
发布时间:2012-11-19 06:49:45   来源:文档文库   



. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 完形填空(15小题;每小题2分,满分30)


Skydiving provides the greatest freedom that one can ever experience.Here I'd like to describe my first jump to you.My first jump was a part of the free fall __1__.The course had fourteen jumpsbut I always remember the first one!

On the jump daywe went to the skydiving __2__ in the morning.There we studied all the necessary lessons to make a __3__ jumpincluding information about parachute equipmentopening the parachuteand landing __4__.We had a written __5__ at the end of the class.Fortunatelyeverybody passed the test.

Then we left the classroom for the preparation room.We __6__ our parachutesaltimetersgloves and glasses.After that we got on the airplane.That was a __7__ plane—at least twenty skydivers could get on it.I became worried and frightened__8__ I was the first one to jump.Probably I was the most nervous person.The others were relaxed and __9__ themselves by telling jokes to each other and even drinking juice.

The plane took off and flew higher and higher.The door was opened.I looked down but could see __10__ as my glasses smoked up because of the cold air.When the smoke disappearedI found the airplane was almost __11__.All the other skydivers had already jumped! I jumped too.I __12__ the altimeterand when it was 5,500 feetI __13__ the parachute.It was wonderful! I flew to the drop area and landed on the ground.I was one of the successful students who didn't __14__ when landing.

That was my first jump.I was so afraid before it but I __15__ it at last.It was an unforgettable and enjoyable experience.    Bteacher Ccourse Dgame

2A.hall Bclassroom Cequipment Dairplane

3A.usual Bcreative Cdifferent Dsuccessful

4A.surprisingly Bfreely Csafely Dquickly Bexam Cagreement Drule

6A.brought out Btook away Cgave up Dput on

7A.small Blarge Cmodern Dnew

8A.but Band Cfor Dso

9A.helping Benjoying Csaving Dchallenging

10A.nothing Beverything Csomething Danything

11A.noisy Bcrowded Cempty Dbroken

12A.fixed Bchanged Cforgot Dchecked

13A.lost Bthrew Cfound Dopened

14A.fall Bcry Crun Dsleep

15A.brought Bmade Cfailed Dstopped

第二节 语法填空(10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15)


Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl (16)________ (name) Lisa who was suffering from a rare and serious disease.Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion (17)________ her five­year­old brother, (18)________ had miraculously (奇迹般地) survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies (抗体) needed to fight the (19)________ (ill)

The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking (20)________ deep breath and saying, “Yes, I'll do it (21)________ it can save Lisa.”

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in a bed next to his sister and (22)________ (smile), as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks.Then his face grew pale (23)________ his smile faded.He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away

(24)________ (be) young, the boy had (25)________ (understand) the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give her all his blood.

. 阅读 (共两节, 满分50)

第一节 阅读理解(20小题;每小题2分,满分40)


Eating fat foods can be bad for your healthbut simply smelling their cooking smoke might be harmfultoo.Scientists reported that at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco.

Some major restaurants have already changed the way they cook as a result of the research.The findings should also help experts to develop better filtering technologies to make healthier choices in the kitchen.

People have been cooking food for more than 100,000 years.Chimneys and windows have already been around since the Dark Ages.Yetit wasn't until the mid­1990s that scientists started studying the components of cooking smoke and how that smoke might increase air pollution.

The first study on cooking smokecarried out about 20 years agofound that the most and the dirtiest cooking smoke came from hot hamburgers under high heat.Other foods followed far behindincluding cooked French fries or baked pizza.In the new studyKuehn and his colleagues used a new kind of equipment to examine more exactly the cooking smoke that comes out of a large variety of foods being cooked.They found that the dirtiest smoke by far came from fried chicken being cooked with peanut oil.Hot hamburgers came next.

