
发布时间:2020-01-05 02:38:44   来源:文档文库   

2014年江苏学位英语考试真题答案 注:申国庆独家提供,仅供参考。与试卷的顺序可能不同。




1.B, 2C, 3C, 4 D, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 ,10 ,11 , 12 , 13 ,14 B, 15 ,16 B, 17 C,18A ,19C, 20 C.






完型(2003年题)41C,42A,43C,44D,45C, 46A,47A,48A,49C,50B, 51A,52B,53B,54D,55C, 56B,57D,58C,59D,60B.

词汇和语法:61A, 62A, 63C,64B, 65A, 66B, 67D,68B, 69C, 70B,71B, 72D, 73C, 74B, 75C, 76A, 77C, 78A ,79B, 80D(顺序变了)

语法81women's ,82The,83any,84Their ,85deadly, 86 hadn't heard ,87painted, 88will, 89for, 90because


1. A. No, I'm not kidding you.

B. No, I'm serious. 你开玩笑?一周完成2篇学期论文?不,(我没开玩笑),我是认真的。

C. Yes, you should do this.

D. Yes, I’m just joking.


2. A. OK , I can make the schedule.

B. Can you make it Monday? (彼特Peter,我不能在周二安排那个会议。我周二的日程表都排满了。)能安排在周一吗?

C. Yeah, looks like you' 11 be free.

D. OK, let's try on Tuesday.

3. A. No, you must be joking.

B. Really? I don't think so.

C. Thank you for saying so.(今天你穿的这件连衣裙真是美极了。穿上它你很耀眼!)谢谢你这样说。

D. You like it?

4. A. Mind your own business.

B. What's up?

C. I am busy now.

D. Sure, what can I do for you? (你能帮个忙吗?)当然,我能为你做些什么?

14. A. Mr. Johnson's secretary.

B. Mr. Smith's secretary.(这位女士是)史密斯先生的秘书。

C. The man's friend.

D. A nurse in a hospital.

16. A. Course Design.

B. Elementary Education. (卡罗尔Carol女士主要的研究领域是什么?)基础教育。(注:书中问话有误,改EmilyCarol

C. Children's Literature.

D. Children's Psychology.

17. A. They can learn how to write such stories.

B. The stories are on their reading list.

C. That's their assignment. (为什么说话者要读儿童故事?)那是他们的作业

D. They find these stories interesting.

18. C. Solferino.

B. New York.

A. Geneva. (国际红十字会总部设在,瑞士的)日内瓦。

D. Sweden.

19. A. Help governments to win wars.

B. Help civilians to survive wars.

C. Help wounded soldiers to survive. (国际红十字会的目的是)帮助受伤的战士活下来。

D. Win Nobel Peace Price.

20. A. One time.

B. Two times.

C. Three times. (国际红十字会获得了几次诺贝尔奖?)3次。(1917年,1944年,1963年共3次)

D. Not mentioned.


Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the local people of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the local people become unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy(经济). It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance(推进) the well-being (health and happiness) of local people.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a lot of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money.

Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. 91.If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.如果他们那里没有足够多的旅游者,他们就会变穷并失业!


What is probably the reason if local people dislike tourists?D

A.Tourists come to enjoy the customs and beauty

B.Local people lose jobs

C.A lot of hotels are built

D.Too many tourists cause traffic problems


What can we do to solve the problems caused by tourism?

A.Make plans properly

B.Help the countrys economy

C.Build fewer hotels

D.Advance the well-being of local people


If tourism grows too quickly,__D____.

A.businesses will lose money

B.other parts of the countrys economy will make more money

C.local people will be happier

D.more local people will work for tourists


Support facilities needed by tourist attractions includes ___B___.

public places hotels airports roads electricity sewers






If the writer wants to add Paragraph 5 to the passage, he may tell us ___C___.

A.whether people need to build more hotels

B.whether people need to plan tourism properly

C.how to deal with the problems above

D.how to prevent tourism growing too quickly


For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.

Howevereven if the pictures are taken automatically, someone still has to do all the paperwork of sending out fines. But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically.

They suggest that all number plates have a bar code(条形码) as well as the usual number. The bar codes are just stripes of lines like those you see on food packets but bigger. EEVs high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate even if the car is doing over 100 miles per hour. The computer controlling the system could then use the information from the bar code to find out the name and address of the driverfrom the car records),print out the fine and send it off automatically. The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cars.

