
发布时间:2018-12-31 02:36:34   来源:文档文库   


  他终于走到了河边,看到那水蓝蓝的,见不到底,就有点怕,这水应该好深吧,我能不能过去,会不会把我淹了呢。他抬头看一看周边有没有其它的动物。刚好前面有头牛在那边上吃草,他就走了过去说:阿牛哥,请问这水深不深?我能不能自己一个人过去?阿牛哥抬头看了看小马,然后说:这水不深的,我过去的时候刚好到膝盖上面一点儿,但是这水有点冰,你下河的时候一定要走稳才好。小白兔蹦过来大声说:”错了,这水很深很深,我们有只小黑兔昨天差点淹死了,所以我们家的兔子们都不敢过去了,只有结冰的时候敢过去。小马说:”阿牛哥说这水不深,你又说深,到底要听哪一个人说的呀?小马看了看牛和兔子的身高,他就明白了,原来我是可以过去的。小马很有信心对他们说:我可以过去的,谢谢你们 小马慢慢的走了过去,到了河的对岸后和对面的阿牛哥和小白兔招了招手,愉快地向外婆家走去。
  Far out in the sea the water is very, very blue. You can see through it like glass. Far down in the water there are beautiful trees and plants. These trees and plants are so far from the top of the water that no one can see them. Fishes go in and out of the trees just like birds. This is the place where the Sea King’s city is.
  The Sea King’s wife died many years before, so his old mother looked after him. She loved the Sea King’s six children very much, and they loved their grandmother, too. These six children were beautiful princesses. The youngest princess was the most beautiful: her eyes were as blue as the sea and her body was white like a rose. But, like all her sisters, she had no feet. The top of her body was like a girl’s body; and the rest of her body was like the body of a fish.
  The six princesses often played all day in the big rooms inside the Sea King’s house. Beautiful flowers GREw out of the walls on all sides of them. When the windows were opened, fishes would go into the rooms just like birds come into our rooms. But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands.
  In front of the Sea King’s house there was a large garden full of red plants and blue plants. The flowers of these plants were like the burning sun. There was a blue light over the garden; you would think that you were up in the sky — not down in the sea.
  Each of the little princesses had her own little garden inside the large
  garden. They could plant the flowers, which they themselves liked the most. The youngest princess planted red flowers in the garden, and she planted a red tree near the flowers. She was not at all like her sisters.
  The little princess loved to hear about people who were not the same as she was. These people have feet and did not live in the sea: they lived on land. She made her grandmother tell her everything she knew about ships, cities, and men. She was very pleased when she heard that the flowers on land had a lovely smell: the flowers in the sea had no smell at all. She was very pleased, too, when she heard that the small fishes in the sky could sing. The old lady was speaking about birds, but she called
  them fishes because the little princesses did not know about birds. "When you are fifteen years old, you can go to the top of the sea, " their grandmother said. "You will then sit at night and see the ships go by. And you will know about cities and men. "
  The next year the oldest of the sisters would be fifteen. She was very happy, but the other sisters were unhappy. They could not go to the top of the sea. The oldest sister said that she would tell them about everything that she saw.
  But none of the sisters wanted to go so much as the youngest sister wanted to go. On many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the blue water. She could see the sun and it looked very big to her. If a ship went by up there, above her, she thought that it must be a very big fish.
  The day now came when the oldest of the princess was fifteen and could go to the top of the sea.
  When she came back she had many things to tell.
  再过一年,最大的姐姐就满十五岁了,她很高兴,但其她的姐妹却不愉快。她们不能到海面上去。大姐姐说,她会把她看到的一切讲给她们听。可是,在姐妹中谁也没有象最年幼的妹妹那样,想上去想得那么厉害。有很多夜晚,她站在开着的窗口,透过蓝色的海水,朝上凝望。她看到太阳,对她来说,太阳看起来是那么大。如果一条船从她上方的海面驶过,她会以为那是一条很大的鱼。这一天来到了,最大的公主满十五岁,可以升到海面上去了。 她回来的时候,有许多事情要讲。
  "The thing which I liked to do the most was to look at a large city, " she said. "The city was near the sea and there were many lights. I heard people singing and men speaking. I saw big houses and I heard bells ringing. And I wanted to go into the city."
  The youngest princess wanted to hear about everything again. The next night when she stood by the open window and looked up through the sea, she thought she could hear the bells ringing.
  The next year another sister became fifteen and went to the top of the sea.
