
发布时间:2020-07-30   来源:文档文库   

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只为大家学英语 《汽车总动员》Cars

[Inhaling and exhling deply
[Mle OK.. Hr we go. ous. 好了,准备了,专心
Speed. I am peed 速度,我是速度
[Cars whizzig pst One winr, 41 losers. 1个赢家,1个输家
I eat losers for breakfas. 我把输家当早餐吃
Car aceleraing] Breakfast. 早餐
Wait, maybe Ishold have ad reafst. 也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好
A lttl breky coud be good fr me.N, no, n, say fousd. Speed. 不不不不…保持专心,速度 [Cars hzzng]
I'm fatr han fast.Quicker tha uick. 疾如风,快如电
am ihtnin! 我是“闪电”
Punding on door
[ale] Hey ightig Yo ready?
<>[heryl Crow: Real Gone]/i> Oh, yeah Lightnings ready 没错,“闪电”早就准备好了 [ngine ewing [Engne revs] [Crowd cheer] Ka-cho! 咔嚓!
Cars ooming] 《汽车总动员》
Cars whooshing [Both scream] [All cher
Gt your ntenna blls here! 来买天线球喔
o Lightnin'! 冲啊,“闪电” - Woo! You got hat right, slik. [histle] - 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头 Air wrench whirrng] Uh! [screams 呀!
[Engine revs
- Mle] Welcome back o he Dinoco 40.- [Cowd cee] 欢迎回到戴诺可400 'm Bb Ctlas, herewith my god ried, Darell Cartrp. 我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛 赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子
i>e're mdway hrogh wha maybe an hstorc day for racing. <i>Bb my oil pessresthrough th rof.</i>
<i>If this gets more xcting, thy'rgona ave o to me outta the booth! 比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去
Rigt Drell.> 的确是的,达洛
[Bb] Thee cr are tedfor h seasn oints lead,> 三部领先的车,以相同的积分
eadig ino the final raceof th seasn.
<i>And he winne of tis ac wil wnthe season title ad the isto Cup.<i> 这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,活塞奖杯
i>Dos The King, trp eathrs
i>hve one more victory in imbeore rtiemnt?
是不是能在退休以前再夺得一次胜利呢 Darrell] e's been inoco's olden boyfor ers!> 他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童
Can he wn he one ast Pito Cup? 能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢? [Bob] Ad, as always, n thesecon place spt we ind Chick Hiks.</i
还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸” 在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二
He's een chsngthat tailfin his entire care.> Darrell] Cik houghtthi was is year. 路霸以为今年是他的幸运年
iHis chanc to fnally emergefrom The Kings shaow.> 终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影 <>Bt the as hin he expectd was...Lightnin MQueen!<i> 可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!
i[Bob] ou kow, I on't tinknyody epected ths.
<i>The roke sensationcam it th seaon unknown.<i> <i>But veryn knw him now.> 现在大家都认识他了
[Darrll] Wl h b h irst rooieto win a iston up an lad ioco?<i
他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗? Bob] Th legend, te rner-u,and the ooke! 赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟
hre cr, one hampion!<i> 三部车,一个冠军!
[Bras screechn] ,不,你休想! No you don'. - [Cucklin]- Hey! 呵呵! - [Tires squeain]- [Crod ooing] What a ride 哦,闪电,快啊! [Cuckling] Go et 'em, MQueen!Go gt m! 超过去,麦坤!超过去! Fmale] I ove you, Lightning! 我爱你!“闪电”! Dioco is l ine. [Screaming]

[arrell] Trouble, turn tree! 有状况,第三弯道!
- Get through tat, McQueen.- Bo] Huge crsh behind the leaders! - 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团
[Crowd gss] [creaing] [Gigging] [Gruns]- [Gasps [Both ceaming] [Bob] ai a second, Darrell.McQuen is in the reckg. 等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了
[arrel] Ther's no ay he rookiecn mke it throuh! 那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去! 至少不是毫发无伤
Not n one pece, tat is. [Exhalng Yeh! ! Lghting! O! “闪电”!喔! [Darrell] ook t that!McQueen made it through 你看看!麦坤过去了耶! 天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围
[Bb A spectauar oveb Lightnig McQeen! Yeah! achow! !咔嚓! cQuen! McQuen! MQuen!MQuen! MQen! cQueen! 麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!
Yeh McQeen! Ka-cow! [honkig] 耶,麦坤!咔嚓! [Bob] While everyoeheads int the pit, 当其他赛车都进维修站的时候 麦坤继续跑,取得领先 cQueen stay ot t tke the lead! Don't tae m ut, cach.I can stll race! 别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑! [Ar wech whirin] [Chucking] What do yo tik? thig of euty. 哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧
- McQuen ade it!- [Chick] Wha? - 麦坤他不休息!- 什么? He' not itting! 他不进站!
Yu gota gt me ot there!Lets g! Get me back out there! 快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快! Mcueen's not goig int the pits 麦坤居然不进站维修!
Darrel] h rooi fied hicrew hif. h hird this eao! 那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了! - Bo] Says he likes wrking alne.- Go, o! 他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的- !跑!! Looks like Cickgt cauht p i the its. 路霸被维修给耽搁了
Yeh, afte stp like that,he's got a lot of round o make u. ,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢 Get ready, bos,we're comin to the restart
男士们,准备好,要开始喽! [Crowd heer] om on, ome on cme on 让开 让开 让开!
We need tires nw!Come o, let's o! 我们需要轮胎!快点!快点! - N, no, no, no! No tie, ju
t gas- [Mae] Wha? 不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么? You ned tires, yu idiot! 你需要轮胎,你这白痴! 看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊 [arrl] Lok lie itsas-ndgo's for McQue tdy 没错,还是不换轮胎
[Bob] Rigt. o tires again. 通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的
[Darrell] hts a short-tr ain,longtem oss, u it' wrkin or him. e bvioulyknows somthin' e dnt no. 嘿嘿,显然他懂的比我们多啊 [Cars whizzin] [o] This is it, Darrl. Oe lap o gond Lightnig McQuen ha a hge ead
He's got it in the ba.Call in te dogs and pt ot the fie! 新的赛车王就要产生喽!
We'e gonna crown s a new champion! Crwd her n whistles
[creamng] 方格旗,我来喽! hckred flag hre I come!- [Tre blows] [Darll o! McQuen' blwn
tire! ,糟了!麦坤爆了一个轮胎! [ob] Ad with only one tun t go!an he ake it? 只剩最后一个弯道,他撑得住吗? - You fol!- [Grnts] 傻瓜! [Male] McQuee's blown a ieHe's blown a tre! 麦坤爆胎了!麦坤爆胎了! Go, o go! 快快快!
[Grunting] [Tire los
[Darrll] He's lost another tir! 他又爆了一个轮胎!
- Kng and Chick com up fast!- [Bb] Thy're ntering turn hre
- “冠军”跟“路霸”急起直追! 他们进入第三弯道了
Com on. [gruntin] 加油 I dont believewht Im atching, ob! 我真不敢相信我的眼睛!
Lightig Mcueeis 100 eet from is Piso Cp
“闪电”麦坤距离活塞奖杯只差一百英尺! [Gasin] [Growling]
[Bob] The King and Chickrondig trn fur. “冠军”和“路霸”通过第四弯道
[Darell] Down the stretch they ome!And it's, and t'... 他们来到直线跑道了结果是……
- It's to lose t cal! Too close! I don't belev it! - 实在是太接近了,根本看不出来啊- 敢相信!我真不敢相信! Lighting! 我们爱你,“闪电”! - The mst spetculr, mazing.- I don't believe i! - 这真是我们赛车史上最精彩,最叹为观止,最不可思议的结局啊! 不敢相信!我真不敢相信!我还是不敢相信!
..ueuvocally, unbelievable endingin the histor of th ord! And we don' knw wo wn-
ook at hat! - 我们连谁赢了都不知道- 看看! <i>[Tap jtterng]i>
[Slow motion ron]<i> - Tht' vey cloe to cal.- Can we pay hat gin? - 太接近了,怎么看啊- 可以再放一次吗?请再放一次 Hey, no cmra! Ge utta ere! 嘿!不准照相!快走开!
We're here in Victr Laneaaiing the results.</
<>e're here n Vctoy Lae,awaiting the reslts.> 我们在胜利之道等候赛车结果
i>McQuen ha was a risy mv,not taig tires.
麦坤,不换胎是很冒险的举动哦 Tell me about t!</i> 这还用说
Ar you sorr you didn't havea cre chie ou there?i> 你会不会后悔没有总机械师
Oh Kri. Thre's a lt mor o racingthan jus winnin. 呵呵,柯琳赛车不光是只为了赢,还有别的 I man, tkig the rce b a full lap..Where's te entertanment n that 我是说领先一整圈赢得冠军这样有什么看头啊
anted to give folk ltle sizzle.> 我要给赛车迷一点刺激
- Sizzle- Am srry I dn't have a crew hie?

- 剌激?- 我后不后悔没有总机械师? <i>No, I'm not.'Cause I'm a one-a shw.</i
<i>What? Oh, yah, right.> 什么?喔,是啊
That wa a cnfidentLigting McQueeni>
没错,那是非常有自信的“闪电”麦坤 Live frm Victory Lane,Im ori Trbowitz. 记者柯琳·泰伯薇在胜利之道的现场报道 Get uta the ht.- Yo, Chuc. - ,别挡镜头- ,查理
Chuc, what are ou ding?You're blockin' the camera 你做什么啊?你挡到镜头了
- Evryone ant t see the bolt. What? - 大家都想看闪电- 什么?
Now, back away. Tat' it! om o, guys
- 退后一点- ,够了,我们走吧
Whoa, team! Where ae you gong? W quit Mr. OneMan Sho! - 唉呀,你们要去哪儿啊- 我们辞职,个人秀先生
h, OK, lave. Fie. 好啊,走啊 ow wil I eer find nyone lseho knows how to fil m u with gas? 呵呵,我要上哪去找能帮我加油的组员呢 [Crwd laughs] - Aios, Chuck!- nd m nme is t Chuc! - 再见,查理- 我的名字不叫查理! O, whatever. 哦,随便了 ey, Lghtnng! Yo! cueen! 嘿,闪电!呦,麦坤!
Seriusy, that was smepetty darn nce rai' ut ther. 说真的,刚才的冲刺可真精彩啊 - B me!- h, yeah 我是说我! - inger!- Wecome to the Chik er
, baby! 欢迎进入路霸的年代
he Pisto Cup...It's mine, dude. It's mine. 活塞奖杯是我的,我的
e, fellas, hw o ou thinkI'd look i inoco blue? Dno blue! 嘿,各位,我开戴诺可蓝色车怎么样?戴诺可蓝! I you dreams, Thnder. 别做梦了,雷鸣 Yeah right. Tunder?What's h talkin about, "Thunder"? 是呀,雷鸣?他在说什么?- 不知道啊 You ko, cause tunderlwy omes after lightnin. 因为雷声总是在闪电后面 Ka-ping! Ka-pow! !! Who knw abot th hunder thin?- I in't. - 你们谁知道雷声这个玩笑- 我不知道 - Gie u the bolt!- That's right. Right in the lns.
- ho me he olt, baby!- Sil, MQue! - Show me th blt McQuen!- Tat's t! [Elecroic msic] [Crowd chattering
hat was one close finis.Yo re made Dinoc proud
好个平手的结局啊,你让戴诺可很骄傲哦 Thank o, King. 谢谢你,冠军
Well, Tx, yu'e engo o me all hese ears. 老德啊,这些年来你对我很好
t's the east I could do. 这是我应该做的
hateve happen, you're a winnerto me, you old daddy rabbit. 不论发生什么事你都是我心目中的赢家,
Thans, der.Wouldn't e ohing wihu yu. 谢了,老婆没有你我什么也不是 Kch-i-ka-chow! - I'm Mia.- I'm Tia. - 我是蜜亚- 我是蒂亚
[Both] e're like, yur biggest an!Ka-chow 我们最崇拜你了咔嚓! I oe beig e. 哦,做我真好 Police] OK, grls, thts it.- e love you Lightnng! - 好了,小姐们,够了- 我们爱你,“闪电” [hukles] Hey, buddy.Yo'e one gusy racer. ,朋友,你真的很有胆识啊 Oh, hy Mr. Th ing. ,冠军先生
Yo got ore aln in one lg nu
你光是一个螺丝就比很多车子拥有更多赛车细胞 tha a lo of cas as gotn tei whole body
Raly h, that..- Bu y're stupid. 真的?这个.- 但是你很笨
- Excuse me?- Tis ai't one-man eal, id
你说什么?- 这不是独角戏啊,孩子 You eed to wise up ad geta goo crew chief and a goo team. 你要放聪明点给自己找一个一流的总机师和伙伴
Yo aint gona wnunles ou got ood foks beind yo, 你想赢,一定要有好人才
[voie winding] and ou let themd hei jo, like they sould. 在背后支持,让他们做他们的工作

Like I tll the boy a the sop..- good eam. 必须要每个人同心协力- 一流的伙伴 - Yeh... [elctronic music]
Kachow! Ka-pow! [Crowd cheering] [Screamng] [Cheering] h Lghtnig! 哦!“闪电”
If ou igure that utyu js gona e K. 只要你想清楚了,前途无可限量
Oh, eah, tat..That is spctacular avic. 哦,对,真的是非常好的建议 Thank yo, r. The ing 谢谢,冠军先生
- [Fanfae]- [Bob Ladis n gentlemen, 各位女士先生
fr the firs timein Piton Cup hstor... 活塞杯赛车史上头一遭
[ewing] A ookiehas on th iston Cup.
一位菜鸟赢得活塞奖杯 Yes! 耶!
[Bb]... e hv a tree-ay tie. 今天我们有三辆车平手
- [Crod ches]- [Cameas flash] [Cucklng] Hy,ta ms be rell embrrasig. !麦坤,你一定很尴尬吧
Bu I wuldn't worry abou it.Bcuse I did't d i! 可是我不会放在心上,因为尴尬的不是我 [Bob] Piston up oficalhe deemined that a tiebreakr race 因为今天的比赛有三位平手,所以裁判决定,一星期后
btween he thre leaderwll be hld in California in oe wek
Well, hank yo! Thnks tol f yu ut there! Than you! 谢谢!谢谢所有观众!谢谢! [Whisering Hey, first ne toClifornia get inoco all to himself. ,菜鸟,谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈
No ot e!No yo ock, an yu kow that 不,不是我你们才是最棒的 Oh, yeh! ho 喔耶!喔
Ye! All rght! Go t! 谁第一个到加州,就可以单独跟戴诺可谈 "First one to Clifrniagets Dioco all t imsel." O, w'll seeh get there first, Chic. 那就看看谁会先到,路霸 Huh 嗯?
ey, kid! Congrat on te ie.- I o't ant t tal about t. - !小子,恭喜你争取到决赛- 我不想谈这件事
Lt's go Mak Saddl upWht'd yu do wit y traier? 好了,麦大叔,出发了我的拖车到哪去了? - parked it at yor sponsor's tnt.- What? - 我把它停在你赞助者帐篷- 什么? Got mae you persona apprane. 你必须亲自去露个脸
No. No No no, n, no! 不、不、不不不不…

