
发布时间:2020-05-04 11:11:38   来源:文档文库   



1respond vi.回答,答复;响应,作出反应

response n. 回答,回复;反应

respond to sb./sth.回答( answer, reply to正式)

respond to sb./sth. (with/ by sth.) 用……回应某人()

respond to (疾病、身体的受伤部分)对医药有良好反应

response to sb./sth. (对人/)的回答/回复/反应

in response to 作为对……的反应


(1)They still haven't ____________ my letter.


(2)He ____________ my suggestion ________ a laugh/______ laughing. 他对我的建议报以一笑。

(3)His illness didn't ____________ treatment by drugs.


(4)My mother opened the door ____________________ the knock, but there was no one outside.


responded to , responded to , with , by , respond to , in response to

2certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某()

(1)作“某()”讲时,同义于 some. some 前不加冠词。

for a certain reasonfor some reason 由于某种原因

certain professorssome professors 某些教授

a certain amount of time 相当一段时间

(2)作“确信的,有把握的”讲时,同义于 sure.但是 certain 的主语既可以是人,也可用于It is certain that...句型,而 sure 主语只能是人。

be certain/sure+从句”()有把握/确信……(表示主语的信念)

be certain/sure of/about sth. ()确信(表示主语的信念)

be certain/sure to do sth. 必定/肯定会做某事(主语常为二、三人称,表示说话人的信念)

make certain/sure+从句”弄清楚/确保……

make certain/sure of/about sth. 把某件事情弄清楚

for certain/sure 确定地,确切地(做状语)

It is certain that... 一定会……(不能用 sure)


(1)There was _________________ in his manner.他的态度有点冷淡。

(2)Are you ____________________ it?你对此有把握吗?

(3)He is __________________ his duty.他肯定会尽职。

(4)_________________ he has wronged me.我确信他冤枉了我。

(5)_________________ their team will win the match.他们队肯定会赢得比赛。

a certain coldness , certain about/of , certain to do , I’m certain that , It’s certain that

3contain vt. 包含;容纳(hold);抑制(control)


(1)His paper ___________ no mistakes at all.


(2)Orange juice ____________ things which help keep you healthy.


(3)This bottle ___________ two glasses of beer.


(4)He couldn't ____________ for joy.他不胜欢喜。

contained , contains , contains , contain himself

4affect vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭

be greatly/deeply affected 很/深受感动

be affected by heat/cold 中暑/着凉

be affected with high fever 发高烧


(1)The amount of rain ______ the growth of crops.降雨量直接影响庄稼生长。

(2)One of her lungs ____________ a little so that she has to rest.她的一叶肺有些感染,所以她不得不休息。

(3)The audience ____________________ by his speech.


affects , is affected , were deeply affected

5appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;喜欢

appreciation n. 欣赏;感激

appreciate sth. (thank sb.) 感激某事或某人

appreciatedoing sth.感激做某事

one/one's doing sth.感激某人做某事

I would appreciate it if... 如果……,我将不胜感激。


(1)He highly __________________________.


(2)We shall ___________________________ you again.


(3)I really ____________________________ to the party.


(4)I would ______________________ you could help me.


appreciated his help

appreciate hearing from

appreciate your coming

appreciate it if

6succeed v.成功

success n. [U]成功;成就 [C]成功的人或事

successful adj. 成功的

successfully adv. 成功地

succeed in doing sth.

have success in doing sth.

be successful in doing sth.成功做某事

achieve great success 取得巨大的成功

sb./sth. is a success 成功的人或事


(1)We all _____________________ the midterm examination.我们都成功地通过了期中考试。

(2)Failure is the mother of __________.失败是成功之母。

(3)He was _________________________ as a novelist.


succeeded in passing , success , a success

7harm vt. & n.损害;危害

harmful adj.有害的

be harmful todo harm to

do sb. harmdo harm to sb.对……有害

There is no harm in doing sth.

It does no harm (for sb.)to do sth.



(1)The dog seems fierce, but it wont ______ anyone.这条狗看上去很凶,但它不会伤害任何人。

(2)Fruit juice can ______________________ children’s teeth.


