
发布时间:2019-12-19 10:02:09   来源:文档文库   

PEP 小学英语五年级下册 Unit2 My favorite season

B Read and write 教学设计




2)学生能够听、说、认读 The leaves fall and fall and fall. Wow, I want to paint a picture, too.等重难点句型。





4)学生通过制作 season card,巩固对本单元单词、词组及核心句型的综合运用能力。

3.学习策略目标: 学生通过默读、略读、细读、朗读等方式,圈词画句,养成按意群阅读的习惯,形成初步的阅读策略和技巧。






1. 重点: 学生掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节及其原因的句型:Which season do you like best? Why?学生能够在具体语境中正确使用单词、词组描述四季及其活动。

2. 难点:

1)学生对句型The leaves fall and fall and fall.的听说认读。


三、教具: 多媒体课件,词卡。



1. Free talk

Hello. I’m your new English teacher. I’m Allen. I want to be your new friend. Nice to meet you! Today we will have an English class together. Are you ready? Now class begins, Good ... (设计意图:通过自我介绍,课前交流,拉近师生之间的距离,为上课做准备。)

2.Let’s chant

First, let’s chant together. Clap your hands, please. (设计意图:通过 Let’s chant 活跃课堂气氛,复习有关四季内容,感知四季的美。)


Boys and girls, seasons are colourful and beautiful. Do you like them? Yes. I like summer best. Because I can go swimming. T:Which season do you like best? S:I like .... T:Why ? S:Because T: Can you ask ? T:Can you answer?


Step2: Pre-reading

导入主题:Robin likes them all! Listen and choose: We like four seasons. Do you know which season does Robin like? Look and listen carefully.(出示幻灯片放录音)

Ok, boys and girls, which season does Robin like? Let’s choose. Robin likes four seasons. So the title is Robin likes them all.(出示课件,张贴板书)

(设计意图:通过看文本、听音,找出 Robin 喜欢哪个季节,引出本课的课题。)

Step3 In-reading

培养动手能力 学一门手艺 打发时间 兴趣爱好 1. General reading Robin likes four seasons. Please read and match the right pictures.

1 专业知识限制 Boys and girls, open your book , turn to page 19, read silently, quickly and find the answers. Come on, boys and girls. Ok, let’s check. Who can answer?

(设计意图:通过略读,找出正确答案,从整体上理解文章的大意。) 2. Detail reading Boys and girls, please read the text again and find out Robin likes all the four seasons, why? Then underline the key sentences.

(1) Let’s check, please. Who can tell me Robin likes all the four seasons,why? Look at the green trees and pink flowers. It’s spring(贴板书)

Why does Robin like spring? Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.(贴板书)引读Robin says

(2) Summer is hot. Why does Robin like it? (贴板书) S:I can’t swim . T:Robin can’t swim, but Robin likes summer, why?(小组讨论) S:Robin wants to swim. T:Robin wants to swim, but he can’t swim, why? S:Because he is a robot.

(3) What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. It’s autumn. 出示课件动画并领读词卡 leaf /leaves 出示课件,The fall means 降落/上升 Look at the picture. It’s autumn. I love fall(贴板书) Why does Robin like fall?

就算你买手工艺品来送给朋友也是一份意义非凡的绝佳礼品哦。而这一份礼物于在工艺品店买的现成的礼品相比,就有价值意义,虽然它的成本比较低但它毕竟它是你花心血花时间去完成的。就像现在最流行的针织围巾,为何会如此深得人心,更有人称它为温暖牌绝大部分多是因为这个原因哦。而且还可以锻炼你的动手能力,不仅实用还有很大的装饰功用哦。(4) Look, it’s white everywhere. There’s lots of snow. Winter is coming! (贴板书) Why does Robin like winter?

(设计意图:通过细读文本并画出重点句子,找出 Robin 为什么喜欢四季并说出原因,从中处理相关知识点。)

(三)上海的文化对饰品市场的影响3. Read and write Boys and girls, read carefully and fill in the table. Why does Robin like four seasons? Let’s check! Who can come here and show your paper? (设计意图:让学生阅读并填表,写出 Robin 喜欢四季的原因,完成读写练习环节并培养学生良好的书写习惯。)

4. Listen and imitate Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (设计意图:通过听音正音,让学生模仿语音、语调,养成良好的阅读习惯。)

5. Read aloud and emotionally Let’s read it beautifully. (设计意图:让学生通过有感情地朗读,培养学生良好的朗读习惯,同时加深对文本的理解。)

2、价格适中化 Step 4 : Post-reading

1. Retell the text (依板书) Look at the blackboard, Let’s retell the text. 呈现 Fill and retell . Can you try? Practice in your groups.


在调查中我们注意到大多数同学都比较注重工艺品的价格,点面氛围及服务。2. Think and answer

标题:手工制作坊 2004318(1)Let’s enjoy the video How do you think of the seasons?

可是创业不是一朝一夕的事,在创业过程中会遇到很多令人难以想象的疑难杂症,对我们这些80年代出生的温室小花朵来说,更是难上加难。(2)I like summer. Because I can swim. How about you? Let’s say it in your groups. I like .....Because I can/often....

(设计意图:通过看视频,让学生感受四季的美,并激发学生运用主句型I like .....Because I can/often.... ”进行说的拓展。)

虽然调查显示我们的创意计划有很大的发展空间,但是各种如漂亮女生碧芝等连锁饰品店在不久的将来将对我们的创意小屋会产生很大的威胁。3. Choose and write Boys and girls , choose one season you like. Let’s make a card of your favourite season .Let’s check. (设计意图:让学生选择自己喜欢的季节并制作季节卡片,完成写的拓展活动。)

2 文化优势4.情感教育: Let’s enjoy Seasons are colourful and beautiful. Enjoy the seasons! Enjoy the life! Protect the environment! Love the nature! (设计意图:通过欣赏小短文,让学生感知四季的美,欣赏季节,享受生活,保护环境,热爱自然。)

Step 5 : Progress

1. Summary: Boys and girls ,what’s the harvest? (设计意图:通过小结环节,帮助学生归纳本节课所学内容。)

2. Homework:

1Listen and repeat the text of the seasons.

2Make the other season card after class. (设计意图:通过本环节帮助学生进一步巩固本节课所学内容,并将课内知识进行课外延伸。)