The new electronic system could be watching everyone that passes the cameras92.Many people find the idea that big brother is watching you is more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast. Besides, some people will be very unhappy to realize that with the new system the police could find out where a particular car has been.

26. An alternative summary title for the article could be D .

A. People Who Drive Too Fast

B. Stop People from Driving Too Fast

C. EEV and the Police System

D. Implications of Computerized System for Motoring Offenses

27. A traditional function of the camera as used by the traffic police system is to B .

A. take snapshots of cars on highways

B. catch cars violating traffic rules

C. send fines to fast motorists

D. make the traffic system fully automatic

28.The newly-invented system functions more efficiently with the aid of_____C___.

A. car number

B. vehicle speeding records

C. bar coded numbers on number plates

D. print-out fines

29.All of the following names can be used to describe EEVs device except D .

A. a computerized video system

B. Big Brother

C. an electronic system

D. an automatic fine printer

30.An additional function of the new system is that it could A .

B. add code numbers

A. help catch stolen car

C. watch everyone that drives too fast

D. print out bar codes automatically





26. 能够大概替代这篇文章的题目是

A 驾驶超速的人们

B 阻止人们驾驶超速

C EEV和警察系统

D 监视违规的计算机系统的一些细节

答案:D 纵观全文可知。

27. 被交警系统所用的传统的照相机制是

A 在高速上拍汽车的快照

B 抓违反交通规则的汽车

C 寄罚单给驾驶快的摩托车

D 使交通系统全面自动化

答案:B 由文中第一段内容 set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street

28. 新发明的系统机制是更多的靠 帮助。

A 牌照

B 驾驶速度纪录

C 牌照上的条形码

D 打印罚单

答案:C 由文中第三段内容“all number plates have a bar code”,“EEVs high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate

29. 下列中除了哪一项都能用来描述EEV的方法?

A 一个计算机控制的电视系统

B “大哥”

C 一个电子系统

D 一个全自动的打印罚单的

答案:D 由文中“come up with a computerized video system ”,“ The new electronic system ”, big brother is watching you”可知ABC 都可描述

30. 关于这个系统的一个额外的功能是它能

A 增加数字密码

B 帮助找到被盗的车辆

C 监视每一个开的过快的人

D 全自动的打印出罚单

答案: B 由文中第三段最后一句“The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cars.”可知答案。

  For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.

  However, even if the pictures are taken automatically(自动地), someone still has to do all the paperwork of sending out fines. But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically.

They suggest that all number plates have a bar code as well as the usual number. The bar codes are just stripes of lines like those you see on food packets but bigger. EEV's high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate even if the car is doing over l00 miles per hour. The computer controlling the system could then use the information from the bar code to find out the name and address of the driver( from the car records), print out the fine and sent it off automatically. The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cats.

  The new electronic system could be watching everyone that passes the cameras ! 92.Many people find the idea that big brother is watching youis more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast. Besides, some people will be very unhappy to realize that with the new system the police should find out where a particular car has been.

26The best title for the article can be ___D_____.

APeople Who Drive Too Fast

BStop People from Driving Too Fast

CEEV and the Police System

DA New Computerized System for Motoring Breaking Law

27The former camera used by the traffic police system is to ___A_____.

Atake pictures of cars on highways

Bsend fines to fast motorists

Ccatch cars breaking traffic rules

Dmake the traffic system fully automatic

28The newly-invented system works much better with the aid of ____C____.

Acar number plates

Bcar speeding records

Cbar code numbers on number plates

Dprint-out fines

29An additional purpose of the new system is that it could ____A____.

Ahelp catch stolen cars

Badd code numbers

Cwatch everyone who drives too fast

Dprint out bar codes automatically

30.“‘Big brother is watching you is more of a worry than means that many people ____C____.