Ys, yes, yes!Lightning McQuen here.</i> 对对对,我是闪电麦坤
<i>Ad I use Rust-ee MeiaeBumpe intment ne rer ed fomula!</i> 我用新配方“清锈”保险杆除锈药膏 Nthng sothe a rusty bumerlke Rut-ez. “清锈”让生锈保险杆一擦见效
>Wow! Loo a tha shine<i> !马上亮晶晶!
Use Rus-ze and yo ocan look ie me!/i> 使用“清锈”你也能像我一样帅 >Ka-how!<i> 咔嚓! [Both laughing
I e his ar frm Swampsctt. 我遇到来自沼泽的一辆车 He a so rustye ddn't even cast a shadw. 他锈得很严重,连影子都没有 - You coud se is dirty undercarrige.- [Crowd laughs] 你可以看见他肮脏的底盘
[roanig] I hae ust cars.Ths i not good fr my image. 我讨厌生锈的车,这对我形象非常不好 The did give you our ig break.Bsdes, i's n or cntrct. 你要感谢他们的赞助再说你签了合约 Oh, will ou stop, please?Jut g get hooked up. 哦,别说了,好吗?去牵拖车就好了
- Wne i a grand od ie.- f this hee are n if r bts. - 冬天是个好季节- 这一点没什么好争辩
[ale 1] ut emember,ll that alt ad gie.. 可是要记住喔,那些盐跟灰尘
Cn rs your bolts and freez our.
会让你的螺丝钉生锈,螺丝帽结冰 Hey, loo! There he is! 嘿!你们看,他来了耶 Our almost camp! 冠军角逐者
[ale 1] Gt your rar ed in ere. 快过来,小子
Lighnng Mcueenyou are wiced fst! 闪电麦坤,你太快了
- That race was a pisr!- o wre bokng! - 那场赛车真是精彩啊- 对,你好快,麦
Gve me a little room- You'e y her! - 拜托,让我过一下- 你是我的偶像! Yes, I knw. [cuckles] 麦坤先生- ,我知道
Fre." Frd, thank you. - 弗瑞- 弗瑞,谢谢
He know my nmeHe knows my nae! 他知道我的名字!他知道我的名字! Lookin god, Fredie 不错,弗瑞
Thanks t yo, Ligtig,we ad a bane year! 多亏你了,让我们今年赚了不少 We migh clear enouhto buy you ome headligts
很好,我们应该有足够的钱帮你买头灯喽 You sayin he doesn' hav headlghts? 你是说他没有头灯?
That's wha I'm tellin a.Teyre sikr! 我就是这么说的,那些只是贴纸
Well, you know,racecars on' need headlgts,
bcus the track is alway lt
Yea, well, so is m rother,bt he stil neds eadlights. 我弟是秃头,他还是需要头灯 [Laghing
[Forcd aughtr] - adie and gentemen,- [both] Lgtning McQueen! 各位女士先生- 闪电麦坤 [Crickets chirpng] Fre Bird! 唱歌
You now, he ust-eze MedicateBmer Oitment tea
各位知道吗?“清锈保险杆药膏”车队 rn a great ace oday. 今天表现的非常好
And remmber, with a lttle Rs-eze... 还有,别忘了,只要一点“清锈”
[whisering] And an insneamout f luck, 加上大量的运气
..yo too, ca lok like me.K-how. 你也可以像我一样帅咔嚓
- Hey, kid.- We ove ya. - 嘿,小子- 我们爱你
And e're ookig forwardt nother grea ear. 而且我们期盼明年也是业绩长红 Just like hs ea! 跟今年一样! Not on yur lif. 明年我就不干了
- Dn't riv like m brother eah, don't drie ike y rother
- 别像我弟那样开车- 是吗?别像我哥那样开车
<>Caifornia, hre we cme!</i> 亲爱的加州,我们来了 Dnoco, here we ome! 戴诺可,我们来了! [Rasca Fltts Life is a ighway]/i> [Bids chirpig] [hone ringin]> [Moaing] Oh.. oh. h,I needed this. Hllo 好舒服喔,哪位?
i[Mle Is this Lighting cQuen,he worlds fasts racin machin?

请问是全世界最快的赛车,闪电麦坤吗? Is this ar,he word's gratest agent? 你是最棒的经纪人哈威吗? An t is suh an honoro be yor agent</i> 当你的经纪人真荣幸啊 i>tht it lmost urt e to taketen erent of your innigs. 我几乎不忍心拿你一成的奖金还有广告酬
echanising. nd ancilay rihts inerpetuty. Anyay, wat a race, chmp!> 永久的经纪权了总之,好精彩的比赛
i>I did't see it,but I hear you were great.</i> 我没…我没看可是听说你很棒 Thans, Hr. 谢了,哈威
<i>Lste, heyr giving you 20 ticktsfor the tiereake ting n Cali.
我可以帮你拿给你朋友,你告诉我名字 i>'l pass 'em on to ou fiends.Soot me the names./i> - 让哈威为你服务,好吗?宝贝- 是,朋友 <>- You le Harv rock it or yo, bby.- Riht. Frinds.>
Yes there'... ,,嗯……
<>OK et i, Mr. Poular
<i>So any yo can't even narro i down.Hey when yu ge t own
朋友太多,不知道给谁好嘿,你到城里来 yu bettr make timeor our best friend!/i> 最好抽空来看你最好的朋友
i>Beak readwth yor mishpcheh here!> 你一定要跟你的好友吃顿饭
hat'd be great!We should tolly... ,这样很好,我们是应该……
<i>OK, I gotta jup, kid.Lt me ko how t gos Im out.<i
i>- [Dil tne hus- Sigig]</i> - [Melodic beeping- heels queaking
[Lightning] Wat? A minivn? 什么?小货车?
<i>Come on, you're i te slo lan.

<i>his is Lightning Mcuenyo'r haling er./i> 你载的是闪电麦坤耶
Just toping offfor a qick reather, kid. 我只要停一会就好了,小子
- Od ack needs a res.- Absolutely ot. 绝对不可以
We're drivig al night til weet to California. We agreed o it.<i
我们要整夜赶路,一直到加州去我们说好的 ll night? May I remid ofederal DOT regs sae... - 整夜?让我提醒你国家交通部规定…- 拜托,麦大叔
<>ome on, I need to e therebefore Chick and han with Dinoco./> 我要比路霸先到,跟戴诺可聊聊 [Mak groans]Al toe sleepin trucks 那些打盹的卡车 i>Hy kidI dn't now i I can mak i.i>
嘿,小子,我不知道我能不能做得到 Oh, ure you can, Mak. 你当然可以,麦大叔
Look, t'l be asy.I'll stay p with yo. 很容易啊,我陪你熬夜
- All niht?- All ight ong.i>
一整夜?- 一整夜 [Snorn] [Engines lowig] Snoring, asping, blubbering] [Gunting] [Snrng] h [Blubbering] - [Rap music] [Engins rewng] [nifing] Ah-coo! Laughing] - He, yo, .. ha ? - 嘿呦,DJ- 干嘛?
- W ot ourselves a nodder.- [Chuckling] 有一辆车在打瞌睡喔
[Kenny G: Songbid]<i> Pret msi. [snoring 音乐真好听
Yo, Wingo! Lne change, man. 嘿,文哥,换车道了,老兄
Right bck at y!- Yeah!
- ops! I mssed. Yu going o acton? 没有碰到- 你在渡假吗? [All laug] [Snring [noring
[huckling]- [Sifflig] - h no, Sno Rod..- He's gna blo! 哦,糟了,大鼻!- 他要打喷嚏啦! Ah.. Ah.. A-cho! Gesundheit! 保重身体
One should neer driv hl drws. 绝对不要边打瞌睡边开车
- [Tires squealin]- [Horns hokig
[Honing oudly]- [Scraing
- U! Ah!- [All honkng] - 呃!啊!
[Breathing eavil] ak! 麦大叔!
[Grutig]- [Horn onkng] ack! 麦大叔! Mac! 麦大叔! Hey, Mak! Mck 嘿,麦大叔!麦大叔! Mack! 麦大叔! Mack, wai for e! engine rewin] 麦大叔 等等我! [Tire squealing ack! 麦大叔!
Bell ringing] [Horn belloig] Mack! Mck! 麦大叔!麦大叔! Mak! Mack... 麦大叔!麦大叔... ..wait p! [couging] a. 等等!麦大叔! Mack! Mack! 麦大叔!麦大叔!
Wht You'r not Mc. 你不是麦大叔
Mack? I an' o ack!I'm a eterbilt, fo ang sake! 麦大叔?我不是麦大叔我是大卡车,拜托 [PeterbiltTur n our lights, yu morn 开你的头灯,白痴
ack.. h Iterstat! 麦大叔……州际公路 [Tires squeaing] - [Engine roring] Hh? Not in m town you do't. 在我辖区里休想超速 [Sire wailng Oh, n. ,糗了
- O, myb h cn help me! [Shriff bakfring] !也许他可以帮我
He's shooting at me!Why is e sootn at me
他向我开枪?他为什么向我开枪? [Bckfiring] I hae't oe this fast in ears. 我好多年没跑这么快了
[Gruntin] I'm gonnblow a gasket or somehi'. 我的密封垫一定会裂开
Serpentine! Srpentin, serpetine
蛇行!蛇行!蛇行! What n the blue blazes? 搞什么呀?居然蛇行,飙车狂 Crzy ho-rder. [Srn contiue wailing]

[Hank Willams:My Heart Woud Know<i> [Buzzin] [史丹利 我们的城镇奠基者 1909] Wter hos turnn on [noring
'm elling ou, an,ver third blnk is slowr. 我告诉你,老兄闪第三次都比较慢 Te sixis erent good to you,were they? 60年代太亏待你了,是吗? Car backfires] [iren blatig] Wha? Tht's ot h Intrstate
- Sheriff bacfires] Ah! h w, ow, ow, ow, ow! - Screming]- [Tires ceching
No, no, o, o n, o! 不不不
Ow! I' ot the only one seein this rght? 不是只有我看到,对吧? ncoming!- ha, an. 危险! o! Hy !你刮了我的漆
Wha whoa, wha, who! M tire! 我的轮胎! - [Grnting]- Gaspng] - [Screamng]- Gasping] - Tres qealing]- [able ibrain] [Yeling] [Shouig [Sremng
[Cables wizzig]- [Straining] ly aa, Stnley. Be free! 飞走吧,史丹利,自由自在 [Gaspng] [Breating eavily
Boy, you're i a heap of trobl. 小子,你的麻烦可大了 [Sighing] W're liv at the Los
AngeleIternational pedway/i
s th firs copettor,Lghtnin McQuee, - 第一位决赛者闪电麦坤- 他来了
s arriving at the tack. - 刚刚到赛车场- 麦坤先生,旅途顺利吗? I i rue hes gnna pose fr argrl?i>
他真的要上《赛车女郎》杂志吗? 闪电,你的策略是什么? <i>Wha's yor strategy?/i [rowd gasps] [Cameras clicking] Wha? Dd I forgeto wip y md flaps?<i
怎么啦?我忘了擦挡泥板吗? [闪电麦坤失踪了!] Mcueen's drivr arrived in aifornia,but cQueen was missing.</> 麦柛的运送车到达加州但是麦坤不见了 <> McQueen was reported missing....o rc n unprcedeted.> 赛车“闪电麦坤”神秘失踪了麦坤应该参加一场前所未有的……
>[male] Sposor sttdthey have n ide where he is.<i> 赞助厂商说不知道他在什么地方
I hope ightnin's OK. I'd hateto see anthig ad happen
him. 我只希望“闪电”没事我实在不希望他发生任何意外

i>I don't kow wats harr to findMcQeen or cief who'l ok wit hi!<i> 我不知道什么比较难找闪电麦坤还是肯跟他合作的总机械师
[Gera accent] Lightnin McQeenmst be found at all cots!

