
发布时间:2020-10-31 19:14:44   来源:文档文库   


Key to Exercises

Unit 1

Text A

II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C

1. is afflicted with 5. abandon themselves

III. Grammar would be B. 1.

IV. Translation

1. As is known to all, October 2003 saw the successful launching of Chinas first

manned spacecraft Shenzhou 4. China has become the 3rd country to send people into orbit.

2 Universal education and the extreme mobility of the population contribute to wiping

out these differences, and may make American English even more uniform than it is now.

3 Many universities are merging at a great rate. Even the first-rate university in China,

Beijing University, together with Beijing Medical University, has just merged into a more competitive expanded university Beijing University.

4. Some people think that home tutoring may add a financial burden to parents,

meanwhile, it may make children tend to depend upon others and have less ability to solve their problems.

5 We should accumulate our knowledge and improve our ability through social practice

and keen observation of the world. Text B A.

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A B. 1.

在现时的纽约市,一座新塔,联合国大楼光彩夺目,高耸入云。 然而,联合国的夙愿以及全世界各人民的愿望却无法得以实现,这源于我们当代的巴别塔:全世界现在大约有三千多种语言,这还不包括那些阻碍同一土地上的民族进行交流的各类方言。 2. 采用共同语言的主要障碍之一就是,甚至在可选择的语言上都存有混乱。一些简化语


3. 只有一种国际语言开始被人们使用,且成为联合国的工作语言,全世界的孩子都把它




2. A 7. B

3. C 8. C

4. D 9. A

5. A 10. C

6. B


4. 因为,我认定,如果不消除这一障碍,实现国际和谐只是一种奢望。我个人已经把这


5. 尽自己所能,为孩子们实现一个世界一种语言的目标是所有美国人的责任。

Unit 4

Text A

II. Vocabulary A.

1. g 2. h 3. j 4. i 5. f 6. e 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. c B.

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A C.

1. absurd 2. tottered 3. console 4. A balance must be stuck 5. tied up 6. exploit 7. indispensable 8. at the expense of 9. beforehand 10. smeared

III. Grammar & Structure A 1.

sitting, spread, reading 2. providing, leading, exceeding 3. Having left, fly, knowing 4. likely, earlier

5. to discourage, developing, on-going 6. practical, really 7. considerable, large 8. traditionally, kinds, health,


1. B 6. B

IV. Translation 1.

When it came to the future plan, he was lost in thought. 2. The price of gold rose again, due partly to rumours of war.

3. It was really cruel of them to leave the poor child alone in the house all night. 4. When Jim heard the news that he won the first prize in the competition, he felt a joy

she could not restrain.


2. A 7. A

3. C 8. C

4. D

5. A 10. A

9. B

5. All the students must be aware that it is of great benefit to strike a balance between

work and leisure.

6. The mother burst into laughter when she saw the sides of the childs mouth were

smeared with chocolate.

Text B A. 1. B 5. C B.

1. 每当人们问他会发生什么时,他就会抱着脑袋哭着说:我做了错事!我杀在牌桌上欺


2 他挣脱了站长向门口跑去。时间正好是十二点差二分。就在此刻,人们听到了新的声


3. 一阵热气扑到站在月台上每个人的脸上。站长听到隐形火车从他前面呼啸而过。 4. 他晃了晃脑袋,这似乎使他恢复了理性,进车站给自己倒杯酒喝好吧?他对浑身颤


5. 于是站长走进办公室、关上门、给自己到了一杯烈性酒让自己镇定下来。

2. A 6. C

3. C 7. B

4. C 8. D

Unit 5

Text A

II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C 1.

III. Grammar concentrating B.

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A

IV. Translation

1. To motivate oneself for a greater achievement requires clear goals and an optimistic

attitude toward life.

2. Individuals who are able to delay the immediate gratification of an impulse in


3. definitely

4. verbalize 5. gratification 6. adept


6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A

2. social skills 3. motivate 4. involves

7. restraining 8. hazards

5. live with 6. empathy for


