At present almost all high school students only child, in addition to the school we generally spent more time alone, and we can access through the computer chat room or other communication sites OICQ chatting in this virtual world,
3、电脑是加强交流的有益工具。 目前的中学生几乎都是独生子女,除了在学校我们一般独处的时间较多,而通过电脑上网我们可以在聊天室或OICQ等其它的交流网站聊天,在这虚拟的世界里,

Their talking about their favorite subject, users, young or old, regardless of occupation, as long as the similar interests that can make confidences. This desire for friends, friendship, desire, desire to talk to us it is a great opportunity. We are happy to talk about in the network, get spiritual relaxation and relief.
各自谈论着自己喜欢的话题,网友不论老少,不论职业,只要认为兴趣相投就可以尽吐心声。 这对渴望朋友,渴求友谊,渴求倾诉的我们来说是一个绝好的机会。我们在网络中愉快地畅谈,得到心灵上的放松和解脱。


