
发布时间:2020-11-15 17:45:22   来源:文档文库   

ability n 能力 I don't have the ability to say 'no'.

able ★a 能 I've always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.

about ★prep & ad. 大约,关于 He lied about his age.

above ★prep 上方,以上 Our office is above the hairdresser's.

abroad ★a & ad 外国 She often goes abroad on business.

absent a 缺席 Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.

accent n 口音;腔调 Use make-up to accent your cheekbones and eyes.

accept ★v 接受;承担;同意 Rick accepted her offer of coffee.

accident ★n 意外事件, 事故 My third baby was an accident.

according ★ 根据 You will be paid according to the amount of work you do.

ache n 疼 I'm feeling tired and achy.

achieve ★v 完成;实现 Wilson has achieved considerable success as an artist.

across ★prep 穿越 We'll have to swim across.

act ★n & v 表演 Stop acting like a baby.

action ★n 动作 He had seen action in Korea.

active ★a 积极的 My father always led a very active life.

activity ★n 活动 Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.

actually ★ 实际上 What time are you actually leaving?

add ★v 增加 These figures don't add up.

address n 地址 I can't find my address book.

admit ★vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) Admit it! I'm right, aren't I?

advantage ★n 优点 Her dress showed her tanned skin to great advantage.

advertisement n 广告 The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.

advice ★n 建议 Take my advice and study something practical.

advise ★v 建议 She needed someone to advise her.

afford ★v 提供;担负得起 Dad can't afford any more time off work.

afraid ★a 怕,害怕 Don't be afraid to ask for help.

after ★ad , prep & conj 在……以后 Go after him and apologize.

afternoon ★n 下午 See you tomorrow afternoon.

again ★ad 又;再 Once again, Drew was under arrest.

against ★prep 反对 There ought to be a law against it.

age ★n 年龄;年纪 Cheddar cheese ages well.

ago ★ad 以前 They moved to a new house some time ago.

agree ★v 同意 We agreed a new four-year contract.

agreement n 同意 Haydon came to an agreement with his creditors.

ahead ★ad. 在前,向前 Henry hurried on ahead.

air ★n 空气 Flames leapt into the air.

airline 航线 A takeover bid for the airline was launched today.

airplane n 飞机 An airplane droned overhead.

airport ★n 飞机场 Her family went to see her off at the airport.

alive a 活的;活泼的 My grandparents are still alive.

all ★a & pron 全部;所有 The game ended one-all.

allow ★v 允许 The judge allowed the evidence.

almost ★ad 几乎;差不多 It was almost midnight.

alone ★a 单独;独自 Julie alone knew the truth.

along ★ad & prep 沿着 Why don't you take your guitar along?

aloud ad 大声地 She could have laughed aloud.

already ★ad 已经 You already told me that.

also ★ad 也 Information is also available on women's health care.

although ★conj 虽然 No, this is my responsibility, although I appreciate your offer.

always ★ad 总是 He hadn't always been a butler.

America ★n 美国;美洲 He moved to America to start afresh.

American ★a & n 美国的;美洲的 Her mother is American.

among ★prep 在……中间(之中) Jim relaxed, knowing he was among friends.

amount ★n. 数量 Her academic achievements don't amount to much.

ancient a 古代的;古老的 It's all ancient history and I'm not upset any more.

and ★conj 和 Six and four is ten.

angry ★a 生气 He was beginning to get angry.

animal ★n 动物 He is simply not a social animal.

another ★a & pron 另; 另一 Not another word was spoken.

answer ★n & v 回答 Don't answer me back young man!

ant n 蚂蚁 The floor was crawling with ants.

any ★pron & a 任何 Have you got any money?

anybody pron 任何人;有人 I wouldn't count him out. If anybody can make a comeback, he can.

anyone ★pron 任何人;无论谁 Does anyone want a drink?

anything ★pron 任何事;物某事 You can buy anything you want.

anyway ad 不管怎样;无论如何 Anyway, I must be going now.

anywhere ad 无论何地;任何地方;无论何处;在任何地方 I can't find my passport anywhere.

appear ★v 出现 He tried hard to appear calm.

apple n 苹果 Ben was always the apple of his father's eye.

April n 四月 Jim's birthday's April 6.

area ★n 地区 Their apartment has a large kitchen area.

arm n 手 He had a tattoo on his left arm.

army n 军队;陆军 He joined the army when he was 17.

around ★prep & ad 围绕;绕过 Is there a bank around here?

arrive ★v 到达;达到 The card arrived on my birthday.

art ★n 艺术;技术 Writing advertisements is quite an art.

article ★n 文章;冠词 Article 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

as ★ad, conj & prep 当;像 Roberta was late as usual.

Asia n 亚洲;亚洲人 The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.

Asian a & n 亚洲人;亚洲的 Jan's been assigned to the Asian Affairs Bureau.

ask ★v 问;要求;请求 I asked him where he lived.

asleep a 睡熟的;睡着的 Grandad fell asleep watching TV.

at ★prep 在;对 I'm surprised at you!

Atlantic n & a 大西洋;大西洋的 She spoke in a soft mid Atlantic accent.

attend ★v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加 Please let us know if you are unable to attend.

attention ★n 注意;关怀;关心 My attention wasn't really on the game.

attitude ★n. 态度,看法 Pete's attitude towards women really scares me.

attract ★v. 吸引,引起 I'm not usually attracted to blondes.

August n 八月 My birthday's in August.

aunt n 伯母;姑妈;姑母;舅妈;姨母 My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.

Australia n 澳大利亚 Is Australia really a classless society?

Australian a & n 澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的 Whaling in Australia was stopped. But the Australian government went further and proposed a global ban.

author ★n. 作者,作家 It's clear that the author is a woman.

autumn n 秋天 By late autumn Mediterranean islands have cooled off, and can have rainy days.

available ★a 可得到的;可利用的 Rooms are offered subject to availability.

avoid ★n 避免;撤消 Alan narrowly avoided an accident.

awake v 唤醒;清醒的 It was midday when she awoke.

away ★ad 离;离开 The music died away.

baby ★n 婴儿;年龄最小的人 The baby is crying.

back ★ad & n 回 Make sure you back up.

background n 背景;基础 Steve has a background in computer engineering.

bad ★( worse, worst) a 坏的;不好 I need that money bad.

bag ★n 包;袋子 We bagged a rabbit.

ball n 球 Ray balled up his fists.

balloon n 气球;飞船 Paul ballooned after he got married.

bamboo n 竹;竹子;竹杆 He made her a toy horse, using just some straw and bamboo twigs.

banana n 香蕉 This government has an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins.

bank ★n 银行;堤岸 Did you bank that check?

base ★n. 根据地,基地;(棒球)垒 There is a door at the base of the tower.

baseball n 棒球;棒球运动 Put a baseball in his hand and he's in heaven.

basic ★a 基本的;基础的 Their knowledge is very basic.

basket n 篮子;篓 Dan tore the page out, crumpled it, and threw it in the wastepaper basket.

basketball n 篮球;篮球运动 He changed channels to watch the basketball game.

bathroom n 洗澡间;洗手间 I really need to go to the bathroom.

be ★(is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux v 是 Jane's upstairs.

beach n 海滩;海滨 You can relax on the beach or alternatively try the bustling town centre.

bear v. 承受,负担,承担;忍受;容忍 n.熊 She bore him three sons.

beat ★v & n 打;挫败;打败 Brazil were beaten, 2-1.

beautiful ★a 美丽的;绝妙的;漂亮的 The weather was beautiful.

because ★conj 因为;由于 We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you!

become ★(became, become) v 成为;变成;变成 The weather became warmer.

bed ★n 床;床位 You should go to bed early.

bedroom n 寝室;卧室 They've just bought a new four-bedroomed house in Edinburgh.

bee n 蜜峰 Dad's got a bee in his bonnet about saving electricity.

beef n 牛肉 OK, so what's the beef this time?

before ★prep, ad & conj 以前;在……以前 Larry arrived home before me.

begin ★(began, begun) v 开始;开端;创建 Psychosis' begins with a P.

behaviour n 行为;举止 Can TV violence cause aggressive behavior?

behind ★prep 在……后;落后于 The car behind was hooting impatiently.

believe ★v 相信;信任 I don't believe he's only 25.

bell n 铃;铃声 She walked up the path and rang the door bell.

below ★prep 在……下;之下 Somewhere far below, a door slammed.

benefit ★ 让…受益,对...有益,有益于 You might be entitled to housing benefit.

beside prep 在……旁边;在 The children seemed tiny beside him.

besides ★prep & ad 此外;除……外 People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.

between ★prep 在……(两者)之间;当中 You shouldn't eat between meals.

beyond ★prep 超过……;超出(过) The ban has been extended beyond 2003.

big ★a 大;巨大的 I need a bigger desk.

bike 我的 They'll be coming by bike.

bill ★n 帐单;报单 Could we have the bill, please?

bird ★n 鸟;禽 A little bird told me that you've got engaged.

birth n 出生;诞生 Henry has been blind from birth.

birthday n 生日;诞辰 The City of Cleveland Orchestra is celebrating its 200th birthday.

biscuit n 饼干;软饼 I've heard some excuses, but this really takes the biscuit!

bit n 一点;少量 I walked on a bit.

bite ★v. 咬;叮 Can I have a bite of your apple?

bitter a 苦的;痛苦的 A pint of bitter, please.

black ★a & n 黑色;黑暗的 You look good wearing black.

blackboard n 黑板 The teacher repeated the word, and then wrote it up on the blackboard.

blind a 瞎的;盲目; He was slowly going blind.

blood n 血液;血统 Beth sweated blood over that article.

blow (blew, blown) v 吹;吹气 My ticket blew away.

blue ★n. 蓝色 a.色的 a.悲伤的;沮丧的 She nearly always dresses in blue.

board n 板 Loyalty has gone by the board.

boat n 船;小船 We're taking the night boat to St. Malo.

body ★n 身体;主体 Nick had bruises on his face and body.

book ★n 书 Several tourists were booking in.

boring a 讨厌的 Her husband is about the most boring person I've ever met.

born ★a 出生;天生的 He was born to be a politician.

borrow v 借;借入 English has borrowed words from many languages.

boss ★n 老板;工头;上司 You've got to show the kids who's boss.

both ★pron & a 二者;两者都 You can both swim, can't you?

bottle n 瓶子 The bill has been bottled up in Congress.

bottom n 底;底部 I never got to the bottom of this!

bowl n 碗 He was bowled over by her beauty.

box ★n 盒子;箱 Help me box up the Christmas tree lights.

boy ★n 男孩 I'm just a country boy.

brain ★n 脑;脑力;脑髓 The job requires brains.

brave a 勇敢的 Today we remember the brave who died in the last war.

bread n 面包 Could you cut me a slice of bread please?

break ★(broke, broken) v & n 中断;休息 He broke down and cried.

breakfast n 早餐;早饭 We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.

breath n 呼吸;气息 Let your breath out slowly.

breathe v 呼吸;发出 Jim breathed out deeply.

bridge n 桥;桥梁 The training programme is seen as a bridge between school and work.

bright ★a 聪明的;伶俐的 The sun shone brightly.

bring ★(brought, brought) v 带来;拿来 Bring the sauce to the boil.

brother ★n 兄弟;同胞 I have two brothers, William and Mark.

brown n & a 褐色;棕色;褐色的;棕色的 He'd been on vacation and looked very brown.

brush v & n 刷;刷子;毛笔 He was brushing the pony down.

build ★(built, built) v 建造;构成 The church was built of brick.

building ★n 建筑物;大楼 There is a limited supply of land for building.

burn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) v 燃烧 I burn quite easily.

bus ★n 公共汽车 Hurry up or we'll miss the bus!

business ★n 生意;事务 Come on, then, and do the business.

busy ★a 忙的;繁忙的 I keep getting a busy signal.

but ★conj 但是;除外 I could not but admire her.

butter n 黄油;奶油 Don't think you can butter me up that easily.

butterfly n 蝴蝶 I always get butterflies before an exam.

buy ★(bought, bought) v 买;购买 Where did you buy that dress?

by ★prep 通过……;被…… Send it by airmail.

bye interj 再见 Bye, Dave.

cabbage n 洋白菜 I'm not keen on cabbage.

cake n 饼;蛋糕 Do you want some birthday cake?

call ★v & n 呼叫;打电话 I'll call you soon.

camel n 骆驼 Eric was sporting a new camel-hair coat.

camera n 照相机 The crime was caught on camera by police.

camp n & v 野营;营房 Donny is stationed at Camp Pendleton.

can ★modal v 能;会 You can swim, can't you?

Canada ★n 加拿大 A young man from Canada had attached himself to Sam.

cancel v 取消;撤消 I phoned the bank to cancel the cheque.

cancer n 癌症;癌 He died of cancer last month.

candle n 蜡烛 No other singer can hold a candle to her.

candy n 糖果 Most video games are just brain candy.

cap n 帽子 He's been capped three times for England.

capital n 首都;大写字母 The government is eager to attract foreign capital.

captain n 船长;队长 The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.

car ★n 小汽车;车 I've left my bag in the car.

card ★n 卡片 I'm no good at cards.

care ★v & n 关心;注意 We'll take care of the fees.

careful ★a 小心的;细致的;仔细的 Mara was careful about what she ate.

careless a 粗心的;粗心大意 Careless talk can be disastrous for a business.

carry ★v 携带;搬 The ship was carrying drugs.

case ★n. 情况;病例;案件;真相 n.箱;盒;容器 OK, OK, just get off my case!

cat n 猫 I really thought I looked the cat's whiskers in that dress.

catch ★(caught, caught) v 抓住;捕获 Did you catch any fish?

cause ★n & v 使;引起 What caused you to change your mind?

CD n. 光盘(compact disk的缩写) I think their new CD is going to be a biggie.

