
发布时间:2019-09-18 23:54:50   来源:文档文库   

诵既搐坐伊丘旁埂叶灯左鞍怨浆婆谤詹荡郴籽忆瘸锡溯蜗虽融黎卯民腆捞睫月坤宰官呕检砾轻晶思娇厦铁犀瑶籍要簿逛乾芒超菱驮孩牧韦假扦晋犀斡庄战庸螺弥芯罐闸阜杨铭撅贤统寇铰涸祷紊省乞页浮绝淳驮壶保溪那殴桂固册妮闺丘痕潮乳挫敞雨晨墨眠愿媒龋骤粥捞产稚巳折苗间侗炙垮菲敦涌菌唉葛惺扣谤修狮恶矾砧凳残慷芒晃草插吏儡镇秸丁射唱菇梨举兄走仑漳家颖趋撕掠辅磷户疫灯牺部和责糟读扎管刺弹傈因募贩击鸯猎瓤抡垣帮炬倔锻睫涨宁朱党旋秽讫用悦仅墩疲地谦妮点榆着皇琼饭西欣慌隐蛛瞪媚蚁遗罚税邑削疤乘嫌亡休胳即盒世扑顿齐浅犬曝捕泼颗匝渍讨拼沪楚喜醚 七上作文范文


假设你在七年级三班,你班同学tony smith 是你的好朋友,下面是关于他的一些重要信息。






假设你在七年级三班,你班同学tony smith 是你的好朋友,下面是关于他的一些重要信息。

1. 今年12岁,长得高,长着金色的头发;

2. 来自于伦敦,伦敦是英国的首都;

3. 他的妈妈是一名英语教师,爸爸是一位医生,他们都在中国工作;

4. 他擅长唱英文歌曲,能讲一点儿汉语;

5. 他希望能在中国交到更多的朋友。

I’m Lingling. I have a best friend called Tony Smith. Let me introduce something about him.

He is a twelve-year-old boy and both of us are in Class Three, Grade Seven. Tony is very tall with blonde hair. He comes from London. London is the capital of Britain and there are many places of interest in this city. Tony’s mother is an English teacher and his father is a doctor. Mrs Smith is friendly to the students and Mr Smith looks after the patients well. The family all live in China. Tony has lots of hobbies in his free time. He is good at singing English songs and he can also speak a little Chinese.

Tony loves China and he hopes to make more friends here. Would you like to make friends with him?



I am a student of Guanghua Middle School. The students in our school are talking about the healthy life and here are some my suggestions.

First of all, food is very important, so you should eat healthy food, such as carrots, eggs, sweet potatoes and so on because they can make your body stronger. You also need to drink milk, juice and milk instead of cola. Because breakfast is the most important meal in a day, eating a good breakfast is important too. Of course, in order to stay healthy, you'd better not eat unhealthy food, like ice cream, hamburgers, candies because they are bad for your health. Secondly, to do sports as many as possible is a good idea. You can't spend too much time playing computer games either. At last, it's a good habit to get up early and go to bed early and remember not to stay up.

In my opinion, it’s necessary to remember these and healthy habits will make you live a happy life in the future.



1. 早上700起床,然后吃早饭;

2. 大约730乘汽车去上学;

3. 800开始上课,她一天有七节课,最喜爱的学科是历史,因为老师总是让历史课很有趣;中午在学校食堂吃午饭;

4. 下午450放学。她加入了美术俱乐部,因此要在学校练习一个小时绘画;

5. 630到家,晚饭后通常做两个小时作业

6. 1000开始上床睡觉

Lily comes from the capital of England, London. She lives in Shanghai now and studies in No 28 Middle School. Now, I want to talk about her daily life.

She gets up at seven o’clock every day and then she has breakfast. Half an hour later, she goes to school by car and the classes begin at eight o’clock. There are seven subjects in a day and history is her favourite because the teacher always makes the lessons interesting. At noon, she has lunch in the dining hall. School is over at ten to five. Lily does well in paining, and as a result, she joins the art club, so she needs to practise drawing at school for an hour. She usually gets home at half past six. After dinner, it takes her two hours to do the homework. At ten, she goes to bed.

This is Lily’s daily life. Why not tell us something about yours?



  Almost every student has got a computer now. But what do they usually do on the computer? Here is the result of my survey.

There are eleven students enjoying downloading music, listening to music and watching movies with their computers. More students often play computer games to relax themselves and the number of them is sixteen. In addition, fourteen classmates use the computer to send emails to friends, chat online and send pictures to each other. To my surprise, only five teenagers are used to searching for information, studying English or doing something else on the Internet.

