
发布时间:2019-08-11 19:05:32   来源:文档文库   

旁白:The mice come to a hole and creep inside.(老鼠蹑手蹑脚地进场)

乡下老鼠:we're safe now.welocome to my home.(高兴)

城里老鼠:thank goodness!

乡下老鼠:by now the family will be done eating.let's go and see what food they've left for us.

城里老鼠:that sounds great.I'm very hungry.let's go.(从洞进入客厅,穿过地板)

乡下老鼠:just look at this!(看到桌上)

城里老鼠:I've never seen so much food!

旁白:the mice begin to eat as fast as they can .

乡下老鼠:don't make a sound.It can attract other people.

旁白:suddenly,a dog and a cat appears.(听到声音出现)

小狗:woof!I smell something good.

小猫:meow!I do ,too.I smell meat and gravy.(伸个懒腰)

小狗:I know.I think it's a mouse!

小猫:let's take a look.(看一看)you're right.there are two mice there!(惊奇地叫)wow!the mice are mine.

小狗:I smell them first!they are mine.

小猫:they are mine!Meow!(继续大声争吵)。。。。。。

旁白:the two mice suddenly saw the cat and dog there quarrelling.(争吵声惊动了老鼠)

乡下老鼠:sh(嘘)...hurry up!let's back up the tunnel. Sh.....(轻声回到洞里)

小狗:ok,stop!where're the mice?(生气地说)

小猫:I don't know...

小狗:find them!(生气地说)