(3)He may say no, but ___________________________ asking.他可能拒绝,但问一问也无妨。

harm , be harmful to , there is no harm in

8die out 灭亡,逐渐消失

die out 绝种,灭绝;熄灭;(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失

die off(家族、种族等)相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死

die away(声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息,平息

die down(火、光线、兴奋、暴风雨等)渐弱,渐息;(声音)静下来

die of 指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿、悲伤等

die from 指由于外伤、外界原因、粗心、不注意、劳累过度等而死


(1) Scientists said that those plants ______ a century ago.


(2) Many old customs ___________________________.


(3)If the snowstorm does not blow over, the cattle will ______________.


(4)Open the air hole; the fire is ___________________.


died out , are dying out , die off , dying down

(5)Every winter some old people _______________ hypothermia.


(6)Nowadays many people ________________ cancer.


die from , die of

9in danger (of...)处于危险之中

out of danger 脱离危险


(1)The drowned girl was obviously



(2)The old house is _________________ collapse.


(3)They were told at the hospital that their grandmother was _________________.


in immediate danger , in danger of , out of danger

拓展:与 in/out of 搭配的短语

in order 有秩序

in sight 看得见

in trouble 在困境中

in line 成行()

in place 适合/

in fashion 时尚out of order出故障(机器等工作不正常)

out of sight 看不见

out of trouble 摆脱困境

out of line 不成一直线

out of place 不合适

out of fashion 过时

10protect...from/against... 保护……免受……(的伤害)


keep sb. from doing

stop sb. (from) doing

prevent sb. (from) doing阻止某人做


(1)Young plants should be well ______________ the cold.


(2)The hen ___________ its young ___________ being attacked by the cat. 母鸡保卫小鸡使其免遭猫的袭击。

(3)Everyone should take up arms to __________ our country from invasion.


(4)Nothing can ______ us ______ realizing our dreams.


protected from , protected , against , defend , stop , from

提示:(1)protect against protect from 意思相似,有时可互换。但是,对于较大的事情,如:敌人的入侵、天灾等,常用 protect against, 对于较小的事情常用 protect from.

(2) protect...from/against... 结构中,from against 后面常跟 sth.,有时 against 后跟 being done 来强调动作的被动性。

(3)主动句中 prevent/stop...from...中的 from 可省略,在被动句中 from不可省略,而 keep...from...中的 from无论是在主动句还是被动句中都不能省略。

11pay attention to 注意

Attention, please! 请注意! (演讲用语)

(May I have your attention, please)

attract/catch/draw/get one's attention to 吸引某人的注意

fix/focus/concentrate one's attention on 将注意力集中于

devote one's attention to 专心致志于

call one's attention to 唤起某人对……的注意

提示:以上短语中的 toon都是介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。


(1)She ______________________________ her appearance.


(2)A great deal of attention has been ______________ protecting the environment.


paid much attention to , paid to

12come into being 出现;形成;产生

bring...into being 使形成;使产生

for the time being 暂时;眼下


(1)We don't know when the universe ________________________.


(2)Such a custom ______________________ long ago.


came into being , came into being

提示:come into being是不及物动词短语,无被动形式,无进行时。类似短语有:come into power 当权

come into effect 生效

come into action 开始行动

come into office 就职

come into sight 看得见

come into use 开始使用


1. contain/include

(1)contain 意为“包含,含有,容纳,里面装有”,指的是包含的全部内容或容量,也可指里面所含的成分。其宾语与主语常是同位关系,不用于进行时态。

(2)include 意为“包含;连……在内,计入,算入,包括”,只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。常用 including+被包括部分”或“被包括部分+included”。如:

Many people like tennis, including me/me included. 许多人喜欢网球,也包括我/我也在内。

[应用1] 用 contain include的适当形式填空。

(1)The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It _____________ a lot of fruit and green vegetables.

(2)Everyone took part in the fight against the flood, _____________ old people.

(3)The __________ can __________ 100 litres of water.

includes , including , container , contain

2. affect/effect/influence

(1)affect 常做及物动词,“影响,感动,感染”。

(2)effect 常做名词,“结果,效果,作用,影响”,常用于词组:have an effect on/upon sb. 对……有影响,take effect 生效,实行,come/go into effect 开始生效,开始实施。

(3)influence 可做动词也可做名词,表示“影响、感染”的意思时,是指使思想、行为、性质或发展和成长等发生变化的影响。它可以指坏的影响,也可以指好的影响,这种影响常常是潜移默化的。

[应用2] (1)Probably we ______________ each other.

(2)To _________ a policy is to have an _________ on it.

influenced , affect , effect



1This hat will give p_____________ against the hot sun.