>They're all asking the sm quesion:Wher is MQueen<> 他们都在问同一个问题:麦坤到底在哪里? [Goaning] h, oy. 天啊
Where am I 这是什么地方啊?
- Mrin', slepi' beauty!- A! 早啊,睡美人! Boy, I was wndernwhen ou was onn wake up. 我在想你要多久才会醒过来
Take whatever you wnt!Just don't ut me! 你要什么就拿去,只要别伤害我
A parin oot?Wh d I have a parking bo on? 轮胎锁?为什么给我上轮胎锁? Wht's going on here? Plas!- [Cukling Youre funny - 这是怎么回事?拜托- 哈哈,你真好笑 I ike you alread. My name's ater. 我喜欢你,我叫拖线 Maer? 拖线?
Yeah, ik th-mater"ut wihout the "tuh". 对,拖把的拖,不是脱衣服的脱
- Wats yu ame?- You do' ko my name?
- 你叫什么名字?- 你…你不知道我的名? h... 嗯…我知道你的名字你也叫拖线? No, now your ae.Is yur name ae to? Wha? 什么?
Look, I eed to gt to Californias fas a possile. Were am I
听我说,我必须在最短的时间内尽快赶到加州去这是什么地方啊? Whre are you? Shot! 这是什么地方?
You're in Rdator Springs. 这是化油器郡
Th cutest litte townin Carbretr Couny. 一个可爱的小镇,叫油车水镇 Oh, great. Just gret ,好极了
Wll, if yu thik tha' great,you soul se the rest of the town. 如果你认为这里很好你应该参观镇上其他的地方
Yo kow,I'd lov to see te rest of he town!
So if yo could just ope h ate,tak this boot off, 所以只要你打开门,解开轮胎锁
you nd e, e go criin'chec out te ocl scene... 你跟我就一起游览本地的风景好吗? - Dad-gum!- Ho'd tha be, Tuhater? ,- 怎么样,拖线? - Col!- ater! - !- 拖线!
What id I el oabout talkn' o te accused? 我说过,你可不可以跟被告说话? To not to 不可以

Wel, qut your appin' n to tisdeiquen road haard to trffic court
Well, we'll tak later, aer. 等会聊了,小老弟
[Chclin] "Later, ater."hat's funny! 小老弟,真好笑 h! [Sheriff] The Radato SringsTraffic Court will come to order! 油车水镇交通法庭即将开庭
Hey you scratced my paint!I ougta take a boworch to yu, man! 你刮了我的漆真该放把火把你烧了
Yo brok-a te road!ou a vey bad car! 我得重新叠罐头你弄坏道路,你是辆坏车 - Fascist! Comme! - 暴君!- 对啊,对啊
Oficer, talk to me, babe.How long is his ona take? 警长,请告诉我,这到底还要多久? gtta e o Caiornia, rono
我很忙,得立刻赶到加州去 Whee's our lawyer? 你的律师呢? I don't know. Taiti maybe.H's gt tieshar ther. 谁知道,在大溪地吧他在那里有一个度假屋 When a defendant ha no awyer,th court wll assign one to im. ey! 当被告没有律师的时候法庭会指派一个给
nyone want to be his lawyer? 谁要当他的律师啊? Shot, I'll do it, Sheriff! ,我可以,警长 l ris! The HnrbleDoc Hudson prsiding
请起立,法官大人韩大夫主审 Show-of. 爱现
- a Doc hav mry n you oul.- [oor bangig 希望韩大夫怜悯你这个可怜虫 [Gasing] ll rigt, 好了,我要知道谁破坏我的镇警长 I wnna kow wh's esponsiblefor wreckin' my town, Shriff. want his hood on a pater! 我要拿下他的车盖
I' gonn put him n jail til he rots!o, chec that. 我要他坐牢,直到他烂掉不,更正
Im gonna pu him in jail tillth ji rots on tp of im, 我要他坐牢,直到监牢烂掉,压在他车顶 and thn I'm gnn move imto a new jail and let that jail ot. 然后再把他移到新的坚牢,让那个监牢也烂
'm... 我……
Trw him out of here, hriff
把他撵出去,警长 I ant im out o m ourtroom ant hi u of or town 我要他离开我的法庭我要他离开我的镇 - ase dismised.- Yes! - 本案终结- 好耶
Boy I' uty godat thi lawerin' stuff. 我可是一流的律师耶
Sorry 'm lae, Your Honr! 抱歉,我迟到了
Holy Porshe! Shes gotta befrom my attorneys ffice 保时捷美眉,她一定是我的律师派来的 Hey, tanks fo cmi',but we
r ll set 谢谢你来,不过没事了 - es etting m go.- He's lttng yo go? 他要放我走- 他要放你走? Yeah your job's retty eay oday. 对,今天你的工作很轻松
ll ou have o o now is stand thereand let me lok at you. 你只需要乖乖站在那儿让我好好的看看你 isten, I'm gonn ut o th chaseMe, ou, dinnr. Pi-cha-kw
- What the...? Ow! h!- Ka-ch! 什么?噢!- 咔嚓!
- lease- know. I get that rection a lot. - 拜托!- 我知道,这种反应我见多了 I creae eelings in otes tatthey temselves don't ndrstand. 我带给别人的感受连他们自己都无法理解 - [Reing]- Ah! Ow! Oh, Im srry. Did I sare you 对不起,吓着你了吗? A litte bi, bu I'll be all righ. 嗯…有一点,但我不要紧
OK. ' gona g talk to the judge. 好吧,我要去跟法官谈谈
o hat yo gotta do, baby.Bt liste. B carefl. 做你该做的,宝贝喔!但是小心一点
olk around here are not firing oall cylinders, if you kn what men
这里的人不是都像你一样那么上路你懂我的意思吗? a-chig! 咔嚓!
Ah! Ill keep tha in mid 我会记住的
- Hey here ater.- owdy, Sally. 你好,拖线- 你好,莎莉
- Hi folks!- od mornng! - 大家好- 早安,莎莉 Yu know her? 你认识她? Se's the ton atorney nd m iancee. 她是本镇的律师,也是我的未婚妻 What 什么? Nah I'm jus kidin'.he js lkes e for my body. 开玩笑的她只是喜欢我的外表
You ok great You do somethngdifferent with ou side vie
mirrors? 韩大夫,你今天看起来真帅你是不是调整了你的侧视镜? Wat d you want, Sally? 莎莉,你想做什么? [Sighng] ome on, ak ths guyfix te od. Te on nee his. ,拜托,让这个家伙修路本镇很需要 o. know his type. Raecar. 不,我知道他这型的,赛车
Tat's the ast thing thi tow eeds. 本镇最不需要赛车 K I didn't wan to hve to do thi,Dc, but ou leav e no choic. 好吧,我不想这么做的喔可是你让我别无选 Fellow citzens your all wareo ou ton's rod history. 各位乡亲,你们都知道本镇的骄傲历史 Hr he goes aain 她又来了

Radiaor Spring,the gloriu jewel 油车水镇,原始道路
也是我们66号公路颈上的一颗荣耀宝石 strung o te neklaceof ot 66, th other rad! It is our job and ur plesureto tae care of the ravelers 我们有责任也很乐意服务行经这段公路的所有旅客
on or stetc o that rad.- rvelers? Wht travlers? 旅客?什么旅客? Ignore hi. 别理他
But hw, I ask yo,are w to care or thos tavlers
i thr is no radfor them to drive on
- uig, what do you hae at yur toe- Ties
- 卡布,你的店里有什么?- 轮胎
Ad f no on an et to you? 如果没有车子来呢? won't ell any.. tires.I ill lse eveything! 我就没办法卖轮胎,我会失去一切
Flo, wha d ou have at your toe? I ave gas. - 芙蓉,你的店里有什么? 我有汽油 - Lotsa as! O boy, stay wit me. 很多汽油- 好了,男士们,注意听
And, Flo, what'll hppe if o oecan come to your sation t buy gas
芙蓉,如果车子不能去你的店里买汽油会怎么样呢? I'l go outta busnes and...we'll ave to leav ton. 我会没生意,然后…我们就得离开这里 What's gonna hapen if Floleves twn and coses her station? 如果芙蓉关了她的店离开这里我们会怎么样呢
- [ll Without a, we're don for- ht
没有汽油,我们就完了- 什么? Dont you think the car resonsileshuld fix ur road?
所以你们不觉得那辆车有责任帮我们修路? he onl guy srong eougto fix ht road is Big Al! 我看啊,唯一壮得可以修那道路的是大艾尔 Lizzie, Big Al eft like, 1 yars ag. 莉丝,那家伙十五年前就离开了
Then why are yu brngingim up, yo lemo? 那么你干吗提起他呀,糊涂虫 Oh, he ca o it 哦,他可以修 He' got the horepowr.So, wht o yo want him o do? 他有足够的马力,所以你们要他做什么啊? [All] ix the road! 修马路! - Because e ar town worh fixing!- Yah! - 因为我们的镇需要修复- ! [Al heer
[Hokin] rder i the ourt! 大家肃静
Seem like my mindha be hanged for me. 这件事似乎由不得我了 - [ll] Yeh! No 耶!- 不!
[V van Nice ruig. Oh, I m s not takng you t dinnr. 我刚刚不应该邀请你去吃晚餐的
[Chucklig] Thats K, Stick
er.You ca take Besie. 没关系,贴纸王,你可以请贝西 Man, yu ge o work ih essie! ,天啊,你可以跟贝西工作
' gve my left two lug nutsfor somthin' ik that. 那真是一个求之不得的机会 essi? ho's Bessie 贝西?谁是贝西? [Grging] [贝西]
Thi here is Bese,inest road-pain' machne ever bul. 她就是贝西有史以来最好的一台铺路机 I' hereb setening youto cmmunity sevice 我现在判决你做社区服务 You're gonna fix h roaunder y spervisin. 你要在我的监督下修复那条马路
What Thi pace is crazy! 什么?这地方疯了? I know tis may bea bad time rih now
bu you owe me $32,000in lega fes. 可是你欠我三万两千块的律师费哦 What? 什么? We're gonna hitch ou up t esie,ad you're gonna pull er nice
You gota e kidding e. 你一定是在开玩笑
Yo start here where te road begis. 你从路的起点那儿开始
You fnis don heewhere te road ends
一直铺到路的尽头那儿结束 Mae] Holy shoot! 我的妈呀 Whoa, wha, whoaHow ong is this onna tak? 这…这…这要多久的时间啊?
Well, ella does i right,sould take hm about five
days. 这个啊…做对的话,应该只要五天左右 Fve days? 五天?
But I sould be in Californiaschmozing Dinoo right nw! 可是我现在就应该在加州跟戴诺可见面 he f I wee yu,I'd uit yppin' ad str wrkn'! 那么你最好少说废话,开始工作
Hook im p, Mater- Oky-doky
- 接起来吧,拖线- 好的,遵命 [Gruntig
[Tires squeling, engine rwing [Lightnin] Freeom! 翘头喽! ayb sould'ehokd him up to Besie.. 也许我该…嗯…先把他勾住贝西 ..and the...then too the oot off.
再嗯…再拿掉轮胎锁 Whoo-hoo! [这么快就要走了?] Goodby, adiaor prings,nd gdbe, Bessi! 再见,油车水再见,贝西
Californi, her I ome Yeah! 加州,我来了! h, fe that wind. ,迎着风 Yes! 太好了
No. No, no no. N, no, no, no, no. utta as? 不不不……没油了

ow cn b outa gs? 我怎么可能会没油呢?
[Chucklin] Boy we ain'tas um a ou tin we are. 小子啊,我们没你想像那么笨啊
[tutering] But ho id,how di... ou..? 可…可是…你们怎么…
We sipoed or gswie you wre pase ot 我们趁你昏迷抽了你的汽油
- Ka-chow- Ow, ow, o, w. 咔嚓
Gentlee. heiff. - 男士们- 警长 ey, Sheriff !警长
Why here?- [Italan] Son empre sati qui</i> 轮胎怎么在这儿? i>- Thy wre bettr before.- Sta sempre a parlae. 它们在原来的地方比较好
- uido! Rd, can yo move ver? 奇诺- 小红,让开一下
I want to et a loka tat sey hot ro. 我要看那部性感的改装车
ou know, I ued to bea purty goo wistler. 你知道吗?我以前很会吹口哨 cant do i nw of ouse,on account of sometimes 当然现在不行了
get flid built upin y engine lock
因为有时候我的引擎本体里会有液体累积 but Doc said e's ona ix t.He a fix abou nythig 可是韩大夫说他会修理他几乎什么都能修 hat's hy we mae him te judg. 所以我们才让他当法官 <i>By, you shouda hear e onGidd-p, Oom Pap Mow
小子啊,你真该听我唱“跟着我马车跑” No, ' no n o rg 人们大老远就是要来听我唱这个“跑” but pople come puty at se m get low on te "MowMow. Oh! Aw mn, tha's just grat!- Hey, wha's rng?
- !天啊!这下可好了!- 怎么了
y lucy tcker's ll diry 我的幸运贴纸都被弄脏了 Ah, tha ain't nothn.I'll clen it for ya. ,那没什么,我帮你弄干净
- Snorting, ackin]- No, o, n! 不不不…
hat wo't be ncessary. 算了,没这个必要
Hey! Hey, bi ela!Yeah, yo i the e! !喂!大块头对,你红色的
I coud us a ltle hos down.elp me wash this f. 我需要水管把我身上的脏东西冲掉 Wees he gin' 他要去哪? h, hes a itle bit shy, nh htes yu for killin hi flowes. 他只是有点害羞而且他恨你弄死他的花 I shouldn't ut p with hi. 我不该忍受这些的
I' precision nstrumentf speed ad aerodynais. 我是速度和空气力学的精密仪器
- You hurt your wht? I'm a ery famos aecar! - 你伤到哪啦?- 我是很有名的赛车! ou ae a famos raceca? real
accr? 你是很有名的赛车?真正的赛车? Yes, I'm a real aceca.ht do yu hnk ook at me. ,我是真正的赛车你以为呢?看看我 I hve olowed racing my entire lfeM hol life! 我一辈子都在注意赛车消息一辈子
Then you know who I am.Im Lighting MQen. 那你一定认识我,我是闪电麦坤
Lihtig cQueen?- es! es!
- 闪电麦坤- !对!
I mst scream i t the world! 我要向全世界呐喊 y exitement frm th opof oeplac vry hg! 我的兴奋到了无以复加的最高点
- Do you kow may Ferrari?- No, no, no n, no. - 你认识很多法拉利吗?- 不是,不是,不
Tey rce n the European cruit.Im n the Piston Cup 他们是跑欧洲巡回赛我是跑活塞杯
- [Lightning hat? Ligi fllow only the Ferrari. - 怎么了?- 卡布只注意法拉利跑车 s that ha think it is? 天啊,我有没有看错啊?
[ally] Cusoer. 顾客上门了
Cstomers!Cstomers, everyne! Customrs! 顾客上门了,各位有顾客
- [Sall] K! Customer? - 好了,大家冷静点- 顾客上门了 Sally] Been log time.Rememer hat w reearse. 我们等很久了,记住我们排练过的
Make sure your"Open plese coe in igs ae out. 快拿出“营业中,欢迎光临”的牌子 You all kno ht o d.All right nobdy paics. ere we o! 你们知道该怎么做好了,大家别慌,准备好 Van, I just o't seany on-rmp anyhere. 志明,奇怪,我没看到任何匝道啊 - inny I kow xactly hre we re Yeh e'r in he iddle f nowhere. - 春娇,我很清楚我们在什么地方- 是吗?我们在荒郊野外
- Honey, pleas. Sll] Hello. - 老婆,拜托- 两位好
elcoe t adiator Sprigs,gateway to Ornamnt Valley. 欢迎光临饰品谷的入口油车水镇 我们以优质服务和热诚好客闻名
Legndry forits service and hositaity. o can we help yu? 很高兴为您服务
- W dn't need anyhing hnk you. Ask for dirctins to th Intrstate. - 我们什么也不需要,谢谢你- 亲爱的,她怎么去州际公路 hres n need to as for diectinsI know where wer ong. 我们没有必要问路,春娇我告诉过你,我知道该往哪里走,我…
He did the ame thingon or ti o Shakope. 上回我们去谢科琵市的时候,他也是这样 W wee headed oer thereo he Cazy as and we.. 我们是去参加狂欢节庆典,可是我们… - OK. Rally. e're jst peachy O?- Wat you really nee 好了,好了真的,我们不需要服务 i the sweet tasteof m hmmade, rganc fel.

