[优质]全国2007年4月高等教育自学考试 英语科技文选试题 课程代码00836

发布时间:2019-01-17 19:03:54   来源:文档文库   





.Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary.(10%)

1.extricable 无法摆脱的

2.fiction 想象的

3.period 周期的

4.produce 生产有经济价值之东西的

5.normal 异常的

6.justified 理由

7.habit 同居

8.class 标准的

9.field 外场

10.distinct 有特色的

.Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(10%)

takeinto account burst forth to the tune of run for dojustice/do justice to

in relation to cater for in response to after all draw on

11.He is going to __________________________ President.

12.He has two jobs; he can’t ______________________ both of them.

13.She used the map to discover where she was _____________________ her surroundings.

14.The company has changed some of its working practices _________________ criticism by

government inspectors.

15.Don’t get discouraged by setbacks; we are new to the work _______________________.

16.The record company __________________________all tastes in music.

17.A writer has to _________________________ his imagination and experience.

18.When you are planning a garden party, you’ll have to ________ the weather ______.

19.Bamboo shoots ________________ in spring.

20.The city council had financed the new building ______________ over twelve million dollars.

.Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%)

contain first than protein in remain carbohydrates

later then with

Proteins are nutrients that build and repair body parts. Large parts of tissues—for instance, bone, muscle, and skin—come from 21 . Foods such as chicken and other meats, eggs, fish, and nuts supply you 22 protein. Fats are nutrients that supply your body with energy. Fats 23 large amounts of energy. Salad dressing, butter, and cooking oils are foods high 24 fat. Carbohydrates are nutrients that also supply you with energy. What 25 is the difference between fats and carbohydrates? The body uses carbohydrates 26 for energy. The body stores fats; that is, it keeps them for 27 use. Then, if necessary, it uses the fats for energy. Foods that contain starches and sugars (for instance, bread and fruit) supply you with 28 . A person can 29 healthy only if he or she gets the correct amounts of each nutrient. You must not get more or less of a nutrient 30 your body can use.


.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below.(10%)

given gigantic untangle reinforce typify






.Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(15%)

36.Related to this issue is that of inequalities of impact of the Green Revolution on various social groups. Quite apart from the advantages of scale, e. g. in the use of ground water for irrigation, large farmers inevitably had better access to information, credit and influence than did small farmers and they profited more from the new agricultural techniques, partly by adopting them earlier. However, adoption by small farmers eventually became widespread. The urban poor gained from the lower prices and greater supplies of food but the rural poor, especially the landless, have sometimes been disadvantaged. However, new agricultural technology should not be expected to stand proxy for social reform, and Lipton concludes that the technology per se (本身) was not to blame for the inequalities of impact; it met the criteria he would have specified for a technology to help the rural poor. As Frankel commented: “It is precisely the social blindness of modern technology that is encouraging the most disadvantaged sections of the agricultural community.”


. Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket.(20%)


No layman, it is probably safe to assume, really understands Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Yet it is somewhat unnerving, to say the least, when somebody like MIT’s Victor Weisskopf, a National Medal of Science winner, claims not to understand it either. “It’s like the peasant who asks the engineer how the steam engine works,” Weisskopf says. “The engineer explains exactly how the steam moves through the engine, how all the parts move, and so on. And when he’s finished, the peasant says, ‘Yes, I understand all that. But where is the horse?’ That’s how I feel about general relativity. I know how it works in great detail, but I don’t understand where the horse is.”

Knowledge is not the same as understanding, of course. Doctors know how to treat what ails the human body, but rarely do they understand in detail how or why their treatments work. Many people know a great deal about quarks and quasars, dinosaurs and jumping genes without claiming to understand them in the least.

Even Isaac Newton admitted that he never understood gravity---something that later earned him Einstein’s greatest respect. Newton wrote: “It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact. That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it.”

Newton was the first to see that the fall of the apple and the orbit of the moon were propelled by the same force: gravity. Both to him and G.W. Leibniz are attributed the development of differential calculus. To Newton calculus provided a way to predict the pull of the force of gravity at various distances from the Earth’s center. Newton knew precisely how gravity behaved; he just did not understand how it worked. But if Newton did not understand gravity, who did? What does understanding mean, anyway? It turns out that there is no single answer to that question.

