英语作文(Individualism vs Collectivism)

发布时间:2020-05-17 21:12:41   来源:文档文库   

Individualism vs Collectivism

As we all know, feudal system had existed for thousand years in Chinese history, which shaped Chinese people mind filled with collective values, although now the feudal system has given way to democracy, Chinese people still regard collectivism as their value, rather than individualism. They have strong collective sense of responsibility; they think many important things in life happen as a result of teamwork or collective effort, not to credit to someone.

On the contrary, Americans perhaps are interest in individualism. They prefer to give more consideration to their own, when they deal with things, rather than their communities or their nation.

Individualism and collectivism, which one is better? Maybe individualism thinks that individual is the primary unit of reality and the ultimate standard of value. Of course individualism is more important in people life. Collectivism is bad for individuality, which is human nature. Otherwise, collectivism holds the opposite point, these people look on family, group, or nation as the primary unit of the society. They think that individualism is selfishness, which does harm to people communication and teamwork, while collectivism can help things done better with high efficiency.

In my opinion, whether individualism or collectivism, there are sufficient reasons for them to exist in our society, we can’t judge them good or bad only by themselves, should be based on the situation. As the saying goes, there are two sides to every story, so if it is helpful to things done well, it is good, or it is bad.

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College of mechanical and electrical engineering


《英语作文(Individualism vs Collectivism).doc》