  She went there just as the sun was going down in the sky at night.
  "This was more beautiful than any other thing I ever saw, " she told her sisters when she came back. "The sky was golden, and I cannot tell you how beautiful it was."
  It was soon time for another sister to go to the top of the sea. She was the bravest of the six, and she went up a river. She saw hills with woods and houses and she heard the birds singing. Many children were jumping in the water. Then a little dog ran after her. She became afraid and went back to the sea.
  "Nothing can be more beautiful, " she said when she came back home. "I have seen ships on the water: they were so far away that they looked like white birds."
  篇三:英语小故事The Little Red Hen
  The Little Red Hen
  Now, this is a story about the little red hen and she was a hard worker.
  Oh,she didn't mind wroking.But,now, she did have some lazy friends.
  There was old duck, who wanted to just hang around the old muddy pond.
  There was a dog, who was always chasing his tail around the tree.
  And then,of course there was Miss Kitty,who was real prim and proper.
  Now, Little Red Hen decided one day that she wanted to plant some wheat
  At first, she went to Mr.Duck and she said"Old Duck,will you help me plant this garden?"And the old duck said,"Now,look here light-eyed girl.Do you see I'm chillin and I ain't got no time to help in no garden."
  Well,she went over to the dog and he was barking around that tree,chasing his tall.
  She said,"old Dog,would you help me plant this garden?"Dog said,"Not me girl.I ain't got no time.Can't you see me busy round here barking around this tree,chasing my tail?"
  So then,she went on and she called on Miss kitty.She said,"Miss Kitty."And Miss Kitty said,"Yes,darling!"She said ,"Will you help me plant my garden?"Miss Kitty said,"Oh,darling,I just had my nails done,and I can't get my nails dirty."
  Well, the little red hen said,"I guess I'll just do it myself." And, sure enough,she planted that garden and she tended that garden and took good care of that garden,untill it was time for harvest.
  And again she went to her so-called friends.At first,she went back to Mr.Duckand she said,"Old duck,come on and get out of that pond and help me harvest my garden."Duck said,"Girl, I ain't got no time.I'm chillin."
  Then she went over to the old dog and she asked the dog,"Dog,are you still running around that same old tree?"Dog,could you just help me harvest my wheat?And the dog said,"Ain't got no time,girl.Don't you see I'm busy?I'm chasing my tail!"She said,"Uh-huh,real busy."
  So then she went to Miss Kitty and she said,"Miss Kitty,how you doing today?Miss Kitty,can you please help me harvest my garden?"And Miss Kitty said,"Now honey,you know I could,but I'm in the middle of a faclal ."
  Well, Hen said,"Well,I'll just have to do it myself."
  Well now,after she got it all harvested,and took it to the mill and had it ground up,because none of her friends would help her with that either.
  She came back and she made it into some nice,fine,light bread.Oh,yes she did.Baked itwith some cinnamon and little honey and lots of butter.And I mean you could smellit all over the place!Oh,take a sniff now!
  Whoo,I'm telling you,old duck smelled it down there in the old muddy pond.
  And all of a sudden, he came squawking, wadding into the kitchen.
  Then there was the dog, who was chasing his tail around the tree.He said,"What's that I'm smelling? Smells mighty fine." And he followed his nose to the kitchen.
  Then Miss Kitty,who was upstairs taking one of them long aftermoon naps, came down and said"Ohh,it smells so delicious down here."And she came into the kitchen.
  And the little red hen was in there,busy baking her breads and as she took it out thearoma-ohhh it just filled the air everywhere. I mean people could smell it all over the place. well now,all of her so-called friends all of a sudden wanted to help. The old ducksaid,"Quack,quack quack Hey Little red GHrl I think i got a little time now.I can help you with that bread."
  And then the old dog said,"Ahhh,Red,I'm the man for ya,I can help you with that bread,girl."And Miss Kitty said,"Well,you know Red honey,I just won't worry about my diet today and I'll just help you with some of that bread."
  "I realize",Red said to them,"how thoughtiess i was to bother you all when you were all when you were all so busy.
  I don't know what I was thinking about when I asked you to help me plant my garden, harvest the wheat,take it to the mill to grind it into flour and to bake it into bread? Oh, please forgive me.What kind of friend am I?
  I sure would like to apologize for being so thoughtiess, but now since I have come to my right mind, i wouldn't dare take up your precious time to eat my bread.No,not I.