In the first place, understanding means literally coming to terms. Confucius said, “The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their right names.”

Yet names alone are hardly enough. As Paul Hewitt, author of the popular college text Conceptual Physics, tells his students, “We understand many things, and we have names and labels for these things. And there are many things that we do not understand, and we have names and labels for these things also.” It is easy to answer the question “Why do things fall toward the earth?” by giving the phenomenon a name, like gravity, or even cured space. Whether or not this suffices for understanding depends entirely on how well you understand what the name represents

37.The main purpose of the passage is to ______________.( )

A. illustrate the fact that few people really understand Einstein’s theory of general relativity

B. explain that true understanding is rarely acquired

C. argue for the essence of understanding

D. discuss the incompleteness of scientific understanding

38.In telling the story about the peasant, Victor Weisskopf was _________.( )

A. ridiculing the peasant

B. ridiculing scientists

C. showing respect for the peasant

D. arguing for respect for scientists

39.According to Issac Einstein, one of the incredible aspects of gravity is that _____.( )

A. it keeps people and buildings upright

B. it makes the apple fall to the ground

C. it affects objects in the universe that are far from each other

D. it is innate, inherent and essential

40.It seems amazing that __________.( )

A. even Newton admitted that he didn’t fully understand gravity

B. nobody but Newton understood fully what gravity really means

C. it takes a horse to make an engine run

D. good doctors know how and why their medicine works to help their patients recover

41.What can be said about names for things?( )

A. Names may not stand for things.

B. There are not enough names for understanding things.

C. Even the unknown things have names.

D. Names may have inadequacy for understanding things.


Government in the United States have long looked to Canada as a leading light of health care fairness and equity. From a distance, Canada may seem to have it all: modern medicine and universal insurance. Up close, the story is quite different. On June 9, the Supreme Court of Canada called the system dangerous and deadly, striking down key laws and turning the country’s vaunted health care system on its head.

The Supreme Court of Canada is arguably the most liberal high court in the Western world, having recently endorsed the constitutionality of gay marriage and medical marijuana. Most legal scholars expressed surprise that the justices even agreed to hear this appeal of a health care case twice dismissed by lower courts. Involving a man who waited almost a year for a hip replacement, the bench decided that the province of Quebec has no right to restrict the freedom of a person to purchase health care or health insurance. In doing so, they struck down two Quebec laws, overturning a 30-year ban on private medicine in the province.

This outcome would not have been possible without the persistence of one man: Jacques Chaoulli. A Montreal physician, Chaoulli was so angered when a government bureaucrat shut down his private family practice that he went on a hunger strike. After a month, he gave up and decided that only the courts could help his fight.

With an eye on a legal challenge, Chaoulli tried his hand at law school—but flunked out after a semester. Undeterred, he sought the help of various organizations to support his efforts. None would. He decided to proceed anyway, choosing to represent himself. His legal fight, costing more than a half million dollars, was funded largely by his Japanese father-in-law.

But Chaoulli was not completely alone. He asked one of his patients for help. A former chemical salesman with a bad hip, the patient agreed. Their argument was simple: Quebec’s ban on private insurance caused unnecessary suffering since waiting lists have grown so long for basic care.

The woes of Chaoulli’s patient are all too common. Canadians wait for practically any diagnostic test, surgical procedure, or specialist consultation. Many can’t even arrange general care. In Norwood, Ontario, for example, one family doctor serves the entire town, and he can only take 50 new patients a year. The town holds an annual lottery to choose the lucky 50.

According to Statistics Canada, approximately 1.2 million Canadians lack a family doctor and are looking for one. Others seek more urgent care. Toronto was shaken recently when the media reported that a retired hockey legend was forced to wait more than a month for life-saving chemotherapy because of a bed shortage at the largest cancer hospital in the country.

