外国文学教材编写与教学信息化建设 - 蒋承勇教授访谈录

发布时间:2019-10-22 07:10:46   来源:文档文库   
外国文学教材编写与教学信息化建设——蒋承勇教授访谈录张叉 蒋承勇内容摘要:本文是四川师范大学外国语学院张叉教授对浙江工商大学西方文学与文化研究院蒋承勇教授围绕外国文学所作的专题访谈。访谈中,蒋承勇教授梳理了外国文学学者和教材编撰的关系,探讨了好教材的衡量标准与产生条件,总结了建国以来外国文学教材编写工作的成绩,介绍了“马工程”外国文学重点教材编写情况,剖析了外国文学慕课、翻转课堂与雨课堂等教学模式的意义和前景。关键词:外国文学;“马工程”重点教材;教学信息化;慕课;翻转课堂基金项目:2016年四川省社科规划基地四川省比较文学研究基地项目“比较文学中外名人访谈录”(项目编号SC16E036)阶段性研究成果。作者简介:张叉,四川师范大学外国语学院教授,四川省比较文学研究基地兼职研究员,主要从事英美文学、比较文学与世界文学研究。蒋承勇,浙江工商大学文学部主任、西方文学与文化研究院教授,四川大学兼职教授,主要从事外国文学和比较文学研究。Title: Foreign Literature Textbook Compilation and Teaching Informatisation Construction: An Interview with Professor Jiang ChengyongAbstract:This essay is the interview on foreign literature textbook compilation and teaching informatisation construction with Professor Jiang Chengyong, Professor at Western Literature and Culture Research Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University, conducted by Zhang Cha, Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University. In the interview, Professor Jiang Chengyong clarifies the relationship between scholars in the field of foreign literature and textbook compilation, discusses the standards for good textbooks, and summarizes the achievements of the compilation of foreign literature textbooks since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. He also reviews the compilation of “Marxist Project” key teaching materials of foreign literature, and analyzes the significance and prospect of the teaching models of foreign literature Massive Open Online Course, Flipped Classroom and Rain Classroom.Key words: foreign literature; “Marxist Project” key teaching materials; teaching information-ization; MOOC; Flipped ClassroomAuthors: Zhang Cha is professor at School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University (Chengdu 610101, China) and part-time research fellow at Comparative Literature Research Base of Sichuan Province (Chengdu 610065, China). His major research areas include English literature, comparative literature and world literature studies. E-mail: zhangchasc@163.com. Jiang Chengyong is professor at Western Literature and Culture Research Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University (Hangzhou 310018, China) and part-time professor at Sichuan University (Chengdu


《外国文学教材编写与教学信息化建设 - 蒋承勇教授访谈录.doc》
