名师中考(外研版)英语(浙江金华地区) 考点跟踪训练4 七年级(下)Modules 5~8

发布时间:2019-05-29 12:09:52   来源:文档文库   


考点跟踪训练4 七年级()Modules 58


Once there was a great man.He had a little daughter and he loved her very much.When she was very littlehe would pick her upsing a __1__ and dance with herand he would tell herI love youlittle girl.When the girl grew up, the man would __2__ hug her and tell herI love you, little girl.The little girl would be __3__ and sayI'm not a little girl any more.Don't call me __4__ that.”Then the man would laugh and sayBut to meyou'll __5__ be my little girl.

The little girl __6__ home and went into the world.As she learned more about herselfshe learned __7__ about the man.She realised he always __8__ his love to her.It didn't matter wherever she went in the worldthe man would call her and sayI love youlittle girl.

The day came when the great man was ill __9__He couldn't talk any more.He could no longer __10__hugdance or tell the little girl that he loved her.When she walked __11__ the room and saw himhe looked small and not __12__ at all.He looked at her and tried to speakbut he could not.

The little girl did the only thing she could.She climbed up on the __13__ next to the great man.Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her __14__ around the shoulders of her father.She __15__ what she needed to hear.His heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say...I love youlittle girl!

( B )1.A.poem   Bsong   Cmusic  Dword

( D )2.A.never Bhardly Cjust Dstill

( C )3.A.afraid Bexcited Cunhappy Dsad

( A )4.A.like Bas Cfor Dwith[来源:.Com]

( D )5.A.often Bsometimes Cusually Dalways


《名师中考(外研版)英语(浙江金华地区) 考点跟踪训练4 七年级(下)Modules 5~8.doc》
