
发布时间:2020-04-28 19:23:39   来源:文档文库   




( ) 1. A. tooth B. book C. look D. cook

( ) 2. A. cheap B. spread C. mean D. peace

( ) 3. A. loud B. round C. house D. young

( ) 4. A. flags B. noise C. has D. maps

( ) 5. A. uncle B. bank C. certain D. drink


( ) 6. I have ________ to tell you. But first, please help _________ to _________fish, children.

A. anything important, our, any

B. something important, yourselves, some

C. important everything, yours, each

D. important thing, us, other

( ) 7. Tom and Jerry are twins and they are_________. Their family ________ good. Now the family _________ watching TV.

A. we heros, are, are B. ours heros, are, is

C. our heroes, is, are D. us heroes, is, is

( ) 8. ---Have you seen ______bag? I left it here just now. It’s _______ Browns.

--- Is it ________ one on the chair near the door?

A. a, the, the B. the, the, the C. a, a, a D. the, the, a

( ) 9. Do it__________. The film will be on_________ 30 minutes. I think the Captain America. The first Avenger is __________ X Men.

A. quickest, by, more 2 hundreds times interesting than

B. quicker, for, 2 hundred time less interesting than

C. more quickly, in, 2 hundred times less interesting than

C. quicklier, to, 2 hundreds time more interesting than

( ) 10. When we are________, he is alone _________ with nothing.

A. at table, at the table B. at a table, on table

C. on the table, on table D. on table, at a table

( ) 11. The weather is not too cold______ too hot in this season. Let’s go ______ a science trip.

A. and, for B. nor, to C. but, with D. or, on

( ) 12. She is ________ surprised________ she can’t believe her eyes. I’ll tell her the truth________ I see her.

A. too, to, and B. so, that, as soon as C. such, so, when D. not, but, that

( ) 13. There_________ any bread in the fridge. Let’s _________ to buy some,________?

A. are, goes, will you B. is, going, will you

C. aren’t, went, shall we D. isn’t, go, shall we

( ) 14. I____ nothing in my pocket. But ____ iPhone and 2 computers on the table.

A. have, there is an B. has, I have

C. there be, there are D. there be, there is

( ) 15. Her handwriting is as________ as________.

A. well, I B. better, me C. good, mine D. best, mind

( ) 16. _________ clever you are!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

( ) 17. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the_________.

A. cinema B. library C. museum D. supermarket

( ) 18. Who’s the lady _______ blue?

A. in B. on C. at D. with

( ) 19. Those must________ tulips.

A. being B. is C. are D. be

( ) 20. ---_________do you go to the cinema? ---Seldom.

A. When B. What time C. How often D. Which

( ) 21. ---Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?

---No. I think we need __________men.

A. another B. two others C. more two D. two more

( ) 22. The two_________ are form Beijing.

A. man doctors B. mans doctors C. men doctors D. men doctor

( ) 23. I find the little girl________ in the room now.

A. jumping B. jumps C. jumped D. jump

( ) 24. Tomorrow Tom will________ Beijing.

A. come from B. find out C. leave for D. hold on

( ) 25. The elephant is _______ big _______ go through the gate.

A. so… that B. either…or C. not… but D. too…to


Mrs. Green lives in the country, and she doesn't know London very well. One day, she went to London. She couldn’t find her 26 . Just then, she 27 a man near the bus stop. " I can ask him the way." she says to 28 and asked, "Excuse me, will you please 29 me the way to King Street?" The man smiled with 30 answers. He 21 know English. He spoke Russian. He was a 32 . Then he 33 his hand into his pocket, 34 a piece of paper and let her 35 it. On the paper are these words, "Sorry, I don’t speak English."

( ) 26. A. way B. street C. room D. house

( ) 27. A. looked at B. saw C. watched D. stared

( ) 28. A. sheself B. himself C. herself D. himself

( ) 29. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell

( ) 30. A. no B. not C. neither D. nor

( ) 31. A. don’t B. didn’t C. doesn’t D. doesnot

( ) 32. A. dancer B. blind C. visitor D. dumb

( ) 33. A. brought B. took C. carried D. put

( ) 34. A. took away B. took part in C. took out D. took place

( ) 35. A. to see B. looked at C. watching D. read

四、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分)


In many countries, winter is from December to February. Autumn is 3 months before winter. In

the autumn, leaves drop to the ground. Many trees have nuts or fruits. Animals may begin to store food. Some birds collect nuts to store. Other birds fly to a warmer place for the winter. They won't return until the spring. Days become shorter. Cold weather is coming. The fur of many animals gets thick because they need a thick coat to protect themselves. People also wear warmer clothes, because the weather is a little colder. In some places there may be rain or even snow, but in many southern places it is still warm. Autumn is also the time when farmers harvest their crops. People look forward to(盼望) autumn for many reasons. The most important one is that autumn is the harvest season.

