2019 - 2020学年高中英语unit4sharing课时跟踪检测三新人教版选修7

发布时间:2019-12-30 13:56:08   来源:文档文库   


Learning about Language & Using Language


1They decided to hold a party to celebrate their parents' 60th wedding anniversary (周年纪念)

2After graduation, my sister opened a clinic (诊所) in our hometown.

3If you plant a seed (种子) in suitable soil, it will grow into a new plant.

4China is always giving financial (财政的)aid to poor countries in Africa.

5You can do some voluntary (志愿的) work during the summer vacation to enrich your experience.

6The map shows the distribution (distribute) of this species across the world.

7He lost his political (politics) position because of the incident of food safety.

8It is a global dream to live in security (secure) and lead a happy life.

9The operation (operate) of a big new machine can be hard to learn.

10The school bus was donated to them by a motor company and they received donations (donate) from other companies as well.


fall in love with in need of do some research in need benefit from become

aware of bring hope to find out

1After doing some research on the subject for several years, he wrote his paper successfully.

2If you are in need of anything, don't hesitate to let me know.

3They fell in love with each other at first sight.

4On hearing what he said, we became aware of what a silly thing that we had done.

5I'm sure you will benefit from what you have done sooner or later.

6It is thought that he often helps the people in need.

7We believe that the truth will be found out sooner or later.

8What the government did last year brought hope to the public.


1What if he can't adjust himself to (要是他不能适应) the current life?

2The man speaking to my mother (在和我妈妈说话的) is our new neighbor.

3The power station built last year (去年建的) is a big one.

4The policy made by the government brought hope to (……带来希望) the poor area.

5I found that high school life is not boring but colorful (不是索然无味而是多姿多彩)


Having a son as a woman who has only really been around women can be a strange experience. I sometimes tell my husband that raising our 3­year­old boy 1 someone dropped me off on another planet where I didn't know the 2 and had no map.

My son makes me laugh like no other, but his desires and interests sometimes do feel as 3 to me as another galaxy. He has taught me so much about the bigger man in my life (my husband) and even more about 4 in general.

When I get mad at my husband now, I look at our son and 5 . He was once as sweet and precious as my son, even if he is so 6 now.

My mother­in­law's attitude used to be confusing to me, but now I kind of 7 it. I love my son fiercely. If some woman ever 8 him, she'd be punished for that.

9 my daughter can't find something, she searches. But my son is 10 calling“Mommy! Daddy! Where is my toy” It's so much like my husband. He also will spend 0.1 seconds 11 before calling out to me and 12 where the butter, cheese, or coat is. My son has taught me it's a male thing. 13 that doesn't mean I won't break him of it. I 14 will. Isn't that what all moms say?

My husband showers every day on most 15 days. But on the weekends or on vacation? Forget it. Now I understand that. My son hates bath time and 16 the whole time. I have to fight with him and bribe him to get 17 .

Nothing is sweeter for a mom than her baby boy. My daughter and I are equally 18 but in a different way. He tells me he loves me and how 19 I am. I wish I could bottle that sweetness and 20 it for the teen years.


