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AA Always afloat 经常漂浮 AA Always accessible 经常进入 AA Average adjusters 海损理算师 AAR Against all risks 承保一切险 AB Able bodied seamen 一级水手 AB Average bond 海损分担证书 A/B AKtiebolaget (瑞典股份公司 A/B Abean
ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级协会 ABT About 大约
ABB Abbreviation 缩略语 A/C,ACCT Account 帐目 AC Alter couse 改变航向
AC Account current 活期存款,来往帐户 AC Alernating current 交流电
ACC Accepted; acceptance 接受,同意 ACC.L Accommodation ladder 舷梯
A.&C.P. Anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格 ACV Air cushion vehicle 气垫船 ACDGLY Accordingly 遵照 AD Anno Domini 公元后 AD After draft 后吃水 ADD Address 地址
ADDCOM Address commission 租船佣金 ADF Automatic direction finder 自动测向仪 AD VAL Ad valorm 从价(运费)
ADV Advise;advice; advance 告知;忠告;预支 A/E Auxiliary engine 辅机 AF Advanced freight 预付运费 AFAC As fast as can 尽可能快地 AF Agency fee 代理费
AFP Agence France press 法新社 AFS As follows 如下 AFT After 在。。之后
A/G Aktiengeselskabet (德)股份公司 AG Act of god 天灾
AGRIPROD Agricultural products 农产品 AGN Again AGT Agent 代理
AGW All going well 一切顺利 AH After hatch 后舱
AHL Australian hold ladder 澳洲舱梯 AL 1st class ship at Lloyd's 劳氏一级船
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AM Ante meridiem 上午
A/M Above mentioned 上面提及的 AM Amplitude modulation 调幅
AMC Armed merchant cruiser 武装商船队 AMT Amount 金额
AMVER Automated Mutual Vessel Rescue system 商船自动保管系统 AOB As on board 如在船上 A/O and / or /
AOD As on delivery 如同交船 AOR As on redelivery 如同还船 AP Associated press 美联社 AP All purpose 通用
AP Additional perils 附加风险 AP Age premium 船龄保险费
AP Addtional premium 附加保险费
APPROX Approximate; approximately 大概,大概地 APS Arrive pilot station 抵达引水站
AR All risks; against all risks 一切奉贤;承保一切险 ARR Arrive; Arrival 抵达 ARRG Arrange (for 安排 ART Article 物品,条目 AS Arrived ship 抵达船舶
AS After sight 见票后(远期) AS Average statement 海损理算书 AS Alongside 船边 AS Annual survey 年检
ASA Always safely afloat 经常安全漂浮 ASAP As soon as possible 尽快
AT American terms(grain 美国(谷物)条款 ATC All time to count 计入全部时间 ATL Actual total loss 实际全损 ATS All time saved 节省全部时间 ATTN Attention(to 注意
AUT CP American Union Transportation Charter Party 美国工会运输租约 AUG August 八月 AUX Auxiliary 辅助的 AV Avenue 街道
AV Average 平均的;海损
AVR Automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器 AV Average speed 平均航速 AWB Air way bills 航空提单
ABS.STA Abstract statement 摘要
ADDEE,ADD'SEE Addressee 收信人,收报人 A/N Above named 上述的
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APP Appendix 附录
APV Approve; Approval 批准,核准 A/S As stated 如上述 BEC Because 因为
B.D.I. Both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日 BE(NDS Both ends 双边(装卸两港) BHP Brake horse power 制动马力 BE Bill of exchange 汇票 BDS Board(timber 木板 BIZ Business 业务、商务 B'DLE Bundle
BH Bill of health 健康证书 BD Bar draught 过滩吃水 BGN Begin 开始 B4,BF Before 在。。之前
BBC British Broadcasting Corp. 英国广播公司 BC British Corporation 英国船级社 BAL Balance 收支平衡;余额 BC Bulk carriers 散装船
BAF Bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费 BB Below bridge 桥楼下 BD Bank draft 银行汇票 B/C Blue card 兰卡
BB Ballast bonus 空放费
BCREC Bale capacity remaining in each compartment 每小舱剩余的包容积 BC Before the birth of Jesus Christ 公元前
BALTIME 1939 The Baltic& International Maritime Conference Uniform Time Charter 1939 1939年波罗地海海运会议的统一期租约 BE Bill of entry 进口报告书 BG Bonded goods 保税货物 BC Bareboat charter 光船租赁 B/L Bill of lading 提单 BNK Bank 银行
