
发布时间:2019-08-05 22:00:29   来源:文档文库   




1.汉堡_______ 2.炸薯条_______3.面包_______4.香肠_______5. 蛋糕 _______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

6.热狗_______7.比萨饼_______ 8.米饭_______ 9.饺子_______ 10.面条_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

11._______ 12.鱼肉_______13.鸡肉_______14.羊肉_______15.牛肉_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

16.牛排_______17.猪肉_______18.爆米花_______19.三明治__________个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

20.色拉_______ 21.冰激凌_______


1.土豆_______ 2.西红柿_______ 3.黄瓜_______4.豆角_______5.豌豆_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途



1.苹果_______2.桔子_______3.香蕉_______4._______5.菠萝_______6.西瓜_______7.柠檬_______ 8.芒果_______9.葡萄_______ 10.椰子_______ 11.坚果_______ 12.柚子_______13.李子_______14.木瓜_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1.棕色_______ 2.黄色_______ 3.橙色_______ 4.绿色_______ 5.紫色_______6.灰色_______ 7.红色_______8.白色_______ 9.蓝色_______ 10.黑色_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Human Body

1._______2.头发_______3.眼睛_______4._______5.鼻子_______6._______7.牙齿_______8.耳朵_______9.脖子_______10.手臂_______11._______12.手指_______13._______14_______ 15.膝盖_______16.肩膀_______17.食指_______18.拇指_______19.指甲_______20.额头_______21.男人_______22.女人_______23.婴儿_______20.儿童_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1.蜜蜂_______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5.兔子_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

6.奶牛_______ 7.老虎_______ 8.狮子_______9.长颈鹿_______10._______11._______ 12.老鼠_______ 13. 小鸡_______ 14.绵羊_______15.山羊_______16.大象_______17.鸭子_______ 18._______ 19._______ 20.猴子________ 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

21.河马_______22.青蛙_______23.蜘蛛_______ 24.袋鼠_______25.蝙蝠_______ 26.鹦鹉_______27.蜗牛_______28.蝴蝶_______ 29.蜻蜓_______30.苍蝇_______ 31.鲸鱼_______32.鲨鱼_______33.海豚_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1.老师_______ 2.学生_______ 3.小学生_______ 4.尺子_______ 5.橡皮_______6._______ 7.书包_______ 8.钢笔_______9.铅笔_______ 10.铅笔盒_______11.卷笔刀_______12.教室_______13.黑板_______14.粉笔______15.盒子_______ 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

16.桌子_______17.课桌_______18.椅子_______19.电脑_______20.操场 _______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1.汽车______2.公共汽车_______3.自行车______4.摩托车_______5.火车_______ 6.飞机_______ 7.出租车_______ 8.吉谱车_______ 9.小船______ 10.游艇_______ 11.直升飞机______12.货车_______13.卡车_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1.爸爸_________ 2.妈妈_________ 3.姐姐、妹妹________4.哥哥、弟弟________个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

5.儿子_______  6.女儿_______ 7.阿姨、婶婶、姑姑_______ 8.叔、伯_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

9.侄子_______  10.侄女_______  11.堂兄妹_______ 12.爷爷、外公_______ 13.奶奶、外婆_______ 14.书房_______ 15.卧室_______ 16.客厅_______ 17.浴室_______ 18.时钟_______  19.电视_______ 20.相片_______    21._______ 22._______  23.窗户_______24._______ 25.沙发_______ 26.书柜_______ 27.衣柜_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1. 上面_______2.里面_______3.下面_______4.垂直上方_______5.在上方_______6.在旁边_______7.之间_______8.在后面_______9.的前面______10._______11.之中_______12.向往 _______ 13. _______ 14.离开_______  15.向上_______  16.向下_______ 17.在顶上_______ 18. 的脚下_______个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


Food 食物

1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡2. rice 米饭个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

3. noodles 面条4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 5. pizza 比萨饼  

6. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 8. meat 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

9. French fries / chips 炸薯条10. meal (meals) 11.fish 鱼肉 12. chicken 鸡肉13. lamb 羊肉14. beef 牛肉16. steak 牛排17. bread面包18. popcorn 爆米花19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治21. ice cream 冰激凌22. salad 色拉个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Vegetable 蔬菜

1. potato (potatoes) 土豆  2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿  3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Fruits 水果

1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子3. banana (bananas)香蕉4. pear (pears) 5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝  6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬8. mango (mangoes) 芒果9. grape (grapes) 葡萄10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子11. nut (nuts) 坚果个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Human Body 人 

1. head 2. neck 脖子3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀4. forehead 额头5. nose 鼻子6. mouth 7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊11. hand (hands) 12. leg ( legs ) 13. foot (feet) 14. knee (knees) 膝盖15. face (faces) 16. finger (fingers) 手指17. pointer 食指18. thumb 拇指19. nail 指甲20. child (children) 儿童21. man (men) 男人22. woman (women) 女人23. baby (babies) 婴儿个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Animals 动物

1. bee (bees)蜜蜂2. cat (cats)3. dog (dogs)4. bird (birds)5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子 6. cow (cows)奶牛7. tiger (tigers)老虎8. lion (lions)狮子9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 11.snail (snails)蜗牛12. mouse (mice)老鼠13. chick (chicks) 小鸡14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊15. goat (goats) 山羊16. fish (fish)17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓19. fly (flies) 苍蝇20. whale (whales)鲸鱼21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚23. hippo (hippos)河马24. frog (frogs)青蛙25. elephant (elephants)大象26. duck (ducks)鸭子27. horse (horses)28. pig (pigs) 29. monkey (monkeys)猴子 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

School 学校

1. teacher (teachers)老师2. student (students)学生3. pupil (pupils)小学生4. ruler (rulers)尺子5. eraser (erasers)橡皮6. book (books)7. bag (bags)书包8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔9. pen (pens)钢笔10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes)铅笔盒11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具12. classroom (classrooms)教室13. blackboard (blackboards)黑板14. chalk 粉笔15. table (tables)桌子16. desk (desks) 课桌17. computer (computers)电脑18. playground操场 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1. brown 棕色2. yellow 黄色 3. orange 橙色4. green 绿色6. purple 紫色7. gray 灰色9. red 红色10. white 白色11. blue 蓝色12. indigo 青紫色13. violet 紫罗兰14. black 黑色个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


1. car (cars)汽车2. van (vans) 货车3. bike (bikes)自行车4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机5. train (trains)火车6. plane (planes) 飞机7. taxi / cab 出租车8. bus (buses)公共汽车个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Family 家庭

1. father 爸爸2. mother 妈妈3. sister 姐姐、妹妹4. brother 哥哥、弟弟5. son 儿子6. daughter 女儿7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑8. uncle 叔、伯9. nephew 侄子10. niece 侄女11. cousin 堂兄妹12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆14. study 书房15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室16. living-room / sitting-room客厅17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室18. clock (clocks)时钟19. TV 电视 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

20. photo (photos) 相片21. flower (flowers) 22. door (doors) 23. window (windows) 窗户24. bed (beds) 25. sofa (sofas) 沙发个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜个人收集整理 勿做商业用途

Preposition 介词

1.  on 上面2. in 里面3. under 下面4. over 垂直上方5. above 在上方6. next to 在旁边7. between 之间8. behind 在后面9. in front of 的前面10. of …11. among 之中12. to 向往 13. from 14. off 离开15. up 向上16. down 向下17. on top of 在顶上18. at the foot of 的脚下个人收集整理 勿做商业用途