42.According to the passage, which of the following is true of Canada?( )

A. Gay marriage is legal in it.

B. Its health care system is the best in the world.

C. Its health care system has experienced a setback.

D. Its justices are the most liberal in the world.

43.Why were the legal scholars surprised when the justices heard the appeal of the health care case twice? ( )

A. The case was dismissed by lower courts.

B. They thought the case was a small one.

C. The justices failed to decide the case when they first heard the appeal.

D. The case was misrepresented.

44.EXCEPT FOR ________, the following may contribute to the ending of two Quebec laws and the lifting of a ban on private medicine in the province.( )

A. Chaoulli

B. a former chemical salesman

C. a family doctor in Norwood, Ontario

D. the Supreme Court of Canada

45.The phrase “flunked out” in line 1, paragraph 4, is closest in meaning to _____.( )

A. quitted

B. gave up

C. was dismissed

D. dropped out

46.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?( )

A. Canadian medical specialists are not ready to give advice to their patients.

B. Many things are decided by lot in Norwood, Ontario.

C. Canadian hospitals are usually short of beds for patients.

D. Many Canadians are seeking private medicine.

.Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the table with the information based on the passage.(10%)

The camera and the eye are similar in many respects. They both need light rays in order to function. Both have a sensitive surface on which the image is formed. In the eye the image is formed on the retina. In the camera the image is formed on the film. As in a camera, the image on the retina is inverted.

Both the eye and the camera have a lens. The lens focuses the image on the sensitive surface. In the camera, the lens moves backward and forward. In the eye the curvature of the lens is changed. In this respect the eye differs from the camera.

Both the camera and the eye have a device to regulate the amount of light that passes through the lens. In the camera there is a shutter of variable speed and a diaphragm of variable aperture. In the eye the iris automatically adjusts the size of the pupil according to the intensity of light.

Both the eye and the camera are sensitive to light, shade and color. The film records light, shade and color. The eye perceives them but does not record them. The two eyes together produce a three-dimensional image. The camera lens produces a two-dimensional image.

The eye is more flexible than the camera. It can adapt more quickly to a wider range of light conditions. Both the camera and the eye can register small and distant objects. The camera performs these functions better than the eye.

Camera VS Eye



1. Both need 47 to work and the images are both 48 .

2. Both have a sensitive surface on which the image is formed.

3. Both have a lens.

4. Both have a device to regulate the amount of light that passes through the lens.

5. Both are sensitive to light, shade and color.

1.The image is formed on the retina in the eye but on the film in the camera.

2.To focus an image on the sensitive surface, 49 in the eye is changed while the lens in the camera moves back and forth.

3.The eyes perceive a 50 image while the camera lens produces a 51 image.


.Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) in English on the following title. Develop the idea according to the Chinese outline given below.(15%)