2My wallet c______________ two hundred yuan and my passport was lost when I was shopping.

3Mrs Brown's dog b______ the mailman when he was delivering newspapers yesterday afternoon.

4Both bees and butterflies belong to i__________.

5The mother is r________ her baby against mosquitoes.

6You'd better __________(存留) the money for future need.

7We'll go _____________(打猎) tomorrow.

8We greatly ___________(感谢,感激) your timely help.

9She turned her ____________(注意力) to new problems.

10The dog looks __________ (凶恶). You'd better keep away from it.


1The driver was at ______ loss when ______ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

Aa; the   B/; / Cthe; the Da; /

2It is______that his English is______perfect.

Asure; very Bright; rather Cexact; fairly Dcertain; quite

3Stop ______ this kind of snakes. They are ______.

Ahunting; dying out Bto hunt; dying out

Chunting; dying away Dto hunt; dying down

4I'd like to arrive 20 minutes early ______ I can have time for a cup of tea.

Aas soon as Bas a result Cin case Dso that

5 Are you driving to the airport, sir I'd appreciate ______ if you could give me a lift.

Athat Byou Cthis Dit

6More attention should be ______ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production.

Apaid to improving Bpaid to improve Ctaken to improve Dtaken to improving

7.-How many passengers were in the plane

It ______ 100, 20 Chinese ______.

Acontained; included

Bcontained; including

Cincluded; contained

Dcontained; containing

8The disease failed to______to the new drugs the doctor applied.

Arespond Bturn Creply Drefer

9Much ______ by the story of Cong Fei, I am also determined to be a volunteer worker.

Aaffected Bappreciated Cadmired Deffected

10There may be kinds of infectious (传染的) diseases in public places. You should keep your children______to the places where people are crowded.

Anot go Bnot to go Cgoing Dfrom going

11After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came ______ being, which would have a great effect ______the cultural life of the people.

Ainto; for Bto; to Cfrom; at Dinto; on

12Nobody knows exactly how many years it will be ______ the Chinese football team enters the final stage of the World Cup.

Awhen Bsince Cbefore Duntil

13She was knocked ______ by a car and now was still ______.

Adown; in danger Boff; dangerous Cdown; dangerous Doff; in danger

14.—Excuse me, what time is it now

Sorry, my watch ______. It ______ at the shop.

Aisn't working; is being repaired

Bdoesn't work; is being repaired

Cisn't working; is repaired

Ddoesn't work; is repaired

15.—My car started up at last.

You should have it repaired ______ it's working now.

Aas long as Bas though Ceven though Din case

protection  , containing , bit , insects , rubbing

reserve  , hunting , appreciate , attention , fierce

1.答案:D解析:考查冠词。at a loss 迷惘不知所措,且 word 指“消息”时,无冠词。

2答案:D解析:考查 It is certain that...句式,quite 是副词“相当”,修饰形容词 perfect.句意为:“他的英语相当好,这是真的。”

3答案:A解析:stop doing “停止做某事”,而 stop to do 表示“停下来去做某事”。第二空 die out “灭绝”。

4答案:D解析:句意为:“我想早到20分钟,目的是为了我能有时间喝杯茶”。so that 引导目的状语从句。

5答案:D解析:语意:先生,你是开车去机场吗?如果你能载我一程,我将非常感激。根据语意可知,it为形式宾语,代替真正的宾语if you could give me a lift.

6答案:A解析:考查 pay attention to doing sth.的被动结构。

7答案:A解析:contain容纳,包含;include包括。第二空用sb./sth. includedincluding sb./sth.

8答案:A解析:respond to起反应,回答,响应;turn to转向;reply to回信,对……作出回答,对……作出反应;refer to提及

9答案:A解析:表示“受到……的影响”,且在句中做状语,用 affected.

10答案:D解析:keep sb./sth. from doing sth.意思是“阻止(人或物)做某事”,其中介词from不能省

11答案:D解析:考查短语 come into being “形成”和 have an effect on “对……有影响”。

12答案:C解析:考查句型 it will be+一段时间+before...”“多久以后,才……”。

13答案:A解析:knock down 撞倒;knock...off... 把……从……上撞下来;in danger 处于危险中;dangerous 危险的。


15答案:C解析:句意为“即使车还能工作,你也应该把它修一修”。even thougheven if 引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”。