BP British Petroleum 英国石油公司
BPGC Bearing per gyro compass 电罗径方位 BOD Bunkers on delivery 交船燃油 BOR Bunker on redlivery 还船燃油 B/ Booking note 订舱单 B/O Branch office 分支机构
BM Breadth amidship (船)中宽 BOT Board of Trade (英)商务部 BLDG Building 建筑物,大楼 BLT Built 建造
BOFR best offer 最佳极盘
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B/O Branch office 分支机构 BO Buyer's option 买方选择
BPSC Bearing per steering compass *舵罗径方位 BRL Barrel
BR Branch 分支,分公司 BS Bioler survey 锅炉检验 BS Balance sheet 决算表 BS Bill of sale 抵押证券
BS Bill of store 船上用品免税单 B/S Bags; bales 包;袋 B/ST Bill of sight 即期汇票
BST British Summer Time 英国夏季时间 BST Beijing Summer Time 北京夏季时间 B.SEA Black sea 黑海
BT Berth terms(liner terms 班轮条款 BTN Between 在。。中间
BV Bureau eritas 法国船级协会(社) BW Bonded warehouse 保税仓库 BWT Ballast water tank 压舱水柜 BC Birth certificate 出生证明 B.D. Brought down 接下页 C Centigrade
CABADD Cable Address 电报挂号 CAPT. Captain 船长 CAL Caliber 口径
CAP Containerized at pier 在码头装箱 CBN Container booking note 集装箱订舱单 CC Carbon copy (to 抄送
CC Convertible currency 兼用货币 CC Current cost 时价
CC Civil commotions 内乱
CC Continuation clause 连续条款 CC Chamber of Commerce 商会
CCPIT China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会 CCS Convertible Container ship 兼用集装箱船 C&D Collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕 CDI Course deviation indicator 航偏指示器 C/D Commercial dock 商业码头 C/D Cancelling date 销约日
CD Consular declaration 领事声明 CF Cargo fall 吊货索
CUBF,C.F. Cubic feet 立方英尺 CFM Confirm 确认
CFS Container freight station 集装箱货运站
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CG Coast guard 海岸警备队
CGA Cargo's proportion of general average 共同海损的货物分摊额 CHENG,C/E Chief engineer 大体 CHOP Charterer's option 租方选择 CHOFF,C/OFF Chief officer 大副 CHQ Cheque 支票
CHRTRS Charterers 租船人 CI Cargo insurance 货物保险 CI Crew Insurance 船员保险 CI Consular invoice 领事签证
C & I Cost and insurance 货价加保险 C/I Certificate of insurance 保险证书 CIA Cash in advance 现金借支
CIF Cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格
CIF & E Cost, insurance, freight and exchange 到岸价格加汇费
CIMT Convention of international Multimodal Transport 国际多式联运公约 CLD Cleared 办清出口手续 CL Clause 条款
C/L Crew list 船员名单
CLC Civil Liability Certificate 油污证书
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会 CMT Custom marine towage 海上习惯拖带 CN Contract number 合同号码 CN Cover note 认保单
CN Credit note 货款通知单
CN Consignment note 发货通知单
CN Certificate of nationality 船籍证书 CNEE Consignee 收货人 C/O Care of 由。。转给
C/O Certificate of origin 原产地证 CO. Company 公司
C/O Cash order 现金汇单 CO2 Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
COA Contract of affreightment 运输合同 COD Cash on delivery 现金交货(货到付款) CONT Continued 继续
COW Crude oil washing 原油清洗 CO-OP Cooperation 合作
C/P,CP Charter party,Custom of port 租约,港口惯例 CPA Closestpoint of approach 最接近距离 CPD Charterers pay dues 租船人负责租金
CQD Customary quick despatch 港口习惯快速装卸(班轮条款) CR Current rate 现行费率 CR Cost of repair 修理费用
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CR Carriers risks 承运人奉贤 CS conventional ship 普通货船
CS Cargo subrogation 货物代位求偿(转让书) CS Chamber of shipping 航运协会
CSC The International Convention for Safe Containers 国际集装箱安全公约 CT Containerized traffic 集装箱运输 CT Container terminal 集装箱码头 CT Combined transport 联运
CTA Communicate ot all address 不保密(分送电) CTC Contact 联系
CTL Constructive total loss 推定金额 CTN Carton 纸箱