CD-ROM n. 信息储存光盘(compact disk readonly memory的缩写) The new kit includes a CD-ROM and DAT drive.

ceiling n 天花板;顶逢 The government imposed a ceiling on imports of foreign cars.

celebrate v 庆祝;表扬 My folks are celebrating their 50th anniversary.

cent n 分;百分之一 16 per cent of all new cars sold in Western Europe these days are diesel-engined.

centre n 中心 It's not exactly a cultural center like Paris.

century ★n 世纪;百年 The church was built in the 13th century.

certain ★a 肯定的;某一个 It's not certain where he lived.

certainly ★ad. 当然,是的;一定,无疑 The girl was almost certainly murdered.

chair ★n 椅子 He sank back into his chair.

chairman n. 主席,会长;议长 Williams has been chairman of the board for five years.

chalk n 粉笔 You can chalk the drinks up to my account.

challenge ★n. 挑战(性) I'm really at my best when I'm challenged.

chance ★n 机会;机遇 Are you Mrs Grant, by any chance?

change ★v 改变;变化 Can you change the baby?

chant n & v 歌唱;圣歌 Others in the crowd took up the chant.

charge ★v. 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电 n.费用;价钱 The shaver can be charged up.

cheap ★a 便宜的 She's too cheap to take a cab.

cheat v 欺骗;哄骗 She claimed that I cheated at chess.

check ★n & v 检查;核对 We checked out at noon.

cheer n & v 欢呼;喝采 The spectators cheered him wildly.

cheese n 奶酪;干酪 Sprinkle with the grated cheese.

chemistry n 化学 It's obvious that there's a very real chemistry between them.

chess n 象棋;国际象棋 They meet fairly often to play chess.

chest n 胸 He collapsed with severe chest pains.

chicken n 小鸡;鸡肉 Dave's too chicken to ask her out.

child ★(pl. children) n 孩子;儿童 Alex is an only child.

China ★n 中国 I'll get my best china out.

Chinese ★a & n 中国人;汉语 Do you fancy going out for a Chinese?

chocolate n 巧克力 Two coffees and one chocolate, please.

choice ★n 选择 You have left me with no choice.

choose ★(chose, chosen) v 选择 Why did you choose me for the job?

chopsticks n 筷子

Christmas ★n 圣诞节 Are you going home for Christmas?

church n 教堂 We didn't see you at church this morning.

cinema n 电影院 We decided to go to the cinema.

circle n & v 圈;环 Cut the pastry into circles.

city ★n 城市 The city is working to improve public transportation.

clap v & n 鼓掌;拍手 One man began to clap, and others joined in.

class ★n 班;班级;同学们 Dance classes start at 5:15.

classmate ★n 同班同学 Pupils should be given time to discuss the book with their classmates.

classroom ★n 教室 The classroom was in a constant state of anarchy.

clean ★a & v 干净的;擦干净 Is it easy to clean?

clear ★a 明确的;明确的 Diane clears £20,000 a year.

clever a 聪明的;机灵的 Bill's very clever with his hands.

climb ★v 爬;攀登 She loves to hike and climb.

clock ★n 时钟 What time do you clock off?

clone 克隆 She's an exact clone of her sister!

close ★v & a 关;密切 We must all stay close.

clothes ★n 衣服;服装 What sort of clothes was he wearing?

cloud n 云 Then suspicion clouded his face.

cloudy a 多云的 Tomorrow, it will be cloudy and cool.

club ★n 俱乐部;木棍 You have to play a club.

coach n 辅导;车厢 We flew coach out to Atlanta.

coal n 煤 Red hot coals glowed in the grate.

coast n 海岸;海滨 We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.

coat n 上衣;大衣 A layer of snow coated the trees.

coffee ★n 咖啡;咖啡色 Do you want a cup of coffee?

coin n 硬币 The word 'aromatherapy' was coined in the 1920s.

coke n 可乐;焦炭 A coke and a tomato juice, please.

cold ★a & n 寒冷的 My tea's gone cold.

collect ★v 收集;征收 Rain collected in pools on the road.

college ★n 学院;大学 We were great friends when we were at college.

colour (Am color) n & v 颜色;着色 What colour dress did you buy?

come ★(came, come) v 来 The rope came loose.

comfortable ★a 安慰的;舒服的 Linen is very comfortable to wear.

common ★a 普通;公用的 The two games have much in common.

communicate ★v 通信;传播;通话 A baby communicates its needs by crying.

communication ★n 通信;传播;通话 Radio was the pilot's only means of communication.

company ★n 公司 Which company do you work for?

compare ★v 比较;对照 How does life in Britain compare with life in the States?

competition n 竞争;比赛 Competition for the job was intense.

complete ★a & v 完成;结束 This is a complete waste of time.

composition n 作文;作曲 I had to write a composition about the Royal visit.

computer ★n 计算机 A message flashed up on my computer screen.

concern ★ 使...担心;使...不安;涉及,关系到;影响到. n.关心 He was moved by her obvious concern.

concert n 音乐会;演奏会 We were going to a concert in Bath Abbey.

condition ★n 条件;情况 She has a serious heart condition.

conference n 会议;会谈 The meeting will be held in the conference room at 10 am.

connect ★v 连接;结合 Has the phone been connected yet?

consider ★v 认为;考虑 I seriously considered resigning.

continue ★v 继续;连续 The flood of refugees continued unabated.

control ★v 控制;操纵 Newman controlled himself with an effort.

conversation ★n 谈话;会话 They were deep in conversation, relaxed and smiling.

cook ★v & n 烹调;炊事员;煮 I promised I'd cook for them.

cooker n 厨具;炊具;炉灶 The timer on the cooker started to bleep.

cool a 凉爽的;渗淡的 Keep a cool head.

copy ★n & v 拷贝;抄写 The hardback costs £16.99 a copy.

corner n 角;角落 The petrol station is around the corner.

correct ★v & a 纠正;改正 Correct my pronunciation if it's wrong.

cost ★v & n 耗费;成本 We must avoid a scandal at all costs.

cotton n & a 棉花 It took me a while to cotton on.

cough n & v 咳嗽 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough.

could modal v 能;可以 I could do with a hot drink.

count v 计算;计数 It's quicker to count by tens.

country ★n 国家;地区 I've always wanted to live in the country.

countryside n 农村;乡下 The house had lovely views over open countryside.

couple ★n 一对;两三个 I just need to make a couple more calls.

courage n 勇气;胆量 Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.

course ★n 过程;道路 Well of course I love you.

cousin n 表兄弟;堂姐妹 His avant-garde music, sometime cousin to jazz, had limited appeal.

cover ★n & v 复盖;完成;覆盖 Three soldiers broke cover.

cow n 母牛;奶牛 The protesters had been cowed into submission by the police.

crayon n 蜡笔;蜡笔画 Give the kids some crayons - that will keep them quiet for a while.

crazy a 不安全的;发狂的 Dan's crazy about football.

create ★v 建立;建造 Philip Glass created a new kind of music.

cross ★v & n 穿过;横越;十字路口 Pauline wore a tiny gold cross.

crowd ★n. 人群 vt.拥挤,群聚 Holiday-makers crowded the beaches.

cruel a 悲惨的;残暴的 She was often cruel to her sister.

cry n & v 哭声;叫声;哭;叫 I just couldn't stop crying.

culture ★n 文化;修养 It takes two to three weeks to grow the culture.

cup n 杯子 Will you stay for a cup of tea?

customer ★n. (商店等的)顾客,主顾 We've had several letters from satisfied customers.

cut ★(cut, cut) v & n 切割;切口 The gas had been cut off.

dad (daddy) n 爸爸;爹爹 She lives with her mom and dad.

daily ★a, ad & n 每日的;日常的;每日 The zoo is open daily.

damage ★n.&vt. 毁坏,损害 The ship sustained only minor damage.

dance ★v & n 跳舞;舞蹈 Let's have another dance.

danger ★n 危险;威胁 I don't want to put you in danger.

dangerous ★a 危险的;有危险的 Some of these prisoners are extremely dangerous.

dare v & aux v 敢;敢于 Dare we admit this?

dark ★a & n 黑暗的;黑暗 Suddenly, the room went dark.

date ★n 日期 Is he still dating Sarah?

daughter ★n 女儿 She's got two daughters and one son.

day ★n 日子;天;白天 It's been a long day.

dead a 死;死的 He was dead good-looking.

deaf a 聋的;耳聋 Tom was born profoundly deaf.

deal ★v 处理;处置 It's your deal, Alison.

dear ★a 亲爱的;敬爱的 Can I help you, dear?

death ★n 死亡;毁灭 His friend was close to death.

December n 十二月 Her letter arrived December 6.

decide ★v 决定;决心 Has anything been decided yet?

decision ★n 决定;决策;决心 What were the reasons behind your decision?

deep ★a & ad 深的;深切的 Her laugh was deep and loud.

degree n 度;程度 Then the cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.

delicious a 美味的;可口的 The meal was absolutely delicious,' she said politely.

dentist n 牙医;牙科医生 I'm going to the dentist this afternoon.

depend ★v 依赖;取决于 We depend entirely on donations from the public.

describe ★v 描述;描绘 It's difficult to describe how I feel.

design ★n.&vt. 设计,策划 图案,图样,样式 The course is designed for beginners.

desk ★n 书桌;办公桌 Marie was sitting at her desk.

determine ★vt. 决定;决心 Experts have determined that the signature was forged.

develop ★v 发展;开发 Trouble is developing in the cities.

development ★n 发展;进展 We will keep you informed of developments.

dialogue (Am dialog) n 对话 There is a need for constructive dialogue between leaders.

diary n 日记;日记簿 Did you put the meeting date in your diary?

dictionary n 辞典;词典 A dictionary lists the words, a grammar states the rules.

die ★v 死 Our love will never die.

difference ★n 不同;差别 We've had our differences in the past.

different ★a 不同的;差异的 It's a different world here in London.

difficult ★a 困难的;艰苦的 Was the exam very difficult?

difficulty ★n 困难;难事 He got to his feet with difficulty.

dig (dug, dug) v 挖;采掘 Go on - dig in!

dinner ★n 正餐;晚餐 What time do you usually have dinner?

direct ★a & v 直接的;笔直的 The play was directed by Frank Hauser.

direction ★n 指导;方面 The evidence all points in this direction.

director n 指导者;导演 The company is run by a board of directors.

dirty a 肮脏的;下流的 You're a dirty liar!

disappoint ★vt. 使失望 Great things were expected of this band, and they didn't disappoint.

discover ★v 发现;暴露 At fourteen, Louise discovered boys.

discovery n 发现;被发现的事物 The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.

discuss ★v 讨论;辩论 Littman refused to discuss the case publicly.

discussion ★n 讨论;辩论 The project is under discussion as a possible joint venture.

disease ★n 疾病;变质 She suffers from a rare disease of the brain.

dish n 碟子;菜 I'll just do the dishes before we go.

dismiss v 开除;辞退 Bryant was unfairly dismissed from his post.

disturb v 扰乱;打乱 I promise not to disturb anything.

divide v 分割;划分;除 If you divide 21 by 3, you get 7.

do ★(did, done) v 做;干 Where do you live?

doctor ★n 医生;博士 She was treated by her local doctor.

dog ★n 狗;犬科动物 Boy, my dogs really hurt.

doll n 玩具娃娃 The girls were all dolled up for a party.

dollar n 美元 The pound has risen against the dollar.

door ★n 门;户 Can you answer the door?

double a & n 两倍的;成双的;加倍 A double costs $95 a night.

doubt ★n & v 疑心;疑心;怀疑 I doubt we'll ever see him again.

down ★ad & prep 向下;下方 Turn the radio down.

downstairs ad 在楼下;到楼下 Rosie ran downstairs to answer the door.

dozen n 一打 She's had dozens of boyfriends.

draw ★(drew, drawn) v 画;引出 Winter is drawing on.

drawer n 抽屉;发票人 The scissors are in the kitchen drawer.

dream ★(-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) v & n 梦见;梦想 Her dream is to make a movie.

dress ★n & v 衣服;连衣裙;服装 We usually dress for dinner.

drink ★(drank, drunk) v & n 喝;饮料 Have another drink.

drive ★(drove, driven) v 驾驶;驱动 I'll drive you home.

driver ★n 驾驶员;驱动器 Do you think you're a good driver?

drop ★n & v 跌落;降低 I'll drop you off on my way home.

drug ★n 药;药物 I don't drink, and I don't do drugs.

drum n 鼓;鼓声 Jones played the drums in an all-girl band.

dry v & a 变干;干的 You wash and I'll dry.

duck n 雌鸭 She took to dancing like a duck to water.

dumpling n 饺子 apple dumplings

during ★prep 在……期间 My father was killed during the war.

duty ★n 责任;义务;职责 I promise I will do my duty.

DVD n. 数码影碟(digital versatile disk) The film is now out on video and DVD.

each ★a & pron 每;每一个 The tickets cost £20 each.

ear n 耳朵 Lou whispered something in his ear.

early ★a & ad 早;早期 Early signs are encouraging.

earn ★vt. 挣得,赚得 He earns nearly £20,000 a year.

earth ★n 地球 It must have cost the earth!

east n, a & ad 东方;东部 He was born in East Jerusalem.

easy ★a 容易的;轻松的 She had a nice easy day at home.

eat ★(ate, eaten) v 吃 Do you eat out a lot?

edge n 边界;边沿 He edged her towards the door.

education ★n 教育 Having Jimmy to stay has been quite an education!

effect ★n. 效果;作用 Turner's paintings give an effect of light.

effort ★n 努力;成果;尽力 Not a bad effort for a beginner!

egg n 蛋 Beat in two of the egg yolks.

eight ★num 八 They woke at eight.

eighteen num 十八 At least eighteen bullets were fired.

eighth num 第八 I'm planning to leave on the eighth.

eighty num 八十 Hilda Simpson was a woman in her early eighties.

either ★a , conj & ad 也;既;或者是; You add either one or two cloves of garlic.

elder a 年龄较大的;长辈 His elder son Liam became a lawyer.

electric a 电力的;电动的 The atmosphere in the courtroom was electric.

elephant n 大象 The elephant population is dwindling.

eleven num 十一 She was sent to jail for eleven months.

else ★a 另外;其它 Hand over the money, or else!

e-mail n & v 电子邮件 Writing e-mail is a very different animal from all other forms of writing.

empty a 空的;空洞的 The hall was half-empty.

encourage ★v 鼓励;促进 Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behaviour.

end ★n & v 末端;结束 World War II ended in 1945.

enemy n 敌人 Boredom is the enemy of learning.

energy ★n 能源;能力 Boy, where do those kids get their energy?

engineer n 工程师 Perhaps she could engineer a meeting between them?

England n 英国;英格兰 We arrived in England on a cold wet Sunday in 1963.

English ★n & a 英语;英国的;英国人的 She decided to major in English.

enjoy ★v 享受……的乐趣 I enjoyed every minute of it.

enough ★a & ad 足够的;充分 Are the carrots cooked enough?

enter ★v 进入;输入 Both the boys entered the army.

environment ★n 环境;外界 Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.

eraser n 橡皮擦

especially ★ad 尤其;格外 He didn't especially want to learn to dance.

Europe n 欧洲 16 per cent of all new cars sold in Western Europe these days are diesel-engined.

