word list 3有关于英语四六级词汇和句子的练习和背诵整理

发布时间:2014-12-24 19:51:31   来源:文档文库   

1.the formerthe latter 前者后者they keep horse and cattle, the former for riding the latter for food.他们养马和牛,前者供乘骑,后者供食用

2.at first 最初,起先

3.first of all 首先

4.a weather forecast 天气预报

5.sales forecast 销售预测

6.and so forth 等等:they discussed investments, the state of the economy and so forth.他们讨论了投资和经济状况等问题

7.look forward to (+doing) 期盼,预料

8.bring/put forward 提出,提议

9.beg off 恳求免除(某种义务):I’m sorry but I’m going to have to beg off from the game tonight 对不起,今晚比赛我不能参加了

10.the nation beggared by taxes 困于苛捐杂税的国民

11.to begin with (插入语) 首先

12.from beginning to end 从头到尾,自始至终

13.at the beginning of 之初,开始

14.the ends of the earth 天涯海角

15.the shower ended our tennis match 我们的网球赛因阵雨而终止

16.end in 结尾:their long struggle ended in failure 他们长期的斗争终告失败

17.end up 结束,告终:if you continue to steal you’ll end up in prison 如果你继续偷窃,终归得进监狱

18.in the end 最后,终于:he tried many times to pass the exam and in the end he succeeded 他多次努力想通过考试,最后成功了

19.no end 极其,非常:your latest book amused me no end 我觉得你那本新书十分有趣

20.on end 连续地:three days on end 一连三天/he sat there for hours on end 他连续几小时坐在那里

21.hinder sb from doing sth 妨碍某人干某事

22.hold back 阻止,阻碍

23.keep back 阻止,阻碍

24.set back 阻止,阻碍

25.believe in ①信仰,相信…的存在 ②相信…的效用 ③信任,信赖

26.believe sb = believe what one says 相信某人的话

27.beyond belief 难以置信:she was patient beyond belief with his mood 她对他喜怒无常的脾气宽容到令人难以置信的程度

28.their water supply is getting low 他们的供水在逐渐减少

29.she’s still feeling low about failing the exam 她考试不及格,现在情绪仍然低落

30.the lower Hudson 哈德逊河下游

31.the lower/upper lip /上唇

32.speak in a low voice 低声说

33.lower one’s voice 放低声音

34.a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons 一年由四季循环组成

35.free recycling (= free cycling ) 免费回收

36.he has a wide circle of friends 他交友很广

37.a circular table 圆桌

38.a circular ticket 环程票

39.blood circulates through the body 血液在体内循环

40.a circulation 发行量

41.currency circulation 货币流通

42.integrated circuit 集成电路

43.be on circuit 在巡回当中

44.in/under the circumstances 在此情况下,既然如此:under the circumstances crash was unavoidable 在这种情况下,撞车事故是不可避免的

45.under no circumstance 无论如何不,决不:under no circumstances should you leave the house 你无论如何也不能离开这屋子

46.a bit 有点儿,相当

47.bit by bit 一点一点地,逐渐地

48.do one’s bit 做自己分内的事:we are sure to finish this job ahead of schedule if everyone does his bit 如果每个人都尽自己的本分,我们一定能提前完成任务

49.every bit as good/bad (as sb/sth) (和某人、某事物)同样好/坏:the boy is every bit as bad-tempered as his father 这男孩和他父亲一样坏脾气

50.biter tears 伤心泪

51.bitter/bitting winter wind 刺骨的寒风

52.a board of directors (公司)董事会,(团体)委员会

53.board and lodging 膳宿

54.boarding gate 登机门

55.bulletin board system (BBS) 电子公告板系统

56.board of directors 董事会

57.across the board 全体地,全面地:the company has increased productivity across the board 这家公司的生产有了全面地增长

58.above board 开诚布公,公开:as far as I know the deal is completely above board 据我所知,这笔交易完全是光明正大的

59.board up 用木板封住(门、窗等):all the windows were boarded up and the place look totally deserted 所有窗户都用木板封住,一切看上去十分荒凉

60.sweep the board (轻易地)大获全胜:they swept the board in the election 他们在大选中大获全胜

61.the border of stream 溪畔

62.the border of china and burma 中缅边境

63.how many countries border Switzerland ? 有多少国家于瑞士接壤

64.the electric blanket 电热毯

65.fill in the blank 填空

66.a blank cheque 空白支票

67.at those boring meeting people usually sit still looking blank or scrawl on blank paper 在那些无聊的会议上,人们通常一动不动的坐着,面无表情,或者在白纸上乱涂乱画

70.go blind 失明

71.love is blind 爱情是盲目的

72.window blinds 百叶窗

73.turn a blind eye (to) (对…)佯装不见

74.turn a blind ear (to) (对…)置若罔闻:the boss sometimes turned a blind eye to smoking in the office 老板有时对员工在办公室吸烟视而不见