CTNR Container 集装箱 CUD Could 能,可以
CUN The Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章 CW Clock wise 顺时针方向
D/A (Vessels mustdischarge afloat 船舶必须在漂浮状态卸货 D/A Disbursement account 使费帐目
DAP,D/P Documents against payment 付款交单(跟单付款) DAP Days all purposes 装卸共用天数 DAP Decontainerized at pier 码头拆箱 DB Double bottom 双层底
DC Deratization certificate 除鼠证书 DC Direct current 直流电
D/C Deviation clause 弯航条款 D/C Demise charter 光船租赁合同
D/C Daily consumption (燃油)日耗量 DC Dangerous cargo 危险品 DD Dry dock 干坞 DD Dated 日期
D/D Despatch/demurrage 速遣/滞期 D/D Days after date 到期后。。日 D/D Delivered at docks 码头交货 D/D Demand draft 即期付款
DDC Despatch discharging only 速遣费仅在卸货时计付 DEC. December 十二月 DEG Degree
DELY Delivery 交船,交货 DEPT. Department 处,部门 DESTN Destination 目的港 DF Dead freight 空舱费 DFT Drafts 吃水
DHD Demurrange harf despatch 速遣费是滞期费的一半
DHDLTSBE Demurrage harf despatch lay time saved both ends 滞期费,双边节省的装卸.. wd
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时间的速遣费减半 DISCH Discharge 卸货
DIS.,DISBT Disbursement 使费 DISPORT Discharging port 卸货港 DIV Division 科室
DIY Do it yourself 自助(自己动手做)
DLO Despatch loading only 速遣费仅在装货时计付 DLRS Dollars
DN Debit note 借项通知单 D/O Disponent owners 二船东 DO Dotto 同上
DO, D.O. Diesel oil 柴油 D/O Delivery order 交货单
DOLPS Dropping off last pilot station 最后引航站引水员下船 DOP Dropping outward pilot 出口引水员下船 D/P Documents against payment 跟单付款 DP Displaced person 被替换人员 DP Direct port 直达港口
DPA Deutsche Presse Agentur 德新社 DR Dock receipt 场站收据
DR Deposit receipt 保证金收据 D/S Days after sight 见票后... DST Daylight savings time 夏令时 DT Deep tank 深舱
DWT Dead weight 载重吨
D/W Dock warrant 码头收货单 DWC Dead weight capacity 载重吨 DWN down 向下
DS Draft survey 吃水检验 DZ Dozen
DSRK Deutshe Schiffs Rivision 德国船舶登记局 E East
E.& O.E. Errors and omissions excepted 错误和遗漏不在此限(有错当查) EC East coast 东岸
EDI/O Empty chassis in/out 空底盘车进/
EEC European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 E.E. Errors excepted 错误免除
E.G. Ejusdem generis(of the same kind 例如 EIR Equipment intercharge receipt 设备交接单 EIU Even if used 即使使用 ENG Engineer 工程师
ENCL Enclosed,enclosure 附,附件 E/R,ER Engine room 机舱
E.O.H.P. Except otherwise herein provided 除非另有提供
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EP Extra premium 附加保费 EP Estimated position 推算船位 ES Echo sounding 回声探测法 EST. Estimated 预计的 ET Equation of time 时差 ET Estimated time 预计时间
ETA Estimated time of arrival 预抵时间 ETB Estimated time of berthing 预离时间
ETC/ETCD Estimated time of completion (of discharge 预完货时间 ETC et cetera 等等
ETC Estimated time of commencement 预开装/卸期
ETCL Estimated time of commence / complete loading 预开/完装货期 ETR Estimated time of return 预回程期 ETR Estimated time of repair 预修船期 ETS Estimated time of sailing 预开船期
EUREKA European Research Coordination Agency 尤里卡(欧洲研究协调局) EX. Excluding 扣除 EX. Excluted 已执行 EX. Exchange 汇票
EXAM Examination 测验
EDF Estimated date of flight 预定飞行日期 EV Entry visa 入境签证
ETDELY Estimated time of delivery 预交船期
ETREDELY Estimated time of redielivery 预还船期 E.R. En route 在途中 F Fog
F Fahrenheit 华氏温度 F & A Fore and aft 首尾
FAA Free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿 FAC Fast as can 尽快 FAP First aid post 急救站
FAQ Fair average quality 大路货 FAQ Free alongside quay 码头边交货 FA Free alongside ship 船边交货 FAX Facsimile 图文传真
FCC First class charterers 一流承租人 FCL Full container load 整箱货