( ) 36. Which several months belong to the autumn season?

A. Jun. Jul. and Aug. B. Sep. Oct and Nov.

C. Mar. Apr. and May. D. Dec. Jan. and Feb

( ) 37. Animals begin to _________in autumn.

A. go to a warm place B. collect and store food

C. change fur into thicker one D. all the above

( ) 38. What does the underlined word "protect" mean in the article?

A.保护 B. 阻止 C. 使……完美 D. 储存

( ) 39. Autumn is also the ___________time.

A. harvest B. working C. sleeping D. rest

( ) 's the title(题目)of this article?

A. Animals. B. Autumn. C. Seasons. D. Cold and hot.


Miss White: Today is Thursday, 14th July. Tomorrow is the start of the school holiday, children. Where are you going on holiday, Xiaoling?

Xlaoling: I'm going to America, Miss White.

Miss White: That's fantastic, Xiaoling. How are you going to get there~

Xiao ling: By plane, of course.

Miss White: Where are you going on holiday, Yongxian?

Yongxian: I'm going to Hong Kong tomorrow.

Miss White: That's super, Yongxian. How are you going to get there?

Yongxian: I'm going by train.

Miss White: I'm going to Hong Kong tomorrow too. What time is your train going to leave for Hong Kong?

Yongxian: At half past seven in the morning. What about yours?

Miss White: At a quarter to ten. Where are you going on holiday, Wang Lili?

Wang Lili: I'm going to Xiamen tomorrow.

Miss White: That's good. How are you going to get there?

Wang Lili: I'm going by ship.

Miss White: When will you get there?

Wang Lili: At about four o'clock the next afternoon.

Miss White: Where are you going on holiday, Jiamin?

Jiamin: I'm going to stay with my grandmother.

Miss White: That's nice, Jiamin. How are you going to get there?

Jiamin: I'm going on foot. She lives near my home.

( ) 41 .What time will Yongxian's train leave for Hong Kong?

A. At half past 10. B. At a quarter to 10.

C. At half past 7. D. At a quarter past 10.

( ) 42. Who else goes to Hong Kong?

A. Xiaoling B. Wang Lili. C. Jiamin. D. Miss White.

( ) 43. Who goes on holiday by ship?

A. Yongxian. B. Jiamin. C. Wang Lili. D. We don't know.

( ) 44. When will Wang Lili get to Xiamen?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. D. We don't know.

( ) 45. Where will Jiamin live in the holiday?

A. In America. B. In Hong Kong.

C. At his grandma's. D. We don't know.


Is lightning dangerous?

Lightning is beautiful and exciting, but it kills a thousand people in the world every year. Lightning is electricity. The electricity in lightning is very strong. In 1998, one flash of lightning killed eleven players at a football match.

What does it feel like?

Sabrina, aged 12 and her father are lucky to be alive. Last year, they were hit by lightning, but it did not kill them. Sabrina said afterwards, "It felt like a big hammer. My feet and legs hurt for an hour afterwards. My dad said he felt as if his hands were in an electric socket (插座).”

How far away is it?

When you see lightning, start counting the seconds: one...two...three....Stop counting when you hear the thunder. Every three seconds is one kilometer. So if you count six seconds, the lightning was two kilometers away. That does not mean it is safe. Lightning can move very fast.

How to be safe in a storm

1. Stay inside if you can. You will be safe if you do not use the telephone, electrical equipment or water. Do not stand too close to windows or doors.

2. Lightning often hits metal things, so do not touch metal things outside. But you are safe in a car if the windows are closed. The electricity goes down through the car's metal and not through the people!

3. Lighting often hits the tallest thing. Ask yourself "What is the tallest thing there?" If the answer is "A tree",, do not stand under that tree. If the answer is "Me", move quickly!

( ) 46. Count the seconds _________ the lightning and the thunder.