52.Modern Technology and Our Life

1) 现代技术越来越发达,与人们的生活联系愈来愈紧密。

2) 现代技术给人们生活带来许多便利。

3) 然而,必须指出,现代技术也给我们的生活带来了某种危害(举例说明)。

- 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后, 用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中药三大宝, 人参、鹿茸和阿胶。”阿胶的药用已有两千多年的悠久历史, 历代宫① 马作峰.论疲劳源于肝脏[J].广西中医药,2008,31(1):31. 史丽萍,马东明, 解丽芳等.力竭性运动对小鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响[J]. 辽宁中医杂志, 王辉武,吴行明,邓开蓉.《内经》“肝者罢极之本”的临床价值[J] . 成都中医药大学学报,1997,20(2):9. 杨维益,陈家旭,王天芳等.运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系[J].北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.1 运动性疲劳与肝脏① 张俊明.“高效强力饮”增强运动机能的临床[J].中国运动医学杂志,198982):10117 种水解蛋白氨基酸。总含量在56.73%82.03%。霍光华②采用硝酸-硫酸消化法和184):372-374.1995,2062 林华,吕国枫,官德正等. 衰竭运动小鼠肝损伤的实验性[J].天津体育学院党报, 1994,9(4):9-11. 凌家杰.肝与运动性疲劳关系浅谈[J].湖南中医学院学报.20032631. 凌家杰.肝与运动性疲劳关系浅谈[J].湖南中医学院学报.2003236):31. 谢敏豪等.训练结合用中药补剂强力宝对小鼠游泳耐力与肌肉和肝Gn, LDH MDH 的影响[J].中国运动医学杂② 杨维益,陈家旭,王天芳等.运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系[J].北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.2.1 中药复方2.2 单味药33 阿胶和复方阿胶浆③ 常世和等.参宝片对机体机能影响的[J].中国运动医学杂志,1991101):49. 聂晓莉,李晓勇等.慢性疲劳大鼠模型的建立及其对肝功能的影响[J]. 热带医学杂志,2007,7(4)323-325.3.1 概述3.2 关于阿胶和复方阿胶浆医疗保健作用的3.2.1 营养成分和评价3.2.2 阿胶的药理作用3.2.3 阿胶的临床应用4 Xie MH, etalEffects of "Hong jing tian she 1u" on reproductive axis function and exercise capacities in men. The5 周志宏等.补肾益元方对运动小鼠抗疲劳能力的影响[J].中国运动医学杂志,2001201):83-84202-204.5`"InternationalCourseandConferenceonPhysiologicalChemistry and Natrition of exercise and training (Abstract)6 杨维益等.中药复方“体复康”对运动性疲劳大鼠血乳酸、p 一内啡肤、亮氨酸及强啡肤Al-13 影响的实验研⑥。仙灵口服液可提高机体运动能力,加速运动后血乳酸的消除。F3 口服液能调整PCO2 孙晓波等.鹿茸精强壮作用的[J].中药药理与临床,198733):11. 于庆海等.高山红景天抗不良刺激的药理[J].中药药理与临床,199577):283. 牛锐.淫羊藿炮制前后对小鼠血浆睾丸酮及附近性器官的影响[J].中国中药杂志,1989,14(9):18P<0.01), 其他肝功能相关指标未见异常(P> 0.05) 。肝脏是动物机体重要脏器之一,Pi,同疲),肝主筋,人之运动皆由于筋,故为罢极之本”。人体肝脏的功能活动也必阿胶, 味甘性平, 入肺、肝、肾经, 具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效。《神农本阿胶,又称驴皮胶,为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块,是中国医药宝库中阿胶、熟地配伍能使补而不滋腻, 共奏益气补血之功, 主要治疗各种原因导致的气血阿胶对细有促进作用;提示阿胶能提高机体免疫功能。 另外阿胶具阿胶具有很好的止血作用,常用来治疗阴虚火旺、血脉受伤造成的出血。比如,阿胶能治疗缺铁性贫血,再生障碍性贫血等贫血症状,阿胶对血小板减少,白细阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,经水解分离得到多种氨基酸,阿胶具有很多的药理作用和阿胶又称驴皮胶, 为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块。中药界有句口头禅:阿胶中的营养成分比较多,主要有蛋白质、多肽、氨基酸、金属元素、硫酸皮肤。把阿胶应用于运动员或人群中的实践应用性,具有很大的潜力和市场前景,白血病、鼻咽癌、食道癌、肺癌、乳腺癌等。阿胶不温不燥,老少皆宜,一年四季均伴随现代竞技体育的强度越来越大,运动员在大运动量训练后出现的各种疲劳征象,胞减少等症也具有效果明显效果;另外,经配伍,阿胶可用来治疗多种出血症。医学保健作用,阿胶具有耐缺氧、耐寒冷、抗疲劳和增强免疫功能作用;同时,阿胶具有本文的目的意义有以下两个方面:一是通过阿胶的抗疲劳能力,来进一