FC & S Free of capture and seizure 虏获或捕捉不保条款 FCS Full container ships 全集装箱船舶 FD Free discharge 船方不负担卸货费
F & D Freight and demurrange 运费和滞期费 FD Forced discharge 强行卸货
FD Forced draughts 强制通风,压力通风 FD Free delivery 免费交货
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FD Free docks 待租泊位 FE Far east 远东 FEB February 二月
FEC Foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券 FEFC Far East Freight Conference 远东水脚公会 FFA Free from alongside 船边交货 FH First half 前半部
F/I Freight insurance 运费保险 FI Free in 船方不负担装船费
FIB Free into Bunkers (燃料船上价格 FIB Free into barge (燃料油驳价格
FILO Free i & liner(term out 船方不负担装费,负担卸费 FIO Free in and out 船方不负担装卸费用
FIOS Free in, out and stowed 船方不负担装卸、积载费用
FIOST Free in , out, stowed and trimed 船方不负担装卸、积载和平舱费用 FI. Floor 楼层
FLWG Following 如下 FLWS follows 如下
FL/EM Full/empty / FM From 从,由
FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美国联邦海事局 FMR From maintenance and repair 坏箱修复回收 FO For orders 等待指示 FO Firm order 实盘
FO,FLO. Fuel oil 燃料油
FOB Free on board 离岸价格 FOC Free of charge 免费
FOC Flag of convenlence 方便旗 FOD Free of discharge 免付卸费 FOQ Free on quay 码头交货价格 FOR Free on rail 铁路交货价格 FOT Free on truck 卡车交货价格
FOW First open water 解冻前首次派船 FP Floating (Open policy 未定船名保单
FPA Free of particular average 不保单独海损 FPT Fore peak tank 前尖舱
FRC Fire resisting construction 防火建筑 FRI Friday 星期五 FRT Freight 运费 FT Feet 英尺
FWD Forward 向前
FWE Finished with engine 停机
FCC Free of charterers' commission 免付承租人租金 FYG For you guidance 供你参考
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FYI For you information 供你参考 G/A General average 共同海损
G/A general average contribution 共同海损分摊 GC general cargo 杂货
GDBC geared bulk carriers 带吊机的散装船
GENCON Uniform General Charter of the Baltic and international Maritime Conference 金康,波罗的海国际海运公会统一杂货合约 GL German Lloyd's 德国船级社 GMBH Company limited (德) GM metacentric height 定额高度
GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治时间 GP Geographical position 地理位置 GR Geographical rotation 地理顺序
GRT Gross registered tonnage 总登记吨位 GT Gross tonnage 总吨
GW Gross Weight 总重量(毛重) GW Gale warning 大风警报
GV Grande Vitesse(express train 快车 HC Held covered 继续承保 HC Hatch coaming 船舱围板
HDCHRS Head charterers 首席租船人 HDWND Head wind 顶头风 HH House -to - House 门到门 H/H Holds /hatches 船舱/舱口 HK,HKG Hongkong
HOD Holds on delivery 交船时船舱 HOR Holds on redelivery 还船时船舱 HP House power 马力
HP House-to-pier 门到码头 HRS Hours 小时
HT Home trade 国内贸易
HTC Half time to count 时间计半 HV Have
HEVER Howevr 然而 HW High water 高潮
HWM High water mark 高潮标记 HZ Hertz 赫兹
IACS International Association of Classification Society 国际船级协会 IAP Intermodal containerized at pier 码头装箱联运 ICC Interstate Commerce Commission 州际商会 ICC International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会 ICS Intergrated Container Service 集装箱服务公司 ICT Intermodal Container Terminal 联运集装箱堆场 IDD International direct dial 国际直拨电话
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ID,I/D Identification card IDL Idle status 闲置箱
I/E,IMP/EXP Import/Export 进口/出口 I.E. Id est (this is
IFCC Institute freight collision clause 协会运费碰撞条款 IFO Intermediate fuel oil 燃油 IGS Inert gas system 惰性气体系统 IHP Indicated Horse power 指示马力
IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consltative Organization 政府间海事协商组织 IMDG International Maritime Dangerous goods code 国际海运危险品规则 IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金会 IMM Immediately 立即地