No, it dosn' agree wit m nk. 不, 我的油箱无法消化
- Just trying to find he Interstate. God to see you, olier! - 我们只想找到州际公路- 很高兴见到你,士兵
oe n by arge's Surplus utfr your govrnment surplus neds. 请到“士官长军品店”买你们需要的政府军用品
- one, urlus!- We hve too uch urpls
- 老公,军用品- 我们有很多军用品了 I do have a mapove at th Cozy Con Motel. 我的交通锥汽车旅馆那儿有张地图 And if yu stay we offer
freeLincoln Conientl reafst. 而且你们住宿的话我们还供应好吃的免费早餐
- Honey, shes go a map.- I don't ned ap have the S. - 老公,她有地图- 我不需要地图,我有GPS Never ee a ap agi, thank ou.- How bout somthin to drink
- 再也不需要地图,谢谢- 要不要喝点什么?
top at Fo' -Eight afe.Fnes fel on Rout 66
o w jus toped off. ,我们刚加过油
Ad if you ee tires,stop b Lugis Cas Della Tire, 如果你们需要轮胎请到在下卡布的轮胎店 home f he Leain Toe f Tires. 店名叫“比萨斜塔”
- Were tryng to find the nertt.- But you do need a paint job. - 我们只想找到州际公路- 可是你们一定需要烤漆
Ramoe will pin ou up rigt.Hey, anything you an! 雷蒙帮你们烤得美美的嘿,什么图案都行 - You know lie flm job.- No hanks.. 像是火焰图案
- 或是幽灵火焰图案- 谢谢 Maye ghost lmes
Yu lke old chool pnstripi'Von Dtc
style? 你们喜欢传统的细条纹?肯尼霍华风格,? - [Both gap]- Oh, honey, look Von uch. !老公,你看,细条纹 Cuckling] OK, no.We're onna be going now, K
嗯,不必了,我们要走了,好吗? O! [Laughs] A ltte soethin'to remembr us by, OK? 一个小小的纪念品,嗯?
- K!- Come bac son, K? - 有空再来,好吗? I mean, ou now where e are!el your fiends
你们知道我们在哪告诉你的朋友喔 [绮丽孤峰—油车水镇] [Van K! Yes. Yo e. ,是,当然了
Thaks agan folks.By-bye ow. 非常谢谢你们,再见喽! Psst! sstHy! He, hey hy! 嘿……
- I no how o get to th Iterstte!- Do ya? - 我知道怎么去州际公路- ?真的?
- Mnny, o.- Yeah, yah, yeah 春娇,不要- 真的、真的、真的、真的 No, nt realy. But listen. ,不是真的,可是听着…
I'm Lightning McQueen, famous rcecar.I'm eing held ganst my will. 我是著名的赛车闪电麦坤我被强押在这里 need yu to all m tem,o they can ome rescu e 我要拜托你们通知我的伙伴让他们来救我 n get me to Californi in tim for meto win th Piston Cup Undertand? 好让我及时赶去加州,赢得活塞杯你们懂吗?
- [Locs beping]- N, o o, o, no, no, o./i> 不不不……
No it' th tuth! Im eling you!ou ott ep me! Don't leave e her! 别走,这是真的,拜托你们你们一定得帮我,别把我丢在这儿
I' n hillbily hell!My 's drpin by h secod! 我在蛮荒地带,我的智商正一秒一秒下降 I' becmin one of tem 我快变得跟他们一样了喽
- [Lghtning echoes- [Sighng] OK, dn't worry.Tey knw hre we are now. 好了,别担心,他们知道我们的位置了 Tey'll el friends. Yull see. 他会告诉他们的朋友,等着瞧
i>[Male DJ] e'll be bckfr our Hnk Williams marathon...> 我们马上回到汉克威廉斯 i> Tha' god...afte a Pistn Cu update<i> - 很好- 现在我们先听听活塞杯最新消
Kori] til no sg o LightningMcQeen. Chick arrved in Califori<i> 还是没有闪电麦坤的踪影在这同时路霸已经抵达加州
and today becam h first cart spnd prctce im on the tack.</i> 成为今天第一位在跑道上练习的赛车
[Chick] It' nie to get out herebefre te oher competitors.
是啊,很高兴能比其他对手先练习 Yu know, get head sat.Gives m an eg. 因为抢得先机,对我有利 [Eletronic music] [Laughig] oo-hoo-hoo! a-ha! Yah! Cow houtig ad cheeig] [Girl cattrng ad gigging
Hey, McQee..Ea yur het ot. 嘿嘿!麦坤,气死你 [Gaspig] Oh! Let me ge this straght 拖线,让我搞清楚
can go when this road i one.That's the dal, ight 路铺好了,我就可以走是这样的,对吧? - ha's wht they one did aid.- OK. Ott y way. - 他们都是这么说的啊- 好吧,别挡住我 got road to finish. 我要铺好这条路
[Grning and rewig] - e's done!- Don? - 完成了- 完成?
- Uh-hh. t's only ben hou. 才一个钟头
[essie groans- h, I'm don
. Look, I'm finshed. 我做好了,看,我完成了 Sy tanks, an I'll e o y way.Tha' al ou gotta sy. 只要说一声谢谢,我就走只要一声谢谢 [Maer] heehoo!I'm the firt one o h new rad 我是第一个踏上新马路的 h! [ibrating] t rides puty soth. 挺平顺的
- It looks awful! Wel, i maches te rest of the twn. 简直糟透了- 但是跟这个镇很相配 - h!- [Bubein] Red. 小红
ho o yu thn you are? 你以为你是谁啊
Lok, Doc aid whn I fiish, coul go That was th deal.
The deal as ou fx th road,no ake it wore. 条件是你把路修好,不是弄得更糟
o, scape it off!Sart over ain. 快把它刮掉,重新开始
Hey look, gradpa,I'm not a uldzer I'm a racecar. !拜托,老爹我不是推土机,我是赛车 Ohho-oho! Is that right Thn wh don' wjust hve a ltle ace? e ad ou. 哦…是吗?那么我们来比一场怎么样啊?和你
- ht?- [Chukling e ad yo. hat joe? - 什么?- 你和我,这是玩笑吗? If o in, you go and I fix t od. 你赢了,你走,我来修路
I I win, o o th rod y wy. 我赢了,你照我的方式修路
Doc ha're you don'? 韩大夫,你在做什么呀
I don't mea to e rude hee, 不要怪我没礼貌,韩大夫
but you probably go zro o sixt in,like, wat? Three-pointfve years?
Then I reckonyu ain' got nothin' to worry aout. 那么你应该没有什么好担心的了 o kno hat, old-timer?Tha' a wonderul idea. Lets rae 你知道吗?老古板这是一个很好的主意,比吧
[Sheriff Genleme,this will be a oe-lap race. 两位,这场比赛只跑一圈
You ill drive to Wll's Bute,go roun illy's utte and coe back. 你们跑到威利岗,绕过威利岗,然后回来 不准碰撞,不准作弊
Tee will be n bumpin',no heatin' no spttin, 不准吐口水,不准咬不准施暴,不准伤害 n itin', no rod rg, no maimin', no oil slikn', no puhin n hvin',no ackstbbin', no od-hogin', 准洒油,不准推,不准挤不准暗伤 不准霸占道路,还有不准闲逛 nd no lollygaggin'. Speed. 'm speed. 速度,我是速度

Floa lik a Cailac,stng like a Beeer. 有凯迪拉克的优雅,BMW的劲爆 [uii laugs] My riend Guido he dream o gvea ral raeca a pt to. 我的朋友奇诺一直希望能帮真正的赛车维
- Peet top!- Uh.. [chukls Th rae is only one lap guys. 我们比赛只有一圈,两位
Uno lapo! Don't nee ay help./> 只有一圈,不需要维修
i>- I wrk soo mo.- Fin. ace our way.
- 我是个人秀- ,随你便
- No pit soppo. Comprndo?- OK. - 不需要维修,你懂吗?- 好吧 etleen.. 两位
..start your engies 发动你们的…引擎
[Engine sputtrs] [Rewing furiusly] <i>- Hijoe! Cec hat out! Whoa.
Grat idea, Do.Now the rad ill nver e done. 好主意,韩大夫这下甭想把路修好了 Luigi? 卡布
Chuklng] n yor mrk, get se... 各就各位,预备 i>Uno for he moneyue or the show,/i
tre o get ready, and quattroto... cn't blive it. Go!</i> 三是准备好,四是…我真不敢相信,跑! Giggling] Cheering] Huh? oc.. te flg means go. 韩大夫,旗子代表跑 Remember he fl.Hre we o. Go. 记得旗子?可以跑了,跑
Dc, what ar yo doing, mn 嗯,韩大夫,你在做什么啊? Oh, ear. t old semI'm ff to a poor start. 哦,天啊,我好像一开始就落后了 Well ettr late tan nver.Come on, ater
- Miht need little elp.- Uh. K. - 可能需要一点帮忙- ..好吧 You go our tow able? 你带了绳索了? Well yeah,I alays got y tow cable. Why? 是啊,我一向都带着绳索,怎么了? [Doc] h, just in cse. 待会就知道了
[Yelln] Ow! Ow!Ow, o, w, ow, w. N, no, no, o, no! 不不不…
O, man- Who. 我的天啊!
- Ow- [Fillmore Bad tip an. [Rewing] Hey! Was that floatn' ike a Cdillacor as tat stingin' like a emer? 嘿!这一招有凯迪拉克的优雅吗?还是有BMW的劲爆啊?
- I'm onused. [Chuklig] 我糊涂了
[Do] You rie like yu fix rods
Louy! Have fun fshin' M
ter. 差劲!钓上来吧,拖线 [Gsps Ah
Im starti' t hink he knowedyo wa gnn crash! 我觉得他好像知道你会出事哦
Thank you Mater. Thnk you 谢谢你,拖线,谢了
I can ak a little tur on dirt. 我可以在泥土上转弯的 You think? 不是吗?
o. nd now I'm ay behind.I'm ever gonn get oua ere! ,现在我落后了一天我永远别想离开这里 Hy, eeYo need a nw paint job an! 嘿!你需要新烤漆,朋友
- [Lghtnin] No, han you- Ho 'bout some oranic fuel 不用,谢了- 要不要有机燃料啊? Tha freak jic?- [Lihtnig Pas. 那个畸形玩意?- 不用了 ho Watchin' im i makin' me tirsty.Anyoy lse want somethin' t drink? 看他工作让我都渴了,还有谁要喝饮料的? Na, not me, l. 我不要,芙蓉我正在实施特殊饮食法
Im on one o them there speial dets
I'm precisiona instruentof sped ad aeromtics. 我现在是速度和空气力学的精密仪器 You race lik you fix roads." 你开车跟你修路一样
[Gruting] I'll show hm.[Gruning] I il shw him! 等着瞧,你等着瞧
- [Tar splateig]- Oh, great! I hate t 可恶!我恨死了
- Hate, hate, hate, ht i! Chuckles Msc. Swet msi. 音乐,蛮悦耳的
ayb tis wasn't uch a god ie. 也许这个主意还不错
[ighting]Raiaor Srngs, hppy pace! 油车水镇,快乐的地方
OK, Besie yo tink tat's funny? ,贝西,你觉得这样好笑?
好极了!我居然跟贝西说话我跟贝茜说话 reat! I' alking to Bessie now!I' talking to Bessie! 我说嘛…呀呵 Ww. 哇哦~~ [ater] Morni', Saly! 早安,莎莉
ey, lok at hi hee ancy new roadthat Lghtnin McQuen done just mde! 嘿,你看闪电麦坤刚铺好的这条漂亮的新马
Ye! Uh, mzing! 是啊,好漂亮哦! ha-ho! Yeah! [sighing
Oh, Ramone! Mama an'tseen ou hat lo in eas
I haen't sen a rod like thiin year. 我好久没看到这么样的马路
- Wll, the et's cuise, bb.- Low and sow. - 那么溜达溜达吧,宝贝- 街头漫步 [Itaia] bllisima! It's beautifu!> 哦!好美,太美了
Guid, look, it'- likei was pved by anel.
奇诺,你看就像天使铺的一样 Boy, I tll ou wht. 小子,我告诉你
I bet even the roads on h mooain't thi smooth. 我敢说天上的路都没这么平 oc, loo at thi! 韩大夫,你看看
Souda osed hi intothe cacus a ot ooer, hh 我们啊,早就该把他丢进仙人掌堆里了 Well, he in't fiihed yet.Still ot a ong ay t go. 他还没完成呢,还有很长一段路 Gido, loo a uigi! 奇诺,你看卡布
This s fantastco 这实在太棒了 Tht loks like funMater ot dibs, next urn
看起来好好玩哦拖线,我先预约,下一个是 He, Lugi, this new oadmaks yur plac lo like a dum. ,卡布,新马路让你的店看起来像垃圾场 That ray ld dvl woman. 那女人嘴巴真毒 [Sgs Oh he's rght! 她说的对!
h- Guio! 奇诺
Huh. That unk ctull di a goo job. 那小子居然做得不错
Well, nw... wher the heck is he? 嗯,慢着,他跑哪去了? Sherff!Is h ain' another run for it? 警长,他是不是又跑掉了
No, n. He an utta aphalti the mide of the niht, 不不,他半夜里啊柏油用完了
and askd me if he cudome dow hee. 问我他可不可以到这个地方来
All he' tryin' to dois mae ht there tun 他只想把那个弯给搞定
Ligtnng] No, o, no no! O, gea. 不不不…啊…可恶
erect turns on eery tracIv ever raced on. 我在每个赛车场上过弯都无懈可击
- 怎么会栽在那个弯上?- 警长,我看你去芙蓉那儿加点油吧 Sheriff, wy don you go et yourselfa quat o ol at o's. 我来看着他
I'll kep a eye o hm. Well, thanks, Doc.I've een feln a quat low. 谢了,大夫我也觉得我的油快没了 [ngin rwing] [Screaming] [Sitting] This ain't sphalt, on. This is dir. 这不是柏油路,孩子,这是土 Oh grat. What d ou antYu ere to glat? 拜托,你来做什么?幸灾乐祸?
Yu dn't have hree-wheel brakes,o you ot to pith it hrd
你没有三轮刹车,所以你得提前快转 brek it loe an thejst dve it wih the thrttle. 甩尾,然后用油门操控
Gve it too much, yu'll boutt the dr and no te tuips. 速度太快的话,你会冲出道路的
o you're a jdge,a doctr and a raing eprt. 你是法官、医生,还是个赛车专家