75.flesh and blood 血肉之躯

76.there are of the same blood 他们属同一血统

77.in cold blood 残忍地:he murdered the old man in cold blood 他将老人残酷的杀死了

78.he’s working for an insurance company in paris and earning bloody good money 他在巴黎一家保险公司任职,挣很多钱

79.the boy punched jack and bloodied his nose 那男孩用拳猛击杰克,把鼻子打出了血

80.the cut on his finger was bleeding 他手上的刀口在流血

81.he was bled for every penny he had 他的钱被榨的一干二净

80.the tire blew out 轮胎爆裂了

81.blow up ①爆炸,(被)炸毁 ②充气,给打气 ③发火,发怒:I’m sorry I blew up at you 对不起,我对你发火了

82.come to blows (因某事)动武,打起架来:the representatives almost come to blows at the meeting 代表们在会上几乎相互殴打起来

83.an icy blast rushed into the room 一股寒风吹进屋里

84.blast a rock 炸开岩石

85.atfull blast 最大马力地:do you really need the heater on at full blast ? 你真的需要将暖气开足吗?

86.Boil down to 基本问题是,归结为:the problem all boils down to lack of money 问题的症结说到底就是没钱

87.boil over ①沸溢:the milk is boiling over 牛奶煮沸溢出来了 ②怒火中烧,大怒:sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into violent action 有时失意和愤怒的情绪会激化成暴力行为

88.e-book 电子书

89.p-book 纸质书

90.book in 为…预定(房间等),为…办理登记手续:could you book me in at the Hilton for tow nights ? 你能在希尔顿旅馆为我预定两夜的房间吗?

91.by the book 循规蹈矩,严格遵守章法:john never goes by the book 约翰从不肯严格按规章办事

92.bow out 退出:she’ll be bowing out at the end of the month after presenting the program for eight years 这个节目她已经主持了8年,她将在本月底退出

93.elbow one’s way 用肘推着从人群中挤过去

94.in all the colors of the rainbow 五颜六色的(地)

95.fill in the bracket 填充括号

96.break in ①强行进入:the thief had broken in through a first-floor window

偷是从底楼的窗户闯入的 ②(on:she listened keenly occasionally breaking in (on us) with some questions 她饶有兴趣地听着,不时插问(我们)一些问题

97.break into 强行闯入,撬开(汽车等):they broke into the bank by digging a tunnel 他们挖了一条地道进入这家银行

98.break off 突然停止,中断:she told her story breaking off now and then to wipe tears from her eyes 她述说着她的故事,不时地停下来擦着泪水

99.brek out ①爆发,突然开始 ②逃离某地:several prisoners broke out the jail last night 昨晚有几名罪犯越狱了

100.break through ①突破,冲破:I tried to break through the crowd but it was impossible 我力图从人群中挤出来,但是办不到 ②取得突破:scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against canner 科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破

101.break up ①打碎:the ship broke up on the rocks 船触礁撞坏了 ②结束:it was money trouble that broke up their marriage 是金钱上的问题使他们的婚姻破裂 ③散开,解散:police were called in to break up the crowd 出动警察将人群驱散

102.a nervous breakdown 神经衰弱

103.my car had a breakdown on the way home 在回家路上,我的车出了故障

104the committee prepared a breakdown of expenditure 委员会准备了一份各项支出的统计分析

105.it demonstrates a major technological breakthrough 这标志着一次重要的技术突破

106.he was born just before the outbreak of the war 他生于战争爆发前不久

107.(ABS) anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动装置

108.put on brake 闸止,刹车

109.apply the brake闸止,刹车

110.catch one’s breath (由于恐惧等)屏息,屏气 ②(激烈运动后)歇口气:I had to stop running for a few minutes to catch my breath 我不得不停下脚步,歇几分钟喘口气

111.take sb’s breath away 使惊羡不已:the beautiful scenery nearly took our breath away 景色之美使我们惊羡不已

112.under ons’s breath 低声(说):henry muttered something under his breath 亨利低声地咕哝着什么

113.in brief 简单的说,简言之

114.she could not bring herself to tell him the tragic news 她没有勇气把那悲惨的消息告诉他

115.the medicine brought rapid relief 这药很快起到缓解的效果

116.bring about 导致,引起:computers have brought about many changes in our daily life 电脑给我们的日常生活带来了许多变化

117bring around/round ①使苏醒 she fainted in the heat but was quickly brought around with brandy 她中暑晕倒了,但白兰地使她很快苏醒过来 ②说服,使信服:we will do everything we can to bring him round to our point of view 我将尽一切可能说服他接受我们的观点

118.bring back ①归还,送回:bring back a newspaper will you ? 带一份报纸回来,好吗?②使回想起:the class reunion brought back a lot of memories. 这次同学聚会令人回忆起许多往事 ③使恢复:bring back the old electric trams 恢复旧时的有轨电车

119.bring down ①使落下,打倒:the wind had brought several trees down 风把好几棵树吹倒了 ②降低,减少:when is the government going to bring down inflation ? 政府打算何时降低通货膨胀?

