
发布时间:2018-07-01 01:56:06   来源:文档文库   

校园文明,从我做起Campus civilization, Start from me

尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:Dear teachers and students,

大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“文明校园,从我做起”。Good morning.Today ,the topic of my speech is Campus civilization, Start from me.

记得有人说过:人,一撇一捺,写起来容易做起来难。A Chinese word”ren”,which is easy to write ,bu difficult to write.我们要经常性地思考:我要成为怎样的人。We should always think about what kind of person we want to be.一百个人会有一百种答案,但在每一个答案的背后都有一个基点,那就是做人首先要做一个文明的人。One hundred people will have one hundred answers.But behind every answer has a basic point,that is,to be, the first thing is to be a civilized person.

荀子说:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。”As Xunzi said,a pre-Qin philosopherwithout politeness,you can’t stand or exist ;without politeness ,things can’t be done and a country can’t be peaceful. 文明不仅是一个国家千百年来积淀成的文化底蕴,更应该是每个人行为的体现。Civilization is not only the cultural heritage for a country for thousands of years to accumulate into , but also should be reflected by the behavior of each person.正处于学生时代的我们,也应该明白“人无礼不立”的道理。 In student's time, we should also understand that "people can not stand up without politeness"当你收回一句溜到嘴边的脏话,当你宁肯绕远而不从学校植物园穿过,当你抓住风中一片翻飞的纸片,当你认真的拧上水龙头……你已经行走在了春天里,播下了文明的种子,来日必将绽放灿烂的文明之花。When you take back a slip of bad language,when you would rather not go through the garden, which is close to the school,when you catch a flying piece of paper in the wind ,and when you turn off the tap,you have already been walking in the spring, sowing the seeds of civilization, and they will be brilliant flowers of civilization.

现在,我们正处于人生中最关键的成长时期,我们的一举一动,将潜移默化的影响到我们的人生走向,决定着我们将成为什么样的人。Now, we are in the most critical period of our lives.Our every action will influence the trend of our life and decide what kind of person we will be.所以,拥有知识和技能还远远不够,我们要做一个懂文明、有礼貌的人,要成为一个身心和谐发展的现代文明人。Therefore,having the knowledge and skills is not enough,we need to be a civilized and polite person and to be a modern civilized man with harmonious development of body and mind.

文明的学生,一定是知书达理的。礼貌用语在他嘴边,远离污言秽语,他懂得要想别人尊重自己,自己首先要尊重别人。A civilized student must be sensible.Polite words in his mouth,away from the bad language,he knows if respected by others, he must respect others firstly.

文明的学生,一定是卫生习惯良好的人。他会自觉维护校园环境,不会随便买零食吃,因为他懂得随便买零食既浪费又不利于健康,他更不会乱丢饮料杯、面巾纸、塑料袋,并且会动手捡拾校园垃圾等,因为他懂得环境是大家的环境。A civilized student must have good health habits.He will consciously maintain the campus environment and not buy snacks to eat.Because he knows buying snacks is not only a waste of money and won’t be good to health.He will not throw about the cups, paper , plastic bags, but pick up garbage etc.Because he knows the environment is everyone's environment.

文明的学生,一定是爱护公共资源的。他爱学校的一切,不会破坏设施,不会乱涂乱画,更不会踢门、浪费水电……会劝阻、制止他人的破坏行为。A civilized student must protect public resources.He loves everything in school.He will not damage the facilities, no graffiti, not kick the door or waste water,but dissuade and stop the destruction behavior of others.

文明的学生,一定是严于律己的。他会将自己的桌面上的物品摆放齐整,会自觉排队就餐,不会在课堂上大声喧哗影响别人的学习,会遵守学校的规章制度。……A civilized student must be strict with himself.He will place his own things on the desk neatly, queue up for dinner consciously,rather than talk loudly in class.He will always follow the rules of the school.

文明的学生,一定是有爱心和责任感的。他会尊敬师长和友爱同学,关爱身边的人和事,不会与同学吵架,他会懂得感恩、懂得团结……A civilized student must be caring and responsible.He will respect teachers and students,care for people and things around him,rather than quarrel with classmates.He will know how to be grateful.

“恰同学少年,风华正茂”,我们满怀憧憬,我们充满激情,我们追求成长、追求卓越,在努力奋斗的过程中,在这个美丽的校园,让我们亲近文明,表现文明,实践文明。Young we were, schoolmates at life's full floweringWe are full of longing and passion.We pursue growth and excellence.In the process of struggle,in this beautiful campus,let's close to civilization , display civilization,and realize civilization.

我的演讲到此结束。谢谢您的聆听!Thats all.Thank you for your listening.