I'll put it simple. 简单的说
If you're goin' hard nough lft,you'll fnd yursel trnin' righ. 当你向左急转的话,会发现自己滑向右边 Oh.. Right. Tht maks perfect snse.Tun rigt to o lf! Yes! Thank ou!
哦!,很有道理前轮往右左转,是啊,谢谢 Or shul I say, "No thank yu" 或者我该说“不谢”
Because i Opposit ord,maybe that ealy means, Thank you"! 因为按照你的逻辑不谢的意思就是谢谢 Craz grndpa car. What an idot! 什么古董老爷车,真是白痴 [Groas] Lightnin] Turn right to go left
前轮往右左转 mm.. Whoa! O! [Car crashig] - Ow! Oh, that..- [actus crasing] [Screaming] Ow 救命!
Turn iht o go letGuess wht I rie it. 前轮往右左转,你猜怎么样?我试了 ou know wha? Tis cazy thinghappene.. went riht 结果你知道吗?发生了怪事,我往右转 You kep talkin' to yoursef,peoplell think o're cray. 你再继续跟自己说话,大家会以为你疯了 Tans for he tip.- hat? I an't talkin' to ou! - 谢谢你的忠告- 什么?我不是跟你说话 - Oh, Gudo e belissimo!- he cos?> - !奇诺,好漂亮- 什么? - It ooks great his s great- i piace eh? i, si, ellismo.<i> - 我是说好漂亮- 哦…你喜欢啊 [Grnts psses gas Oh, Lord. 哦!天啊! - [Chuckls] [Sherif] Matr 拖线!
need youo watch he prisoer tnigh. 今天晚上你看守囚犯 Well, dadgum! Wat a minueWhat if he tries o rn agi? 怎么又是我等一下,万一他又想逃跑呢? us let hi run outa gsd tow hi on bac. 那就让他把油耗光,再把他拖回来
- Bt kee an ey n him- Yes, si! - 可是要盯着他- 遵命 [Groanng] Oh... While I' stuck erpaving tis tini' rad 我被困在这儿铺这条差劲的路
Cic' i Caifornia shmoozing Dinoco. “路霸”却在加州跟戴诺可打屁 My Dioco. Who, hoa, wha!Who's touching me? 我的戴诺可,哦,谁碰我? You have a slo lak Guio, he fix. 你的轮胎漏气,奇诺会修
Yo make-a sc nice new roa. 你把马路铺得很好
Yo com to my sho.uigi tae-a god ae of you. 你到我店里来卡布好好照料你
Even thugh yu not a Ferrari. 虽然你不是法拉利
You u our ire,I ive
ou a fl-a size pare 你买四个轮胎我送你一个备胎
- absolutely free!- Look, get all m tires for fee. - 完全免费!- 卡布,我所有的轮胎都是免费的
[hucking] I lik yur style, eh? 我喜欢你的风格
ou drive h ad argain.OK. Lig ake you new deal. 你很会杀价,好吧卡布再给一次机会
Yo buy one tie,I gie yo the
for free! 你买一个轮胎我送你三个不用钱
[lo] h, woul you ook at that ,你瞧瞧
Rmone, Ramone 雷蒙,雷蒙
Luigi] he uii mke you ne nw deal
那么卡布再给你一次机会 [Lightning] No, no, no, noDeal me ot. Pas. No, hak you. 不不不…不必了,不用,谢谢 - No, o, no, no o- his is t My las ofr. - 不不不- 这可是最后一次机会了
Yo buy one tire, I give youseven-a sno irs for free! 你买一个轮胎我免费送你七个雪地轮胎! Done. You interested, ou all e.You know whee I am. 有兴趣来找我,你知道我在哪里 [Exhales deeply] Ah! !停!不要! Sto! et me... O, Red, you mised a pot.See t rght ther? 小红,你漏了一个地方就在那儿 - No! No! n the hod right there. - 那…那…那车盖那儿-
Sop, top That' ol! 好冷
Help! Please! Stop! 救命
- [Coghing, puterng]- hanks, Rd 谢了,小红
Wat wa tht fr? 这是做什么啊
- D yu wat t tay t th Cozy Cone? Hh? - 你要不要住三角锥啊- 啊?
If you do, you gotta e clan 你要住就得干干净净的
'ause ve in illbily hellwe have sandrds. 别看这蛮荒地带,还是有一定水准的 Wht, I...? I dont get it - 什么?我...我不懂- 没什么
I thought Id sy hank yufr don' a geat ob.
o I thught I'd let yu stay wih me.I mean ot wt e! 所以我想让你跟我住不是跟我住
Bt ther. Not with me theebu there in your wn czy cone 是住那儿,不是跟我住那儿是你住你自己的三角锥 - And Id b i m cne an its...- Wai. Wat, you're bein nice to e
我住我的三角锥,就在…- 慢点,点,你是在对我示好
f yu an t stayat he dirt imound, fine
如果你想留在肮脏的拖吊场随你便 - I understand you criminal types- o, no, no, n. That's OK. 我了解你们这种罪犯类型- 不不不…没关系
- Yeah the Czy Cne.- [Sa
ly It's nwly rfurbishd - ,三角锥- 它才重新整修过
Lightning huckles] Yeah,ts lke a cleve littl twist. 是啊,有趣的笑话
Th motel' mde out of catio cons,whc, f ourse cars ty to avoid. 旅馆房间是三角锥通常车辆应该要避免的 But now we'r gona stay in the.That's unny. 可是现在却给我们住,真好玩
Figue that all ou on you wn,did yu? 什么都瞒不过你,是吗? Cone number one, if you ant. 要的话,住一号
Oh... ey do I spy a ittepnstripig tattoo back thee? 嘿,我是不是看到你后面有细纹刺青? Oh... [chuckles]hats just ... Oh! 哦,那只是…哦! Bot chuckle] Oh, yu aw that? Ya.Jut onna be gong. !你看见了?我要走了 Gona... Yeah. 我要…对,我走喽
- You now, I kne thi girl Doreen. [Gasp] 你知道吗?我以前认识一个女孩朵玲 God-looki' irl. 很漂亮的女孩
Looked just lie a Jaur,ony she was a truc! 看起来就像跑车,不过她是卡车
You kow, I ued to crash into hr,just s I coul spoke to r
- Wat ar you tlking aout?- I don't know. 拖线,你在说什么啊?- 不知道
Hey, I knw somehin' w can do tonigt'caus I' in charge f wthn' ou! ,我知道我们今天晚上,可以做什么因为我负责看守你 o Mate, gotta ins his rodand I have to et out of her. 不,我得先铺完这条路然后我就要离开这里 Well, that's al right,M. n't Turn On Dirt 没关系,你这个过弯失败先生
Yo robbl culdn't handle it ayway. 反正这件事情你可能做不来
hoa wha easy now, Mter. !慢着,客气点,拖线
Yu kno who yu're takin t?Ths is Lghtning cQueen. 你知道你在跟谁说话?我是闪电麦坤 I a handl ayting. 我无所不能 - [Whipering 'm no oin his.- Com n. You'l ove it! [chucles] - 拖线,我不要做这种事- !走嘛,你一定会喜欢的
- [ater] Trcor-tipin's fun.- [Lightnn] his is idiculous. - 看牵引机出糗- 这实在是太可笑了 - Tractos noe]- [Mater All rgt listen. 好了,听着
When I sy go, e g.ut dnt et Frak catch you. o 我说走就走别让牛大叔抓到你,走! hoa! Wait! Who's rank !谁?谁是牛大叔? [Lghtning whisering] Mater! 拖线!
Wait, Mater! 等一下,拖线! OK, here's what ou o.
You just seak p in fot o e,an hen on. 你偷偷溜到他们前面,然后叭
And they do he rest. Wach this. 接下来就看他们了,看着
- [Honig oudly]- Oh! Oh. Oh! h.. [mooig] Gas sloshin, akfiring] [Laghing lodly
I swear ractor is so umb! 我发誓,牵引机太笨了
I tel you hat, buddyit dn et much ette ta this 我告诉你,小老弟没有比这个更爽的了 Yep you're livin the deam, ate
boy. 对,你活在天堂里,拖线 - Honin]- Oh! Oh! Oh... [mooing
[Ga sloshin, backfiring [Laughig] I don cre who yo are,that's funy righ thee. 不管你是谁,那个就是好笑 Oh, your turn, bd. 该你了,老弟
ater, ca't.I do't ven have hrn
拖线,我不能我连喇叭都没有 - aby.- I' nt a baby - 胆小鬼- 我不是胆小鬼 [lucking] Fie. to! Stop, OKAl rih. 'l do somethig. ,停,停好了,我想办法 Snoring] - [Rewing engine]- Oh [Al exclaiming and mooing] [l grgling [Al backfiring [Agy mooing] Mooing] 牛大叔
That's Fran. - [Bellowin angily]- [houing] [Mooing] Engie ewng] [Mate laughing] 跑!跑! un
Her he comes, loo ot!- [Bellowng] [Laughing] ho! [Screamin] !他要追上你了!
Run! H's ona et a! [Mte laughig 顾客
h Cstoers! Oh! 不不不
Ah, no, no, no. Oof! h! 明天我们可以去找鬼火
[Mater] Tmorow ngt we can look for he ghostiht! - 我等不及了,拖线- 是啊,小老弟 - I cant wait, Matr.- h, yah, I' tlin' a 哦,天啊!你得承认那真的好好玩 Oh boy,ou gtta admi that ws fun! 哦…是啊,是啊
Oh, yeh.. eah. 好了,我最好还是带你回拖吊场
el, e beter gt youbak to te mpund lo. 你知道吗?莎莉要让我住汽车旅馆
ou kno, actually,Sallys gonn e me sta at the motl - ...去那里谈情说爱,是吧?- ,,不…爱说笑 Oh.. - Getin' ozy at the Cone, is we?- O, cme.. No o, ae yu kding

再说她受不了我老实说,我也不喜欢她 Besides, sh cant stad m.Ad I don't ike her, o be honet. ,大概是吧嘿,你看,莎莉小姐
Yah, you probaby right.He, ook, there's Miss aly! 在哪?在哪?
- Wher, where?- [auhig] - 你爱上莎莉小姐了- ,我没有
- You're i lov wit Miss Sally.- No, I'm not. - ,你有- 没有
- [Mater] Yes, you o.- Ligtning] N wa. - - 听我说
- Wy.- Coe on, look... - 你爱上了莎莉- 拜托,真幼稚
- Yo'e i love ith Miss Sally!- Real matue. 拖线,成熟点吧 You're in lv! Rea ron p. 你爱她,你爱她- 等一下
- Yo love her. You love her.- ai... - 你爱她!你爱她,爱她!- 好吧,好… o love he!You love her. You ove her. 拖线,拖线,够了
All rght OK ater, enouh! 别这样好吗?- 别怎样? - Will you sop that?- Sto what
你这样倒着开,让我紧张你会撞到什么的 Driving ackwards. Its creepg m otYou're gona wrek. 撞到?我可是全世界的倒车冠军 reck? Shoot!I'm the world' bet bacwads river! 你注意看好了,情圣
You jus ach ths right her,lvr boy. e-he! 你在做什么?小心、小心 Lghtning What are yo doig?Wth ot! ook out! 拖线、拖线
Mater? Mater 拖线
- ater!- [Lughing] 嘿!冷静一点,拖线
Hey, take it as, Mte! [creaming happily Oof!
[Blubberig Yehee! 他疯了
Chcling] Hes nuts. 我不必看路就可以走得很稳
N need o watch wher ' oin'. 怎么样?还不赖吧?
Just ne to kow where I've been. !你实在帅呆了你怎么做的? Whoa, tha wa ncredil!Hwd you do that? 全靠我的后视镜我帮你装,还可以教你怎么
Rearview mirrors. We'll get you soe,and Il teach you if yu ant. 对,也许我赛车时用得着
[Chucklin] Yeah,maybe I'l use n my big rce
你能不能告诉我这场赛车为什么对你那么重要? Wht's so impotantaou thi race of yours, ayway 这不是普通赛车我们说的是活塞杯赛车 t' no just a raeW're talig abou the iston Cp! 它也是我梦寐以求的赛车
I've een dramig aout itm whole life! 我将会是历史上第一个赢得活塞杯的菜鸟 I'l be he first rookie in historyever t win it. 到时候我就会有很多新的赞助厂商

