
发布时间:2018-12-27 16:11:06   来源:文档文库   
图表作文图表作文提示部分包括图表和文字要点提示两部分。图表的类型主要有:圆形(饼型)图(pie chart)、柱形图(直型图)(graph)、曲线图(chart)和数据统计表(表格)(table)。图表作文的写作内容包括综合理解、客观详述和主观表达。图表作文是根据图表提供的数字或文字等信息进行归纳总结,分析规律,把握主题,反映某种现象的作文。评述中可以先述后评或夹述夹评。可以采用说明文和议论文相结合的文体形式。写作图表作文时应该注意的几个方面:1. 要对图表作简要的主题介绍。2. 切忌不加详细分析、罗列数字。要进行横向、纵向的比较,寻找规律性的信息,通过计算找出部分与整体、部分与部分之间的关系,如增减的绝对数字、百分比、分数或倍数等。3. 分析原因,寻找规律,把握主题。4. 根据分析所得信息得出结论。写图表作文,并不是单纯地用语言文字把图表里的所有数字信息一一摊摆,逐条列出,而是利用这些数据,经常还得筛选,将该图表所要说明的主要问题阐述清楚。就这个意义上说,图表作文属于说明文。如果图表信息是用来论证某一观点,则图表作文属于议论文。因此,图表作文在结构处理和写法上与说明文或议论文是相同的。它通常必须:1. 用一个主题句或引言段,综述全图表的中心信息(也就是考生在审阅图表后形成的结论)。2. 列举三组左右的相关数据来说明或证实主题句或引言段所提及的要点。分析产生这一图表结论的原因或联想推测可能引起的后果。模板一①总的趋势 ②图表具体描述 ③剖析图表所揭示的含义 ④理由一⑤理由二⑥理由三⑦理由四⑧总结⑨前景预测As can be seen from the table, the past decade has witnessed dramatic changes in①______.While ②_______. It is obvious from the table that③_________.What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What’s more, ⑥ _______. Last but not least, ⑦________.In conclusion, ⑧_________. Moreover, ⑨ ________.范文: How People Spent Their HolidaysYear 1990 1995 2000Traveling 37% 51% 76%Staying at home 63% 49% 24%1. 上图所示为1990、1995、2000年某城市人们度假方式的情况,请描述其变化:2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因。3. 得出结论。How People Spent Their HolidaysAs can be seen from the table, the past decade have witnessed dramatic changes in the way people spent their holiday between 1990 and 2000.In 1990, 63% of people spent their holidays at home, while the figure dropped considerably to 24% in 2000. It is obvious from the table that people tended to be more and more mobile, and they wanted to get entertainment in the outside world.What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, with the rapid development of economy, people earn by far more money than they used to. Thus, people are able to afford traveling expenses. Secondly, people think it important to get well-informed about the outside world in this new era when everything is on the move. Traveling, of course,