So farpeople have kept_a_watchful_eye_on the harm of breathing in cooking smoke in the world.Many researches on this subject have been carried out in many countries.As with cigarette smokethoughthe worry is that cooking smoke could get deep into our lungswhere it might cause cancer or other problems.One study in Chinaalso more than 10 years agofound the highest rates of lung cancer in womeneven though men smoked the most cigarettes.Women did more of the cooking thereand the researchers drew a conclusion that the cooking smoke explained that.

26What's the main idea of this passage?

AEating fat foods can be bad for your health.

BCooking smoke from fat foods can be harmful.

CA lot of food can be harmful to people.

DBetter cooking ways are needed in kitchens.

27According to the passagewe can know that ________.

Apeople don't get cooking smoke out of the kitchen in the Dark Ages

Bexperts have developed the best filtering technologies for kitchens

Cthe components of cooking smoke were not studied until about 1995

Dall restaurants have changed their cooking ways in case of air pollution

28According to Kuehnthe dirtiest cooking smoke comes from ________.

Afried chicken Bhot hamburgers

CFrench fries Dbaked pizza

29The underlined phrase “kept a watchful eye on” in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by ________.

Alooked forward to Bmade up for

Cpaid attention to Dcome up with

30What did the researchers think caused the high rates of lung cancer of Chinese women?

AEating too many fat foods in their daily life.

BBreathing in second­hand cigarette smoke.

CTheir habit of smoking cigarettes.

DBreathing in too much cooking smoke.


Today on our programwe'll answer a question from Japan.A listener named Maki would like to know if the test known as the TOEIC is popular in the United States.The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)tests the ability of people to communicate in the workplace using everyday English.

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) in PrincetonNew Jerseydevelops and administers the TOEIC.It says more than nine thousand organizations use the test in more than ninety countries.Each year the TOEIC is taken in the United States about twenty thousand times.So how popular does that make it? Wellconsider that last year the test was given more than five million times worldwide.

Non­native English speakers take the test to show their English skills.The cost of the test is set locally in each country.The TOEIC is really two tests.People can take one or both of them.While one is a paper­and­pencil test which tests listening and reading skillsthe other testis given on a computertesting speaking and writing skills.Eleven questions on the computer test require speaking.Eight other questions require written answersincluding an opinion essay.

We visited the ETS Web site for more information about the TOEIC.But one of the first things we saw was a warning against “phishing scams” (钓鱼欺骗) that use e­mailswhich claim to be from the ETSto make people lose personal information or money.Spokeswoman Christine Betaneli advises people to take the TOEIC to be suspicious of any e­mail claiming to be from the ETS.They should be especially suspicious of e­mails that ask for information that they have already provided for the test.

That's the “Education Zone” for today.I'm Bob Doughty.Thank you for listening.

31The author wrote the passage to ________.

Ashow people how to take the TOEIC

Badvise more people to take the TOEIC

Coffer suggestions about taking the TOEIC

Danswer Maki's question about the TOEIC

32The second paragraph mainly shows us ________.

Awho takes the TOEIC

Bwho holds the TOEIC

Chow popular the TOEIC is

Dhow people pass the TOEIC

33What information can we get from the passage?

AMost American natives take the TOEIC.

BPeople can just take the paper­and­pencil test.

CIt costs everyone the same money to take the TOEIC.

DPeople should e­mail the ETS to take part in the TOEIC.

34Which of the following will Christine Betaneli agree with?

AThe ETS won't ask people to provide personal information.

BOne can't be too careful to deal with the phishing scams.

CPeople should pay no attention to the phishing scams.

DTOEIC rules should be shown at the ETS website.

35The passage may be from ________.

Aa radio program Ba TV play

Can education magazine Dan English textbook


At the age of six months babies can sit up.According to psychologiststhey have already developed a moral sense and can tell the difference between good and evil.A series of experiments is challenging the traditional views of many psychologists and social scientists that babies are born without a moral sense and that our morality is shaped by our parents and experiences.Insteadthey suggest that the moral sense may be in the brain at birth.