nd wen do,we'e tlkin' big new sponsor 专用的直升机
with rvate helicpters. 不必再代言保险杆药膏不必理会生锈的旧
No more meicatd buper ontment.No oe rusy old ars. 生锈的旧车哪里不好? Whats rog wit rusty od crs? !我不是说你我是说别的旧车,你知道吗? Well, do' mean you, Mater. mean other ld cars. You knw? - 不是你,我喜欢你- 没关系,朋友
- Not like yu. I like yu.- It's K, buddy. 喂…你认为有一天我也可以搭乘那种直升机吗?
Hey, yo hink maye one da I canet a rid in oe of thm elcoptes? 我是说我一直梦想能够搭乘那种豪华的直升机
I mean I've lays anted to rdei one of hem fancy helicopers.
可以,可以,当然可以- 真的吗? - Yeah, yeah, eah, sure, sue.- ou mean it 当然,你要什么都行
Oh, yeah Anyting you say. 我就知道我就知道我没有选错 new it. knoedI made a od choice! 选什么? I wht 最好的朋友
My bet riend 明早见了,小老弟
See you tomorow, buddy 麦坤和莎莉躲在树底下 McQuen an Sllyparkd beneath a ree, 两部车子在玩亲亲
K- i-s-smetin'-somethn'-omti'-t [Laugig] [Rewing engne] Whoa, whoa, hoa
[Chckling] 一号、一号、一号
Nmbr one. Number one...Ah nmbe ne! - !挺不错的- 嘿!贴纸王
- Ah, ti is nce.- He, Stier. [Both cream] - 抱歉- 你吓了我一跳
I'm srry.- ou sared me. Yo gott be careul. - 你要小心点- 我被你被我吓一跳吓一
I scred mysefscring ou scain me.
我其实不是真的吓到- 不,当然不是,不…
- ean, I wasn't lie scae scard- No, of course no. No. - 我只是…只是…- 只是我听到你跟拖线的谈话
- I was oe...- overeard you akin' t Mate. 什么时候?刚…刚才吗?你…你听到什么? Whn? Just now?What, what dd hat did you her? !是关于搭直升机兜风
oethng abu a hlcopter ride. 哦!对…对他很喜欢这点子,是吗? O, yeah. ea, h ot kic out f that ddn' h? 你说真的?- 什么?
Di ou mean it?- ha? - 让他坐直升机- 哦…谁知道?

- That oul get him a rde.- Who knows
First things first. I gottaet outta here an ake te race. U-hu. 你知道,拖线他信任你
You know.. ater truts o. ,好吧 Yeah, K. - 这什么意思?- 什么?
Did yu mean that?- What? 你的意思是“哦!好吧”还是“哦!好吧”,或是“嗯…好吧”
Ws i just a "Yea, OK",r "Yeh.. OK or "ea, o-O"
拜托,我累了,今天实在是有一点忙 Lok I'm xhusted.It's kina been a lon day 哦!好吧,晚安
Yeah, K. 'ight. [Groans] Oh.. 喂…谢谢
ey, tak you 你刚说什么?
What di ou js say? 谢谢你让我住在这里
You knw,hnks for letti' me sty er. 很高兴能离开拖吊场而且这里…很棒
It's nice t be ou o he mound,an his is... It's gret. - 刚整修过,是吗?-
Newly efurbished, righ?- Yeh. 晚安- 晚安
- G'night.- Good night Hm. [Reeile plays] [imi Hendrix: Star Spangld Bannr 拜托你关掉那个破音乐好不好 Will ou turnthat disrespectul juk off? 这是吉他教父罕醉克斯经典作
Respec the lassics, mn.It' enri! [Groanng] [reathing aidly [Mutterig] [Fastpaced electronic muic] A! - [oing ludl] [Screamng] No! [Yellin louly] [Mooing] 不! o! [gasping]- [Alarm beeping] 我一定得离开这儿
I gtta ge ut hre ,你有没有看到警长哦,我的天
He, hav you een the hrff?Oh! O, y gosh. - ,你做什么? 看得过瘾吗,都市小子? - Hey, what re yu doin?- Gt a ood peek ciy boy?
我…我只是需要警长给我今天的汽油配给 [Stuttring] just eed myail gas ation rom he Sheriff. 去芙蓉那儿等他,你快走吧 Wait fr him t Flo'sGe outta er. 我三天前就想离开这里了
I've ben tryingto et outta hre o three dys 希望你大饱眼福了
Shrf] ope o njoye th sow [roanin] 韩大夫
Wha, Doc. 你该整理一下车库了老哥,拜托
Tie to clean out the grage, buddy,coe on

什么? What
H has a Piston Cup? 我的天啊
Oh, my gosh 三座活塞奖杯
Three Piston Cups? 牌子是写着禁止入内
[oc Sign says tay out.- [asps
你有三座活塞奖杯,你怎么会有… Yu av three Pistn Cup.How could yu ave.
我只知道你不会开车没想到你也不识字 I knw you ouln't driveI idnt know yo coud' read 你是韩森黄蜂!- 我不是说过了吗?芙蓉那儿去等
- You're the Hudson Hret! Wat at Flo's, like I told ya! 对了,我以前居然没有想到 Of core. can't believeI din see it efre 你是出神入化的韩森黄蜂! You're The Fabuos udsn Hrnet
你曾经是单季最多胜利的纪录保持人 Yu used to hod he record for mswins i a season. Oh, we gta tal. - ,你要教我,教我你的技巧,拜托- 已经试过了
- Yu gotta shw me you tricks. Please. tied tat
我是说你三次拿到冠军看看那些奖杯 ou won three times!Lok at thos rophies! 你看,我只看见一堆空杯子
Yo look.Al I see s a bunch of empty cus. [Conr usic [Coutr muic]
You know, oe automoive yogacould relly lower your RM's, a. 哦,好了,去洗车吧,嬉皮
Oh, take car wash, hippie. 嘿!快看看我老公呼!真亮眼
Yea, lok at my husban, y'll!Woo Ta's or color - 黄色,宝贝- 你帅呆了
- [Ramoe] Yllo, bby. Mm. You smokin' hot! 他来了
Tee he i. ,我的天!各位!你们知道韩大夫是有名的赛车吗? Oh my osh!Di you now Doc is famos rcecar? - 韩大夫?我们的韩大夫?- 不是可能 - Doc? Ou Do?- ot Do Hudso. 不不不,我说的是真的!他是真正赛车界传 No no, o, no, it's true!He's a real aing leged. 他是出神入化的韩森黄蜂 He's The Fabulous Hudson ornt! 出神入化?我没见过他开车超过30公里 Fbuous? I never seen Docrv more than 20 ile a hor. 难道你看过他赛车吗?
I mean, have yo eer seen im rae? 没有,要是有就好,听说他非常行
No, bt wish coud have.The sy he a amazing! - 他拿了三座活塞奖杯- 他拿杯子做什么?
- H won three Piston Cups!- He did wht in hs cp? 我看这小子大概热昏头了 I thin the heat'sstartin to gt to the boy!
可不是吗?看他好红哦 Wel, Ill say! ook how red h i. 他需要上一层新的防锈涂料
[amone] thik he nedsa new coat of poly, man. - 你病了吗?小老弟- 你的气色是有点苍
- [Mae] Are you sic, uddy?- ou are lokin' peked ,他铁定需要啊! H neds a e cot o poly or sure
Gas bell rings]
- 嘿嘿!你在干什么?- 没关系,警长,你可以信任我,对吧? - [Seriff] He! What are yu doin'?- I's OK. You ca trust me, rght
I tust yo, all right.I' hm I' worried bout. 我信任他
mm... I tust him. - 我们去兜风- 兜风? - Cme on let' take a rive. A drive? ,兜风
eah, a rive. 难道你们大都市的赛车从来不兜风的吗? Do't yo big city racecrsver us take a drive? 对,我们不兜风
h... N. No, e don't [Gas pup stop] ,贴纸王,你来不来啊?
Hy, tickers! o comin' o what
[Fl] Mm-hm
- 你还以为他会逃跑- !你相信吗? An you thought he was gonn run.- Hey, can you elieve it, man 他居然以为韩大夫是有名的赛车
He actualy thougtDc was a famous rcecar! 太好笑了!
That's so too muc! 好吧,你把我弄出来了我们要去哪? OK, you got me u here.here ar we oin'? 我不知道
I don' knw. Who! es. - Sptteing] [Laughin] h h-ha-ha! - Blea! [Chukling] - [Guts]- [Laughs Sputterin] Laughing] [Cuckls] Oh [Spittng] 哇…这是什么地方啊? Ligtning] Wo. Wha is this place? 轮井
Wheel Well
Used to be the mos popular stopon the mother oa. 这里? This plce? Hors beeping] 对,想想看
[Sall sighing Ya, magine. 想想看当时住在这里的情形
Oh, imagine hait must have bn like to stay ere 我真搞不懂你
You now I don't et you. 保时捷怎么会沦落到这个地方?
Hw does a Porchewind up n a place ike ths 原因其实很简单,以前
Well t's eally pretty simle.I ws.. 我是洛杉矶的律师过着纸醉金迷的生活 ...an attorne in Alivn life n the fast lane an...
!真的是这样吗?你很有钱吗? Oh, you were, ee you?Were ou rch? - 什么?- 我只是想弄清楚
Wha?- us.. lus to the uzle. 嗯,好吧,那是我生活的方式
Yeah, O.Wll, tha was my life. 可是你知道吗? And you know hat? 我总觉得…不快乐
It neer elt.. happy. 是啊,我是说…真的?
Yah. men.. relly? 真的,所以我离开加州 eah. o I eft Califonia. 一直向前走,最后就在这儿抛锚
Jut drove an rovand inaly roke on right here. 韩大夫把我修好,芙蓉收容我 Dc fixe m up Flo ook me n. 是大家收容我,我就没有再离开
Well, tey all did. And eer left
Yah. You know I undrsand. 你需要休息一下,让电池充充电
Yu need a little R and R.eharge he od battere. 可是过了一阵子以后,你为什么不回去? But you know, after a while,wh didnt you o bck? 我恋爱了
Inhaling heavil] I fell in love. - -
- h.- Yep. - 是名车?- 不是 - Crette- No. 我爱上了…这个地方
I fel in loe wih this. 哇!好美啊 hoa. Look at that 你看,他们就这样开过去 Lok, they're divin' rih by. 根本不知道自己错过什么 hey don't een knowwhat thy're missig! 以前不是这样的
[Sly] Well,i idn't used t e tht wa. 是吗? Oh yeah? 是啊,40年前,下面的州际公路并不存在 Yeah. Foty yers ago,that nterstate dwn tere in' eit 真的? Rely? ,那个时候
[ally] eah Bck then, 车辆走的是完全不同的路
cars ae crs he countrya hole diffeet way. 什么意思? Hw d you mea? 那时候的路,没有像州际公路这样穿过土地 Te rod did' cut though he lanlik that Intestae 它顺着地形走,有起,有伏,有弯曲
I ovd wih he and, you know?It rse i el, it cred
- ! ,天气真好 - Mornin!- Nice day, huh? 车辆行驶在那条路上,不是为了节省时间 Cars did' drive on tto mke great time. 他们是在享受时光
Thy rov o it o hav a great tie. [James Taylr: Our Town/i> 后来呢?
ell, what happend? 公路避开我们的镇,只为了节省十分钟车程 The own go bypasedjus
sav tn inues o diving. 要是能看到这里过去的盛况就好了
[Ligtning] ow grea wold i ave beeno ee this pace in is heyay! 啊,这样的梦,我不知道做过多少次了 h, I can't el yo how any times've ramed o tat 总有一天,我们一定会想办法让它恢复繁荣 Bu n of thse day w'lfin a wy t ge it bck on the a. 是啊,谢谢你带我来兜风
Yea. Hey, liten thaks for the drive. 真的很开心
I hd grat time. 偶尔轻松一下其实挺好的
Its kina ice to lw downeve nce in while. 不客气
You're ecome ,听着,听着
Hey, liste, listen
有人问起的话我们是去砸信箱的,好吗? If anybd ask you,w was ou masi' mailboes, OK? 什么? [Chuckling] Wa.. what? [Rumbling] Mooing
真是,油漆还没干… Oh an, the paint's til wt - [Honking luly]- [ooing 不不不…别进店里去
o, no, no, no!e ut of h store
Hey Dn't et the adial!Hee, ae-a the snw tires - 拖线- 我没有去吓牵引机
- [heiff] ater! wsn't tractr-tppin'! 那么这些要命的牵引机是从哪来的? hen were did ll thesegol-drn ractors cme fom? - 快停下来- !各位
- Whoa, boy!- Hey! Hey, guys! 有一部往这边喽
Ther's oe goi' this ay. 我去追
I got i. 过来,小牵引机,过来
Com hre little tactr,coe hee. ,这才乖
Yeah ht's a good trctr 不不不…过来
No, no, no, no, come hre. 你在做什么?
Wha are you doing 你不应该脱队,独自乱跑
Youre not suppose to gowadering of ll... ...alone. 你换上旧赛车胎做什么? What are ou din'wih those ol rain' tires? [Sighing heavily] 快啊,韩大夫,开车
Come n, Dc, drive. [Rev enine] Ah.. Yeah. - Wow.- Huh? 你真厉害
Yo're aaing! 你做什么? [Cuging What are yu din'? 韩大夫,等等 o, wait
Trck oing 动作快,慢郎中
Giddp riht in ther!Come n, Rst. 韩大夫,等等说真的,你的技术出神入化 Doc, hold it!Seriously, your driving's inredible! - 好极了,你可以走了- ,我说真的,你
Wndrful. o, g away. Hey, I mean it. You'e sil ot t
- 我说你可以走了- 拜托
- I'm askin' yu to eave.- om n. 我是赛车你是很老的赛车 I' a racecar,yo're a uch oder rcecar
bt nder th oodyu an I are the sam. 我们不一样!你懂了吗?你给我走吧! We are ot the same!Unertand? No, ge ut. 像你这样的车怎么会在高峰时期放弃呢? Ho oud a ca like you qutt the op of yu game 你以为我放弃? You tink I quit? [大车祸!韩森黄蜂
[Lightning] Right. 你在1954年发生意外
our bi wec n '54. 他们放弃我
Te qut o e
hen I fnally got put tgethe,I wn ack expeting a i wecome. 你知道他们怎么说?你过时了
You know what thy said?You're istoy." 就转而注意旁边的菜鸟
Moved ih on tothe next rooie standng n line. 我仍有雄心壮志
here wa lt let in me. 却没有机会表现了
I never got canc to how 'm
我留着那个提醒自己再也不回去 I keep tha to eind menever to go bck
jut never expeced htthat word would... 会在这儿找到我
..would fn e here. - 可是韩大夫,我不是他们- 是吗? Hey, look, Doc, I' ot hem.- Oh, yeah? 我不是
No, I'm not. 你除了在乎你自己什么时候关心过别人? Wen is the last time ou cared botsomethin xcpt yourelf
hot rod? 你只要说出一次,我就收回我的话
You ame me one tieand I will ae it al back 我想也是
Uh-huh I didnt hink so. 这里的居民都很善良彼此关怀照顾
These re good fol round here,who care about on another. 我不希望他们依赖不值得依赖的人 don't wat 'em depndingo someon he cn't count on. 你是说你?你在这儿多久了 Oh, like you?Yo've ben here w long 你的朋友连你是谁都不知道
and your finsdon't ve know who you re? 是谁只关心自己啊? Wh's carin about nly hmself
Js finih tat radand get outta hre! [Reveill pay] i>Jmi Hendrix: Star Spngl aner]i> 拜托你,关掉那个破音乐
[Sre] Wll you turn thtd
srespctfu jun ff 尊重点,这是经典音乐
[Filmore] Repct h classics, mn. [Soing
[Snrs putters] Grunting] Smcking] Ah... 他完成了
[Mte] He's done. 他一定是趁我们睡觉的时候完成的 He mstve finishe iwhie w a all slepi'. 一路顺风了
Good riddance 他走了? Hes gone? 是啊!我们也不希望他错过那场赛车
Well, w woudn' want himto miss that ac of hi. [Snffing] - 哦!警长,你在哭吗?- 哪有啊?我很高
Oh, due, re ou crying?- No! I'm hpy! 我白天不必再分分秒秒地盯着他了
I dn't hae to watch hmeery second o the ay ayore! 我很高兴他走了
Im gld es gn! [Blubbring, sobbing] 小红怎么了? What's wrong with Red? !他是难过你离开这里去参加你的重要比
Oh, he' just sad'cause yo lef twn nd wen to you big rac to winth Piston up 好拿到你梦想了一辈子的活塞奖杯
that you've always dramed buyur whole life 得到你说过的大厂商赞助还有漂亮的直升 n ge tha bi ol' sosor and tatancy helcopter ou wa talkin' aout. 呃…你没有走! [Gasping] Wit a minute! [All laugh] 我就知道你不会不说一声就走
I knowed you wouldnt leavwitot syin oodye. 你在这做什么啊?你会错过比赛
Wha are you oin' here?You're gonna mss yor race
别担心,我用警车护送你我们会赶上的 Don' orr. I'll give yua polic escort, and we'll ak u
time. 谢谢你,警长
han you, herff 可是你知道我不能走
Bt you know can't go jus ye. 为什么?
Well, why no? 我不确定这些轮胎…
- I'm ot ure these tirs..- [Luig gasps exitel] - 可以送我一路到加州- 维修? ...can get me o alforna.- Peet
stop? 对,有谁知道卡布几点营业? Yeah, does anybod knowwhat time uigi's oens? 我真不敢相信!四个新轮胎,谢谢
[Laghin] I cn'-a eive it!Four new tie! [Lauging] can't-a eliee it!Four nw tires! 闪电先生,谢谢 i>Grazie, Mr Lihning Grazie
真没想到!- 我们多年来的第一个顾! - Would ou lok t tha! [Luii] Our fist cutmer in
year! 我充满了狂喜的泪水
I am fille with tars of ecsasy, 因为这是我一生中最光荣的一天
for this is te most gloious dyo m lif! 好了,好了,卡布给我你店里最好的黑色轮
Al right, Lii give methe s set f lackalls you've ot. 不不不
No! No, o no. 你不知道自己要什么卡布知道你要什么 Yo don'ta know ht you at.Luig kow wha you wat 黑色的轮胎会和路面分不清楚
Blackwall tires.hey lend nto the pavement. 可是这些
But-a this.. 白色轮胎
hitewall tirs! 它们说“看着我,我在这儿,爱我” The a, "Loo a m!Hee I m! Loe me." 好吧,你是专家
l right, you'r the expert. 别忘了…备胎
[Sarling] [ightning] on't forget the spare. 好极了,奇诺
<>- erftt. Gudo! Pet to!<i> [Chck ery: Route 6]> 卡布说得没错吧?
[Laughin] What did Luigi ell yu, eh? 哇…你说得对,比法拉利还棒
Wow, ou wee rigt.Better than a errari, uh 没有 Eh.. N. 哇!这有机燃料真棒,为什么以前没听说过 ow! Thi orgnc fuel is gret!Wh have't I har bout it bfor? 这是个阴谋,朋友
It's consiracy man 石油公司控制了政府
The oil companies got gripon te government! 他们都在骗我们耶,朋友
Theyre feei' s a bunc of lies man. 好吧,我要一箱
K, I'll take a case. w! Eh! [Lighting yep] - [Cuckls]- [Breathes i deepl] [Ramone Ah... Yeah. 咔嚓
[Lighning a-chw
- 她来了! 好了,大家,各就各位,快点 - Hre sh comes!- [Lightig] aces, eveybod. Hur! 自然一点
- Act ntural.- [Whistlng 嗨!莎莉
Hi ally.- uon iorno! 说吧,怎么回事啊? Al iht wat's gon' on 各位女士先生
Ladies and gentlears, 请欢迎全新的闪电麦坤! lease welcmeth new igting McQueen 你觉得怎么样? ow! Wha do you think? 油车水让我焕然一新
Rdiator pringsloks pretty god on me. 可不是吗
[Chuckling] I'll ay.
[Purrng] K-chow. 你一定可以马上融入加州 Yu'e gonna fit rigt ini California. 我的天!你帮助了本镇所有的居民 y oodnss. It loks likeyu've helped everybody in ton. 只有一个除外
eah, everyboy excep one
- ,是不是已经很晚了?- 什么?他说什么啊? ey, s it gttn dak ot?- hat? hatd he sa? 让我再说一次,是不是已经很晚了?
Let me ay tha again.s it gtting dark out? 很晚了,我们应该做什么呢?
Now what was Isupposed to d fter that
[h Chors: Sh-Boom]/i> 他们修了霓虹灯
[asing] They fixed ter neon! - 街头漫步- 对,没错,宝贝 - Lw nd slow?- h, yeah, baby! [cukling
[Flo lauh an hriks] 重现往日光彩,对吧? ut lie in its heyda, right? 比我想像的还美,谢谢
It's even bettr tan I pictured t.hank yo. [Chucling] 一起兜风
Shall e cuise? 谢谢你,我很乐意 Oh thak you, dear I'd love t! - 不不不!- 莉丝
- No no, n.- Lizzie
我还记得我老伴第一次邀我跟他一起兜风 remmber when Stanleyfirt asked m to tke a driv wih him. 嘿,莎莉小姐,我可以跟你兜风吗? Hey, is Sall.a I hae this ruise? 可以,拖线
- O course Mater. Uh-u-h [Mooing] 他又问我一次,我说不行他又再问我一,我还是说不行
..and gai and I ad, N."e asked me aai, and sad, "o" 可是啊,他是二汽缸引擎的老顽固了 But oh, he was a persistentittle buggr for a two-cliner. 我终于说…好吧,只兜一会儿哦
Fnally I said,"l right, one litte dive." Oh! [Mater cucking] - 嘿!- 谢了,拖线
- ey- Thank, ater 两位,晚安了
ood evenin' you two. 啊老伴,真希望你能看到这一切
Oh, tanle,I wish yu culd ee tis. - 我有没有看错啊?- 我不知道,芙蓉 Is tat hat I think i is- Oh I dont now, Fo. 我还没有机会确认可是我一定会问个清楚
I haen't had chance to find outBut I m ging to fin u. ell. 不是啦,是那个
Not that. hat 有顾客? [Sally asps Cstomers Slly gaps Cusomers? 顾客上门了,很多顾客
Cstomers, eveybodyAn a lot of 'm! 你们知道怎么做就像我们排练的那样

