
发布时间:2023-03-07 06:56:58   来源:文档文库   
appreciate what you have. because what you have now ione of the manthingyou once prayed for. 好好珍惜你现在所拥有的一切吧。因为你现在拥有的,正是以前梦寐以求的。
happinesia wastation between too little and too much. 幸福就是在太多和太少之间的一站。
don’t forget the thingyou once you owned. treasure the thingyou can’t get. don't give up the thingthat belong to you and keep those lost thingin memory. 曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。
if you are brave enough to love, then you are strong enough to let go. 如果你足够勇敢去爱,那么你也会足够强大去放手。
life ifull of upand downs. the trick ito enjothe upand have courage during the downs. 人生充满了起起落落,关键在于,在顶端时要好好享受,在低谷时不失勇气。
you manot be the most luminouof people, but aa conductor of light, you are unbeatable. 或许你不是最闪闪发光的那个,但是作为光的传递者,你也一样会举世无双。
insanitidoing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 疯狂就是重复做一件事,并期待不同的结果。
in 10 years, i wonder who istill going to be bmside. 我在想,十年之后还有谁会仍然陪在我身边...
life ia wonderful journey. make it your journeand not someone else's. 生命是一段精彩旅程,要活的有自己的样子,而不是别人的影子。 you make me happier than i ever thought i could be. if you let me, i’ll spend rest of mlife trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。
some memories, doomed to not erase; like some people, doomed to the same can not be replaced. 有时候,两个人只有经历分别,才会懂得有多么需要彼此
sometimes, two people have to fall apart, we will know how to each other 做个善良的女子,心不怨恨则美丽,心存宽恕则圣洁。
aa kind of woman, not resentment, beautiful, forgivenesiholy. 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 love inot the strong vow but light company. 人生的大悲剧不是因为人会死,而是因为人会停止爱。
the great tragedof life inot because people will die, but because people will stop love. 命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。
destinilike the handof palm, no matter how tortuous, all in their own hands. 别将过去抱的太紧,因为那样你就腾不出手来拥抱现在了。
don't put the past too tight, because then you can't reallembrace now.