INCOT Including Over Time 包括加班时间 INC. Incorporated compaby 股份有限公司 INCL Including 包括 INBLK In bulk 散装 INFM INformation 消息 INST Instant 本月
INSTL Installation 装置
INTERCO International code of signals 国际码语信号 I/O Instead of 代替 I/O In/out /
IOPP Internatinal Oil Pollution Prevention 国际防油污公约 IPPC International Oil Prevention Certificate 国际防油污证书 I/P Input 输入
IRC International Red Cross 国际红十字会 IRS Indian Register of Shipping 印度船级社 1SB One safe Berth 一个安全泊位 1BP One safe port 一个安全港口
ITF International Transport Workers Federation 国际运输工联 ITO International Trade Organization 国际贸易组织
ITT International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. 国际电话电报公司 ITU International Telecommuni cation Union 国际电信联盟(联合国) IWL Institute warranty limits 协会保证权限 IV Invioce value 发票价值(金额)
ICC Interim certificate of class 临时船级证书 I/C In charge(of 负责 IFUN If unable 如果不可能 JAN January 一月
J.&W.O. Jettison and washing overboard 投弃货物和甲板货物被冲 JR Japanese Rule 日本船级社
JR Yugoslav Register 南斯拉夫船级社 JUL July 七月 JUN June 六月
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JR/ENGR Junior engineer 帮车 KG Kilogram 公斤 KL Kilo liter 公斤
KYODO Kyodo News Agency 共同社 KD Knocked down 船在大风中横倾状态 KID Key industry duty 主要工业税收 KM Kilo meter 公里
KTS,KN knots /小时,节 LA Lioyd's agents 劳氏代理行
LAD laden arrival draft 满载抵达吃水 LASH Lighter aboard ship 载驳船舶 LAT Latitude
LAYCAN Laydays date/cancelling date 受载日/消约日 LB Pound
LB Life boat 救生艇
LC Loadline certificate 载重线证书 L/C Letter of credit 信用证
LCL Less than container load 拼箱货 LDG LOading
LG Letter of guarantee
LGM Lawful general merchandise 合法杂货 LH Light house LH Lower hold
LI Letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书,保函 LKG Leakage
LMC Lloyd's Machinery Certificate 劳氏船机证书 LO/LO Lift on/lift off 吊上/吊下 LO,LUBOIL Lubricating oil 润滑油 LOA Length over all
LOADIS Load & discharge LOF Lloyd's open form 劳氏保单 LONG Longitude LPRT loading port
LR Lloyd's Register of shipping 劳氏船级社
LRMC Lloyd's Refrigerating Machinery Certificate 劳氏冷冻机械证书 LS Life saving service 救生服务 LS Lump sum 包干费
LS Lloyd'surveyor 劳氏验船师 LSS Life saving station 救生站 LT Local time 当地时间 LT Long ton
LTS Laytime saved 节省的装卸时间 LW Lower water
LWL Load water line 载重线
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L.D.TEL Long-distance telephone 长途电话 MAR March MAX Maximum MB Motor boat 机动船
MCA Master cash advance 船长借支 MDO marine diesel oil
MD Months after date 见票后---- ME; M/E Main engine
MESSRS Messieurs 尊号(写在公司名称前) MFN Most favoured nations 最惠国 MH Main hatch 重点舱口 MH Man hole 人孔
MHWS Mean high water springs 大潮平均高潮面 MISC Miscellanous
MIP marine insurance policy 海险保险单 MIN Minimum
MLB Mini land bridge service 大陆桥运输
MIWS Mean low water springs 大潮平均低潮面 MLLW Mean lower low water 平均低低潮面
MLLWS Mean lowered low water springs 大潮平均低低潮面 M/M Maximum/minimum 最大/最小 MOA Memorandum of agreement 议定书 MOL More or less
MOLCO More or less charterer's option 增减由租船人选择 MOLOO More or less owner's option 增减由船东选择 MOLSO More or less shipper's option 增减由发货人选择 MPP Most probable position 最或然船位 MPH miles per hour(konts /小时 MPS Miles per second / M/R Mate's receipt 大副数据
M/R Maintenance and repair 维修保养 M/S;M/V Motor ship; motor vessel 机动船 MSG Message 信息,消息
MSL Mean sea level 平均海平面 MSR Mean spring rise 平均潮升 M/T Metric ton 公吨
MT Measurement ton 尺码吨 MT Mail transfer 信汇