Yo kno wht to do.Jut like eeasd. Al gasp 那些是鬼火! It' h gostliht! 我们找到麦坤了我们找到麦坤了! We ave fun McQueen.We have oun MQueen! 在哪里,在哪里- 麦坤,看这边 McQueen over here! - 等一下,借过- 你进了勒戒所是真的吗? - Wit, excuse me. Is i tre yo've ben in rehab? - 你是不是得了忧郁症,麦坤- 对不起,么?
- Did yu ave ervous rakdown?- What? - 麦坤装了白色轮胎- 你的轮胎是不是提早报销了? - MQueen's waig whitewals!- Your tire balig? 贴纸王!麦坤! [Sally] Stckers! - 闪电麦坤被你们监禁了吗?- 去! Was Mcueen you prisoner?- hoo, no! 我们是最好的朋友不是我自夸
e're et buds!I an't rggin' or nohn'
ut I as i carg f hntn' him downif he tried o escape. 莎莉!莎莉! Sall! Sal! 麦坤,你还会参加活塞杯赛车吗? Will you tll rc for h iston Cup? - 贴纸王?- 莎莉!
Stckrs?- Sally - 给我们闪电!- 贴纸王
- Cm o, give us some bolt- [orn honing
Youre hereThank he maufacturr! Your live! - 麦大叔?- 你在这里,我真不敢相信! - ack- You'e here! I an't blive i! 你真是让我担心死了 [Chuklig] ou ar a ightfor ore hadlight! 抱歉把你弄丢了,老板我会补偿你
I'm so orry lost ou, o.'ll mke i up o you! 麦大叔,我真不敢相信你来了
Mak, I, can't believe you're here
[Harv] s that th world'sastest racig machie? - 是哈威吗?- 是啊,他在后面
I that Hav?- Yeah. Hes in te back. - 给我们闪电,麦坤!- 退后,你们这些哈油的寄生虫
Show us h bolt!- Get bck, ou oil-thirty paasies! - 老嘿,以前那个麦坤呢?- 其实我这一面比较上相
- Where' the old McQueen?- Actually, his i my go sde here. - 哈威- 为我们闪电! - Harv! arv! Give us the bol! - 哈威?- 闪电呢?麦坤 Harv?- Cme on! - 小子,我在这儿- 你好吗,哈威
i>- Kd I'm ve her!- ow you doin', budy?
我最大的客户从地球上消失了! y star ciet disapparsf the face o the art!/i> 你说我好不好- 哈威,我可以解释
<i>- How do yu tink I'm oing? an expain.

<>I'm don reat You'r

eveyhere!Rdi, TV te paprs!i>
这种宣传是买不到的,你还需要我做什么? Yo can't bu his kind of publicity!What do you need me for?
哦,对了,那只是一个比喻我们有合约的 Tat' ut igure of speec,by the wy. You signed a cotact.<i> 你在哪里?连我的GS都找不到你
i>Whee ae yo?I can' eve find yo on my GPS.</i> 我在一个小镇,叫油车水
I' in this ltte towncald Rdiaor Spring. - 你知道66号公路?它还在耶!- ,很好,小子
i>- Yu know Rout 6? t's stil here! Yeah, that's great, d.</i> 游戏时间结束了
Platim is oer, al
<>While h wold' bee tring toid you Dinoo has had no ne t wo.
- 他们只好赞助谁? 路霸! - Who ae hey gona woo?- Chick</i> 答对了事实上你看看电视正在播什么
i>Bingo. In fact, check outwha's o the plasma right now./i> 让我们看闪电!- 要看闪电?
Show u th tunder- You ant thunder? 要看闪电喀其卡、喀其卡、喀其卡
Yo an thuner?a-chicka, ka-chcka
,那是我的词!- 你一定要立刻去加州!
- e, tha's my bit!- You've ota gt to Cali, ronto!> 现在就给我离开油车水不然戴诺可就免谈,听到没有?
Just get ut f Rdation Stinks o,or Dinoco i itry, you ear me?
Jst give e econd hee, Hav. 不不不,等一下嘿!你要去哪里啊? i>No, wit. here are you gon'?<i
回拖车上,宝贝小子,你要更大的拖车吗? Get n he railr baby. Kid!o wnt a bigr trailer?</i> 莎莉,我…我要你知…
Sally I.. I at ou to.. 我希望
Lok I wish [sigs] 谢谢,谢谢你所做的
Tank yo. Thanks for everthing
[Groans, huckles
- 不过是一条路- ,不只是一条路
- t was ut a road.- No. It was much more than tat. 嘿,小子,我们得走了哈威已经气炸了 Hey kid! e gotta oHarv's gin' crazy! 你要是不马上上车,他就要开除我
He' gona have e ired iI dn't get yu n te trc igt no! - 麦大叔,再等一下- 你该走了 - Mck, just.. hol it or..- You shoud go. - 我知道,可是- 祝你一切顺利
I no, but...- oo lck in California. 希望你找到你的梦想
I hop you fndwhat you're ookin for. - 闪一下!- 莎莉
- MQeen, oe on!- ally...
- 莎莉! !闪电,闪闪看 - Sally- Sho us th bot, cQuen The bolt! 闪电,闪电,快点闪啊,麦坤
Hey Lightning, hw us the olt! 快点,小子,快上车
i>- Cm n, get in the trile.- Where's th ld MQueen?/> 就是这样,好极了,走吧 - The bolt!- Tha' it Tat's ight, let's go!/i> 你是闪亮的明星你是超级明星
<i>You'r a big shinng sar.You'e a uerstar.
<i>You do' belong there, anwa.
hoa.. ai..Who, whoa, wait, wi! [Engne strts]
嘿!你们看,麦坤上车要离开了 Hey, guys!cQeen's leavi' n he tuc! 嘿!你是韩大夫吗? Hey, are you Dc Hdson? - 是啊- 谢谢你通知我们
- Yah- Thaks fr te cal. - 你通知他们?- 这样对大家都好,莎莉 Yu alled hem?- t's bst for everyone, Slly. 是对大家好还是对你? est for evrone or best fo you?
didn' get t say goodbye o hm
[Light buzzing] 各位赛车迷欢迎各位到场观看 [Bob Hell, race ans. elcomto what has becoe, quite simply 赛车史上最轰动的一场比赛
the igest eventin the istr of racig
hreewa battle for th Piton Cup! 鲍勃,洛杉矶国际赛车场这里
[Darrel] Thee's a cowof nearl 200,000 crs 涌进了将近20万辆车到场观赛
here at the Lo AnelesIteational Speedway. 入场券比限量供应的收藏品还要抢手呢! Tickets t his rce ae htter hn abac leather eat on a hot smer ay! “冠军” “路霸”和“闪电”麦坤
Bob] Te Kig, Chick Hicksan ightning McQueen 即将角逐200圈,三抢一的冠军赛 in a 200 lap winer-tkes-al,iebreaker race.
[Drrell] I got a lotta miles o me,bt let e el you somethin
没想到我会看见这样的比赛实在太刺激了 I never thught I' see anythinglike tis. Tis is exciting! 事实上,几乎全国都休息一天就为了看许多专家口中的世纪赛车
Bob] In fact, the countyhs lmos shut own to watc wha may epertsar clling the rae of the cetry." !冠军,祝你比赛顺利
ey King!ood luck i or as ae. 你一直是我崇拜的偶像- 谢了,小子,谢谢你
- Yu've sre been a inspirtion t m.- Tanks, Junior Apprecate it