1A.feels like       Bcompetes with

Ccontributes to Dturns out

解析:选A 作者把养育儿子与被扔到其他的星球的感觉进行比较。

2A.connection Bmovement

Clanguage Dchange

解析:选C 在一个陌生的星球,语言不通又没有地图,非常困惑。

3A.risky Bmild

Cforeign Dclassic

解析:选C 作者感觉儿子的很多行为都是自己不熟悉的。

4A.interests Bplanets

Ckids Dmen

解析:选D 通过与儿子相处,作者加深了对丈夫乃至全部男性的认识。

5A.stop Bgrow

Crise Dburst

解析:选A 从后面的“He was once as sweet and precious as my son”可知作者想起了丈夫好的一面,应该会停止发火。

6A.exciting Bconfusing

Ctouching Dannoying

解析:选D 从前面的“When I get mad at my husband”可知这时的丈夫很让人恼火。

7A.set Bget

Cmake Dtake

解析:选B 婆婆的态度曾让作者感到困惑,但是现在她有些明白了。

8A.approaches Bhurts

Cignores Dpersuades

解析:选B 从后面的“she'd be punished for that”可知前面假设的是做了不好的事的情况。

9A.Before BBecause

CIf DUnless

解析:选C if表示如果,在此引导条件状语从句,假设了一种情况。

10A.sincerely Bimmediately

Cfortunately Dobviously

解析:选B 与作者的女儿自己找东西相比,作者的儿子总是第一时间就找别人要。

11A.guessing Bimagining

Cwondering Dlooking

解析:选D 与儿子一样,作者的丈夫也不会花时间四处找找看。

12A.thinking Btelling

Casking Ddebating

解析:选C 作者的丈夫会直接问她东西在哪里。

13A.Still BMoreover

COtherwise DTherefore

解析:选A still可以表示转折的含义,意为但是,尽管如此

14A.finally Bprobably

Cmainly Ddefinitely

解析:选D 作者肯定地表示她会让丈夫改正坏习惯。

15A.cold Brainy

Cmeeting Dworking

解析:选D 从后面的“But on the weekends or on vacation”可知此处指的是工作日的情况。

16A.laughs Bscreams

Ctalks Dsings

解析:选B 从前面的“My son hates bath time”可推测出作者的儿子可能会一直尖叫。

17A.weak Btight

Cclean Dclever

解析:选C 此处描述的是洗澡的情况,作者需要与儿子斗争、贿赂儿子来让他洗干净。

18A.close Bwelcome

Cstrange Dsimilar

解析:选A 作者与女儿的关系也很好,与跟儿子的关系一样亲密。

19A.regretful Bbeautiful

Cskilful Dshameful

解析:选B 从前面的“He tells me he loves me”可知此处是儿子夸作者的话。

20A.remind Bexchange

Csave Dappreciate

解析:选C 作者希望能把儿子此时的乖巧装起来,保留下来。



We asked teachers from the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the kindest thing a student has ever done for them. Here are some of their most lovely responses.


1What was Errin Anderson unexpected?

AShe got her favorite coke.

BShe got a pair of earrings.

CShe got flowers.

DShe got a card.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据表格第一栏的“ ... only to discover they were all trying to rearrange a vase of flowers they got me.”可知,令埃林·安德森意想不到的是她收到了学生送的花儿。故选C项。

2What would Jennifer Graham do when she feels blue?

ADrink some coke.

BWear the earrings.

CRearrange flowers.

DRead the card.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据表格第二栏的“ ... I still take it out and read it when I'm feeling down.”可知,当珍妮弗·格雷厄姆心情不好时,她会拿出学生写给她的卡片读一读。

3Who got a big surprise from a usually calm student?

AErrin Anderson.      BKatie Ann.

CEli Sullivan. DJennifer Graham.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据表格第三栏中的“ ... I saw my quietest student standing there with his mom ... It was an adorable pair of earrings ...”及“It made my whole day better ...”可知,凯蒂·安从平时沉默寡言的学生那里得到了大大的惊喜。


An Italian company has created the world's first underwater farm. The station named Nemo's Garden consists of five biospheres (生物圈) fixed to the bottom of the sea off the coast of Savona, Italy. They're being used to grow strawberries, beans, garlic, and lettuce.


“The main target of this project is to create other sources of plant production in areas where environmental conditions make it difficult to grow crops through traditional farming, including lack of fresh water, fertile soil, and extreme temperature changes” said project spokesperson Luca Gamberini.

The five biospheres, currently floating between depths of 18 and 36 feet, are constantly watched by Ocean Reef Group — a diving equipment company — from a control center on dry land. According to various news reports, the plants are watered by drips (水滴) of water on the inner walls of the biospheres. With a constant temperature of 79 degrees day and night, and humidity at around 83 percent, the conditions are ideal for plants to grow well. The high amount of carbon dioxide also encourages growth.

Ocean Reef president Sergio Gamberini said he came up with the idea of growing plants underwater during a summer vacation in Italy. In his own words, he wanted to do something that's different and to show the beauty of the ocean. After two years of failed attempts, they finally were able to get these five biospheres working. Their success may lay the foundation for a new form of crop production that can be done without harming the environment.

In fact, the biosphere seems to be attracting wildlife. Octopuses and endangered seahorses are taking shelter under the structures, while crabs are climbing up the anchors () and into the greenhouses. None of the creatures have damaged the plants so far.It's so kind of science­fiction to see these two different forms of life interact” Gamberini said.


4Why was the underwater farm created?

ATo help explore the sea.

BTo protect sea creatures.

CTo improve the sea environment.

DTo find a new way of growing crops.

解析:选D 细节理解题。综合第二段可知,发明这个水下农场的目的是探索新的种植方式,特别是在不适合种植农作物的地方。

5Sergio Gamberini got the idea of growing plants underwater .

Aby chance

Bfrom science fiction

Cafter reading a news report

Dafter two years of failed attempts

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第四段“... he came up with the idea of growing plants underwater during a summer vacation in Italy”可知,Sergio Gamberini在意大利度假时偶然产生了在水下种植农作物的想法。

6The last paragraph is written mainly to tell us that .

Athe plants in the biosphere is protected

Bthe biosphere is environmentally friendly

Cthe biosphere is accessible to sea creatures

Dsea creatures like the plants in the biosphere

解析:选B 段落大意题。分析最后一段,本段是为了进一步说明前一段的内容,强调水下生物圈的环保。

7What is the text mainly about?

AThe undersea exploration.

BGrowing plants without soil.

CA biosphere that attracts wildlife.

DThe world's first underwater farm.

解析:选D 主旨大意题。综合全文,本文主要介绍了世界上第一个水下农场的情况。


《2019 - 2020学年高中英语unit4sharing课时跟踪检测三新人教版选修7.doc》
