2019七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第4课时)练习(新版)人教新目标版

发布时间:2019-07-26 08:16:33   来源:文档文库   

Unit 8 When is your birthday?



Hi, Im Mike. Im 13. I have __1__ good friends. Theyre Eric and David, and they are twelve years old. We are in the same school, __2__ not in the same class. We like sports and we can play __3__ well. Its fun and __4__ to play basketball. The schools basketball game is __5__ October 5th. We really __6__ it.

Next week is __7__ birthday. I want to buy a __8__ T­shirt for David. He likes blue. Its about ten dollars. What about Eric? He says he wants to __9__ a pair of sports socks for David. Theyre about eight dollars. Next to our school is Ms. White’s Clothes Store. Things in it are nice. Eric and I will go to the __10__ to buy some things after school.

(B)1.A. one B. two

C. three D. four

(D)2.A. and B. so

C. or D. but

(A)3.A. basketball B. volleyball

C. tennis D. baseball

(C)4.A. difficult B. late

C. relaxing D. boring

(B)5.A. at B. on

C. in D. for

(C)6.A. call B. get

C. like D. play

(C)7.A. our B. Eric’s

C. David’s D. their

(D)8.A. black B. white

C. green D. blue

(B)9.A. think B. buy

C. ask D. need

(A)10.A. store B. room

C. classroom D. library



There are many fun things in our school.This month is October. In October, there is a sports festival. We have basketball games and volleyball games during(……之间) the festival. In the middle of this month, we have an English speech contest during the English festival. October the nineteenth is the day for a school trip, and we go to Beijing with teachers. On the last day of this month, there is a music festival. On that day we can enjoy beautiful songs, dances and piano music. It is really wonderful.Next month, there is an art festival. Students often display(展示) their pictures on that day.


《2019七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第4课时)练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc》