Aare more worried about fast-driving motorists than being watched on

Bfind big brothersmore worrying than motorists

Care more worried about being watched on than about fast-driving motorists

Dfind motorists more worried than big brothers


93.Since the beginning of history, man has been attracted by the idea of living forever, of wining the fight against death and diseaseSo far, this has only remained a dream, though a very powerful oneMany people have wondered whether it would be possible to find a way to preserve human bodies, and what would be the best way to preserve human bodies

It has long been known that meat of fruit can be kept fresh for long periods by freezing; in ancient China, for example, food was stored with ice to keep it freshThis method could also be useful for preserving humans, and in fact many people have explored this possibility

However, most living beings that exist under warm conditions die when frozenThis is because of the harmful effects of freezing ice crystals(晶体), which are not only larger than the volume of the water originally in the cells, but also form sharp cutting shapes that harms the cells

In the 1940s Dr BJLuyet and a group of scientists in England were working on the problem of freezing cells without damaging themSince the harm caused by ice crystals was the main cause of the damage, Luyet suggested removing some or all of the water from the cells before freezing them

Using living cells from chicken, Luyet and his assistants discovered that they could partly dry the chicken cells, using a mixture of the white part of an egg and glycerin(丙三醇), a clear, thick liquid made chiefly from fats and oilsSome success was obtainedThe chicken cells were dried, frozen for a period of time, and then carefully unfrozenAlmost all the cells recovered when they reached normal temperatures

Since then, the cooling of whole animals to a temperature very much below freezing point for later unfreezing has become more of a possibility, and the glycerin method would probably be used to accomplish thisWhen this can be done completely and successfully, science will have moved much closer to its aim of freezing and storing incurable patients until the day they can be cured

31The passage is mainly about _______A____

Athe possibility of preserving human bodies by freezing

Bthe practice of preserving food by freezing

Cthe harmful effects of freezing

Dhow to remove water from living cells

32The idea of freezing human bodies to preserve them ______A____

Acomes from that of keeping meat and fruit fresh by freezing

Bwas invented in ancient China

Chas already been realized

Dis widely accepted by the scientific world

33According to the passage, freezing is______C___

Athe best way of preserving food

Ba way of removing water from living cells

Ca way of realizing the idea of preserving human bodies

Dharmful to living cells and cannot be adopted to preserve them

34Glycerin can be used _____C____

Ato freeze living cells

Bto unfreeze living cells

Cto remove water from living cells

Dto change the shapes of crystals

35The success obtained by Dr Luyet and his helpers was a long step towards ____D_____

Akeeping meat or fruit fresh

Bchanging the volume of the water in living cells

Cchanging the shapes of ice crystals

Dpreserving human bodies for long periods

93Since the beginning of history, man has been attracted by the idea of living forever, of wining the fight against death and diseaseSo far, this has only remained a dream, though a very powerful oneMany people have wondered whether it would be possible to find a way to preserve human bodies, and what would be the best way to preserve human bodies

It has long been known that meat of fruit can be kept fresh for long periods by freezing; in ancient China, for example, food was stored with ice to keep it freshThis method could also be useful for preserving humans, and in fact many people have explored this possibility

However, most living beings that exist under warm conditions die when frozenThis is because of the harmful effects of freezing ice crystals(晶体), which are not only larger than the volume of the water originally in the cells, but also form sharp cutting shapes that harms the cells

In the 1940s Dr BJLuyet and a group of scientists in England were working on the problem of freezing cells without damaging themSince the harm caused by ice crystals was the main cause of the damage, Luyet suggested removing some or all of the water from the cells before freezing them

Using living cells from chicken, Luyet and his assistants discovered that they could partly dry the chicken cells, using a mixture of the white part of an egg and glycerin(丙三醇), a clear, thick liquid made chiefly from fats and oilsSome success was obtainedThe chicken cells were dried, frozen for a period of time, and then carefully unfrozenAlmost all the cells recovered when they reached normal temperatures

Since then, the cooling of whole animals to a temperature very much below freezing point for later unfreezing has become more of a possibility, and the glycerin method would probably be used to accomplish thisWhen this can be done completely and successfully, science will have moved much closer to its aim of freezing and storing incurable patients until the day they can be cured

31The passage is mainly about ______A_____

Athe possibility of preserving human bodies by freezing

Bthe practice of preserving food by freezing

Cthe harmful effects of freezing

Dhow to remove water from living cells

32The idea of freezing human bodies to preserve them ______A____

Acomes from that of keeping meat and fruit fresh by freezing

Bwas invented in ancient China

Chas already been realized

Dis widely accepted by the scientific world

33According to the passage, freezing is______C_____

Athe best way of preserving food

Ba way of removing water from living cells

Ca way of realizing the idea of preserving human bodies

Dharmful to living cells and cannot be adopted to preserve them

34Glycerin can be used ______C__

Ato freeze living cells 有史以来,人类都梦想着长生不老,能够战

Bto unfreeze living cells

Cto remove water from living cells

Dto change the shapes of crystals

35The success obtained by Dr Luyet and his helpers was a long step towards _____D______