120.bring forth 生产,产出:the trees bring forth many apples 这些树能结出很多苹果

121.bring forward①提出,讨论,提议:the government will bring forward several proposals for legislation 政府将提出几项立法提案 ②提前:the meeting has been brought forward to Tuesday 会议已提前到星期二召开

122.bring off 完成,做完:he thought his book would change society but he didn’t bring it off 他原以为他的书能改变社会,但愿望没能实现

123.bring on ①导致(常指坏事)②促使提高:this warm weather should bring on the crops 这种温暖的天气应该能促使作物生长

124.bring out ①出版,生产:the company is bringing out a new sports car 公司正在推出一款新型跑车 ②使显现:his photograph brings out details of the sculpture 他的照片显示出这一雕塑品的细微部分

125.bring to 使苏醒:they poured cold water over her to bring her to 他们向她泼冷水,使她苏醒过来

126.at home and abroad 国内外

127.go abroad 出国

128.spread abroad 传播的很广

129.broadcasting station 广播台

130.chain broadcast 联播

131.realy broadcast 转播

132.build a nest ()筑巢

133.build a fire 生火

134.build in/into 使固定于,使成为…的一部分:an allowance for travel was built into the budget 差旅津贴被编入预算

135.build on/upon 把…建立于,以…为思想(或行动等)的基础:the insurance business is built on trust 保险业务是以信用为基础的

136.build up ①建立:they have built up a good reputation 他们已经建立了良好的声誉 ②增强…的体质:when sick you must rest to build up your health 生病时你必须增休息以增强体质 ③逐渐聚集,集结:we are trying to build up medicinal herbs and spices 我们正在尽力收集药草和香料

137.bump into 偶然遇见,碰见:I bumped into an old friend of mine at the gas station 我在加油站碰见了一个老朋友

138.i have got a lump/bump on my head 我头上起了个包

139.she stumped angrily up the stairs 她气得咚咚地走上楼去

140.thump the desk with his fist 用拳锤击桌子

141.burn-in 工作狂

142.burn down ①烧毁:they came back to find that house had burnt down 他们回来后发现房子被烧毁了 ②火势减弱:the room grew colder as the fire burnt down 随着炉火逐渐减弱,房间越来越冷

143.burn up ①被烧掉,被烧毁:fires have burned up 18000 acres of timber 大火烧毁了18万英亩的林木 ②烧的更旺:if you put on more coal the fire will burn up 你家点煤,火就会旺起来

144.do you cook your meals on a burner ? 你用炉子做饭吗?

145.CD burner 光盘刻录机

146.be busy (in) doing sth 忙于(做)…

147.be busy with sth 忙于(做)…

148.she runs a thriving grocery business 她经营了一家生意兴隆的食品杂货店

149.we discussed this week’s business 我们讨论了本周的工作

150.I’msorry for not replying sooner but I had business to take care of 因事物缠身,迟复为歉

151.business card 名片

152.go into business 下海

153.get down to business 着手处理正事

154.go out of business 歇业:A large number of small firms have gone out of business owing to the high interest rates 高利率使许多小公司关门歇业

155.have no business 无权

156.in business 经商,经营:he’s finished college and now he works in business 他已大学毕业,目前正在经商

157.mean business (对某事)是认真的:I knew that he meant business this time 我知道他这次是认真的

158.mind your own business 管好你自己的事:when I asked him what he was doing he told me to mind my own business 我问他在干什么,他叫我别管闲事

159.on business 出差:when travelling on business I take my tiny travel sewing kit 出差时,我总是带上我那小小的旅行针线盒

160.the police called at the house but there was no one there 警察拜访那一家人,可是没人在

161.call-blocking 呼叫限制(服务)

162.call forwarding 呼叫转移(服务)

163.call back 回电话

164.call in ①叫…进来,召来:we had no hesitation in calling the police in 我们立马报了警 ②收回:the library called in all overdue books 图书馆要求把所有逾期未还的书收回

165.call off 取消:they’ve decided it would be best to call the wedding off 他们决定最好将婚礼取消

166.call out ①大声喊叫 ②出动:the firemen have been called out to put out the fire 消防员已出动灭火

167.we can’t recall our lost youth 青春已去唤不回

168.in so-called civilized word 在所谓的文明世界里

169.what is called what one calls (所谓)并不含贬义:he is what is called a poet 他就是所谓的诗人

170.physically challenged 身体有缺陷的

171.i couldn’t reconcile the two 我没能使他俩言归于好

172.i can’t reconcile myself to such a theory 我感觉无法接受这样的理论

173.reconcilewith ①使…与…和解 ②使…与…一致

174.reconcile oneself to 顺从,心甘情愿

175.a city council 市议会

176.the UN security council 联合国安全理事会

177.the state council (中国)国务院

178.give/offer counsel 提出忠告

179.he counseled starting earlier 他建议早些出发

180.keep one’s own counsel 将意见(或计划)保密

181.take counsel together 共同商量:he decided to take counsel together with his wife about where to spend their holiday 他决定和妻子共同商量去哪度假


《word list 3有关于英语四六级词汇和句子的练习和背诵整理.doc》