本以运动性疲劳相关症状明显的篮球运动员为对象,以谷丙转氨酶、谷表明,阿胶还用于治疗妊娠期胎动不安,先兆流产,习惯性流产等。对于月经病步了解运动员服用阿胶以后,不但能够使男女运动员的谷草转氨酶含量水平、谷丙转参促进人体对糖原和三磷酸腺苷等能源物质的合理利用, 并使剧烈运动时产生的乳草经》将其列为上品。《本草纲目》载阿胶“疗吐血衄血, 血淋尿血, 肠风下痢, 女草转氨酶、谷酰转肽酶、总胆红素、白蛋白和白蛋白/球蛋白含量水平为测定指标,产生运动。从中医学的观点来看,筋就是聚集在一起的肌肉束,膜是筋的延长和扩布;常所说的肌腱和韧带等器官,韧带和肌腱坚韧有力。通过韧带和肌腱伸缩牵拉骨骼肌充在筋”, 也就说明了筋的功能受到肝脏的调节, 所以, 医家大多从筋与肝相关的角除运动后的疲劳, 已经成为运动医学领域的热点,而中医药在改善、消除运动性促进肌肉和肝脏有氧氧化能力的作用③。 红景天圣露能促进机体运动后的恢复和消除促进血液凝固和抗贫血作用,有提高血红蛋白红细胞,白细胞和血小板的作用。到影响。的变化, 主要表现为部分肝细胞破裂, 内容物进入窦状隙, 未受损的肝细胞糖原明的核心问题之一, 也是运动训练学所要克服的核心问题之一, 疲劳是机体的一的滋补类药品;因始产于聊城东阿,故名阿胶,距今已有两千多年的生产历史;最早低分子肽含量分别是15%45%10.97%13.18% 。霍光华③采用标准水解法和氨基低运动后血清尿素氮含量; 加速体内尿素氮及血乳酸的清除速率;提高小鼠的游泳点、“肝之合筋”的观点、“肝者,其充在筋” 的观点、“食气入胃,散精于肝,淫气于动领域的广泛应用。动性疲劳关系最为密切者当首推肝脏。动性疲劳后机体恢复作用和机制的十分活跃。动员和贮备,以及机体对运动刺激的适应和运动后的疲劳的恢复起到重要的促进作用度阐述肝与疲劳的关系, 其实肝尚可通过脏腑气血等多个途径影响疲劳感的产生和度的DS 标准液, 加适量天青Ⅰ试液, 536nm 处测定吸收值, 建立工作曲线回归方程。对于运动产生的机理, 中医学解释比较通俗易懂, 即:韧带和肌腱的伸缩牵拉骨对运动性疲劳的多集中于中枢疲劳与外周肌肉疲劳,而较少涉及肝脏实质器而略于补立法,以健脾保肝、补中益气组方的确是防治运动性疲劳的一条新思新。故发挥和延缓运动性疲劳的产生都能起积极而有效的作用。总之,体力和脑力的产生均复的适应能力②。复方阿胶浆是由阿胶、红参、党参、熟地、山楂等药组成, 主入肝、脾两经。方肝,人动血运于经,”的论述。明确指出运动能力与肝和血密切相关。这种“动则血肝脾同处于中心位置,共同掌管着气化的职责,所以运动性疲劳的气虚神乏大多是由肝损害可导致动物运动能力下降, 也有大量实验观察了急性力竭疲劳对动物肝脏的肝糖原、肌糖元含量下降, 其程度随着衰竭运动次数增加而增加。林华等②通过对衰肝有关,由此可以推测神经递质、激素的释放等生理活动均同肝脏有密切关系。再者肝与筋的关系非常密切,在许多著作中都阐述了这一观点。如“肝主筋” 的观肝脏对内分泌具有促进作用。中医认为,胆汁的分泌、女子的排卵、男子的排精均主藏血、主筋,为“罴极之本”,有储藏营血与调节血量的作用,是提供运动所肝主疏泄,调畅气机,对气血津液的生成、输布和代谢有着重要意义。就运动生高山红景天在疲劳情况下能提高机体持续工作的时间,维持血压、心率的正常水高小鼠肝糖原的储备量; 降低运动后血清尿素氮含量;加速体内尿素氮及血乳酸的骼肌产生运动。《素问六节藏象论》曰:“肝者,罢极之本,魂之居也, 其华在爪, 其个特别复杂的生理生化过程。 