Akeeping meat or fruit fresh

Bchanging the volume of the water in living cells

Cchanging the shapes of ice crystals

Dpreserving human bodies for long periodsging the volume of the water in living cells

Cchanging the shapes of ice crystals

Dpreserving human bodies for long periods







31 这篇短文主要是关于





答案:A 第一段的最后一句点出了文章的答案。

32 冷冻人体达到保存的目的的思想





答案: A 第二段讲出了这一想法的来源。






答案:C 研究主要是为了实现人体保存的目的,而对细胞的研究只是其中的一部分。

34 甘油可以用来


B. ,溶化生物细胞


D. 改变结晶体的形状

答案:C 甘油和冷冻本身无关,只和脱水有关。

35 Luyet博士和他的协助者们获得的成功是迈向 D 很长的一步。





答案:D 这一题的解题思路也应遵循着“人体保存”这一原则。



Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of old times, while during the 15 the century the word reading undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the 19 the century did silent reading become a common practice.

One should be careful, however, in thinking that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud disturbs others. Research into the historical development of silent reading shows that it became the usual way of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.

The 19 the century saw a gradual increase in literacy (读写能力) and thus in the number of readers. 94.As readers increased, so the number of listeners dropped, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the popularity of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, trains and offices, where reading aloud would disturb other readers in a way.

Towards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its advantages, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other.

By the end of the 19 the century, students were being advised to form their own opinions on books and to use skills in reading them which were unsuitable for the oral reader. 95.The social, cultural, and technological changes in the 19 the century had greatly changed what the word reading implied.

36. Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century? D

A . Silent reading had not been discovered.

B . There were few places available for private reading.

C . People relied on reading for entertainment.

D . Few people could read for themselves.

正确答案:Few people could read for themselves.

题目详解:根据问题中“Why was reading aloud common”的提示,从第三段中“increase in literacy(文化水平的提高),the number of readers(读者数量的增加),The number of potential listeners 听者数量的减少‟提供的信息判断,选项中的 "Few people could read for themselves" 符合题意。

37. The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century indicated __D____.

A . an increase in the average age of readers

B . an increase in the number of books

C . a change in the status of literate people

D . a change in the nature of reading

正确答案:a change in the nature of reading

题目详解:根据问题中“The development of silent reading”的提示,从第二段中“… should be careful simply because the usual mode of reading ..the tasks themselves changed in character 不要认为无声阅读的问世是因为有声阅读分散了人们的注意力,而是阅读任务本身发生了变化‟提供的信息判断,选项中的 "a change in the nature of reading" 符合题意。

38. Educationalists are still arguing about ___D___.

A . the importance of silent reading

B . the effects of reading on health

C . the amount of information yielded by books and newspapers

D . the value of different types of reading material

正确答案:the value of different types of reading material

题目详解:根据问题中„Educationalists are still arguing‟的提示,从第四段中“…considerable argument over 大量的关于书、阅读材料对获取信息方面的争论… whatever its virtues 无论优点如何 the old shared literacy culture by the printed mass media by books and magazines for a specialized readership 古老的文化已被印刷品取而代之,为掌握专业知识被书籍和杂志取而代之‟提供的信息判断,选项中的 "the value of different types of reading material" 符合题意。

39. The emergence of the mass media and of specialized reading material showed that __B___.

A . educationalists' attitudes had changed

B . readers' interests had become varied

C . standards of literacy had gone down

D . printing techniques had improved

正确答案:readers' interests had become varied 题目详解:根据问题中„The emergence of the mass media and of specialized reading material‟的提示,从第五段中„…inappropriate, if not impossible, …(读者应该掌握,如果有可能的话,适合于专业阅读而不是口语的阅读技能‟提供的信息判断,选项中的 "readers' interests had become varied " 符合题意。

40. What is the writer of this passage attempting to do? A

A . Explain how present-day reading habits developed.

B . Encourage the growth of reading.

C . Show how reading methods have improved.

D . Change people's attitudes to reading.

正确答案:Explain how present-day reading habits developed.

题目详解:根据问题中“attempting to do”的提示,从第一段中“a modern activity almost unknown to, meant reading aloudsilent reading …(现在的阅读方法是古人不知到的。十五世纪的阅读指的是有声阅读,而无声阅读是在十九世纪问世的)显然说明了作者要通过"有声阅读""无声阅读"的对比来说明读书习惯的形成‟提供的信息判断,选项中的"Explain how present-day reading habits developed" 符合题意。

36Why was reading aloud common before the 19 the century?A

AFew people could read for themselves.