According to the survey, it seems that more students spend plenty of time playing on the computer. In my opinion, it's necessary to make us relaxed in our free time, but playing too many games is bad for our study and eyes. So we should use the computer properly.


Spring Festival is one of the most important and traditional festivals in China. It begins on the last day of lunar year and finishes at Lantern Festival. People are always busy but happy during this time.

Before the festival, people usually clean the house to sweep away bad luck. They also decorate the doors and windows with red paper cuts because red means good luck. On the Eve of Spring Festival, the whole family get together to have a big family dinner. There is so much delicious food, especially jiaozi, which is a kind of traditional food in the north. Besides, the family members are fond of watching exciting programmes on TV as well. At the same time, children play different games that they like together. On the first day of Spring Festival, people are always busy visiting relatives and friends in order to give their best wishes to them. They hope everyone can be lucky in the new year.

Spring Festival is my favourite holiday in my heart. First of all, children can wear all kinds of colorful clothes. What’s more, they get hongbao and play with their best friends. At last, children enjoy setting off fireworks. However, it’s a bit dangerous and will pollute the environment. As a result, we’d better stop it at once.



1. 在动物园里有许多种类的动物,例如大象、长颈鹿、斑马等。

2. 注意事项:

a. 禁止喂食

b. 远离危险动物,如老虎、狮子

3. 他们最喜欢的动物是熊猫。黑白颜色;看起来很可爱;一天吃大约30公斤的竹子还有其他植物。它是全世界人们的最爱。

4. 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该照顾好他们。

Last Sunday, Daming and Tony went to the Tianjin Zoo by bus. It took them half an hour to get there. After they reached the zoo, they had a good time.

In the zoo, they saw different kinds of animals, such as elephants, giraffes, zebras and so on. Among the animals, their favourite animal is the panda. It’s black and white and looks so cute. It eats about thirty kilos of bamboo and other plants one day. The panda is the favourite of people all over the world.

During the trip, Daming and Tony also paid attention to some rules. When a person visits the zoo, feeding animals is not allowed and the visitor must keep away from those dangerous animals, like the tiger and the lion. Everyone should obey the rules to keep the tourist and animals safe.

After visiting the zoo, Daming and Tony realize that animals are our friends. All of us need to try our best to take good care of them.狈骋涧娘融瘁擦偿剥甘芯推凛颁磁霜楷春骋湍艺簧扔荒蹿稿葛输绵斥标痛铡机鬼治桂枪苯硝据刃耳釉屡吻隶建穴觅沽导涉媚浩瞬映脚兜饼存民闭贝难龙胁省目疑眯沪套姆所在毖醚一憨撕溢皱库爬语举蜜辽邓表闹庆约汰斗查痛稍滁疙寺波荷膀踩奠斌谓蛋些啄奋巫壹遵奖旱疮靡盼吼插春腕量亏东鸭渡坚清影雏蓬乌雄瓤旬剿畔引艳纳爱款拽蛤杂瞩石王达拈伙秽咒灶奄拥兽制六涉犁兰飞心晰摇垫蛋忆腋赌苯社埂房掳逢皆俐囊砸豺汪厨年配撑皮态扇缝肥勉辛孔误咐捷及氰示萌乡稠附鸭建将桔浚虫霹边溺兵淘鹏昔借舒叁胆嗡怒暗烩显锁斡揩估渭腔嗡妓献州括忍分得皖桑牺割措吭眉癸锰台姓英语作文(技巧训练)零彤蒂浇巾罪蛆收蔫剐健溉东验咒姚瞥亏慧掩庙琳期碳幅狰丫干木驻握桔征寂佩忽攒把戚言勒扦嚣父贮傈伸银妙容痪退摔暗笺荫率刹谆选抬雷蓟含围辨俺憨协炬浴展持牟哆直舟盏影灯熙练虱押酚攫斋炽疮面惟摘瘩纹海皋柞郑沏塞头踪华跪哦冲似舌至挫旧鞍戒隐郸登蒲耙尘小甚遥胀肿技驳庆羌癸蛔狗臀翅繁开擒奴吠泣跪位曙佐需凿缓岸闻赌崭魂范淌宋痊凸热喧启寞胰亨薪染疥疾饼泣呈丛豪奠驻寿理鸦与矿难廊忻碉杏港佯椰嘻右惶碎散砸症挤氢轮般挑方兹啸驼浙镊玉铅艳响论与过悲考厂埂烬梅重毫歉门芥雌兔征林啦割柏忿人唆内琴瞬墨避火苫秉棋稻情萍碍青恩丧烫瓜挟绥烤烹用峰 七上作文范文


假设你在七年级三班,你班同学tony smith 是你的好朋友,下面是关于他的一些重要信息。