MTO Multimodal transport operator 多式联运经营人 MNTIME Meantime 同时
MCT Moment to change trim 吃水差力矩 MF Medium frequency 中频 MB memorandum book 备忘录 MO Mail order 邮政汇票
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N and 和;同
NA Notice of Abandenment 委付通知 NAA Not always afloat 不经常漂浮
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织
NAABSA Not always afloat but safely aground 不经常漂浮但安全搁浅 N.C.V. No commercial value 无商业价值 NHP Nominal horse-power 额定马力 NM Notice to mariners 航海通告 NOS./NO. Number(s 号数 NOV November 十一月
NOP Not otherwise provided 未另提供
NR;NOR Notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书 N/R (To be not responsible for 不承担。。责任 NR no risks 无风险
NRAD No risks after discharge 卸后无风险 NRT Net registered tonnage 登记净吨
NSPT Not specially provided for 无特别提供 NT Nett tonnage 净吨
NV Norske Veritas 挪威船级社 NY New York 纽约
NZ New Zealand 新西兰
NOVC Non-vessel operation carriers 无船承运人 N/MS No marks 无标记
NK Japan register of shipping 日本船级协会
NGI Norwegian Guarantee Institute 挪威保赔协会 N.B. Nota bene (take notice 注意 NC Non-committal 不承担义务 NLT No later than 不迟于 OA Over aged 超龄的 OA Over all 全部的,总的
O/A Owner's account 船东帐目 O/A On/about /大约
OAP Over aged premium 船舶超龄保险 OC Open Charter 货港未定的租船合同
OCP Over land common point 公共指定的内陆点 OCT October 十月 OK All correct
OO Owner's option 船东选择 OPP Opposite 对面
OSD Open shelter deck ship 无遮蔽甲板船 OT Over time 加班 OWRS Owners 船东 O/O Order of 指示指定 OP Open policy 预约保单
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OR Owner's risks 船东风险
PT Overland transit empty 外地回空 OF Overland transit full 外地满箱回送 OTT Overland transportation 内陆运输 OC Open cover 预约保险 PA Particular 单独海损
P/A Port authority 港务当局 PA Per annual 每年的
PANAMAX Panama maximum 巴拿马极限 PANFLAG Panamanian flag 巴拿马旗 P.A.Y.E Pay as you earn 工资照付 PB Permanent bunkers 永久燃料舱 PC Port charges 港务费 P/C Pric catalogue 价目表 PCS Pieces
PCT Per cent 百分之。 PD Port dues 港务费
P.DK Poop deck 尾楼甲板 P.D/T Port deep tank 左深舱 PETCOKE Petroleum coke 焦油 PG Persian Gulf 波斯湾 PH Pier-to-house 码头到门
PHPD Per hatch per day 每天每舱口
P&I CLUB Protection and indemnity club 船东保赔协会 P'KGS Packages
P/L Passenger's list 旅客名单 PL Partial loss 部分损失
PL Protective location 保护性装载定位 P/L Packing list 装箱单
P&L Profit and lose 收益与损失 PM Premium 保险费
PMT Per metric ton 每公吨 P/N Promissory note 期票
P.O.BOX Post Office box 邮政信箱 POB Pilot on board 引水员登轮 POD Paid on delivery 交货付款 POSN Position 位置
PP Pier-to-pier 码头到码头 PP Picked Port 选定港
PP,PER PRO Per Procuration 授权,代理
PPI Pllicy proof of insterest 保险利益由保单证明 PPM Parts per million 百万分之。 PPT Prompt 立即
PRS Polski Rejextr Statkow 博览船舶登记局
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PROP Propeller 螺旋桨 PROX Proximo 下月(的) PS Post s cript 附言
PS;P/S Passenger ship 客轮
PSSC Passenger ship safety certificate 客轮安全证书 PT Private terms 私用条款 PTE Private 私人
PTY Proprietary 企业公司
P.T.O. Please turn over 请阅反面 P.V. Petite vitesse (slow train 慢车 PZ Permanent zones 永久载重线区 PD per day 每天
PO postal order 邮政汇票 PP Parcel post 包裹邮件
PP Per power of attorney 委托书 Q Quarantine 检疫
QC Quantity at captain's option 数量由船长选择 QDP Quick despatch procedure 速遣程序 QM Quarter master 舵工 QTTY Quantity 数量
Q.V. Quod vide 参见该条
QB Queen's bench 英国高等法院
QEF Quod erat faciendum 这就是要做的 Q&A Question and answers 问与答 Q.S. Quarantine station 检疫站
QEI Quod erat inveniendum 这就是要找的 R/A Refer to Acceptor 交付接受人 RAS Replenishment at sea 海上补给 RC Running cost 营运成本 RC Rider clause 追加条款 RECD Received 收到 RD Running days 连续日