Professor Paul Blooma psychologist at Yale Universitysaid“A growing body of evidence suggests that humans do have a moral sense from the very start of life.With the help of well designed experimentsyou can see moral judgment and moral feeling even in the first year of life.”For one studyProfessor Paul Bloom got babies aged between six months and a year to watch a puppet show in which a simplecolorful wooden shape with eyes tries to climb a hill.Sometimes the shape is helped up the hill by a second toywhile other times a third character pushes it down.In another experimentthe researchers invented a ‘one­act morality play’in which a toy dog tries to open a box.The dog is joined by a teddy bear who helps him lift the lidand another teddy bear who sits on the box.After watching these shows several timesthe babies showed a strong preference to helpful good characters—the one who helped to climb the hill and the one who helped to open the box—and refused unhelpful bad ones.Some babies even gave their own punishment with a hit on the bad puppet's head.

Although the studies appear to show that morality is hard­wired into babies' brainssome psychologists urged caution.Dr Nadja Reissland said “The babies might just prefer to see things go up rather than down.In the second testperhaps the bear closes the box to prevent the dog from getting in there because there is something dangerous inside.It is like a mother keeping children out of an area where there is something harmful.”

36According to the experimentsat the age of six months babies ________.

Acan sit up by themselves and speak

Bhave a sense of good and evil

Cprefer beautiful toys to ugly ones

Dknow how to punish the bad guys

37The traditional opinion about babies and moral senses is that ________.

Athe moral sense is in the brain at birth

Bexperiments can improve babies' morality

Cbabies' morality is influenced by parents

Dthe moral sense is important to babies

38How did Professor Paul Bloom come to his conclusion?

ABy designing experiments to test this idea.

BBy watching how the babies hit their toys.

CBy asking the parents of these babies some questions.

DBy carrying out all the necessary tests to check the view.

39The researchers let another bear sit on the box so that they could find ________.

Ahow the dog opened the box

Bif the babies would offer their help

Cwhether the bear would leave of itself

Dwhether the babies would show their hate

40What Dr Nadja Reissland said means ________.

Ait's not completely right to say babies are born with a moral sense

Bwhat the babies did clearly showed that they could make a moral judgment.

Cthe babies didn't like the bear just because their mothers didn't like iteither

Dthe babies knew that helping someone up the hill is better than pushing him down


Happy? Angry? AnxiousHow can we measure animals' emotions? A new study of animals' emotions suggests thatas in humansemotions can tell animals about how dangerous their world isand guide the choices that they make.The article of the study by Bristol University's Professor Mike Mendl is published online.

An animal living in an environment where it is often threatened by predators will develop a negative emotion or “mood”such as anxiety.Howeverone in an environment with plenty of opportunities to get resources for survival will be in a more positive mood state.

The researchers say that these emotional states not only show the animal's experiencesthey also help it decide how to make choicesespecially in unclear situationswhich could have good or bad results.An animal in a negative mood state will make a safety­first“pessimistic” response to an unclear event—for exampleit considers a noise in the grass as a signal of a predator—while an animal in a positive mood state will benefit from a more “optimistic” responseconsidering the noise as a signal of prey.

Professor Mike MendlHead of the Animal Welfare and Behavior research group at Bristol University's School of Clinical Veterinary Sciencesaid “Because we can measure animals' choices objectivelywe can use ‘optimistic’ and ‘pessimistic’ decision­making as a symbol of the animal's emotional state which itself is much more difficult to assess.Recent studies by our group and others suggest that this is a meritorious new approach to a variety of animal species.”

“Public interest in animal welfare remains highwith widespread meanings for the way in which animals are treatedused and included in society.To understand how animals experience the world and how they should be treatedwe need to better understand their emotional lives.” Mike Mendl said.The researchers believe Professor Mike Mendl's study can help them to better understand and assess an animal's emotions.