BFew people knew the value of silent reading.

CThere were few places for reading alone.

DScholars enjoyed themselves by reading their own works.

37The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century showed B .

Aa change in the social position of the educated people

Ba change in the nature of reading

Can increase in the number of newspapers

Dan increase in the peoples understanding of the mass media

38According to the text, educators are still arguing about D .

Athe importance of silent reading

Bthe value of information given by books

Cthe effects of reading on mental development

Dthe value of different types of reading materials

39We can learn from the text that the old shared literacy culture refers to B .

Athe practice of reading to oneself

Bthe practice of reading aloud

Cthe reading of books and magazines

Dthe reading of newspapers

40What is the writer of this text attempting to do? A

AShow how reading methods have developed

BIntroduce a new method of reading

CRemind people of oral reading in old times

DEncourage the growth of reading in the future.


The first thing to consider when you want to build a private swimming pool is the size and shape of the pool. The size and the shape will depend on many 41 .Public pools are usually large and rectangular(长方形的) or L-shape. But private pools, our specialty, are 42 and can be almost any shape—rectangular, kidney bean, round, oval, or free form. A private pool must 43 the design of a house and a garden, 44 the shape is important. The size and the shape of your pool will 45 depend on what you want to do in the pool: dive? Have a 46 for children to swim? Exercise?47 cool on hot days? Just relax? We can help you 48 these decisions. Next, you must plan the details of your pool. Our engineers and architects can help you 49 this. They will survey your land, examine the ground, and look carefully at your house and 50 , then they will draw a detailed plan that is similar 51 an architects house plan. Then plans will include the 52 of drains, pipes, and water filter systems. Next , we must excavate (dig a large hole in the ground) and 53 the ground for concrete. Our 54 of pool builders is expert at this work. 55 they excavate, they will prepare a concrete floor. Then they prepare the walls of the pool with mesh reinforcement and steel form-work. Next they will pour or spray concrete 56 the walls. The concrete needs to dry slowly and evenly. If it dries too 57 , it will crack. To finish the pool, you might want to add steps, ladders, a driving board, tiles, paint, and lights. You will also need to finish the area 58 the pool. You might want a paved area around the pool, a fence, and a garden. Be sure not to plant 59 near the pool: They will cause shadows and the leaves will drop into the water. Furthermore, the growing roots will 60 the concrete. Our designers and landscapers can help you with these final plants.

C.41. A. facts B. causes C. factors D. circumstances

A.42. A. smaller B. medium C. middle D. moderate

C43. A. equal B. fit C. match D. follow

D44. A. so B. of course C. for example D. therefore

C45. A. too B. as well C. also D. besides

A.46. A. place B. opportunity C. chance D. time

A.47. A. Stay B. Taste C. Feel D. Leave

A.48. A. make B. determine C. decide D.reach

C.49. A. plan B. make C. do D. design

B.50. A. pool B. yard C. rooms D. floor

A.51. A. to B. in C. with D. at

B.52. A. spot B. location C. site D. situation

B.53. A. provide B. prepare C. level D. build

D.54. A.organization B. number C. department D. team

C.55. A. When B. Since C. After D. Because

B.56. A. over B. in C. to D. onto

D.57. A. tightly B. evenly C. slowly D. fast

C.58. A. in B. on C. around D. over

D.59. A. vegetables B. grass C. flowers D. trees

B.60. A. leak B. crack C. scratch D. break


The first thing to consider(考虑) when you want to build a private(私人的) swimming pool(游泳池) is the size(尺寸) and shape(形状) of the pool. The size and the shape will depend(依靠,取决于) on many 41 .Public(公共的) pools are usually large and rectangular(长方形的) or L-shape. But private pools, our specialty(特征), are 42 and can be almost any shape—rectangular, kidney bean, round(园的), oval(椭圆的), or free form(没有形状的). A private pool must 43 the design(设计) of a house and a garden, 44 the shape is important. The size and the shape of your pool will 45 depend on what you want to do in the pool: dive(潜水)? Have a 46 for children to swim(游泳)? Exercise(锻炼)? 47 cool or hot days? Just relax(放松)? We can help you 48 these decisions(决定).