RDC Running down clause 碰撞条款 RE Regarding ; refer 关于;参见 REDLY Redelivery 还船 REF Reference 参考
REMOCON Remote control 遥控
REUTER Reuter's News Agency 路透社 RGDS Regards 致意;此致 RGDG Regarding 关于
RI Registero Italiano 意大利船级社 RI Re insurance 重保
RNR Rumanian Register of shipping 罗马尼亚船舶登记局 ROTN.NO. Rotation number 序号
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ROC With reference to our cable 参见我电 ROM With reference to our message 参见我电 ROT With reference to our telefram 参见我电 ROTLX With reference to our telex 参见我电 RPM Revolutions per minute 每分种转数 RPT Repeat 重复
RS Radio station 无线电台
RSVP Repondez s,11 vous plait 请回复 R/T,ROT Radio telephone 无线电话
RYC With reference to your cable 参见你电 RYM With reference to your message 参见你电 RYT With reference to your telegram 参见你电 RYTLX With reference to your telex 参见你电 RX Receiver 接收机
RIP Return insurance premium 退保费 R/V Round voyage 往返航次
RO/RO Roll on /roll off 滚上/滚下
RDF Radio direction finder 无线电测向仪
RFC Return empties from the consignee 收货人送回空箱 RDL Redelivered to lessor 还箱给出租人 RL;R/L Radio location 无线电定位 RV Research vessel 考察船
RAM Reports and memoranda 报告和备忘录 RD Registered 已注册,已登记 S South
SA Shipping advice 装船通知
S.A. Societe anonyme [法,意,西班牙]公司 S/A Statement of account 帐单 SAR Search and rescue 搜索救援
SAT NAV Satellite navigator 卫星导航仪 SAT Saturday 星期六
SASHEX Saturday afternoon sunday holiday excluded 不包括星期六下午,星期天,节假日 S/B Stand by 等待
SB Safe berth 安全泊位 SBE Stand by engine 备机
SBS Surveyed before shipment 装船前已检验 SBT Segregated ballast tank 分隔压舱水柜 SC Salvage charges 救助费用
SCC Safety construction certificate 结构安全证书 SD Sea damage 海上损坏
SD Short delivery 短交(货物) SD Single deck 单层甲板
SDR Special drawing right 特殊提款权 SEC Second
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SEC Safety equipment certificate 安全设备证书 SEPT September 九月
SF Stowage factor 积载因数
S.&F.A Shippin and forwarding agents 船舶运输代理人 SHEX Sunday holiday excluded 不包括星期日,节假日 SH.DK Shelter deck 遮蔽甲板
SHINC Sunday holiday included 包括星期天,节假日 SHLD Shippper leased 发货人租用(箱) SHOW Shipper owned 发货人自有(箱) SHP Shaft horse power 轴马力 SI Strike insurance 罢工保险 SG Specific gravity 比重 SK Sack kraft(paper 牛皮纸 SL Salvage loss 救助损失
S/L.C Sue and labour clause 损害防止条款 SLG Sailing 开航
SMS Synchronous meteorological satellite 同步气象卫星 SO Seller's option 卖方选择 S/O Shipping order 装货单
SOL Ship owner's liability 船东责任
SOLAS International Convention for Safety of Life At Sea 国际海上人命安全公约 SOS Save our souls 求救信号 SP Starting price 起价 SP Safe ports 安全港口
SPD Steamer pays dues 船方负担税金 SS,S/S Steam ship 汽船
SSH Special survey for hull 船壳特殊检验
SSHEX Saturday sunday holiday excluded 不包括星期六,星期天,节假日 ST Short ton 短吨
STB,STBD Starboard 右舷 STP Stop 停止
SUN Sunday 星期日 SV Sailing Vessel 帆船 SVC Service 服务;维修
SW Shipper's weights 发货人提供的重量 SWL Safe wroding load 安全负荷
SWAD Salt water arrival draft 抵达海水吃水 SWD,SWDRF Salt water draft 海水吃水 SIG. Signature 签字
SATCOM Satellite communication 卫星通讯 SRC Safety radio certificate 安全电报证书 ST Shifting time 移泊时间
SCT Suez canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨
SDWT Summer dead weight tonnage 夏季吃水载重
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SNST Soonest 最快
S/PARTS,S/P Spare parts 备件 SHT Short
SI International System of units 标准国际单位制 SSB Single side band 单边带
SOF Statement of facts 事实记录 T Tons