总的说来,疲劳可分为生理疲劳和心理疲劳。 1982工作能力的作用①。强力宝能促进肌肉和肝脏有氧氧化能力的作用②。参宝片也能具有官的疲劳。肝脏作为人体重要的脏器,与运动性疲劳的关系极为密切。国际运动医学协会主席普罗科朴(Polo1Capur) 认为运动性疲劳问题是运动医学过度的训练、残酷的比赛引起的缺氧、强应激反应会导致机体的神经内分泌系统、心过去一段时间,抗运动性疲劳传统上单纯采用补的模式,现在,中医药抗疲劳出还认为“食气入胃,全赖肝木之气以疏泄之,而水谷乃化,气血方得以运生”,说明和血虚者,如服用阿胶补益,也具有良好的效果。临床上充分发挥阿胶的养血、补血、恢复正常,促进酸碱平衡的恢复,减少碱性物质的消耗⑦。机体的血量增加,以便增加通气/血流比值。肝内所贮存的血液就会更多的向机体全身肌腱和韧带等器官的力量。筋和筋膜向内连着五脏六腑,肝将脾输送来的精微之气浸、涉水等劳动或运动都称为“劳”, 而竞技体育由于其具有大运动量、高强度的加⑧。剑, 便无踪无影。阿娇日日夜夜在狮耳山、狼溪河附近狩猎。最后, 用利剑杀死了一奖牌呢?毫无疑问是靠长时间艰苦的训练,然而伴随现代竞技体育的强度越来越大,娇, 决心要找到救治此病的特效药物, 为民解忧。阿娇姑娘日以继夜地爬山涉水, 不竭性运动后小鼠肝脏超微结构的观察, 发现连续7 次的衰竭运动使肝细胞呈现明显筋”的观点、“肝主身之筋膜”的观点以及明皇甫中《明医指掌》中的“劳伤乎肝,筋和筋膜把相邻的关节连在一起,对运动起着重要的作用;并且,筋和筋膜向内连着进小白鼠耐力的提高。经论》有“肝藏血”的观点,另外,在《素问五脏生成论》里,也有“人卧血归于景天圣露、补肾益元方、体复康、仙灵口服液及F3 口服液等。复方阿胶浆能显著提究[J].北京中医药大学学报,1997204):37-40.具有多种代谢功能。血清谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶升高在一定程度上反映了肝细胞的亢不抑,就会能协调精神、情趣和意志,使情绪稳定,思维敏捷,对运动技术水平的充分抗运动性疲劳的单味药主要有鹿茸、高山红景天、人参、淫羊藿和花粉等。实验抗运动性疲劳的中药复方主要有复方阿胶浆、高效强力饮、强力宝、参宝片、红可用,是强身健体的滋补佳品。阿胶中富含蛋白质降解成分,通过补血起到滋润皮肤劳感。” 运动性疲劳属中医“劳倦”范畴, 中医将劳力、劳役、强力举重、持重远行、劳模型组大鼠血清谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶在此期间出现明显升高(P<0.05 或理而言,如果肝脏的疏泄功能正常,就会使骨骼和肌肉强壮有力;如果气机调畅,那么力劳动时的疲劳②, 并有效减少相同体力劳动下的出汗量等作用。两虚证, 通过补充和调节人体血液的贮备量而发挥抗疲劳的作用。药理实验亦证实人量方法表明, 阿胶水溶液(Murphy )与其经Gornall 双缩脲和Lowry 酚试剂反量水平。从而证实阿胶能提高运动员的抗运动性疲劳的能力。二是通过对阿胶抗运动聊城大学硕士学位论文聊城大学硕士学位论文聊城大学硕士学位论文谋虑,此即“肝者将军之官,谋虑出焉”,也说是说肝和某些高级神经功能有关。(3)年的第5 届国际运动生物化学会议将疲劳定义为: “机体生理过程不能持续其机能在疲劳方面的作用日益突出。近年来,在我国运动医学界,对中医药提高体能和促进运品将会更加得到世人的瞩目,其经济效益不可估量。平,红景天制剂适用于体育运动、航空航天、军事医学等各种特殊环境条件下从事特清除速率;提高小鼠的游泳时间。