
发布时间:2019-07-03 00:54:53   来源:文档文库   


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  本课您将学到: be ready to do sth (做好准备), tend to 句型


   If your favorite color is red , you are full of fire , emotion , and energy ; and you like to be in the middle of the action (行动). Youre always ready to try new things .

   If you like green best , you are a more laid - back kind of person . Your family and friends are probably (可能是) very important for you .

   If yellow is your favorite color , you are like the sun ; you brighten up any room you go into . Youre super (超) happy , idealistic (理想主义的), and energetic (精力旺盛的). Youre also very curious (好奇的), so you tend to know a lot .

   Purple is the color of royalty (庄严、高贵). So if you like purple , you probably like to be treated (对待) like a king or queen .


  如果你最喜欢红色,( If your favorite color is red )那么你热情如火( full of fire ),充满活力( full of emotion and full of energy ),而且你喜欢参与各种活动。( you like to be in the middle of the action )你准备随时尝试新事物。( Youre always ready to try new things .)

   the middle of 是中间、中部的意思,如: It is already the middle of summer .(现在已是仲夏了。)如果要表达在中间时,需要在前面加介词 in ,如: I was in the middle of my work when he called .(他打电话来的时候,我正在忙。)