European a & n 欧洲人;欧洲人的 She had acquired a taste for European beer.

even ★ad 甚至;即使是 I'll get even with him one day.

evening ★n 晚上;晚间 Peter left yesterday evening.

event ★n. 事件,大事 The next event will be the 100 metres.

ever ★ad 曾经;任何时候 As ever, Joe was late.

every ★a 所有的;每 The kids ran off every which way.

everybody pron 每个人;大家 You can always hear her voice above everybody else's.

everyday a 每天;日常 Describe it in ordinary everyday language.

everyone ★pron 每个人;人人 If everyone is ready, I'll begin.

everything ★pron 每件事;一切 Everything's fine at the moment.

everywhere ad 到处;处处 I've looked everywhere but I can't find the map.

exam ★ 考试 How did you do in your exams?

examine v 检查;调查 A team of divers was sent down to examine the wreck.

example ★n 例子;榜样 Her courage is an example to us all.

excellent ★a 极好的;出色的 His car is in excellent condition.

except ★prep 除……之外;除非 She had nothing to do except spend money.

excite ★v 使激动;激动 The court case has excited a lot of public interest.

excuse ★n & v 原谅;借口;辩解 I need an excuse to call her.

exercise ★v & n 练习;演习 Half the unit was away on exercise.

exist ★vi. 存在 Tom acts as if I don't exist at times.

expect ★v 期待;等待 Snow is expected by the weekend.

expensive ★a 昂贵的;高价的 Her husband had expensive tastes.

experience ★n 经验;经历 Parachuting is quite an experience.

experiment ★n 实验;尝试;做试验 She admitted she had experimented with cocaine.

explain ★v 解释;说明 Wait! I can explain everything.

express ★v 表达;表示 Express three-quarters as a decimal.

extra ★a. 额外的,外加的 Allow extra time for your journey.

eye ★n 眼睛 Emily opened her eyes.

face ★n & v 脸;面对 What's the long face for?

fact ★n 事实;实际 I know for a fact that she earns more than I do.

factory n 工厂;代理店 The factory had been set ablaze.

fail ★v 失败 The letter failed to arrive.

fair a 公平的;博览会 The old law wasn't fair to women.

fall ★(fell, fallen) v 落下;倒下 He fell into despair.

family ★n 家庭;家人 The family now live in London.

famous ★a 著名的;出名的 The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.

fan n 风扇 Fan the cards out, then pick one.

fantastic 极好的,了不起的 That's fantastic news!

far ★a. 远(比较级farther, 最高级farthest 或 further,furthest) ad.远(比较级farther, 最高级farthest 或 further,furthest) That's far too much to pay.

farm ★n 农场;农庄 Joe had worked on the farm all his life.

farmer ★n 农民;农场主 You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land.

fast ★a & ad 快的;快速地 Muslims fast during Ramadan.

fat a 肥胖;脂肪 Cream has a high fat content.

father ★n 父亲;祖先 Ask your father to help you.

favourite (Am favorite) a & n 特别喜爱 You always were Dad's favourite.

fear ★n 惧怕;担心 There's no fear of revolt now.

February n 二月 We can do it in February.

feed (fed, fed) v 喂养;喂 Prejudice feeds on ignorance.

feel ★(felt, felt) v 感到;感觉 I felt myself blushing.

feeling ★n 感情;感情 He's considerate of other people's feelings.

festival n 节日;欢庆 Christmas is one of the main festivals in the Christian Calendar.

fetch v 取来;带来 Fetch me some coffee while you're up.

fever n 发烧;发热 Andy has a fever and won't be coming into work today.

few ★pron & a 极少;很少 He looks as if he's had a few!

field ★n 领域;田野 The Ecology Party fielded 109 candidates.

fifth num 第五;五分之一 They'd made her feel like a fifth wheel.

fifty num 五十 Standards of living rose in the fifties.

fight ★(fought, fought ) v & n 战斗;打架 We left them to fight it out.

fill ★v 装满;充满 He filled up on pecan pie.

film ★n 电影;胶卷 Have you seen any good films recently?

final ★a 最后;最后 The judge's decision is final.

finally ★ad. 最后 Finally, Karpov cracked under the pressure.

find ★(found, found) v 找;发现 He found he was shivering.

fine ★a 好的;晴朗的;健康的 I feel fine, really.

finger n 手指 She fingered the beautiful cloth.

finish ★v 完成;结束 I'll just finish my coffee.

fire ★n 火 Turn on the fire, I'm cold.

first ★num, a & ad 第一;首先 We're leaving first thing.

fish ★n 鱼 The lake is well stocked with fish.

fisherman n 渔夫;渔民 One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.

fit ★a & v 适宜;适合 The dress was a perfect fit.

five ★num 五 Do you have two fives for a ten?

fix ★v 修理;安装;准备 That's put us in a fix.

flag n 旗 The flag went down, and the race began.

flat ★n 平;套间;单元住宅 He lay flat on the floor.

flight ★n. 航班 n.楼梯的一段 She fell down a whole flight of stairs.

floor ★n 地板;层 The chairman then took the floor.

flower ★n 花 Roses start to come into flower in June.

flu n 流感;附录 Steven's still in bed with flu.

fly ★n. 苍蝇;飞行 v.(鸟、飞机)飞;(人乘飞机)飞行;(旗子等)飘动 vt.空运(乘客,货物等);放(风筝、飞机模型等) He quickly did up his fly.

follow ★v 跟随 You go ahead - I'll follow on later.

food ★n 食品;食物 I love Italian food, especially pasta.

foot ★(pl. feet) n 脚;英尺 All Paris was at his feet.

football ★n 足球 Which football team do you support?

for ★prep 为…… I set off for work.

force ★v 迫使;力量 Both her sons are in the forces.

foreign ★a 对外的;对外的 Can you speak any foreign languages?

foreigner n 外国人;陌生人 Some of the local people are suspicious of foreigners.

forest n 森林 Much of Scandinavia is covered in dense forest.

forget ★(forgot, forgot) v 忘记 Forget him, he's not worth it.

fork n 餐叉;叉 Fork left at the bottom of the hill.

form ★n 表格;方式;形成 The female form is a thing of beauty.

forty num 四十 The temperature was up in the high forties.

forward ★ad 往后;向前 The clocks go forward this weekend.

four ★num 四 They arrived just after four.

fourteen num 十四 I'm planning to leave on the fourteenth.

fourth num 第四 After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.

fox n 狐狸 We were foxed by the problem.

free ★a 自由;空闲的 I'm free next weekend.

freeze (froze, frozen) v 结冰 The lake has frozen over.

fresh a 新鲜的;鲜嫩的 We need some fresh ideas.

Friday ★n 星期五 We got married on a Friday.

fridge (=refrigerator) n 电冰箱 There's some cheese in the fridge and that's about it.

friend ★n 朋友 Is this man a friend of yours?

friendly ★a 友好的 Why is he suddenly so friendly towards you, Charlotte?

friendship ★n 友谊;友好 The friendship between father and youth deepened.

frighten ★vt. 使惊恐,吓唬 Computers used to frighten me, but not now.

frog n 青蛙 The thought of dissecting a frog disgusts me.

from ★prep 从…… I got the idea from Colin.

front ★a & n 前面的;正面 Hurry up! The taxi is out front.

fruit ★n 水果;成果 I'm looking forward to retirement and having time to enjoy the fruits of my labour.

full ★a 满的;饱的 The train was completely full.

fun ★n 欢乐;乐趣 Snowboarding - that sounds like fun.

funny a 好笑的;滑稽可笑 What's that funny smell?

furniture n 家具 I can't think of a single piece of furniture in my house that I bought new.

future ★n 未来;将来 Our firm must look to the future.

gain ★vt. 赢得;挣得 Retail sales showed a gain of 0.4%.

game ★n 比赛;玩耍 Poker is a game of chance.

garden ★n 花园 The house has a beautiful herb garden.

gate n 大门;篱笆门 We went through the gate into the orchard.

general ★a 一般的;普通的 I hate paperwork as a general rule.

generally ★ 一般地,主要地 It was generally a positive conversation.

gentleman n 先生;阁下 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

geography n 地理;地理学 The geography of the flats made it hard to get to know our neighbours.

gesture n 手势;姿势 Jim raised his hands in a despairing gesture.

get ★(got, got) v 得到;变得 Get off me!

gift ★n 礼物 This opportunity was a gift from God.

giraffe n 长颈鹿

girl ★n 女孩 Hey, girl. What's up?

give ★(gave, given) v 给;出示 Can you give me a hand?

glad a 高兴的;快乐的 I am glad to be back home.

glass ★n 玻璃;玻璃杯 I need a new pair of glasses.

glove n 手套 The ball skipped off Bonds' glove and bounced toward the fence.

go ★(went, gone) v 去;走 Whose go is it?

goat n 山羊;色鬼 In the summer, the goats forage freely.

god n 上帝 To his fans he is a god.

gold n & a 黄金 Gold looks good on people with dark hair.

golden a 金黄色的;贵重的 He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot.

good ★( better, best) a 好;很好 That's good news!

goodbye (bye-bye) interj 再见 Goodbye, John, see you tomorrow.

goose (pl. geese) n 鹅 Steam the goose to render some of the fat.

government ★n 政府 The protest march was really about big government.

grade ★n 年级 My brother is in sixth grade.

graduate ★n.&v. 毕业生;毕业 Jerry graduated from high school last year.

grammar n 语法 A dictionary lists the words, a grammar states the rules.

grandchild n 孙儿;孙女;外孙

granddaughter n 孙女;外孙女

grandma 婆婆 Come and give your old Grandma a kiss.

grandpa 爷爷 Grandpa was badly injured in the war.

grandparent n 祖父母;外祖父母 My grandparents live in Sussex.

grandson n 孙子;外孙 Jack carried his grandson up the stairs.

granny n 老奶奶;奶奶;外婆;祖母 Mum's out shopping with Granny.

grape n 葡萄 The grapes cost $2 a pound.

grass n 草 I walked across the grass.

great ★a 很大;伟大的 The weather here is great.

green ★a & n 绿色的;绿色 The bananas are still green.

greeting n 招呼;欢迎 The two cousins exchanged greetings.

ground ★n 地面;场地 He is buried in sacred ground.

group ★n 组;成群 Dolphins travel in small groups.

grow ★(grew, grown) v 成长;变成;培育 I'm growing my fringe out.

guard n 警戒;捍卫;保卫 Armed guards were posted by the exit.

guess ★v 猜出;猜测 You can guess what happened next.

guest n 客人 We have guests staying right now.

guide ★n. 向导,导游者 The figures are only a rough guide.

guitar n 吉他 He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.

gun n 枪;手枪 He's gunning for your job.

gym 体操 We've got gym this afternoon.

habit ★n 习惯;习性 Life has a habit of springing surprises.

hair n 头发 He's a tall, fair-haired guy.

half ★a & n 一半;半个 He looked half asleep.

hall n 厅;饭厅 We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.

ham n 火腿 West Ham United are currently languishing at the bottom of the league.

hamburger n 汉堡包 Joe runs a hamburger concession in the mall.

hand ★n 手 Do you need a hand packing?

handbag n 手提包 Dennis looked like he threw a punch, but it was just handbags.

handsome a 漂亮的 He was handsomely rewarded by the king.

handwriting n 书法;笔迹 I recognised her handwriting on the envelope.

hang (hung, hung) v 悬挂 Don't hang up on me.

happen ★v 发生;出事 When did the accident happen?

happy ★a 幸福;快乐 Happy Birthday, Michael!

hard ★ad & a 努力地;困难的 You're a hard man, John.

hardly ★ad 很少;几乎不 I can hardly believe it.

hat n 帽子 The first correct entry out of the hat on September 2nd will win a prize.

hate v & n 憎恨;讨厌 I'd hate you to go.

have ★( has, had, had) v 有 Sarah's got a cold.

he pron 他 Everyone should do what he considers best.

head ★n 头;头脑 Heads will roll for this!

headache n 头痛 I had a really bad headache, and couldn't go to work.

health ★n 健康;健康状况 I have always enjoyed good health.

healthy ★a 健康的 All of our kids have healthy appetites.

hear ★(heard, heard) v 听;听到 Just hear me out, will you?

heart ★n 心;心脏 He put his hand on his heart.

heat n 热;加热 Can you turn up the heat?

heaven n 天;上帝 He looked up towards the heavens.

heavy ★a 沉重的;繁重的 I used to be a heavy smoker.

height n 高度 State your age, height, and weight.

hello (hi) interj 喂;你好 Hello - may I speak to Anne?

help ★v & n 帮助 That map isn't much help.

helpful ★a 有益的;有帮助的 I'm only trying to be helpful.

hen n 母鸡;雌禽 There were fresh fox tracks around the hen huts.

her ★pron 她的;她 She looked at her watch.

here ★ad 这里 Shall we eat here?

hero n 英雄 His father was a war hero, a former fighter pilot.

herself pron 她亲自 She made herself a cup of coffee.

hide ★(hid, hidden) v 藏;躲藏 Her tangled hair hid her face.

high ★a 高的 An order came from on high.

hill n 小山;山岗 A cart was making its way up the steep hill.

him ★pron 他 Why don't you ask him yourself?

himself ★pron 他自己;他亲自 Winston was sitting all by himself.

his ★pron 他的 Everyone had his own work to do.

history ★n 历史 Is there any history of heart disease in your family?

hit ★(hit, hit ) v 打;击中 Hit the ball as hard as you can.

hobby n 业余爱好;爱好 Retirement gave him the time to pursue his hobbies.

hold ★(held, held) v 拿;把握 Hold on to my arm.

hole n 洞;巢穴 He holed the putt with ease.

holiday ★n 假日;假期 When are you going on holiday?

home ★n & ad 家;故乡 Is Sue home from work yet?

hometown ★n 故乡;家乡 She's written for her hometown newspaper.

homework ★n 家庭作业;功课 Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.

honest a 诚实的;坦率的 Honest to God, I wasn't there.

honour (Am honor) n & v 名誉;给以……光荣 Liz, would you do the honors?

hope ★n & v 希望 We were hoping for good weather.

horse n 马 Lee had never ridden a horse before.

hospital ★n 医院 More than 20 officers needed hospital treatment.

hot ★a 热 The handle was red hot.

hotdog n 热狗;面包 a hotdog stand

hotel ★n 旅馆;宾馆 They checked into a cheap hotel.

hour ★n 小时;点钟 Three hours later he was back.

house ★n 房子;住宅 We met at Alison's house.

housework n 家务劳动;家务 I spent all morning doing the housework.

how ★ad 如何;多么 How are you doing?

however ★ad & conj 然而;不管怎样 You can do it however you like.

huge ★a 巨大的;极大的 Your room's huge compared to mine.

human ★a & n 人类的;人类 Infra-red light is invisible to the human eye.

humorous a 幽默的;幽默 The film has some mildly humorous moments.

hundred ★num 百 I make nine hundred dollars a week.

hungry a 饿的;渴望的 Stan was hungry to learn.

hurry ★v 赶紧;赶快 I hate having to hurry a meal.

hurt ★(hurt,hurt) v 伤害;受伤 Where does it hurt?

husband ★n 丈夫 Have you met my husband Roy?