41What is the BEST title for the passage?

AThe Living Environment of Wild Animals.

BThe Best Way to Measure animals' emotions.

CEmotions Help Animals to Make Choices.

DDifferent kinds of animals' emotions.

42When an animal is in a negative mood state________.

Aits response to an unclear event is pessimistic

Bit will pay little attention to an unclear event

Cit is easy for it to make right decisions

Dit has more opportunities to get food

43The underlined word “meritorious” in Paragraph 4 has the same meaning as ________.

Avaluable Buseless Cunbelievable Dunexpected

44We can infer from the passage that ________.

Afew people care about animal welfare nowadays

Bthe environment can influence animals' emotions

Cthe animals with positive emotions live longer

Dthere is no way to assess an animal's emotions

45Professor Mike Mendl advises people to better understand animals' emotions in order to ________.

Atell people to build more protected areas for animals

Bexplain animals have the same emotions as people

Cfind better ways to prevent animals from being killed

Dmake people know how to treat animals properly

第二节 信息匹配(5小题;每小题2分,满分10)



AToyota Electron­2006 (new): Toyota's new car is both powerful and economical.Using a combination of fuel and electricity this car will not only save money on petrol billsbut it will also save the environment.Has air conditioner and leather seats.PriceD|S17,500

BBMW Series 7­2006 (new): Judged the Car of Year by Wheels Magazine this is the best high­class car on the market.It is big enough for 5 people but is smooth and fast.Has all the latest safety equipment and computer mapping system.PriceD|S84,900

CPorsche 911­2006 (new): This newest Porsche is packed with the latest safety equipment and engine technology.It can hold 2 people and the roof can come down automatically for you to enjoy the fresh air.Has DVD entertainment system and computer mapping system.PriceD|S72,000

DChrysler Minibus­2005(second­hand): With its unique seating designthis vehicle can hold up to 14 people.Silver outside with black leather inside and in excellent condition.Has 2 automatic sliding doors plus DVD entertainment system.PriceD|S19,200

EFord Fairlane­1998(second­hand): With a traditional Ford designthis car is dark bule and is an ideal second car for the family.Mechanically in good condition.Has air conditioner and CD player.PriceD|S6,900

FHonda Civic­1996(second­hand): This smallwhitetwo­door car is easy to park and cheap to run.Inside and outside both in excellent condition.It uses very little fuel and is the perfect car for city driving.Has CD player.PriceD|S2,500


46Robert Anderson.Robert has just been appointed the manager of a large international company.He wants to get a car that will impress his business colleagues yet is also suitable for transporting his wife and three children.

47Julie Sunderland.Julie has recently moved into the city where she is studying.She needs a car that is cheap to buy and run so she can get to university and to her part­time job.

48Bill Woodwar.Bill is the coach of the local football team and needs a car that can take the players and equipment to and from their games.

49Mary Alderson.Mary's rich dad promised he would buy her a new car for graduating from university.She wants something that is safethat will allow her to enjoy listening to music and show off to her friends.

50Kate Power.Kate needs to get a car to travel to her new job.But she feels guilty about the pollution she will cause so she wants a car that will do the least amount of harm to the environment.

写作 (共两节,满分40)

第一节 基础写作(1小题,满分15)



参考词汇:三藩市 San Francisco 教父 godfather 企业家 entrepreneur 行政总裁 CEO





第二节 读写任务(1小题;满分25)


Good hobbies can bring a lot of pleasure to kids and their parents.Hobbies are things that a person likes to do in his spare time.Some kids like swimming or playing sportswhile others may like quieter hobbies such as readingmusiccookingcomputer games or board games(棋类游戏)Older kids who can read might enjoy the guitar or the pianowhile younger ones might enjoy playing the toy drums and singing along.

Good hobbies for kids can be any type of activity that is beneficial for their over­all growth and has been proven to help them later in lifeincluding self­confidence and any skills that they might learn.When choosing hobbiesparents should remember not to push kids too hardotherwise they might give up before they really try the hobbies.Also you should give your kids the right to choose hobbies by themselves.