A. after B. between C. before D. both

( ) 47. If you can count nine seconds, the lightning is______________.

A. 3kms away B. 9kms away C. 18kms away D. 27kms away

( ) 48. ______________ metal things outside when there is lightning.

A. Be careful with B. Carry C. Take D. You should not touch

( ) 49. What's the meaning of the underlined word "electricity" in Chinese?

A. B. C. 装备 D. 闪电

( ) 50. You are usually safe if you ______________the tallest thing.

A. are too near B. are not too near C. go quickly to D. go slowly to

五、 根据实际情况回答问题。(每空填一个单词, 每题1分, 10分)

51. ---Hello! May I speak to Bill?

--- Yes,_________ _________ Bill speaking.

52. ---Happy New Year!

--- _________ _____________ __________you.

53. --What is the national flower of Mexico?

-- ______________________.

54. --Which star is the satellite of the earth?

-- __________ ___________.

55. -- In which country do Koalas live?

-- _____________________.

56. --- Which is the longest river in Guang Dong Province?

--- ________ ________ _______

57. ---When you heard that Lily was ill. What should you say?

---I’m _______ ________ _______ ________.

58. ---Whose room is it?

---It is _________ and ___________(这是Tom Jerry 共用的房间)

59. ---Nice to see you again.

--- ________ ________.

60. ---Which gas can't make the match burn, CO2, O2 or air?

--- _________________.

六、 根据所给的首字母完成下列句子(每题1分, 5分)在填写答案时, 首字母要写出来。

61. --What's the m___________ of the word "pudding"?

-- I don't know. I have to look it up in the dictionary.

62. You can take the u _____________ , line 3, to get to the airport.

63. I think more people should r __________ bikes to go to work.

64. Isaac Newton was a great English i_____________.

65. Did anything interesting h_____________ in your school today?

七、 根据中文, 完成下列的句子, 每空格填一词。(每空1分,共10分)

66. 孙中山反对帝制,他尽力改变中国和解放人类。

Dr .Sun Yatsen was _________the emperor. He __________to change China and

___________ the people.

67. 莫扎特是最伟大的音乐家之一。

Mozart was ______________ of the __________ _______________.

68. 每天狮子在深林里四处闲逛找食物, 一旦抓到公牛,它就马上把牛吃光。

Everyday, the lion went around in the forest__________ __________ for food. Once it catches one bull, it will eat it ____________ at ___________.

八、 作文(10分)

fish fisherman 作为主人翁, 自编一个小故事, 逻辑合理, 有新意, 字数不低于40词。


一、1~5 ABDDC

二、6~10 BCACA 11~15 DBDAC 16~20 BBADC 21~25 DCACD

三、26~30 ABCDA 31~35 BCDCD

四、36~40 BDAAB 41~45 CDCBC 46~50 BADBB

五、51. this is 52. The same to 53. Cactus 54. The moon 55. Australia

56. The Pearl River 57. sorry to hear that 58. Tom, Jerrys 59. Me too 60. CO2

六、61. meaning 62. underground 63. ride 64. inventor 65. happen

七、66. against, tried, freed 67. one, greatest musicians 68. to search, up, once

八、The Fisherman and the Fish

once upon a time, there lived an old fisherman and his wife. They were poor and lived in an old, mud hut near the sea. One morning, he caught a small, golden fish. The fish begged the fisherman to let him go and offered to grant the fisherman's wishes in return. The man was kind and let the fish go.

The man went home and told his wife about the wonderful thing. She shouted at him and sent him back to the sea to catch the fish and ask for a new bucket because theirs was broken. The sun shone brightly as the man did this. When he returned, he saw a new bucket. But the fisherman's wife was still not happy and wanted a new . The weather got bad as the man explained to the fish about his rude wife. The fish comforted him and promised to grant the second wish. When he returned, he saw a nice, new cottage.

The next day, his wife said that she wanted to be mayor of the city. The waves got big and the sky suddenly became dark as the man apologized to the golden fish. Again, the fish granted him his wish. However , the fisherman's wife was very greedy. The following week she told him to ask the fish to make her queen of the world.

The fisherman went down to the shore again. By now there was a terrible storm. There was and lightning, and waves in the sea. The man shouted loudly. This time the fish did not reply. The fisherman waited, but the golden fish never appeared. When the man returned home, he found his wife in the old, mud hut with their broken bucket.