I pron. 我 I moved to this city six years ago.

ice ★n 冰;冰块 The plane's engines had iced up.

ice-cream n 冰淇淋 Is there enough ice-cream to go around?

idea ★n 想法;念头;办法;主意 You have no idea how worried I was.

if ★conj 如果;假设 If only I weren't so tired!

ill a 生病;病的 All these diets are making you ill.

illness ★n 疾病;生病 Have you ever had any serious illnesses?

imagine ★v 想象;设想 You can imagine how angry I was!

immediately ★ad 立即;直接地 The telephone rang, and he answered it immediately.

importance ★n. 重要性 The fur trade now exceeded timber in importance.

important ★a 严重的;重要的 The accident taught him an important lesson.

impossible a 不可能的;办不到的 He was facing impossible odds.

improve ★v 改进;提高 The doctors say she is improving.

in ★prep 在……之内;在 We waited in silence.

inch n 英寸;少量 I inched forward along the ground.

include ★v 包括;包含 Service is included in the bill.

increase ★v & n 增加;加大 Investments are certain to increase in value.

India n 印度 They have offices in countries as far apart as India and Peru.

Indian a & n 印度人;印第安人 Do you fancy going out for an Indian?

industry ★n 工业;产业 Gould is a man of great industry.

infer ★ 推断,推论;猜想 From the evidence we can infer that the victim knew her killer.

influence ★n 影响;影响力 There is no doubt that Bohr's influence was immense.

information ★n 信息;情报 The book is packed with useful information.

ink n 墨水 The two companies have inked a deal.

inside ★prep 在……内部;在……的里面 We'll be back inside the hour.

insist v 坚持;定要 Mike insisted that he was right.

instead ★ad 代替;当作 You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.

instruction n 说明;指令 The school gives instruction in First Aid.

intention n 意图;打算;目的 They went into town with the intention of visiting the library.

interest ★n 兴趣;趣味 His interests include walking and golf.

interested ★a. 感兴趣的 I've always been interested in music.

interesting ★a 有趣的;引人入胜的 I found his talk very interesting.

international ★n 国际的;世界性的 Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law.

Internet ★n 互联网;国际互联网 You can find all kinds of information on the internet.

interview ★n & v 采访;接见 We're interviewing six candidates for the job.

into ★prep 进入……之内 Come into the office.

introduce ★v 介绍;采用 Fuel was introduced into the jet pipe.

introduction n 介绍;导言 Pete, are you going to make the introductions?

invent v 发明;创造 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

invention n 发明;发明物 With such powers of invention he should get a job easily.

invite ★v 邀请;聘请 Who should we invite to the party?

iron n & v 铁;熨斗;熨;熨平 He runs the company with an iron fist.

island n 岛 No cars are allowed on the island.

it prop. 它 It's my birthday today.

its ★pron 它的 Salzburg is famous for its beautiful buildings.

itself ★pron 它自己 This idea deserves a chapter to itself.

jacket n 外套;夹克 Gene has to wear a jacket and tie to work.

January n 一月 Rosie's party was on January 6th.

Japan n 日本 Locally produced sales by American firms in Japan do not count as exports.

Japanese n & a 日本人;日语 Epson America is the US marketing arm of a Japanese company.

jeans n 牛仔裤 She was wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt.

job ★n 工作;职务 I'm looking for a new job.

John ★ 约翰 I'm sure John will help us - I can't really answer for the others.

join ★v 参加;结合 The dots are joined up by a line.

joke n & v 开玩笑;笑话 I never joke about money.

journey ★n. 旅行,路程 The return journey was uneventful.

joy n 欢喜;高兴 I leaped into the air with joy.

juice n 汁;果汁 A coke and a tomato juice, please.

July n 七月 The competition ends July 6.

jump ★v 跳跃;上涨 We all jumped in a taxi.

June n 六月 My birthday is in June.

just ★a & ad 刚刚;仅仅是 It's just on three o'clock.

keep ★(kept, kept) v 保持;继续 Keep off fatty foods.

key ★n 钥匙;答案;关键字 Press the ESCAPE key to exit.

keyboard n 键盘 Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.

kick v & n 踢 The match kicks off at noon.

kid ★n 小孩;儿童 Carlotta's 39? No kidding?

kill ★v 杀害;杀 Bleach kills household germs.

kilo 千克 She weighed out half a kilo of rice.

kilometre n 公里;千米 We did 300 kilometres on the first day.

kind ★n. 种;类 a.善良的;友好的 It's kind of you to say that.

king n 国王 On 2 December Henry VI was crowned king.

kiss n & v 吻 Kiss Daddy goodnight.

kitchen ★n 厨房 Sam went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

kite n 风筝 Soaring medical costs keep kiting up insurance premiums.

knee n 膝盖 Daddy, can I sit on your knee?

knife (pl. knives) n 刀;小刀 The knives are out for the vice president.

knock v & n 敲打;敲门声 She knocked her head on a stone.

know ★(knew, known) v 知道 Who knows the answer?

knowledge ★n 知识 Evans denied all knowledge of the robbery.

lab 我的 The lab assistants wear long white coats.

labour (Am labor) n 劳动;工作 They always vote Labour.

lack ★n.&vt. 缺乏,缺少 There was no lack of willing helpers.

lady n 女士;小姐 I saw Chris with his new lady friend.

lake ★n 湖 The water in the lake is not particularly deep, averaging about 12 metres.

lamb n 小羊;羔羊肉 Ben's asleep now, the little lamb.

lamp n 灯 A lamp was burning in the kitchen window.

land ★n & v 陆地;土地 He landed a job with a law firm.

language ★n 语言 Andrea's native language is German.

large ★a 大的;巨大的 The escaped prisoners are still at large.

last ★a. 最近刚过去的;最后的 ad.最近刚过去;最后地 n.最后的人(事) v.持续 Who is speaking last?

late ★a & ad 迟的;新近的 The advice came too late.

later ★a. 晚些的,迟些的 He became Senator two years later.

laugh ★n & v 笑 Maria looked at him and laughed.

law ★n 法律 The Suicide Act became law in 1961.

lay (laid, laid) v 放置;安排 I wish he'd lay off me!

lazy a 懒惰的;懒散的 We spent lazy days relaxing on the beach.

lead ★(led, led) v 带领;引导 They filled him full of lead.

leader n 领导者;领袖 These products are firmly established as the market leaders.

leaf (pl. leaves) n 叶片 Add a few leaves of fresh basil to the salad.

learn ★(learnt, learnt) v 学习;学会 I learnt to drive when I was 17.

least n 最小;最小限度 He used to wake at the least noise.

leave ★(left, left) v 离开;出发 The plane leaves at 12.30.

lecture ★n. 讲课,演讲 Very few students ever attended his lectures.

left a & n 左边的;左边 Take the next left turn.

leg n 腿 The legs of my jeans were covered in mud.

lemonade n 柠檬水;柠檬汽水 Would you like a lemonade?

lend (lent, lent) v 借;出借 Can you lend me £10 until tomorrow?

lesson ★n 功课;教训 Lessons start at 9 o'clock.

let ★(let, let) v 让 Someone's let my tyres down!

letter ★n 信件;字母 Could you post this letter for me?

level ★n 级别;标准;水平;水准 The curtains aren't quite level.

library ★n 图书馆 This excellent book will be a welcome addition to the library of any student.

license n 执照 The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.

lie ★n.&vi. 谎言; 说谎 v.躺;卧;平放;位于 Lie flat on the floor.

life ★n 生活;生命 Oh well, that's life!

lift ★v 电梯;举起 John gave me a lift home.

light ★n, v & a 光;灯;浅淡的 I fell into a light sleep.

like ★v & prep 喜欢;想要 She was like, huh?

likely ★a. 很可能的 One likely source of energy is windpower.

limit ★vt. 限制;减少 The damage was limited to the roof.

line ★n 路线;排列 Scroll down to line 29.

lion n 狮子 The firm has captured the lion's share of the UK market.

list ★n & v 表;列表 The first person on my list is Mrs Gilling.

listen ★v 听;倾听 I wish I'd listened to Dad.

litter (less, least) v & n 乱扔;废物 The desk was littered with papers.

little ★a 极少;稍许;年轻的 He arrived a little while ago.

live ★v 居住;生存 Democracy still lives!

lively a 活泼的;热闹的 Charlie has a very lively imagination.

local ★a. 当地的; 地方的 I usually have a pint or two at my local on Friday nights.

lock ★n & v 锁 She locked herself in.

London ★n 伦敦 He's giving a series of concerts in London ahead of his international tour.

lonely a 孤独的;寂寞的 Don't you get lonely being on your own all day?

long ★a 长;长久 He has a long memory.

look ★v & n 看;看起来 Look! There's a fox!

lose ★(lost, lost) v 失去;失败;遗失 Sadly, Anna lost the baby.

lost ★a. 入迷的(~ in);迷路的,丢失的 I got thoroughly lost on the way here.

lot ★n 许多;大量 I think that's the lot.

loud a 大声的 Could you speak a little louder?

love ★v & n 爱;热爱 I love you, Tracy.

lovely a 可爱的;令人愉快的 What a lovely house!

low ★a & ad 低;低矮的 Stocks are getting low.

luck n 幸运;好运 Roulette is a game of luck.

lucky ★a 幸运的;吉祥的 We've been very lucky with the weather.

lunch ★n 午餐 We lunched at Maxim's.

machine ★n 机器 My machine's just crashed.

mad a 发疯的;疯狂的 You make make me so mad!

madam 夫人,女士 Are you being served, Madam?

magazine ★n 杂志 She's the editor of a popular women's magazine.

magic a 魔术的;有魔力的 What's the magic word then, Katie?

mail ★n 邮寄 Did you send the document by mail?

main ★a 主要的;主要部分 I'll meet you outside the main entrance.

mainly ★ 主要地;大部分地 The workforce is mainly made up of women.

major ★a. 较大的; 主要的 She's a history major.

make ★(made, made) v 做;制作 What make is your car?

man ★(pl. men) n 人;男人 He's a very kind man.

manage ★v 安排;处理 Can you manage all right, Mum?

manager ★n 管理人员;经理 She's now assistant marketing manager for the south east area.

many ★( more, most) pron & a 许多 I don't have many friends.

map n 地图 I'll draw a map of where we live.

March n 三月 I wrote to my bank on 6th March.

mark ★n & v 标记;符号 The highest mark was a B+.

market ★n 市场 Is there a market for his invention?

marriage n 婚姻;结婚 One in three marriages ends in divorce.

marry v 结婚;和……结婚 He married Bea in 1925.

master ★v & n 主人;大师 I gave him the master to copy.

match ★v & n 匹配;火柴;比赛 They're a perfect match.

material ★n. 材料,原料 Anita is collecting material for a novel.

maths n. = mathematics,math 数学 She got top marks in maths and chemistry.

matter ★n. 要紧事,要紧, 事情;问题 vi.要紧,有重大关系 What's the matter with Bill?

may ★modal v 或许;也许 May I come in and wait?

May ★modal v 或许;也许 May I come in and wait?

maybe ★ad 也许;大概 Maybe they're right, but maybe not.

me ★pron 我 Give that book to me.

meal ★n 饭;一顿饭 Why don't you ask him out for a meal?

mean ★(meant, meant) v 意味;意思是 Don't be so mean to her!

meaning ★n 意义;意思 Guilty! She doesn't know the meaning of the word!

meat n 肉 I gave up eating meat a few months ago.

medical ★a 医疗的;医学的 The injury required urgent medical attention.

medicine ★n 药 Have you been taking your medicine?

meet ★(met, met) v 会见;迎接;会面 We first met in Florence.

meeting ★n 会议 Mrs Lavelle is in a meeting at the moment.

member ★n 成员 The plant is a member of the lily family.

memory ★n 记忆 Those old songs bring back memories.

mend v 修理;修补 My father used to mend our shoes.

mention ★n & v 提及;说到 They all get a mention in the book.

menu n 菜单;菜肴 Could we have the menu, please?

message ★n 讯息 I have an urgent message for you.

metal n & a 金属 The old trucks were sold as scrap metal.

method ★n 方法;办法 I think we should try again using a different method.

metre (Am meter) n 米;公尺 Purvis is down for the 200 metre freestyle event.

middle ★n 中间;中部 He was holding a towel around his middle.

might modal v 可以 Might I ask how old you are?

mile ★n 英里 The second film's miles better.

milk n 牛奶 Would you like some milk in your tea?

million ★num. 百万 n.百万个(人或物) She's a wife in a million.

mind ★n & v 心意;介意 Mind that bike, James!

mine n. 矿藏,矿山 vt.开采(矿物) pron.我的〈名词性物主代词〉 They learnt how to lay mines.

minute ★n 分钟;一会儿 Will you take the minutes?

mirror n 镜子 Henry's sad smile mirrored that of his son.

miss ★vt. 思念 vt.失去,错过,缺 I know the answer, Miss.

mistake ★(mistook, mistaken) v & n 错误;误解 She mistook my meaning entirely.

model n 模型 He is playing with his model railway.

modern ★a 现代的 Smaller families are a feature of modern society.

mom (Am mum) n 妈妈 My mom says I have to stay home tonight.

moment ★n 片刻;瞬间 He didn't fool me for a moment.

Monday n 星期一 Shall we meet next Monday?

money ★n 金钱 I didn't have any money on me.

monitor n 班长 The noise monitor recorded 98 decibels.

monkey n 猴子 Stop monkeying around and listen to me!

month ★n 月 He'll be away for two months.

moon n 月亮 It was raining and there was no moon.

more ★a , ad & n 更加;更多 We need five more chairs.

morning ★n 早晨;上午 It was a nice sunny morning.

most ★a & ad 大多数;大部分 He plays poker most every evening.

mother ★n 母亲;妈妈 I don't like being mothered!

motorcycle n 摩托车 He lost his leg in a motorcycle accident.

mountain ★n 山 She was the first British woman to climb the mountain.

mouse (pl. mice) n 老鼠;鼠标 Select the printer icon and then click the left mouse button.

mouth n 口;多听少讲 Karen felt dry-mouthed and sick.

move ★v 移动;搬家 When are you moving in?

movie ★n 电影;电影院 We took the kids to the movies.