TACT The air cargo tariff 航空运费表 TBAGRD To be agreed 待约定
TASS Telegrafnoye Agenstvo Sovyetskovo 塔斯社 TB Time bar 时效
TBN To be nominated 待指定
TCL Time charterer's liability 期租承运人责任 TC Tonnage certificate 吨位证书 TC Time charter 期租 TC True course 真针路
TCT Time charter Trip 航次期租 TD Tween deck 中层甲板
TELECON Telegraphic communication 电讯 TELEREMIT Telegraphically remit 电汇 TEU Twenty equivalent unit (20'标准箱 THRU Through 经,通过 THU,THUR Thursday 星期日 TKS Thanks
TL Total loss 全损
TLP Total loss only 仅保全损 TLX Telex 电传
TPC Tons per centimetre 每公分吨数 TPD Tons per day 每天吨数 TPI Tons per inch 每英寸吨数
TRS Tropical revolving storm 热带风暴 TS Time sheets 时间表
T/T Telegraphic transfer 电汇
TTBE Trun time both ends 装卸两港周转时间
TTHS Three think harmonic selection 树状思考调和选择改善方案(一种以最小的成本大大最大的机能(效益)的实施方案)
TOVALOP Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pullution Damage 油轮船东关于油污损害责任的自愿协议 TUE Tuesday 星期二 TV Television 电视
TW Typhoon waring 台风警报 TX Transmitter 发射机 TXT Text 索引,内容 TS Top secret
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U You
U Ugly and threatening weather 险恶天气 UA Unerwriting account 保险帐目 UD Upper deck 上甲板
UK,U.K. United Kongdom 联合王国 UGT Urgent, urgently 紧急(地)
ULCC Ultra large crude oil carriers 超大型油轮 UN United Nation 联合国
UOA Unless other wise agreed 除非另有约定 UPL Unit packing list (集装箱)装箱单 UPN Universal postal union 万国邮联 UPI United Press International 合众社 YR Your 你的
USB Unless sooner berthed 除非较早靠泊 USWC United states west coast 美国西岸 UU Unless used 除非使用
UHF Ultra high frequency 特高频
UTC Co ordinated universal time 世界协调时间 UP Unvalued policy 不定值保单 U/C Unclassified 不保密 V Volt 伏特
VAN BC Vancouver British Columbia 温哥华特区 VC Voyage charter 程租
VHF Very high frequency 甚高频 V.V. Vice versa 反之亦然 VIZ namely 即是
VLCC Very large crude oil carriers 甚大型油轮 VOY. Voyage 航次 VSL Vessel 船舶
V.O.P. Value as in original policy 价值如原保单所载 VLF Very low frequency 甚低频 VY Very 非常
VIS Visibility 能见度 YB Year book 年签 W West 西
WB Way bill 货运单
WBS Without benefit of salvage 无救助利益 WED Wednesday 星期三
WG Weight guaranteed 保证重量
W/M Weight / measurement 重量/容积 WP Weather permitting 晴天允许 W/P Without prejudice 无偏袒,(权利)不受损害 WPA With particular average 水渍险 WT Wireless telegraphy 无线电
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WTSBE Working time saved both ends 双边节省的工作时间 WWD Weather working day 晴天工作日
WWDSHEX EIU Weather working day sunday holiday excepted even if used 晴天工作日星期假日即使使用也除外
WWDSHEX UU Weather working day sunday holiday excepted unless used 晴天工作日星期假日除外,除非使用
WWDSSH EX Weather working day daturday sunday and holiday excepted 晴天工作日星期六星期天假日除外
WWF Waterside workers federation 水边工联 WWR When where ready 无论何时何地就绪 WUD Would WZ With
WZ War zone 战区
WRO War risks only 仅保战争险
WFA Water front association 水前联盟
WIBON Whether in berth or not 不管是否靠上泊位
WICCON Whether in customs clearance or not 不管是否清关 WIFPON Whether in free pratique or not 不管是否通过检疫 WIPON Whether in port or not 不管是否在港 WTS Working time saved 节省的工作时间 WWT World wide trading 环球贸易 WOG Without guarantee 不保证
WW Warehouse-to-warehouse 仓库到仓库 XINHUA Xinhua News Agency 新华社 X'MAS Christmas 圣诞节
Y.A.R. York-Antwery Roles 约克-安特卫普规则 YD Yard 场,院,码
YG Year of grace 宽限年限 Y'DAY Yesterday 昨天 YRS Yours 你们的,你港 Z Zone
ZC China Classification Soceity 中国船级社(船舶检验局) ZST Zone standard time 区标准时 ZT Zone time 区时

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