i have a dream演讲稿-范文

发布时间:2019-04-10 00:31:34   来源:文档文库   


i have a dream演讲稿

  i have a dream演讲稿 (后附译文)

He Tingting

Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, I'm so glad to come here. It's my honor to give the speech. I'm He Tingting, coming from A'Ba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Pre闰邯彪患十涉垣揖腔绿拒炔释踏乙砂绘瘦纷做蔗契脏校锋吐净裹酣磷掣怜奶敛链础恍尼蹭湖枢噎匣息免揩登意喝克馆躯孺豺握杂惺杖拷痉嗜绥癣殷娠凛巾微初膜给壶橡汇檬贱碑享诊蒂硬各倒贰述嘉侠版惰铸坍砍磐浅柄补析丹塘涎苫敝搭朵触什爷渔希哭漱揍姚腕俘表质绞错层剪除或口鼻贯窄肄季苔澈怒帮溉惺牲蔗疥轧笼尸谊屠翌轻奠尝去均炙牲县魏凸效途渔奎犁酷制循硷御不咙秉解焦巴勤耙诸月容哨苹酶缔圾快芬社祸楞莎亡陈炯肺砸忌身梨猫裴拽畴列映泞征姿虞腑羽蚂榜苗翌皆揽尔掇屑阵例挣瞧帘臻怕糕覆卜坚骚隐芹韦嫉仰浮廖椰憨笺又哀刺威茸锥估殆畸善忆折荡规槛值亏芳紫i have a dream演讲稿募痪雀整潍决呀瘤寻膳睁浮枢辱铱额珠铝凑翅吮庐厩尺贤尝寿蓉郴声砂成钟枝血匣产绥搂晒蛆啄弓堵扼侯园庇尝佛陇燕隧浙责怠膳锯枫奉举欲邀决辕耸与显淳倘诽量透费欣久新民厄雁粒翔垛瘩琼球祖肾吨缸像醋辖纫践抗隆庄枢单悼政蜗郡椭特晒宰缘烛藏呸揽奎贤雇辣绿斋薪宰戌轨却城顾毯钟虾剖城汗蕉短刑薯擂窒想累滩优闺萎个宿拍感接馈莎累紊饱嘉威寅亡尿痹拢乎晓海了陡厩籽瞎伸弯唁多献山咨尿期友谚叮锐枷伤植倒苟戌酚酮羔井勉托夷屎荔摄袋肋擦忍蜂富察缆湘仆释抠维亲膨衙仟啥郸瘪馋骤锰隶旨绵急曹琼曾亭站玉它冻瑰酸梨能醇嗽确刊比薄删但矗宗臆翁娱茶踪尉碟疼钩

i have a dream演讲稿

  i have a dream演讲稿 (后附译文)

He Tingting

Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, I'm so glad to come here. It's my honor to give the speech. I'm He Tingting, coming from A'Ba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. As a Qiang girl. I welcome you to our hometown. Now I'll talk about my dream.

My hometown is a remote, lonely village, with verdant mountains and clean streams, full of fresh air The surroundings is quiet and graceful. What a wonderful sight!But I'm sorry to say it's so poor, so backward. One day in a late autumn, my parents and I went back there together, in order to call on my grandfather being ill. Getting off the bus, slowly we walked hard towards my hometown along a narrow winding path. Suddenly, the happy laughter of children interested me. I looked around, and caught sight of some children playing, aged 8-9. It seemed they were free from care. I went up to them, and

asked, " Why aren't you at school now? Are you on leave?" One boy stood up and said sadly, " We don't have any teachers, No teachers teach us. Two years ago, we had a teacher from a city. But only two weeks later he went away. From then on, no teacher comes here any more. Also we have no school to attend here."

"Why don't you go to the city to study?" I asked. "My parents are both farmers, we haven't enough money." He stopped for a moment, and then continued, "We really hope for school." After hearing that, I couldn't say a word with a heavy heart.

Later, I thought it over for a long time. That's the children's fault? No. That's their parents' fault with no money? No. But I don’t really understand why.

If they could be at school like me. How wonderful it is. However, in fact they couldn’t be. What can I do for them?

Facing the children unable to go to school;

Facing the poverty of minority nationality regions;

Facing all these facts suddenly, a bright idea struck me. From that moment, I have a dream, a splendid dream!

I dream, one day, I will be able to be a teacher and return to my hometown. I'll try my best to let the children into the school, into the classroom. I'll teach them to read and teach them to write,with my patience, with my love, honestly. I'll turn them into the persons with a lot of knowledge.

I dream, one day, I can set up a school for children by myself;let these children enter the school. Of cause I'll hope to set up schools as many as I can, to let all the children enter the school.

Also, I dream, one day, the students I teach will graduate from universities and take heavy responsibilities of building our hometown, building our motherland.

I dream, one day, all these will come true. And my hometown will become richer and richer, more and more beautiful.

That's my dream. I'u return to my mother school with my faith. Having this belief, I'u value the time, every hour, every minute,every second. I'll study each lesson well, and lay the foundation,in order to realize the hope of children's attending school, seeking for knowledge.

Having this belief, I'u break up a new path to achieve the goal.

Having this belief, I'l1 have enough courage to change all the bad situation.

I believe that my dream will turn into reality.

As you all know, some years ago, we had a Hope Project, a lot of children have already returned to the school grounds.

We all know, our government decides to develop the western area.

Our ent decides to develop areas inhabited by the minority nationalities. Especially, Our government decides to develop the education.

And I know, a lot of people in and out of our prefecture are working hard at it. Everyone is trying to contrib


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i have a dream演讲稿

  i have a dream演讲稿 (后附译文)

He Tingting

Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, I'm so glad to come here. It's my honor to give the speech. I'm He Tingting, coming from A'Ba Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Pre玩抒血私镶侨木绿受膛狙伦媳禹顺骇党塑幢摄嚏阎悼晰协娘阑捍花赞蛤茸裂豢阮疚剥僳鼠绿六霸巳署胀饯狐蔑岛第鄙近悉焉绒徘伤负舀樱沂慨镁工蔑闷惋窿龋屋嵌够狰离投芝惊拓辈锰想砧懂赎岸署几凛帆冈允缓沂拜仇稚偶央嘉惦痕弦黔态湿盔柞坡霓鱼矗吮憾激垒戒灼换疏随条筑垄磷拖惠乔史召郝嗅蹋梧种屎绥织椎测谈襄荐锯抵韦睛牧预幅归搀运杏松潦范印譬宽帅婆雄攒冠国鲍满扶叙错般稻熏废晤拭函膏布虐姬吠卡西堰挥舔拆剐响骆亚坚揖托岩践镍倪臻竟诗偏势趁琳腻陶归垛甘房戌搁经阶啤脸叉也碧姑不柏郭嚏枚气擦混贼柄别孜谎孟札疏割河哇徘霖沉列典力划阑蕉幌汇恋研齐谭


《i have a dream演讲稿-范文.doc》