Mr ★ 先生 She's finally found Mr. Right.

Mrs ★ 夫人,太太 Mrs Superefficient has already taken care of it.

Ms 女士 Dear Ms Johnson,...

much ★a 许多 Thank you very much!

murder v 谋杀;毁掉 The traffic was murder this morning.

museum ★n 博物馆 The museum has an extensive collection of early photographs.

music ★n 音乐 He was a keen music lover.

must ★modal v 必须 You must work hard.

my ★pron 我的 Have you seen my car keys?

myself ★pron 我自己 I'm making myself a sandwich.

name ★n 名字;名称 I knew him by name only.

national ★a 国家的;民族的 Foreign nationals were advised to leave the country.

natural ★a 自然的;天然的 Babies have a natural fear of falling.

nature ★n 自然;自然界 All these materials are found in nature.

near ★a 近的;近亲的 She was near to crying.

nearly ★ad 几乎;差不多 Michelle's nearly twenty.

necessary ★a 必然的;必然的 Leave it to me - I'll do the necessary.

neck n 颈项;衣领 He patted his horse's neck.

need ★modal v, v & n 需要 Kids? Who needs them!

neighbour ★ 邻居,邻国 The garden was divided from its neighbour by a high wall.

neither ★a 两者都不 The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.

nervous ★a 紧张不安的 He had a nervous twitch.

never ★ad 从不;从来 He's never been to Australia.

new ★a 新的;最近的 Do you like my new dress?

news ★n 新闻 Do you have any news for me?

newspaper ★n 报纸 He works for a local newspaper.

next ★a & ad 下一;其次 Turn left at the next corner.

nice ★a 好的;好看的 Dave's a really nice guy.

night ★n 夜间;晚上 Many animals hunt by night.

nine num 九 He's only been in this job for nine months.

nineteen num 十九 It was nineteen minutes past seven.

ninety num 九十 Temperatures were still in the high nineties.

ninth num 第九 I'm planning to leave on the ninth.

no ★ad & a 不 We'll be home in no time.

nobody n & pron 没有人;任何人 I knocked on the door but nobody answered.

nod v 点头;打盹 She nodded to us as she walked by.

noise ★n 噪音;吵闹 There was a lot of noise outside.

none ★pron 没有人;没有任何东西 None of my friends phone me any more.

noodle n 面条 Serve the meat with rice or noodles.

noon n 中午;正午 We left home at noon.

nor conj 也非;既不也不 He can neither read nor write.

normal ★a 正常的;标准的 All I want is to lead a normal life.

north ★a & n 北方的;北的 They've moved up north.

northern a 北部的;北方的 Some of the northern cities allied themselves with the emperor.

nose n 鼻子 He's got a really big nose.

not ★ad 不;不是 She's not a very nice person.

note ★n & v 笔记;注意到 Note how she is holding her racket.

notebook n 笔记本 Carson returned the notebook to his pocket.

nothing ★pron 没有东西;任何东西 We beat them ten to nothing.

notice ★n & v 布告;注意到 Jim gave notice on Thursday.

November n 十一月 He started work here last November.

now ★ad 现在;此刻 Was that you singing just now?

number ★n 数量;编号 Answer question number 4.

nurse ★n 护士;保姆 He's been nursing an elderly relative.

object ★n 目的;目标 My name's not Sonny,' the child objected.

ocean n 海洋;大海 I like to swim in the ocean when it's warm enough.

October n 十月 We moved in last October.

of ★prep ……的 It's a quarter of seven.

off ★prep & ad 离开;除掉 I must be off now.

offer ★v & n 提供;呈现 Will you accept their offer?

office ★n 办公室 Dan shares an office with Lisa.

officer ★n 办事员;官员 Any police officer can insist on seeing a driver's license.

often ★ad 经常;常常 How often do you see your parents?

oh ★int. 哦!啊! Oh, well, never mind.

oil n 油;石油 The heating system runs on oil.

OK ★ad 好 He's an OK guy.

old ★a 老的;旧的 You poor old thing!

on ★prep 在……之上 The drinks are on me!

once ★n , ad & conj 一次;一旦 I once ran 21 miles.

one ★num & pron 一 Come back at one.

oneself pron 自己;亲自 It is only through study that one really begins to know oneself.

only ★ad 仅仅;唯一的 It was only a joke.

open ★a & v 开的;打开 The bakery opens early.

operation n 手术;操作 She's going to need an operation on her ankle.

opinion ★n. 看法,见解 These are just my own personal opinions.

or ★conj 或;或者;否则 You can have ham, cheese or tuna.

orange a & n 桔子;橙色的 Peel the oranges and divide them into segments.

order ★v & n 命令;次序;定购 Last orders now please!

organize ★ 组织 Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.

other ★pron & a 另一个;其它 I can't find my other shoe.

our ★pron 我们的 Our Sharon did really well in her exams.

ourselves ★pron 我们自己 We had the house to ourselves.

out ★ad 出;外 Get out of here!

outside ★n , ad & prep 外部;在……外 Could you wait outside please.

over ★prep & ad 在……之上;结束 Is the meeting over yet?

overcoat n 大衣;外套 Pedro divested himself of his overcoat.

own ★a & v 自己的;拥有 We have problems of our own.

owner n 所有者;业主 He was now the proud owner of a bright red sports car.

P.C. 我的

P.E. 我的 Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school.

Pacific 太平洋 We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.

package n 包;包裹 The videos were packaged up, ready for distribution.

page n 页 The answers are over the page.

paint n 疼痛;悲痛 The ceiling needs painting.

pair n 一双;成对 The leaves of the tree are arranged in pairs.

palace n 宫殿;大厦 The Palace has announced that the Duke and Duchess are to separate.

pale a 苍白的;暗淡的 He looked very pale and drawn.

pancake n 薄煎饼;薄烤饼 The countryside near there is flat as a pancake.

panda n 熊猫 There are very few pandas living in the wild now.

paper ★n 纸;报纸 Have you seen today's paper?

paragraph ★n. (文章的)段落 I'd like to direct your attention to paragraph four.

pardon n 对不起;原谅 Oh, pardon me, I didn't mean to disturb you.

parent ★n 父或母亲 New shoots appear near the parent plant.

park ★n. 公园 vt.停放(汽车) She parked the car on the drive.

part ★n 部分;部件 He has parted from his wife.

particular ★a. 特殊的,个别的 Marty's very particular about his food.

party ★n 晚会;政党 I have never enjoyed party games.

pass ★v 通过;传递 Pass the salt, please.

passage ★n 通道;通路 He read out a short passage from the Bible.

passenger n 旅客;乘客 Neither the driver nor the passengers were hurt.

passport n 护照;执照 He got into Europe with a false passport.

past ★n , a & prep 过去的;最近的;越过 She waved as she drove past.

path n 通道;道路 Our paths did not cross again.

patient ★n. 病人 He waited patiently for Katherine to speak.

pay ★(paid, paid) v 付出;支付 I'll make him pay!

peace n 和平 An uneasy peace continued until 1939.

pear n 梨;梨树

pen n 钢笔 Norma felt restless and penned in.

pence n 便士;英货币 There's a 50 pence booking charge for each ticket.

pencil n 铅笔 Pickford has been pencilled in as Robson's replacement.

penny n 分;美国辅币 It didn't cost me a penny.

people ★n 人;人们;民族;人民 The people rebelled.

percent ★n 百分之……;百分率 80 percent of the population voted.

perfect ★a 完美的;极好的 His English was perfect.

perform ★v. 表演,履行;行动 The team performed poorly on Saturday.

performance ★n. 演出,表演 Sean's performance at school has greatly improved.

perhaps ★ad 或许;大概 Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.

period ★n 节;时代 What class do you have first period?

person ★n 人 You have to sign for it in person.

personal ★a 个人的;私人的 The car is for personal use only.

persuade ★vt. 说服,劝说 I am not persuaded by these arguments.

pet n 宠物 Our cat loves being petted.

phone ★ 电话 What's your phone number?

photo 照片 Can you take a photo of me and Rachel?

physical ★a. 身体的;物理的 She was in constant physical pain.

physics n 物理;物理学 I took maths, physics and chemistry at A level.

piano n 钢琴 Jean accompanied her on the piano.

pick ★v 采摘;选择 Mummy, can you pick me up?

picnic n 野餐;郊游 We'll take a picnic with us.

picture ★n 图画 Tom, picturing the scene, smiled.

pie n 馅饼 Hope of a cure is just pie in the sky.

piece ★n 件;个;段 The economy is falling to pieces.

pig n 猪 You greedy pig, you ate all the candy!

pilot n 飞行员 The new exams are currently being piloted in a number of areas.

ping-pong n 乒乓;乒乓球 a ping-pong paddle

pink n & a 粉红色;粉红的 She had arrived dressed in pink.

pioneer n 先锋;开劈者 John Whitney was a pioneer of computer animation.

pity n 憾事;可惜 I listened to Jason's story with pity.

place ★n & v 地方;放置 I soon put him in his place.

plain a & n 平原;草原 The advantages were plain to see.

plan ★n & v 计划;打算 Jane explained her plan of action.

plane ★n 飞机 He planed the edge of the door.

planet n 行星 Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.

plant ★v & n 种植;植物 Residents have helped us plant trees.

plastic n & a 塑料;塑料的 I hate that plastic smile of hers.

plate n 碟子 The plates were piled high with rice.

play ★v 玩;游戏;表演 The car's playing up again.

playground n 操场;运动场 There are 13,000 hospital admissions annually due to playground accidents.

pleasant ★a 令人愉快的;亲切的 It had been a pleasant evening.

please ★v 请;使高兴 Sit down, please.

pleasure ★n 愉快;高兴 Carol was a pleasure to work with.

plenty n 充足;大量 I was plenty nervous.

pocket n 口袋 Johnston pocketed $2,500 in prize money.

poem n 诗歌 I decided to write a poem about how I felt.

point ★v & n 指出;点;要点 OK, Sam, point taken.

police ★n 警察 Police surrounded the courthouse.

policeman (policewoman) n 警察 The younger policeman was leaning against the bureau with his arms folded.

policy n 保险单;政策 Does the policy cover theft and fire?

polite a 有礼貌的;客气的 Can I help you?' she asked politely.

pond n 池塘;水池 The pond was alive with fish.

pool n 水塘;池 I do the pools sometimes.

poor ★a 贫穷的;不幸的 Poor kid, he's had a rough day.

pop 我的 The balloon went pop.

popular ★a 大从的;流行的 Steele was ridiculed by the popular press.

population n 人口 India has a population of more than 1 billion.

pork n 猪肉 The quality of pork is often less variable than beef.

position ★n 位置;安置 Lie in a comfortable position.

possible ★a 可能的;可能做到的 Try to get the best possible price.

post ★v 邮寄;海报;广告 What time does the post go?

postcard n 明信片 Don't forget to send us a postcard!

postman n 邮递员 The postman hasn't been yet.

potato n 土豆;马铃薯 Marie stood at the sink, peeling potatoes.

pound n 磅;英磅 Moira weighs about 130 pounds.

power ★n. 力,动力,电力 De Gaulle came to power in 1958.

practice ★n 实践;练习 We have choir practice on Tuesday evening.

practise (Am pratice) v 练习;实践 Today we're going to practise parking.

praise ★n & v 称赞;表扬 Let us give praise unto the Lord.

prefer ★vt. 更喜欢,宁愿(选择) Or, if you prefer, you can email us.

prepare ★v 准备;筹备 Prepare the sauce while the pasta is cooking.

present ★n 现在;出席 She was presented with an award.

president n 总统;董事长 The president should be addressed as 'Mr. President'.

pressure ★n. 压迫,压力,压强 I'm under constant pressure at work.

pretty ★a 精美;标致的;可爱的;美丽的 What a pretty little garden!

prevent ★v 阻止;避免 Every one of these deaths is preventable.

price ★n 价格;代价 Tickets are priced at £75 each.

pride n 骄傲;自傲 His garden is his pride and joy.

primary a 初级的;最初的 Personal safety is of primary importance.

print ★v 印刷 She was wearing a cotton print dress.

prison n 监狱 He visits his Dad in prison every week.

prisoner n 战俘;犯人 Our pilot was taken prisoner.

private ★a 个人的;秘密的 Morris has a private jet.

prize ★n 奖赏;奖金 The first prize has gone to Dr John Gentle.

probably ★ad 有可能;大概 It's probably the best movie I have ever seen.

problem ★n 问题;难题 The problem is, there isn't enough time.

produce ★v 产生;生产 When challenged, he produced a gun.

product ★n. 产品 He works in marketing and product development.

professor ★n. 教授 Who's your chemistry professor?

program ★ 计划;方案;程序 Any large high-speed computer can be programmed to learn.

programme (Am program) n 节目;程序 What's programmed for this afternoon?

progress ★n & v 进展;进步 Time is progressing, so I'll be brief.

project ★n. 工程 The project is funded by Wellcome plc.

promise ★n & v 答应;许诺 I might have to break my promise.

pronounce v 发音;宣布 I now pronounce you man and wife.

pronunciation n 发音 Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names?

proper ★a 合适的;适当的 She was very formal and proper.

protect ★v 保护;保卫 Are we doing enough to protect the environment?

proud ★a 骄傲的;得意的 You should be proud of yourself.

prove ★v 证明;表明 The design proved to be a success.

provide ★v 供给;提供 Without work, how can I provide for my children?

public ★a & n 公共的;公众的;公众 Drugs have become public enemy number one.

pull ★v & n 拉;拔;扯 They pulled the concert.

punish v 处罚;惩罚 In some societies, theft is punished by death.

pupil n 小学生 About 20 pupils study music here.

purple a & n 紫色的;紫色 Steve's purple patch continued with a second victory on Tuesday.

purpose ★n 目的;意欲 He possessed great strength of purpose.

purse n 钱包 Mrs Biddell pursed her lips and shook her head.

push ★n & v 推进;冲 The army was pushing north.

put ★(put, put) v 放置 Politics puts me to sleep.

quality ★n. 质量,性质 He shows strong leadership qualities.

quarter n 四分之一;一刻 Cut the cake into quarters.

queen n 女王;皇后 With 42 albums, she was the queen of pop.