Next, you must plan the details(细节) of your pool. Our engineers (工程师)and architects(设计师) can help you 49 this. They will survey(调查) your land, examine(测试) the ground(地面), and look carefully at your house and 50 , then they will draw a detailed(详细的) plan that is similar(与……相近) 51 an architects house plan. Then plans will include(包括) the 52 of drains(排水), pipes(水管), and water filter systems(过滤系统).

Next , we must excavate(挖掘) (dig(挖) a large hole(洞) in the ground) and 53 the ground for concrete(混凝土制的). Our 54 of pool builders(建筑者) is expert(擅长) at this work.

55 they excavate, they will prepare a concrete floor. Then they prepare the walls of the pool with mesh(网,啮合) reinforcement(增强,加固) and steel(钢铁) form-work. Next they will pour(倒) or spray(喷射,溅) concrete 56 the walls. The concrete needs to dry(干燥) slowly and evenly. If it dries too 57 , it will crack(破碎).

To finish the pool, you might want to add(加) steps, ladders(梯子), a driving board, tiles, paint(油漆), and lights(照明). You will also need to finish the area(面积,区域) 58 the pool. You might want a paved(铺路) area around the pool, a fence(栅栏,围墙), and a garden. Be sure not to plant 59 near the pool: They will cause shadows(阴影) and the leaves will drop(掉落) into the water. Furthermore(而且), the growing roots(根) will 60 the concrete. Our designers and landscapers(园林设计师) can help you with these final plants.

41. C (因素) A. facts(事实)B . causes(引起)D. circumstances(环境)

42. A A. smaller(小于) B. medium(中度的)C. middle (中间) D. moderate(中等的,适度的)

43. C (与……相匹配) A. equal(平等的) B. fit(适合) D. follow(跟着)

44.D因此 A. so B. of course (当然) C. for example(例如)

45.C(也 A. too(也,或表程度) B. as well(也,用句末)C. also D. besides(包括……在内)

46.A A. place(地方) B. opportunity(机会)C. chance(机遇)D. time(时间)

47.A A. Stay(待着) B. Taste (尝试)C. Feel(感觉) D. Leave(离开)

48. A A. make(做 B. determine(决定)C. decide(决定做)D. reach(达到)

49.C A. plan(计划)B. make(制定)C. do(做) D. design(设计)

50.B(院子,场地) A. pool(游泳池)C. rooms(房间,地方) D. floor(地板)


52.B(方位) A. spot(斑点)C. (地点,场所)D. situation(位置,形势)

53.B(准备) A. provide(提供) C. level(水平线) D. build(建造)

54.D (团队) A. organization(组织) B. number(数量)C. department(部门)

55.C A. When(当……时) B. Since(既然)D. Because(因为)

56.B A. over B. in C. to D. onto

57.D A. tightly(紧的)B. evenly C. slowly(缓慢的)D. fast(快速的)


59.D B. grass(草地)

60.B使破碎)A. leak(使漏)C. scratch(抓破)D. break(毁坏,弄坏)


Our English professor(教授) is a man of Italian(意大利) .

A. origin意为“起源,出身,来历” B. birth意为“出生,诞生,起源 C. source意为“源泉,源头” D. breedbreed意为“繁殖”

62A. arise.

A completely(完全的) new situation(形势) will when the exam system comes into existence(存在) .

A.arise 意为“出现,发生”, B.rise意为“升起,上升” C. raise意为“提高,养育”, D.arouse 意为“引起,唤起”

63C. particular .

My brother like eating very much but he isnt very about the food he eats.

A.special意为“特殊的”, B.peculiar“独特的,罕见的”, C.particular意为“特殊的,个别的”D.unusual 意为“不寻常的”


He thought the painting(画) was of little ,so he let me have it for only ten pounds(英镑).

A.cost意为“花费”, B.value 意为“价值”,C.price意为“价格”, D.expense 意为“花费,消耗”


He lost his when the policeman(警察) stopped him.

A. temper, lost ones temper固定词组意为“发脾气” B. mood 意为“情绪,心情”

C. spirit意为“精神,兴致” D. emotion意为“情感,感动”


The young man rescued(救出) the child at the of his own life.

A.danger意为“危险”,B.risk 构成词组at the risk of 意为冒着。。。的危险,C.hazard意为“意外,事故”, D.damage意为“损坏,毁坏”。

67D.in favor of

I wanted to buy a color TV set this year , but my brother rejected(反对) the idea a trip to the beach(海滩).