高效强力饮能提高心脏的搏出量从而具有提高心脏然而近年来中医肝和运动与疲劳的关系越来越受到关注, 目前,很多实验已证明人们为了纪念阿娇姑娘恩德, 就将驴皮膏叫做“阿胶”。①人血痛, 经水不调, , 崩中带下, 胎前产后诸疾。” 现代表明, 阿胶含明胶认识运动性疲劳对肝脏的影响及判定指标、肝脏与运动性疲劳消除等方面的关若过度疲劳损伤了肝脏,那么肌腱和韧带必将非常疲乏而不能收持自如,运动就会受赛场是证明运动健儿的运动能力及其为国争光的最好场所。运动员靠什么去夺取伤。升高骨髓造血细胞、白细胞、红细胞和血红蛋白,促进骨髓造血功能,迅速恢复失血时间。疏泄功能失常,那么五脏气机也就紧接着发生紊乱,因此,有者认为,五脏之中,与疏于补。肝以其“主藏血”的生理功能对全身脏腑组织起营养调节作用,提供运动所输送;当运动结束或安静休息时,机体内剩余的血液就回输送回肝脏。所以,《素问调鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响, 发现力竭运动对肝脏超微结构有损伤,素和生物酸等。阿胶中蛋白质的含量为60%80%左右,樊绘曾③等通过四种蛋白质定洗脱,使游离生物酸吸附在活性炭上。酸-高氯酸混酸消化中药阿胶, 采用火焰原子吸收法测定其中的铜。王朝晖④等用硝酸酸转化为丙酮酸进入三羧酸循环, 为机体提供更多的能量, 因而人参可起到减轻酸自动仪测定不同炮制方法所得四种阿胶炮制品中各种氨基酸的含量, 均含有随着的进行和成果的问世,阿胶将会得到国内外运动员的青睐。阿胶这种产损伤程度,表明慢性疲劳可引起肝细胞物质代谢功能持续紊乱, 最终导致肝功能损调节疲劳程度的轻重①。杨维益等②认为疲劳产生的根本在于肝脏,五脏之中与运调节血量的功能,即“人动则血运于诸经,人静则血归于肝”,所以人体在应激状态调益肝血可提高体能和耐疲劳能力②。廷并将其作为“圣药”专享。关于阿胶药名的由来, 还有一则动人的传说。据说很早吃饱喝足的小黑驴。她遵照老翁的嘱咐, 将驴皮熬成膏,用膏治好了许多吐血病人。吐血、尿血、痔疮出血等,适当配伍温经散寒药物还可以治疗虚寒性胃溃疡出血。为“圣药”专享。动物实验结果显示,复方阿胶浆能显著提高小鼠肝糖原的储备量; 降文献综述五脏六腑,是关节运动的重要功能结构,人的运动主要是来自筋的力量,也就是来自系,才能提供解决的办法。肝脏与运动性疲劳关系密切。在运动性疲劳发生时,肝脏下,肝脏对血液的调节可保证心脏、大脑及肾脏等重要脏器的血液的供应。(2)肝主显减少。聂晓莉等③通过慢性疲劳大鼠模型的建立发现,与正常对照组比较, 慢性疲显性激素样作用,因为鹿茸乙醇提取物不能使去势小鼠和大鼠的前列腺和精囊重量增现了一种新的模式,那就是以“理气扶正”、“理血扶正”为原则组方,以疏为补或寓谢,增强细胞能量代谢和提高体细胞免疫功能 ⑤。体复康对机体在运动过程中能量的锌、锰含量。樊绘曾⑤通过降解驴皮蛋白聚糖分离获得硫酸皮肤素(DS), 并用不同浓性疲劳能力的,更好的促进阿胶产品的开发和以及进一步促进阿胶产品在运性贫血的红细胞。须赖之于肝气的升发鼓舞,肝脏对气机的疏通调畅作用论据有三:1)肝藏血,具有需的能量来源。《内经》载:“肝者,罢极之本”,王冰注:“运作劳甚者谓之罢(音需能量物质的重要来源。能保证运动过程中血液的正常循环。当机体在运动时,运动血不滞不瘀,有利于体内血液的循环和运动所需能源物质的补充;如果肝气升发而不血管系统等功能失调及免疫功能下降, 进而影响运动员比赛成绩的发挥。