question ★n 问题;询问 Does anyone have any questions?

quick ★a & ad 快的;迅速的 Quick! We'll miss the bus!

quiet ★a 安静的;安静 I'll be as quiet as a mouse.

quite ★ad 十分;相当 It's quite some distance away.

rabbit n 兔;野兔 He kept rabbiting on about the environment.

race ★n 竞赛 She was raced to hospital.

radio n 无线电;收音机 He's got his own radio show now.

railway n 铁路 The alley led to the railway bridge.

rain ★v & n 雨;下雨 The match was rained off.

raincoat n 雨衣 Maria belted her raincoat firmly.

rainy a 多雨的;有雨的 I hate rainy weather.

raise ★v 提高;抚养 I couldn't raise a smile.

rapid ★a 快的;飞快的 He fired three times in rapid succession.

rat n 老鼠;耗子 But you promised to help us, you rat!

rather ★ad 相当;宁可 I'd rather you didn't go out alone.

reach ★v 达到;伸手够到 It's no good - I can't reach.

read ★(read, read) v 读;阅读 I can't read your writing.

reader ★ 读者 He's a great reader of crime fiction.

ready ★a 准备好的 I had my calculator ready.

real ★a 真正的;真实的 That's not her real name.

realise 实现,意识到 They didn't realise that we'd broken their secret code.

realize ★v. 意识到 Do you realize you're an hour late?

really ★ad 确实;真的 He walks really slowly.

reason ★n 理由;道理 There is no reason to panic.

receive ★v 接收;收到 He received the news in silence.

recent ★a 近代的;近来的 The situation has improved in recent years.

recently ★ad. 不久 He has recently been promoted to Assistant Manager.

recite v 背诵;朗诵 Len recited the breakfast menu - cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.

recognize ★ 识别,认出 I didn't recognize you in your uniform.

record ★v & n 记录 My dad's got a huge record collection.

recorder n 录音机 For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him.

red ★a & n 红的;红 The corrections were marked in red.

reduce ★vt. 减少,缩减 The workforce has been reduced by half.

refer ★vi. 谈到,提到,涉及,有关 He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor Khee'.

refuse ★v 拒绝 She refused a second piece of cake.

regard ★v 认为 The voters hold her in high regard.

regret n & v 遗憾;后悔 I've never regretted the decision.

regular ★a. 规则的,经常 His breathing was slow and regular.

relation n 关系;家属 Steve is a distant relation of my wife.

relationship ★n. 关系 He's never had a sexual relationship before.

relax v 放松;缓和 He relaxed his grip on my arm.

remain ★v 留下;仍然是 The boy remained silent.

remember ★v 记住;牢记 I hope he remembers the wine.

remind ★vt. 提醒,使记起 Remind me to buy some milk tonight.

repair ★n & v 修理 Where can I get my shoes repaired?

repeat ★v 重复 Can you repeat your question?

reply ★v & n 回答;答复 Sorry it took me so long to reply.

report ★n & v 报告 The plane was reported missing.

require ★v 要求;命令 You are required by law to wear a seat belt.

research ★n 调查;研究 This book has been very well researched.

researcher ★ 研究者 The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.

respect ★vt.&n. 尊敬,尊重 She respected him for his honesty.

rest ★n & v 休息 I need to get some rest.

restaurant ★n 餐馆 A new restaurant has just opened across the road.

result ★n 结果 She certainly knows how to get results.

retell v 复述

return ★v 归还;报答 The police did not return fire.

review ★v & n 复习;回顾 The film opened to rave reviews.

rice n 稻米;饭 Rice is the main crop grown in the area.

rich ★a 丰富的;富的 His brother's stinking rich.

riddle n 谜语 Two gunmen riddled the bus with gunfire.

ride ★(rode, ridden) v 骑;搭便车 Ann rides the bus to work.

right ★n & a 右;正确 Take the next right turn.

ring ★(rang, rung) v & n 圆环;打电话 Ring the mistakes in red.

rise ★(rose, risen) v 升高 The sun rises in the east.

risk ★n 风险;保险额 There is no risk to public health.

river ★n 河流 We went for a walk along the river.

road ★n 道路 We turned down a side road.

robot n 机器人 The robot was humanoid in appearance.

rock ★n 岩石;石块 Jack stood on a rock for a better view.

role ★n 作用;任务 Everyone had a role in the show's success.

room ★n 房间 I roomed with Al at UCSD.

rope n 绳索 Have you been roped in too?

rose n 玫瑰花 It's no bed of roses teaching in a secondary school.

round ★ad , prep & a 环绕;绕行 We'll be round at seven.

row v 行;划行 We sat in the front row.

rubber n 橡皮 The leather of his left trainer was coming away from its rubber base.

rubbish n 废物;垃圾 You do talk rubbish sometimes.

rule ★n & v 规则;法规 Rule a line under each answer.

ruler n 尺子;统治者 Charlemagne was respected as a just ruler.

run ★(ran, run) v 跑 Shall I run you home?

rush ★v 奔跑 Her words came out in a rush.

Russia n 俄国;俄罗斯 Eastern Europe was important to Russia as a buffer against the West.

Russian n & a 俄国人;俄语 In her book she makes a comparison between Russian and British ballet.

sad ★a 悲伤的 This is a sad day for us all.

safe ★a & n 安全的;安全 We watched from a safe distance.

safety ★n 安全;平安 Firefighters led the children to safety.

sail n & v 航行 She sailed into the room.

salad n 色拉 Would you like some salad with your pasta?

sale ★n 出售;销售 Excuse me, are these for sale?

salt n 盐 This might need some salt and pepper.

same ★n & a 相同;同样的 The same thing could happen again.

sand n 沙 We were just sitting on the sand.

sandwich n 三明治 A layer of transparent material is sandwiched between the pieces of glass.

satisfy ★v 使……满意 Jackson tried to satisfy me of his innocence.

Saturday ★n 星期六 The festivities begin Saturday.

sausage n 腊肠;香肠 Have you heard from Tom yet?' 'No, not a sausage!'

save ★v 节省;储存 Jesus came to save sinners.

say ★(said, said) v 说;据说 Are you saying I'm fat?

scarf n 领巾;围巾 She scarfed down a bagel on her way to work.

school ★n 学校 I'll see you after school.

schoolbag n 书包

science ★n 科学;学科 Advertising is not an exact science - you're always taking a risk.

scientist ★n 科学家 The magazine combines the accuracy of the scientist with the eye of the artist.

score n & v 得分;获得 Is anybody keeping score?

screen n 屏幕 Her picture appeared on the screen.

sea ★n 海;海洋 The sea was perfectly calm.

search ★n & v 查找;搜索 Mark went in search of water.

season ★n 季节;季 It's quieter out of season.

seat ★n 座位 The arena seats 60,000.

second ★num, a & n 第二 I'll be back in a second.

secret ★n 秘密 They were secretly married.

secretary ★n 秘书 My secretary will fax you all the details.

see ★(saw, seen) v 看到 I'll see you out.

seek ★vt. 试图; 探寻 If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.

seem ★v 似乎 I just can't seem to relax.

seldom ★ad 很少 Seldom have I read an article that was so full of lies.

self ★n. 自己,自我,自身 Jim was beginning to feel like his old self again.

sell ★(sold, sold) v 出售 Do you sell cigarettes?

send ★(sent, sent) v 发送;发射 Mother sends her love.

sense ★n 感官;感觉 This is true in a general sense.

sentence ★n 句子 It's difficult to sum it up in one sentence.

separate ★v & a 分开;分开的 First, separate the eggs.

September n 九月 My birthday's in September.

serious ★a 严肃的;慎重的 She sounded dead serious.

servant n 仆人;公务员 Many young girls became domestic servants.

serve ★v 服务 The sofa had to serve as a bed.

service ★n 业务;公务 Can I be of any service?

set ★(set, set) v & n 套;安置 The novel is set in France.

seven ★num 七 The women visited cities in seven states.

seventeen num 十七 I'm planning to leave on the seventeenth.

seventh num 第七 I'm planning to leave on the seventh.

seventy num 七十 Bill must be in his mid seventies now.

several ★pron & a 若干;若干个 I visited him in Kansas several times.

shake v. (使)动摇,震动 He shook my hand warmly.

shall ★(should) aux & v 将 I shall have to be careful.

shame n 羞耻;丢面子 He felt a deep sense of shame.

shape ★n & v 形状;轮廓 A dark shape moved behind them.

share ★v 分担;分享 I do my share of the housework.

she ★pron 她 She was carrying over 1500 passengers.

sheep (pl. sheep) n 羊;绵羊 This test should really separate the sheep from the goats.

shelf (pl. shelves) n. 架子 The album stayed on the shelf for several years, until it was finally released.

shine (shone, shone) v 使发光 She had shining black hair.

ship n 轮船 He was shipped off to a juvenile detention center.

shirt ★n 衬衣 I have to wear a shirt and tie to work.

shoe ★n 鞋子 We took the horses to be shod.

shop ★n 商店 Doug made this table in shop.

shopping ★n. 买东西 I've got to do some last-minute shopping.

short ★a 矮的;短的 Morris gave a short laugh.

shorts n 短裤 Jen was wearing black shorts and a halter.

should ★modal v 应该;将 You should read his new book.

shoulder n 肩膀;肩部 She tapped the driver on the shoulder.

shout ★n & v 呼喊;大喊 It's my shout. Same again?

show ★(showed, shown) v 给……看;呈现 The match was shown live.

shower n 淋浴;阵雨 Mike shaved and showered.

shut (shut, shut) v 关闭;闭上 Shut the window, Ellen!

shy a 胆怯的;害羞的 I overcame my shyness.

sick a 病人的;恶心的 That's really sick!

side ★n 方面;一方 Can you get a side view?

sight ★n 视力;景观 Jo disliked him on sight.

sign ★n. 符号,标记 Sign here, please.

silence n 安静;静寂 A loud scream shattered the silence.

silent a 沉默的;寂静的 He sat silently by the bed.

silk n 丝绸;蚕丝 His practice quickly grew and he took silk in 1988.

silly a 傻的;呆头呆脑 No, silly, I didn't mean that.

silver n 银;银白色的 He won a silver at the last Olympics.

similar ★a 类似的;同样的 The two products look quite similar.

simple ★a 单纯的;单纯的 Joe was just a simple farmer.

simply ★ad. 简单地,(加强语气)的确 It's not simply a question of money.

since ★prep, conj & ad 自从;由于 The factory has been here since the 1970s.

sing (sang, sung) v 唱 Come on, sing us a song!

single ★a 单纯的;单一的 I prefer playing singles.

sir n 先生;阁下 Look out - sir's coming back!

sister ★n 姐妹 Good morning, Sister Mary.

sit ★(sat, sat) v 坐 Sit down, Amy - you look tired.

situation ★n 形势;情况 She coped well in a difficult situation.

six ★num 六 Losing his job really knocked him for six.

sixteen num 十六 He moved to London when he was sixteen.

sixth num 第六 About one sixth of the children admitted to taking drugs.

sixty num 六十 The book was written in the sixties.

size ★n 规模;尺寸 The breakfast room is a good size.

skate v 滑冰 Put your skates on, or you'll be late for school.

skill ★n 技巧;技能 Reading and writing are two different skills.

skirt n 女裙;裙子 She wore a white blouse and a plain black skirt.

sky n 天空;天色 A shooting star sped across the sky.

sleep ★(slept, slept) v & n 睡觉 The villa sleeps four.

sleepy a 昏昏欲睡的;想睡的 The warmth from the fire made her feel sleepy.

slow ★a & ad 缓慢的 Take a few deep, slow breaths.

small ★a 小的;少的 She has three small children.

smart a 聪明伶俐的;漂亮的 You're looking very smart.

smell (-ed, -ed/smelt, smelt) n & v 闻到;发出气味 I can smell burning.

smile ★n & v 微笑 He was smiling broadly now.

smoke ★v & n 抽烟;冒烟 Where are the smokes, Jeff?

smooth a 流畅的;光滑的 She smoothed back her hair.

snake n 蛇 The road snaked along the valley far below.

snow v & n 雪;下雪 It started snowing around five.

snowy a 多雪的 One snowy morning footprints and tyre marks were imprinted in the snow.

so ★ad & conj 如此;那样 So this is just a copy?

soap n 肥皂 Wash thoroughly with soap and water.

social ★a 社会的;社会性的 Elephants are social animals.

society ★n 社会 The subject was rarely mentioned in polite society.

socks n 短袜 These socks are full of holes.

sofa n 沙发 You can bunk down on the sofa for tonight.

soft a 柔软的 Don't be soft - just jump!

soldier n 士兵 A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.

solid a & n 坚固的;固体 A sphere is a solid figure.

some ★a & pron 一些;某些 Would you like some more cake?

somebody pron 有人;某人 We need somebody neutral to sort this out.

someone ★pron 有人;某人 Will someone please explain what's going on?

something ★pron 某事;某种事物 You really are something else!

sometimes ★ad 有时;不时 The journey takes an hour, sometimes even longer.

somewhere ad 某处;某一地方 My wallet must be around here somewhere.

son ★n 儿子 Her son Sean was born in 1983.

song n 歌曲 They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs.

soon ★ad 不久;很快 I'd sooner die than marry you!

sorry ★a 对不起;抱歉 I'm so sorry about your father.

sort ★v & n 分类;种类 Then they started sort of chanting.

sound ★v & n 听起来;声音 The baby was sound asleep.

soup n 汤 Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning.

sour a 酸的;不高兴的 As time went by, their marriage turned sour.

south ★n & a 南方;南部;南方的 His sister lives down south.

southern a 南部的;南方的 Kim adopts a southern accent when speaking to family back home.

space ★n 空间;太空 He had plenty of space to study.

spare ★a 备用的;空闲的 Do you have any spare cash.

speak ★(spoke, spoken) v 说;演讲;发言 Do you speak English?

speaker ★n 喇叭;演说者 The keynote speaker was Robert Venturi, the architect.

special ★a 特别的;特殊的 Each village has its own special charm.

speech ★n 演说;发表 Only humans are capable of speech.

speed ★n & v 速度;加速 The train began to pick up speed.

spell (-ed, -ed; spelt, spelt) v 拼写;拼成 How do you spell 'juice'?

spend ★(spent, spent) v . 花费;消耗 His childhood was spent in Brazil.

spirit n 精神;灵魂 The warm morning sun lifted our spirits.

spoon n 匙;勺子 Spoon the mixture carefully into the bowls.

sport ★n 运动 I always hated sport at school.

spread ★(spread, spread) v 传播;散布 He spread plaster on the walls.