A.instead of意为“代替”,B.in view of 意为“在看的见。。。的地方”,C.in case of 意为“如果,万一” D.in favor of 意为“赞成,支持”,


His answer was so confusing(令人混淆的) that I could hardly make any of it at all.

A.sentiment意为“感情,情趣”, B.sense 意为“感官,感觉,知觉”,make sense of 组成词组意为“有意义,合理”,

C.account 意为“账目,说明,理由”,D.appreciation 意为“ 欣赏,评价”


In his letter he told me that he had already room for us in a hotel.


70B. picked up

The boy has the local (当地的)accent (口音)while staying with his grandparents(祖父母) in the countryside .

A.save up意为“贮存”, B.pick up意为“捡起,重新学起”, C.show up 意为“显眼,揭发”,D.mix up意为“混淆,伴匀”

71B. in honor of

53.While in London , we paid a visit to the hospital founded(建立 the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A.in place of意为“代替”,B.in honor of意为“为纪念。。”, C.in favor of 意为“赞成,支持”, D.in line of 意为“在线”


Although they plant trees in this area every year , the tops(顶端) of some hills(山丘) are still .

A.blank意为“空白的,空的”, B.hollow意为“中间空的,挖空”,C.vacant意为“空虚的,茫然的”, D.bare意为“裸露的”

73C. delivering

Neither rain nor snow can stop postmen(邮递员) from letters and parcels(包裹).

A.spread意为“延伸,流传”, B.release 意为“释放,放弃”,C.deliver 意为“ 投递”,D.scatter意为“散布”。


The plant generates electricity for the entire city. 这座厂为整个城市发电。

A.makes做、制造、创造 B.generates 产生、发生 C.forms 形成、构成 D.manufactures制造、加工


As she skimmed the book, she found it worth buying.

A. folded B.extended C. skimmed D.skipped

76A.to have discovered

The Vikings(海盗) are believed America.

词组 be believed to do sth. 意为“人们认为……或人们相信……”,另discover America不是被动,且句中是几经被发现的意思

A. to have discovered B. to discover C. in discovering D. to have been discovered


Most of the housework(家务活) was done by two members of the family, my mother and .

A. I B. mine C. me为宾格形式 D. Myself





81.This shop sells women’s clothing only, (woman)

82.The number of cars on the roads rose dramatically last year.

83.I don't want any sugar in my coffee.

84.Their refusing to accept the invitation is really surprising. (They)

85.I can't read this. It's deadly dull. (dead)



87.动漫书籍化妆品其他Until then , his family hadn’t heard from him for six months. (hear)


87.I would rather she painted the wall white next time. (paint)

88.Don't have anything before you go to bed, will you?

89.The weather is favorable for football.


标题:手工制作坊 200431890.It was because he wasn't ready in time that we went without him.


2)东西全翻译91.If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.如果他们那里没有

1、荣晓华、孙喜林《消费者行为学》东北财经大学出版社 20032足够多的旅游者,他们就会变穷并失业!

92.Many people find the idea that big brother is watching you is more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast.许多人觉得,“大哥在注视着你”这个念头远比让几个超速行车的人逃避受罚要令人担忧得多。

93.Since the beginning of history, man has been attracted by the idea of living forever, of wining the fight against death and disease 有史以来,人类都梦想着长生不老,能够战胜死亡和病魔。

94.As readers increased, so the number of listeners dropped, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. 随着读者增加,因此听众的数量下降,因此有一些减少需要大声朗读。

95.The social, cultural, and technological changes in the 19 the century had greatly changed what the word reading implied.社会、文化和技术变革在19世纪已经极大地改变了阅读这个词意味着什么。

§8-4情境因素与消费者行为 2004320

96题作文: How to Cope with Stress? 如何减轻压力?

It is often believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen suffer from stress. In fact anyone may become ill as a result of stress if they experience a lot of worry over a long period and their health is not especially good. Stress can be a friend or an enemy: it can warn you that you are under too much pressure and should change your way of life. It can kill you if you don't notice the warning signals.

As with ail illnesses, prevention is better than cure. If you find you can't relax, it is a sign of danger. When you're taking work home, when you can't enjoy evening with friends, when you haven't time for outdoor exercise—that is the time to stop and ask yourself whether your present life really suits you. Then it's time to join a relaxation class, or take up dancing, painting or gardening.