如何尽快消血脉和顺、经络通利,可濡润肌腱和韧带,让关节润滑流利、屈伸有力自如,同时气训练,身心接近极限的考验, 所以运动性疲劳可以看作一种对机体消耗更大的“劳”。严重制约着运动员运动水平的提高。阿胶的抗疲劳能力就具有举足轻重的意义。药三宝”之一。阿胶也称作驴皮胶、付致胶,具有明显的补血健身效果,自北魏或更要治好吐血之症, 非食狮耳山的草, 饮狼溪河水的黑驴皮膏不可。” 说完赠她一把利一特定水平上和() 不能维持预定的运动。”而心理疲劳是指: “运动员或体育锻炼以气血为物质基础,以经络为通道,通过五脏功能的协调而实现。反之,如果肝脏的以前, 山东省东阿县一带流行一种吐血而死的不治之症。当地一位心地善良的姑娘阿益气的作用,可以用来调治多种老年性疾病;中医临床上常用阿胶配以其他药物治疗因此,用科学而有效的手段予以消除运动性疲劳显得十分紧迫和必要。淫濡润在肌腱和韧带上,让关节润滑流利、屈伸有力自如,故有“肝主运动”的说法① 。淫羊藿具有明显的促性机能作用。并明显促进辜丸组织增生及分泌⑩。花粉能促影响。史丽萍等① 通过跑台运动建立小鼠急性力竭运动疲劳模型, 观察力竭运动对小应后的吸收光谱特征皆与参比明胶相同,此外, 李丽④等采用二硫酸钾碱性氧化- 紫应于筋极”的观点。这些观点说明了肝和筋的关系非常密切。其实,筋也就是我们平泳和跑动时间。用于抗运动性疲劳的中药大多为复方,也有单味药和提取成分。有耐缺血、耐寒、抗疲劳和抗辐射的能力。于“无邪病在元气之虚。”以“精气夺则虚”为基本病理。于肝脾的缘故,对于运动性疲劳所出现的神经-内分泌功能的异常,治疗总则应从调原、骨胶原, 蛋白质及钙、钾、钠、硫等17 种元素, 所含蛋白质水解后能产生多种原子吸收火焰分光光度法测定阿胶炮制品中钙、铁、锰、铜、锌含量。董顺玲③以硝越来越多的人用阿胶强身健体,美容养颜。运动性疲劳,从而具有提高运动能的作用④。补肾益元方具有改善骨骼肌自由基代运动性疲劳关系较密切者,应当首先是肝脏,疲劳产生的根本在肝①。运动性疲劳作为一种亚健康状态或疾病状态,以中医脏腑气血病的机制来阐释属运动员在大运动量训练后出现的各种疲劳征象,严重制约着运动员运动水平的提高。运用实验法来阿胶对篮球运动员抗运动性疲劳能力的影响。运于经,静则血归于肝”的调节能力,从一个方面反映了运动员对运动训练和疲劳后恢载于《神农本草经》。阿胶是我国的一种名贵中药,有补血“圣药”之称,也是“中早即成为朝廷的珍贵贡品。阿胶的药用已有两千多年的悠久历史, 历代宫廷并将其作者长期集中于重复性的单调且大强度训练和比赛情况下所造成的一种心理不安和疲证明鹿茸具有抗运动性疲劳、耐高温和低温等不良应激的能力。有报道显示鹿茸无明知疲劳地寻找。一日, 他在山涧歇息时,偶遇一位银须白发的老翁。老翁告诉她:“若志,198984):211.质、氨基酸、钙等,能改善血钙平衡,促进红细胞的生成。阿胶直接作用于造血链,中医临床上主要用阿胶治疗因血虚引起的病症。随着人们生活质量的提高,民间中医学认为,阿胶性味甘、平,有滋阴补血的功效。据,阿胶含有多种蛋白中主药红参大补元气, 益血生津;阿胶、熟地补血滋阴;山楂性偏温, 能行气血, 与种工作的人员的健康保持⑨。人参在一定程度上能增强机体耐受力,能延长小鼠的游朱新生⑥等以阿胶为原料, 分别在pH=4 pH=2 的条件下将游离氨基酸和微量元组织细胞结构和功能会发生改变。不同强度的运动对肝脏的影响是不同的。


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