Good hobbies are something that will grow with your kidsstretching (使发挥全部本领)and challenging them enough to keep them interestedbut do not take them away from their school work.Insteadgood hobbies can help to improve their homework.


假定你要给某周报的英语习作栏投稿,请你就“My hobby”这一话题准备你的习作,请认真阅读上面的资料,然后完成以下的任务。


2.以约120个词就“My hobby”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括如下要点:

(1) 简单介绍你的业余爱好;

(2) 你的业余爱好是怎样发展起来的;

(3) 你的爱好对你的学习、生活和未来等有什么影响。







In most cities16.________ or poorit is the less well off that are most at risk from floods and natural disasters.It was the poor of New Orleansnearly a 17.________ (three) of the populationwho lived in the lowest­lying parts of the city and 18.________ (suffer) most from Katrina's wrath (愤怒).19.________ (similar)it was the urban poor of Honduras and its neighbors who were struck hardest 20.________ Hurricane Mitch in 1998.And it is the people of the slums (贫民窟) more widely in Latin America 21.________ are most capable of being attacked.

In some placestoo little waternot too muchis the problem.China's thirst for industry and 22.________ (irrigate) has combined with climate change to drain the aquifers(蓄水层)Droughts seem to be ever more frequent in northern Chinaand southern cities such as Guangzhou are also affected.Rivers are drying up: the Yellow River now flows to the sea for only 23.________few weeks a year.And the rainwhen it comesis intensely acid.To make matters 24.________ (bad)the glaciers on which both China 25.________ India partly depend are melting.Any benefits from extra water supplies will be short­termand damaged by floods.


The hostess was to have a party and entertain guests at home.She busied herself so early in the morningcleaning the house.She was so tired 16.________ she felt pain in her waist and on the back.Drops of sweat fell from her forehead.She did not finish cleaning the house 17.________dusk.

18________(look) at the clean and tidy drawing roomshe released a sigh with a smile on her face.The guests were coming! Entering the drawing roomthey 19.________ (attract) by the fresh flowers.Surprisingly pleasedthey cheered in praise“Ohwhat beautiful flowers

“How colorful and fragrant

“Just a look at itand life is full of pleasure”Then they went on to express their thanks 20.________ the hostess for her 21.________(delicate) arranged flowers.

With an embarrassed smilethe hostess said“I am glad you like it.Thank you for your praise.I was 22.________bit surprised about it.I 23.________ make detailed arrangement for your honor.I was busy the whole day cleaning and mopping.As to the flowers in the vaseit is a piece of cake.I did it by just lifting my hand.Now you are 24.________(aware) of my hard work and praise 25.________highly for my easiest effort.It is beyond my expectation.”



hours.Enjoying musicI live a happy life.


【答案】 richpoor相对,意为无论是富有还是贫穷

17third 此处意为三分之一,即one third

18suffered 由上文中lived可知用过去时。

19Similarly 此处作状语,所以用副词。

20by be struck by……袭击

21that/who 与上文中 it is...构成强调句。

22irrigation 与industry并列,需用名词。

23a a few weeks几周。

24worse to make matters worse让事情更糟糕的是。

25and 与上文中both连用。


16.that so...that...中的that引导结果状语从句。

17until/till 表示直到…… not.....until...

18looking looking为现在分词作伴随状语。

19were attracted 这里表示客人被鲜花吸引住了,故要用被动语态。

20to 向某人表示感激或感谢用express one's thanks to sb.

21delicately 修饰arranged要用副词形式。

22a 有点a bita little

23did 助动词do的形式放在谓语动词之前表示强调,表示的确、确实之意。

24unaware 根据句意可知,这里是指客人没有注意到她的辛劳。

25me 这里是女主人只表扬她的举手之劳的活