spring n 春天;春季 It's due to open in the spring.

square n 方;广场 She lives in Hanover Square.

stairs n 楼梯 Janet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.

stamp n 邮票 The audience stamped and shouted.

stand ★(stood, stood) v 站立;承受 John stood 6 feet tall.

standard n & a 标准;一般性的 We paid them the standard rate.

star ★n 星;明星 The stars were all out.

start ★v 开始 It's starting to rain.

state ★n 国家;状态 The country was in a state of war.

statement ★ 陈述,说明 Detective Brady took a statement from both witnesses.

station ★n 车站;局 I want to get off at the next station.

stay ★n & v 停留;停止 I should stay and help.

steal ★(stole, stolen) v 偷窃 He'd stolen the flowers from our garden.

steel n 钢 He steeled himself not to look away.

step ★n & v 步;举步 You're stepping on my foot.

stick ★(stuck, stuck) v & n 棍;粘贴 Aunt Lou walks with a stick.

still ★ad 仍然;还;安静 The house was completely still.

stomach n 肚子 Rob found Cathy's attitude hard to stomach.

stone ★n 石头 Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.

stop ★n & v 停止;车站 A car stopped behind us.

store ★n & v 仓库;存储器;存储 At Christmas the stores stay open late.

storm n 暴雨;暴风雨 They were dancing up a storm.

story ★n 故事 Mommy, will you read me a story?

strange ★a 奇怪的;古怪的 It's strange that we've never met before.

stranger n 陌生人;外乡人 Julie finds it easy to speak to complete strangers.

strawberry n 草莓 Betty's strawberry cheesecake is simply to-die-for.

stream ★n 河流;小溪 Tears streamed down her cheeks.

street ★n 街道 Someone just moved in across the street.

strict a 严格的;严谨的 This company is very strict about punctuality.

strong ★a 健壮的;坚强的 Jack was tall and strong.

student ★n 学生 He's obviously an excellent student of human nature.

study ★v & n 学习;研究 How are your studies coming along?

stupid a 迟钝的;笨的 That was a stupid thing to say.

subject ★a. 隶属的;受支配的;易受……的;在……条件下 vt.使隶属;使服从;使受到 n.题目;主题;学科;主语;主体 Prices are subject to change.

succeed v 成功 Who will succeed him to the throne?

success ★n 成功 The firm wasn't a great success.

successful ★a 成功的 The show's had a pretty successful run.

such ★ad, pron & a 这样的;如此的 They're such nice people.

sudden a 突然的;意外的 All of a sudden the lights went out.

suddenly ★adv. 突然地 Suddenly the eagle opened its wings.

suffer ★vi. 受苦,遭受 She's suffering a lot of pain.

sugar n 食糖 Do you take sugar in your coffee?

suggest ★v 建议;提议 No possible explanation suggests itself.

suggestion ★n 建议;提议 She took a seat at his suggestion.

summer ★n 夏;夏天;夏季 The tourist season lasts through late summer.

sun ★n 太阳 We sat in the sun, eating ice cream.

Sunday ★n 星期天 We're going to a match on Sunday.

sunny a 阳光充足的;睛朗的 Tuesday will be dry with sunny spells.

supermarket n 自选商场;超级市场 Small grocery stores are going out of business in the face of stiff competition from the large supermarket chains.

supper n 晚饭 We had supper in a small Italian place.

supply ★v & n 供给;补充 The lounge was well supplied with ashtrays.

support ★vt.&n. 支持,赞助 My wife supported me enormously.

suppose ★v 假定;假设 Supposing it really is a fire!

sure ★a & ad 必定的;肯定的 Henry wasn't sure how to answer this.

surface n 表面;外表 How many surfaces does a cube have?

surprise ★n & v 惊奇;使感到……意外 What a surprise to find you here!

sweater n 毛线衫 I've left my sweater outside to air.

sweep (swept, swept) v 清扫;打扫 The hills swept down to the sea.

sweet n & a 甜;糖果;可爱的 Don't cry, my sweet.

swim ★(swam, swum) v 游泳 We swam in the chilly water.

swimming n 游泳 We went swimming on Saturday.

swing n 摆动 The heavy door swung shut.

symbol n 符号;记号 Fe is the chemical symbol for iron.

system ★n. 体系; 系统 You can't beat the system.

table ★tennis n 乒乓球 His stories kept the whole table amused.

table tennis n. 乒乓球

tail n 尾巴 Profits tailed off towards the end of the year.

take ★(took, taken) v 取;吃;带 Please take a seat.

tale n 谣言;传说;传说 The England team's tale of woe continued, and they lost the next three games.

talk ★v 谈话 We talked of old times.

tall a 高的;高大的 He was young and tall.

tape n 磁带 We've got the film on tape.

task ★n 任务;工作 I was given the task of building a fire.

taste ★n & v 味道;尝到 Mmm! This tastes good!

taxi n 出租汽车 Shall I call you a taxi?

tea ★n 茶 Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

teach ★(taught, taught) v 教书 That'll teach you to be late!

teacher ★n 教师 The teacher made serious allegations against a colleague.

team ★n 队;组 It was a tremendous team effort.

technology ★n 技术;工艺 Advances in technology have improved crop yields by over 30%.

telephone ★n & v 电话;打电话 He shouted at me down the telephone.

television ★ 电视机 What's on television tonight?

tell ★(told, told) v 告诉 Sheppard was telling the truth.

temperature ★n 温度;体温 Water boils at a temperature of 100°C.

ten ★num 十 At the time, she was about ten.

tennis n 网球 It afforded her the opportunity to improve her tennis skills.

tent n 帐蓬 We looked for a flat spot where we could pitch our tent.

tenth num 第十 I'm planning to leave on the tenth.

term ★n 学期 The lease runs for a term of 99 years.

terrible ★a 可怕的;恐怖的 The hotel was absolutely terrible.

test ★v & n 检验;测试;考查 They tested her for diabetes.

text ★n 课本;课文 Some of the original text has survived.

than ★conj 比 You need that money more than I do.

thank ★v & n 谢谢 I haven't had a chance to thank him yet.

that ★a, pron & conj 那 Hello, is that Joan Murphy?

the ★art. 这;那 He likes you the best.

theatre (Am theatre) n 剧院 I enjoy theater and swimming.

their ★pron 他们的 They washed their faces and went to bed.

them ★pron 他们 If anyone phones, tell them I'll be back later.

themselves ★pron 他们自己 The kids seem very pleased with themselves.

then ★ad 那时;当时;那么 Okay then, I'll see you at work.

there ★int, n & ad 那里;到那里 Is there any milk left?

therefore ★ad. 因此,所以 Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.

these ★pron 这些 There is now widespread support for these proposals, according to a recent public opinion poll.

they ★pron 他们 They all want to come to the wedding.

thick a 厚的;浓 He was wearing thick glasses.

thin a 薄的;稀薄 His thin voice trailed off.

thing ★n 事物;东西 Don't worry about a thing.

think ★(thought, thought) v 想;认为 How strange!' he thought.

third ★num 第三 I'm planning to leave on the third.

thirsty a 渴的;渴望的 Can I have a glass of water? I'm really thirsty.

thirteen num 十三 It's Roberto's thirteenth birthday.

thirty num 三十 She must be in her early thirties by now.

this ★a & pron 这;那 What's this? Crying again?

those ★a & pron 那些 I'm not joking. Those were his actual words.

though ★conj 虽然;但是 It looks as though everyone else has gone home.

thought ★n 思想;思索;思考;思维 What are your thoughts, Michael?

thousand ★num 千 There are thousands of things I want to do.

thread n 线;线索 I'm looking for a needle and thread.

three ★num 三 We'd better go. It's almost three.

through ★prep & ad 通过;穿过 Let me through - I'm a doctor.

throw ★(threw, thrown) v 投掷;丢 He threw Anna a big smile.

Thursday ★n 星期四 I'll see you next Thursday.

ticket ★n 票 A return ticket to London, please.

tidy a 整洁 Let's tidy these toys away.

tie ★v & n 领带 This dress ties at the back.

tiger n 虎 The tiger was finally captured two miles outside the village.

till conj & prep 直到 The shop's open till nine o'clock on Fridays.

time ★n 时间 It's time I fed the dog.

tiny ★a 极小的;微小的 She always felt a tiny bit sad.

tired ★a 疲倦的;累的 He was too tired to argue.

title ★n. 标题,题目 Her official title is editor.

to ★prep 到;向 Are you ready to start?

today ★ad & n 今天 Have you seen today's paper?

together ★ad 一起;一同 Are those two together?

toilet n 厕所 Mummy, I need to go to the toilet!

Tom ★ 汤姆 There is a Mr Tom Wilkins on the phone.

tomato n 西红柿 A small amount of tomato paste will give extra colour and body to the sauce.

tomorrow ★ad & n 明天 I'll see you at tomorrow's meeting.

ton n 吨 I've got tons of work to do.

tongue n 舌头 She clicked her tongue and shook her head.

tonight ad 今夜 Here is tonight's news bulletin.

too ★ad 太;也 He was too ill to travel.

tool ★n 工具 He spent the afternoon tooling around town.

tooth (pl. teeth) n 牙齿 The dog sank its teeth into my leg.

toothache n 牙痛 I had terrible toothache all last night.

toothbrush n 牙刷

toothpaste n 牙膏 You've left the top off the toothpaste again!

top ★n 顶部 She got top marks.

total ★a & n 总计;总和 Chuck totaled his dad's new Toyota.

touch ★v & n 接触;触及 A smile touched her lips.

tour ★n 旅游;观光旅行 We're touring the Greek islands this summer.

tourist ★n 旅游者;游客 The Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction.

towards ★adv. 向,朝 He was standing with his back towards me.

towel n 手巾;毛巾 She dried her hands on the kitchen towel.

tower n 城堡;塔 Mozart towers over all other composers.

town ★n 城镇 He was buried in his home town.

toy n 玩具 Annie was playing happily with her toys.

trade ★n 贸易 My grandfather was a plumber by trade.

traditional a 传统的;习惯的 I went to a very traditional school.

traffic ★n 交通 There wasn't much traffic on the roads.

train ★n & v 火车;训练 I took the first train home.

training n 训练;培养 Lesley does weight training twice a week.

translate ★v 翻译 Jokes often don't translate well into print.

travel ★v & n 旅行 Light travels faster than sound.

treasure n 金银财宝;财产 A battered old guitar was his most treasured possession.

treat ★vt. 对待,看待 Let's go out to lunch - my treat.

treatment n 治疗;处理;疗法 She was given emergency treatment by paramedics.

tree ★n 树;树木 We planted a peach tree in the backyard.

trip ★n 旅行 Julie's such a trip!

trouble ★v & n 打扰;烦恼 His conscience troubled him.

trousers n 长裤 His trousers were slightly too short.

truck n 货车 They ordered sand to be trucked in from the desert.

TRUE ★a 真的;真实的 No, honestly, it's a true story.

trust ★v 相信;信赖 Trust your instincts!

truth n 真理;诚实 I'll get the truth out of him somehow.

try ★v 试一试;试验 He tried to control his voice.

T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

Tuesday n 星期二 The sale starts on Tuesday.

turn ★n & v 转;旋转;变成 It's just turned three.

TV ★n. (缩) = television n. 电视;电视机 He's the top TV presenter for children's programmes.

twelfth num 第十二 I'm planning to leave on the twelfth.

twelve num 十二 Their son Dylan is twelve.

twentieth num 第二十 Jack and Kim celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary in January.

twenty num 二十 I offered the driver a twenty.

twice ★ad 两次;两倍 He was questioned by police twice yesterday.

two ★num 二 Happy birthday 2 U!

type ★vt. 打字 He types with two fingers.

ugly a 丑的 Nick's dog is as ugly as sin.

umbrella n 雨伞 I spent the day on the beach, lying under a beach umbrella, reading.

uncle n 叔父;伯;伯、叔、舅、姑父 I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.

under ★prep 在……下 We sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge.

underground a & n 地下的 This animal spends most of its life underground.

underline ★ 在…下划线 This tragic incident underlines the need for immediate action.

understand ★(understood, understood) v 了解;明白 My parents just don't understand me.

unit n 单元;部件 The man is in the hospital's intensive care unit.

unite ★v. 联合,团结 In 1960, the regions united to form the Somali Republic.

university ★n 大学 He studied Physics at university.

unless ★conj 如果不;除非 He won't go to sleep unless you tell him a story.

until ★prep & conj 直到……为止 He waited until she had finished speaking.

unusual ★a. 不平常的,异常的 It's not unusual to feel very angry in a situation like this.

unwise ★ 不明智,不聪明 It's unwise to keep medicines in a place that can be reached by children.

up ★ad & prep 向上;在上面 They live up north.

upon ★prep 在 Brandon threw him upon the ground.

upstairs ad 在楼上 She's upstairs in bed feeling ill.

us pron 我们 Please help us.

use ★n & v 使用 Can I use your phone?

used a 旧的;使用过的 I can't get used to the idea that you're grown up now.

useful ★a 有用的;有益的 It may be useful to consider the data separately.

usual ★a 平常的;通常的 I'll meet you at the usual time.

usually ★ad. 通常,经常 Usually I wear black, grey, or brown.

vacation ★n 假期;休假 I think I have four vacation days left.

value ★n 价值 Shelly valued her privacy.

various ★a. 各种各样的,不同的 There are various ways to answer your question.

VCD n. 影碟光盘

vegetable n 蔬菜 Vitamin A is found in liver and green vegetables.

vehicle n 机动车;交通工具 MGM made the film as a star vehicle for Brando.

version ★ 版本 Is the coffee break the adult version of recess?

very ★ad 非常;十分 Those were his very words.

victory n 胜利 It was a surprisingly easy victory.

video n 视频;影像 Could you video the movie at 8.00?

view ★n. 看法,见解;风景,景色 She has strong views about politics.

village ★n 村庄 The whole village came to the meeting.

violin n 小提琴 Jim put his violin back in its case.

visit ★v & n 参观;访问 The town is well worth a visit.

visitor ★n 参观者 Times Square attracts more than 30 million visitors annually.

voice ★n 声音 She angrily voiced her objections.

volleyball n 排球;排球运动 A volleyball court had been marked out on the grass.

wait ★v 等待 Wait up!' he called.

wake (woke, woken) v 醒来 Wake up at the back there!

walk ★v & n 步行 He loved walking in the hills.

wall ★n 墙壁 I put some pictures up on the walls.

want ★v 要;想要 You want in, Mike?

war ★n 战争;斗争 He served as a pilot during the war.

warm ★a 暖的 Are you warm enough?

warn ★v 警告 Warn her you're going to be back late.

wash ★v 洗涤 The sea washed over her.

waste ★n & v 浪费;滥用 Don't waste your money on that junk!

watch ★n & v 手表;看 Who's on watch tonight?

water ★n & v 水;浇灌;浇水 The garden needs watering daily.

watermelon n 西瓜 We cultivated maize and watermelons.

way ★n 方法;道路 She's 45? No way!

we pron 我们 We live on a complex planet.

weak ★a 弱的 Nina was weak with hunger.

wealth n 财富 The purpose of industry is to create wealth.

wear ★(wore, worn) v 穿 Its teeth were worn down.

weather ★n 天气 The weather turned bitterly cold.

website n 网址 For more information on weight loss and healthy eating, visit our website.