- ,答应我,小心一点,好吗?- 遵命
- ey, be careful out thre, O?- Yea, man. 是吗?
[Mia] He's hot! 你要知道结果我就告诉你吧
Wanna know the forecast?I'll giv you the forecast 我百分之百夺冠!- 太好了
A 10 prcent chance of tunde!Ka-cika! achicka! 跟我说一遍,喀其喀其喀其咔
Say t wit me!a-chca! Ka-hcka! !你!没有车库通行证不准进去 Hey, you! o admittancewithout a gaage pass ,没关系,闪电麦坤认识我
Oh, it's K.Lightnin cQee knows me! 马克,今天是赛车的好日子,是不是? Hey, aro, it's a beautiu dayfr a ace, isn't t? - 一点也没错,安德瑞提先生- 你早啊,
- Aboltely, Mr. Andreti.- And good orning t you Fed. 赛车英雄安德瑞提知道我的名字!你非让我进去不可了
Mario Anrett nows m nae!You gotta let me in now! 抱歉了,朋友
[uard] or, pal. ,开始了,专注,速度
Ligtin] OK, here we go.Focu. peed. 我是速度
I am speed. [Cars wizzing] 胜利
Vitry. 一位赢家,两位输家
One winner, wo oes. [Engine rewing] 速度 速度 速度 速度
Spee. See. Speed. Seed... [birds singing] [Knock o dor] ,闪电,准备好了吗? Mack] ighnin Yu redy? 是是是,我…我准备好了 [Gapig] eah, yeah, eah! I' redy. [Indistinct chater
Mack, thanks for beingmy pt crew tody. 不必客气,小子,这是我该做的
Dont worry abou t, kidIts the les culd do. 毕竟我的绰号叫汽油桶
Afte al, Gs Can"s y iddl name. - 是吗? 哈…骗你的
- t s?- A.. Nt rally. [All shouing] [Gulpig h-oh - [cherng, laghing]- [Giggling] 尼尔森,推近16号机,准备
Nelson! Zoom in.Read, 16? Tak 6
[Bob] nd ther he is,Lghtng McQeen!
Missig all wek, n the e turs upn the middle of owhr! 那个小镇叫做油车水
In a litle townalled Rdiator Sprig. 而且还装上白色轮胎
[arrell] Werin' hitewall tires,o all things. 喀其卡、喀其卡、喀其卡

- Oh!- K-cicka! a-chica! Ka-chicka! [Chuckling] 嘿,你去哪了?麦坤让我有点孤单
Hey where you ben?I've been knda lonely. 没有任何同伴,除了戴诺可的车
Noboy to hang ot wih.I mean, exet the Dinoco fols. ,双胞胎你知道双胞胎以前是你的粉丝 And the wis. Of cous.The ne hat use to be your fans
现在是我的红粉总之,听听她们怎么说 bt now they're my fas.Listn t what te twins think 冲!
Ah! Shoot! 各位,开始赛车吧!
[Darell] Booity, boogt, booityboys! Let's go acn'! Crowd heering 加油,你做得到
Come on, you can do it! 加油,冠军,让我们以你为荣
Com on, King, mae u rod
boy! 跑了50圈,目前冠军还是稍稍领先
[Bob] Fifty laps own, and The Kigis still holing a lim ed
嘿,麦坤追上来了,他想从内侧超车 [Drel] cQuen ot ru on him!He's loin' o the
inside! 哦!路霸给他吃了闭门羹
h! Cick slammed the oor on im!
[Bob] Chick's notmakig i esy on i today
[Darrll] H los momentum, 现在他得重新追上去 nd now hes onna have ocase hi ac down
- [Sof music] Birds singin] [Breaks squaling] 哦!麦坤在内场打转 [Bo] MQuen spins ut n the nfel! All gap] 只剩下我跟老家伙了
Chucklig] Just mean the ol mn, ellas. 麦坤今天逊呆了
- McQueen just desn't have it toay.- [l laugh] [Grans] - 嘿,小子,你还好吗?- 我不知道,麦大叔 - Hey, ki, are you ll rih?- I dn't now, Mack. 我…我觉得不…
I don' tink I... 我大老远跑来不是要看你放弃的
Dc I din' oe all this wayo see yo quit. 韩大夫? Doc? - 嘿!小老弟,加油,我们来了- 天啊!你们来了!我真不敢相信!
uy, ou're here!I ant eliee ths! 我知道你需要总机械师但没想到会这么糟 I knew you ede a crw hie,ut I didnt no it was thi ad. 你不是说永远不回来
Yo said yu'd ever come ack. 我实在没选择啊,拖线没跟你说再见 Well, I really didn't have a choice.Maer didn't get to say goodby. 再见!好了,我可以了
Goodbye OK, 'm goo. [Chuckles]
All right, i yu can drie a goodas ou can fix rod 那么你闭着眼睛就能跑赢这场比赛
thn you cn win his racewith your ees hut. 回跑道去吧!
Now ge bak ut tee! 大鼻,我们有事要做了奇诺、卡布
Hot snot, e re bac in busiess!Guido! Lug! 你们是和专业维修员竞争
Yu're gin' uaganst proessioal pi cews. - 动作要快- 让他们连怎么输的都不知道!
- ou're gonn av t be fat.- he wil o know hat bit them
Kd yo can ba these guys. 找到适合的节奏,追回落后的一圈
Fin a groove tht wrks or youd e hat lap back. [Mumuring] 你看,那个是… 哇…对,是他! - s it?- Oh, wow. Thts im! 那是韩森黄蜂!鲍勃、达洛,韩森黄蜂回来! Is hat..? hat's the Husn HrnetTe Hudson Honet' bc! 达洛,麦坤给自己找到了维修组
[Bb It apear McQueenas ot himself a pit crew. 而且你看,他请了谁当总机械师
Ad look who e has o cew hief! 啊,你们看,是韩森黄蜂! - Look, man. ts the Hdson oret!- Whoa! - ,我的老天爷,真的是他- 麦坤真有一 ell dip m in axl reaseand all e Slick! It srely is.
[Crowd chering] 哇,这是历史上的大事 i>[Bb] o, tis i hstoryi te makng.<i> 已经五十几年没有人见过这位赛车传奇了 i>obod as een the racin legndin over 50 yars!
!韩大夫 Hey
Doc! 快来看“收音机”上这家伙他跟你长得一样
ome look at ths fllow on he radi.He looks jut ike yo. - 麦坤从内侧超过他们- 可是他还落后将近一圈
- [ob] cQueen psses n the inside!- Darrel] Hes nearl a lap down.
只剩下60圈了,他能赶上吗? [Bob] Can h catch up to themwit only 60 lap o g? 控制得很好,继续保持就行了
Yo're goin' get kid.Jut eep your hed on.
Vai! Vai vi!<i> !小鬼!麦坤在哪找到你的? Hey, shimie,whee did McQuen id you, hu? 那些圆圆的东西叫轮胎它们装在车子下面 Thos ound thins are clld tiresand they go unde the car [Al laugh] Con chi cedi i prlar?M, on chi stai parland?
No! No, o! Yu'll hv yor caceYou will ave your hace. 啊,小子想逞英雄,是吗?
Oh ki's jus tryn'to be a eo, huh

Wha do o tik o this? 对,就是这样,小子
- [Tires quealing]- Yeah, ht' it, ki. 什么? What? !帅呆喽! Whoa! Git--done! 那是我教他的!咔嚓! [Laughing] I taugh him tht. Ka-how!- Ah
[Bob] Wa a move by McQeen!H's cauh u to he leades. 好耶!现在是名副其实的三强鼎立
Ya. This is wat it's ll abut. three-ay btte for h leadwih en to go! 角逐第一
[Chrtling]Lok at tht boy o ut there! [hc] Oh! gunting] !你休想
No, yo don't. [ire bows]
韩大夫,我暴胎了,我暴胎了! Doc, I'm flat I'm flt! - 你能不能回到维修站?- 可以,应该可以 - Cn yo get bak t te pits?- Yeah yeah. I think s. 黄旗出现了,回来,小心别伤到底盘
Hey, got yllow. Bring it in.Don't tear oursef u, ki. 我们得让他快点回跑道上
[Mck We gota get hmback out thee fast 不然落后太多,就甭想拿到冠军了 o w'r gonn be a lap own,an e'l nver win hi race 奇诺,时候到了
Guido! It's time. 小鬼,你要洗他的挡风玻璃吗? Hey, inyyou gonna cen his wndshiel? [i wrench hirig] 我真不敢相信!
[Darrell] I don't believ it! 我没见过这么快速的换胎 Bob] That waste fastes pit stop 've ver seen! 但是他得在前导车之前回到跑道上
[Drrell] It was a gret stop,ut he's tl gotta beat tha pace car! 会很接近
Bb It's gnna be cose. 耶!
- Yeah, bab!- [All holleing] !他继续比赛喽!
[Darell] e's back in! Pet sto. 做得好,奇诺
- Guid, yu id it! Way to go, Guido! 决胜时刻到了,现在进入最后一圈 Bob] This s it. We'e heading intothe fial lap n McQuee
麦坤紧追在领先者后面,好一个败部复活 s right behind he leades.What a comeback! 199,现在已经到了关键的最后一圈 Darrell A hundrd and nney-ielaps It all cmes on t tis! 时候到了,小子
Tis i it, kiddo. 你剩下四个弯,一次一个
Yo've got ou trns left.One t a ime 深入弯内,把持住
Drve it in eep and hope i stiks.

- Go!- [Rewing] 没那么容易
W'l see about tat! 麦坤往内侧超车
[ob] McQueen's ong insde! - 路霸和冠军打滑了- 我看麦坤要出局了 Cick ad Kin are loose!- [Darrel I think cQueen's ou! - 麦坤救回来了- 他回到跑道了 - McQeen savd it!- [Bob] e's bak n the tack
- 有凯迪拉克的优雅- BMW的劲爆 - Float lke a Cdillc..- Sing lik a Beeer! Ka-chow! Ka-chow! Ka...- [al
cheer] 闪电麦坤将拿下活塞杯
[Darell] Lightnng McQueeis gnna win the iston Cup! 加油,你行的,你行的,贴纸王
Come on! Yu gt it!Yo got it, Sickers! 我不要再输给你了,老头
[Gruns] I am not coin' inbehnd you again, od man. 哦,不!
- Oh, no!- [rwd gasps [reaks sceeching Egie iding Yeah! Whoo-ho! 我赢了,宝贝!
won, aby! Yah! Oh yea! 他想做什么啊?韩大夫
[lo] What's e p t, Do? [Grunting oaning] 你在做什么啊?小子
What ae you doin', kid? 冠军应该跑完他最后一场赛车
I think The Kngshould finish hi lat race.
You ust gave up the Piton Cup,you know tht? 我认识了一个怪老头他让我知道了一件事 This grumpy old rccr nwonce tod me somethin'. 那只是个空杯子
It's js an empty cup. 达洛,最后一圈,在跑道上推车合法吗? [Bob] Darrell, is pushingo the lst la legl? 鲍勃,他不是在推他他只是在帮助他加速 Hes no relly ushin' him. e'sjst givin' i litle bup raft. Woo-hoo-ho-ho-hoo! ,怎么啦?发生什么事啦
Hy. Wha? Wht' gon on? 那才是一流的赛车!
- That's what I call rcin- [Sobing] [Laughing
[Cod cheers wldly] - 太棒了,我的朋友- 做的好,小老弟 - rao il mi amic!- Way t go, buddy!<i 真是充满了爱耶!你知道吗? heres a lotta ove out tere,you know, man
- 别让我想吐,阿飞- 他是我的偶像 - on't ebrrass me, Fllmore.- Tht's my ot rod 快呀,宝贝,快拿出来拿出活塞奖杯
Come on, bay, brin it ou!Brig ou te Piston Cup! 喀其卡!喀其卡! Ka-chcka! K-hicka! 耶!就是这样没错 Yeah!ow that's what I'm talkin' about! !为什么只有我一个在庆祝啊
Hey, how come th only one celeainis me, huh? 小妞们呢?撒五彩碎纸啊
Wher are th irs?Brng n th conet! 轻一点!好吗?怎么回事啊?