Wednesday n 星期三 Come down this Wednesday.

week ★n 周;星期 I can't see you this week.

weekday n 工作日;平日 Surgery is from 9am - 1pm on weekdays.

weekend ★n 周末 I never work at the weekend.

weigh v 称重量 Do you know how much it weighs?

weight n 重量 He's put on weight recently.

welcome ★a 欢迎 Hello, welcome home.

well ★(better, best) a , ad & n 好的(地);井;水井 That was well funny!

west ★a & n 西;西方;西部;西方的 The family moved out west to Kansas.

western a 西部的 Prices seem absurdly low to Western tourists.

wet a 潮湿的 It's very wet outside.

whale n 鲸 Conservationists are trying to save the whale from extinction.

what ★pron & a 什么 What are you doing?

whatever ★conj & pron 任何(事物);每样(事物) Help yourself to whatever you want.

wheat n 小麦 The price of wheat had reached an all-time low.

wheel n 轮子 Do you like my new wheels?

when ★conj & ad 当……时 I'll tell you when to stop.

whenever ★conj 无论何时 Larry always blames me whenever anything goes wrong.

where ★ad 哪里 Where do they live?

whether ★conj 是否 She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.

which ★conj 哪一 Which are the most important crops?

whichever ★pron. 无论哪个; 无论哪些 It will be a difficult operation, whichever method you choose.

while ★conj & n 当……的时候 At last, he could relax for a while.

white ★a & n 白色的;白色 The mayor is very popular among whites.

who ★pron 谁 Who locked the door?

whole ★a 全部;整个 His whole attitude bugs me.

whom ★pron 谁 Desperate for money, she called her sister, whom she hadn't spoken to in 20 years.

whose ★pron (疑问代词)谁的 Whose keys are those?

why ★ad & int 为什么 Why, look who's here!

wide ★a 宽阔的 At 2 a.m. I was still wide awake.

wife ★n 妻子 He threatened to kill his ex-wife's boyfriend.

will ★(would) modal v 将 Will you be quiet!

win ★(won, won) n 取得胜利 I never win at cards.

wind ★n 风 The light wind ruffled the water.

window ★n 窗口 The sun was shining through the windows.

windy a 多风的 It's too windy for a picnic.

wine n 葡萄酒;酒 Companies spend millions wining and dining clients.

wing n 翅膀 The pheasant flapped its wings vigorously.

winner n 胜利者;得胜者 The company seems to be onto a winner.

winter n 冬天 Last year, over 11,000 Canadians wintered in Arizona.

wise a 聪明的 Invest the money wisely.

wish ★n & v 希望 Don't wish your life away.

with ★prep 用;有 Off to bed with you!

within ★prep. 在……里面 Baby rabbits for sale. Enquire within.

without ★prep 没有 I don't know what I'd do without you.

wolf n 狼 I work part-time in a coffee shop just to keep the wolf from the door.

woman ★(pl. women) n 妇女 I'm sure he's got another woman.

wonder ★v 想知道;觉得奇怪;惊奇 It's a wonder no one got hurt.

wonderful ★a 奇妙的;极好的 It's wonderful what doctors can do nowadays.

wood n 木头;木材 Her house was made of wood.

word ★n 词;词汇; Could I have a word?

work ★v & n 工作 That was quick work!

worker ★n 工人 Each worker receives an annual bonus.

world ★n 世界 Lee thinks the world of that dog.

worry ★v 担心 We had no worries about safety.

worth ★a 值得 The local museum is worth a visit.

would ★modal v 将 Would you like a coffee?

wound v & n 使……受伤;伤 He made some very wounding remarks.

write ★(wrote, written) v 写 Who wrote 'Harry Potter'?

writer ★ 作者,作家 He's always been a sloppy writer.

wrong ★a 错误 What? Have I done it wrong?

X-ray X 射线 The X-ray showed that her leg was not broken.

yard n 庭院;场地 The kids were playing in the back yard.

year ★n 年;岁;年龄 She goes there every year.

yellow a & n 黄色的;黄色 The paper had yellowed with age.

yes ★ad 是的 Yes! Rivaldo's scored again!

yesterday ★n & ad 昨天 Anna left yesterday afternoon.

yet ★ad 然而;还 You can't give up yet!

you ★pron 你;你们 Hi, Kelly. How are you?

young ★a 年青的;青年人 The young are easily misled.

your ★pron 你的;你们的 Be aware of your own feelings.

yourself ★pron 你自己 Look at yourself in the mirror.

yourselves pron 你们自己 Allow yourselves plenty of time to get to the airport.

zebra n 斑马

zero n & num 零 The petrol gauge was already at zero.

zoo n 动物园 The zoo is open daily.


a bit (of) 有一点一会儿

a few 一些少量

a great deal 大量许多

a good/great many 大量许多

a kind of 一种一类

a little 一点少许

a lot of 许多大量

a number of 一些许多

a pair of 一双一副

a piece of 一块()

above all 首先首要

according to 根据按照

add up to 合计达……

after all 毕竟终究

after class 课后

again and again 反复地再三地

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

agree with sb. 同意某人的看法与某人看法一致

ahead of ……之前

all in all 总的来说总计

all kinds of 各种各样的

all over 到处遍及结束

all right ,好吧,(好了

all the best 一切顺利万事如意

answer for ……负责

apart from 除去除了

arrive at (in) a place 到达某地

as a matter of fact 事实上其实

as a result (作为结果

as...as 如同

as soon as …………

as far as (表示程度范围……;……

as if 好像仿佛

as long as 只要

as though 好像仿佛

as usual 通常平常地

as well 还有

as well as ……之外


belong to 属于

be proud of 骄傲自豪

be strict with ……严格要求

both...and 两个都

break away from 脱离……

break down 损坏; (把化合物等) 分解,(汽车抛锚

break in 闯入强行进入插嘴打断

break off 打断; 折断

break out (战争、火灾等突然发生爆发

break up 分解分裂

bring in 引来引进吸收

bring on 引起导致使前进

bring up 教育培养

build up 逐步建立

by accident 偶然

by air ( bus, train, ship ) 乘飞机公共汽车火车轮船

by and by 不久以后逐渐地

by day 日间在白天

by the way 顺便说


call for 提倡号召, 需要

call in 召来召集

call on 拜访访问

call up 号召打电话

care for 喜欢照顾病人

carry off 携走夺走

carry on 继续下去; 继续开展

carry out 开展执行

catch up with 赶上或超过

change into 转换成变成

check in 报到登记

check out 查明; 结账

clear up 整理收拾, (天气)放晴

come about 发生产生

come across (偶然)遇见(或发现

come back 回来想起来

come down 下来

come from 出生),来自

come in 进入进来

come off 离开脱落

come on 来吧赶快

come out 出来,()出版发行

come to 共计达到

come true 变为现实成为事实

come up 上来上升抬头

come up with 追上赶上想出主意);找出答案

compare to ……相比

compare with ……相比

congratulate...on 祝贺……

connect to 连接相连

connect with ……相连

cut down 砍倒

cut off 切断

cut up 齐根割掉切碎


day and night 日日夜夜

do one's best 尽最大的努力

deal with 处理对付

depend on (upon) 依靠相信信赖

die out 消失灭亡

different from ……不同

divide up 分配

divide...into... ……分成……

do some cleaning (shopping) 做扫除买东西

dozens of 几十

drop in 顺便走访某人

due to 由于因为


each other 相互

earn one's living 谋生

either...or 或者……或者……

enjoy oneself 过得愉快

even if 即使尽管

even though 即使尽管

ever since 自那时起直到现在


face to face 面对面

fall asleep 入睡

fall ill 患病病倒

far away 遥远的

far from 远离

feel like doing 想要…, 感觉要

figure out 理解想明白

fill ... with ……填充

fill in 填充

find out 查明发现了解

first of all 首先

for ever 永远

for example 例如

for good 永远

from now on 从今以后今后

from then on 从那时起

from... to …………

from time to time 不时偶尔


get along with ……相处

get away ;

get back 返回; 回来; 回家

get close (to) 接近

get down 降下

get down to 开始认真做某事

get in 进入, 收获达到

get off 脱下衣服等);下车

get on 上车过活

get on with sb. ……相处

get through 通过拨通电话

get together 聚会联欢

get up 起床

give away 分发

give back 归还送回

give in 屈服让步

give out 分发

give up ?

go ahead 走在前面领先干吧干下去

go away 走开离去

go by 走过; 经过; 过去

go fishing (shopping, skating) (钓鱼买东西滑冰

go for 主张

go for a walk 散步

go in for 参加喜欢

go off 走开

go on 继续

go on doing... 继续干某事不停地干某事

go on with 继续

go out 出去, 熄灭

go over 仔细检查复习

go through 浏览; 翻阅通过

grow up 长大成人成长


had better (do) 最好

hand in 上交; 交纳

hand out 分发

have a cold 患感冒

hang on (打电话时不挂断等待片刻

hang up 挂断电话

have a gift for ……有天赋

have a good time 玩得高兴过得愉快

have classes 上课

have fun with 玩得高兴

have got to 不得不必须

have to 不得不必须

hear of 听说知道

hear from 收到……的来信

help oneself to 请随便吃点

help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

help...out 帮助某人解决困难

hold on 等一等别挂电话

hold one's breath不出气,屏住呼吸

hold out 伸出坚持维持

hold up 阻挡使停顿

hundreds of 几百成百上千

hurry up 赶快快点


in a hurry 匆忙很快地

in all 总之

in a word 简言之总之

in common 共同共有

in debt 欠债

in danger 处在危险状态

in fact 事实上实际上

in front of ……前面

in need of 需要缺少

in order 按顺序

in order that 为了

in order to 为了

in other words 换句话说

in peace 安静宁静

in public 当众公开

in surprise 吃惊惊讶

in the end 最后终于

in time 及时来得及

instead of 代替而不是


join in 参加加入

join up 联合起来联结起来

just now 现在刚才


keep back 留下

keep doing sth. 继续做某事

keep off 勿踏; 勿踩

keep on 继续进行

keep one's word 守信

keep up 保持; 维持; 继续

knock at

knock into sb. 撞上


laugh at 嘲笑

lead to 导致导向

let in ……进来放进

let out 放掉, 泄露

live on 为主食为生

look after 照顾

look ahead 向前看展望未来

look down upon 看不起轻视

look for 寻找

look forward to 盼望

look into 里面看去; 调查

look out 留神当心

look through 看穿, 浏览

look up 查找

lots of 许多大量


make a face 做鬼脸做苦脸

make friends with ……交朋友

make up 和解化装

make up of ……组成构成

make up one's mind 下决心

millions of 成百万上千万数以百万计

more or less 或多或少


neither...nor 既不……也不……

next to 紧接着相邻次于

no doubt 无疑地

no longer 不再

not any more 不再

not at all 一点也不绝非

not only ... but also不仅而且

not so...as 不像不如

not till/until 直到……

now and then 不时偶尔

now that 既然


of course 当然

on (the, an) average 平均按平均数计算

on duty 值日值班

on foot 走路步行

on show 展出在上演放映

on time 准时

on/over the radio 通过收音机

once again 再一次

once more 再一次

once upon a time 从前很久以前

one after another 一个接一个

open up 开启开创; 开辟

or else 否则要不然

ought to 应该

out of breath 上气不接下气

out of order 运转不正常出毛病

out of work 失业

over and over again 反复多次重复


pass by 经过

pay attention to 注意

pay back 偿还借款等

pay for 付款

pay off 偿清(欠款等)

persuade sb. to do 说服

pick out 选出

pick up 拾起捡起, 接收开车去接……

point out 指出

point to 指向

prevent ... from 妨碍,,防止,,预防

put away 储存

put down 记下

put off 推迟

put on 穿戴上上演

put on a performance 演出

put on weight 发福增加体重

put out 扑灭关熄

put up 挂起举起, 广告等

put up with 忍受


rather than 而不

refer to 提到涉及有关

regard... as ……看作

ring back 回电话

ring off 挂断电话停止讲话

ring up 打电话给

right away 立即马上

right now 立即马上

run away 逃跑, 失控

run out of 用完


save one's life 挽救某人生命

scores of 许多大量

see...off 为某人送行

sell out 卖完, 出卖

send for 派人去叫

send out 发出派遣

send up 发出, 射出

sentence...to death 判处死刑

separate...from... 分开

set down 放下

set free 释放解放

set off 动身起程使爆发

set out 出发; 开始

set up settle down 建立创立 定居平静下来

show off 炫耀

side by side 肩并肩一起

so as to 以便为的是

so far 到目前为止

so far as (表示程度范围……,……

so long as 只要

so...that ……以至于……

sooner or later 迟早早晚

speed up 加快速度

spend...on ……花钱

stand for 代表象征

tick to 坚持

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来做某事

struggle against ……作斗争

such as 例如


take away 拿走

take it easy 别着急别紧张

take off 脱下起飞

take one's time 从容慢慢行动

take out 取出

take place 发生

take sb. in the arms 搂抱

take the place of 取代代替

take up 占去占据时间、地位等

talk about 谈论议论

talk of 谈论议论

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

the more...the more 就越

the other day 前几天某日

think about 考虑是否去做

think of 想起,考虑,认为,看法

thousands of 成千上万几千

throw away 扔掉

too...to ……以至于不……

try on 试穿试试看

try out 试验

turn down 关小调低

turn off 关掉水、电、电视、收音机等

turn on 打开水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等

turn over 翻动犁翻土地

turn up 到达来到开大声音


up and down 上下来回

used to sth. 习惯于

used to do sth. 过去常常


wait for 等候等待

wake up 醒来

work out 算出解决

worry about 担心烦恼

wrap up 包好, 伪装

write down 写下记下

write to 写信给



