高中英语Unit 3 Life in the future巩固练习 语言点教案

发布时间:2019-09-04 12:55:11   来源:文档文库   




1. There is no such car in the s______________周围area.

2. I told him I wasnt going to________ (容忍) his drinking any longer.

3. His head a___________, which stopped him from going to the party.

4. We are______________(乐观的) that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future.

5. He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no _________ (先前的) experience of this kind of job.

6. I recognized her the i__________(片刻) I saw her.

7. I dislike these _________ (不断的) arguments.

8. He took up _______ (生态学) and decided to devote his whole life to the science.

9. We went to Japan to travel and my two cousins acted as our _________ (导游).

10. I’m greatly i_________ (印象深刻) by the clarity of the sea water in Hainan.



take up transport lack suffer from with provide

get lost in no time catch sigh unsettled

I am Li Qiang. I was (1) ________ my prize of travelling to the year AD 3005 by a time capsule. I was worried about the trip feeling (2) _______ for some time. As a result, I (3) _______ “time lag” which is similar to “jet lag”. I got flashbacks from my previous time period, that is, from the years before 2005. I felt nervous and uncertain. Then some green tablets helped me a lot. I was finally (4) ________ into the future, arriving the year AD 3005, by a time capsule.

Standing on my feet on the AD 3005 earth, I felt hit by the (5) ________ of fresh air. I put on a mask, followed Wang Ping into a small room. Feeling better I collected a hovering carriage driven by puter. I floated about the ground. By pressing down on the driving stick I moved swiftly. I soon mastered the idea that I was able to fly! Then I (6) ________ reaching a huge market (7) ________ people flying by in all directions. I lost sight of my guide Wang Ping because he had been swept up into the centre of the flying people. All of a sudden I (8) ________ him and caught up with him.

Arriving at his home I found trees inside (9) ________ the house with oxygen. Wang Ping flashed a switch on a puter screen and rose from under the floor, as if by magic, a table and chairs. I ate the food spread on the table and went to a bed produced from the floor. Sliding into the bed I went to sleep (10) ________ for I was too exhausted.


1. 我提高了车速,想追上那台蓝色的轿车。

I ____________________the car _______________ that blue one.

2. 坚持一周内不争吵,你打算接受这一挑战吗?

Are you going to __________________ lasting a whole week without arguing?

3. 他是个善良英俊的年轻人,但是给我印象最深的是他的幽默感。

He is a kind and handsome young man, but ______________is his sense of humour.

4. 你刚才说的话使我想起了那位美国教授。

What you said just now ____________________________.

5. 你觉得我们什么时候见面方便些?

When ____________________ to have a meeting?

6. 上个月做完手术后,苏现在已经痊愈了。

Sue _________________________________________ now after her operation last month.

7. 他溜进演讲厅,坐在后排的一个座位上,谁也没有注意到他。

He ___________ the lecture hall and sat at a back seat _________________.

8. 她向我招了招手,好像认识我似的。

She waved to me _____________________.

9. 司机用力踩下油门踏板。

The driver _____________________ the gas pedal.

10. 我一周内完成这项工作几乎不可能

Im hardly _____________ the task within a week.


1. It is our _______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

A. consist   B. continuous   C. constant   D. continual

2. What my father said to me that night was strongly impressed __________ my memory.

A. to   B. over   C. by   D. on

3. Though __________ moneyhis parents managed to send him to university

A. lacked   B. lacking of   C. lacking   D. lacked of

4. I ______ sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there.

A. lost    B caught    C. looked    D. took

5. Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ________ most of her day.

A. takes up   B. makes up   C. saves up   D. puts up

6. The speaker, halfway in her speech, suddenly _________ to another subject.

A. mitted   B. switched   C. favored   D. transmitted

7. He stared at the diamonds with _______ eyes and everyone looked down upon him.

A. surprised   B. excited   C. wide   D. greedy

8. There were no women in the mittee ________ 1976, but now women are in a majority.

A. before to B. previous to C. ago D. earlier

9. Her stomach began to ________ because of the bad food she had eaten.

A. harm B. injure C. ache D. pain

10. The boy was brought up in _________ but not in ________.

A. beautiful surroundings; a happy home surroundings

B. happy environment; a happy home environment

C. beautiful surroundings; a happy home environment

D. happy surroundings; a beautiful home surroundings

11. It was not until the boat was _________ that they stopped waving their hands.

A. out of sight B. in sight C. at sight D. within sight

12. The Internet is widely usedwhich __________ the development of English.

Aspeeds up Btakes over Cgets across Dturns to

13. Can you ________ and touch your toes without ________ your knees?

A. bend down; bending B. bend over; bending

C. bend down; bend D. bend over; bend

14. When I saw the car crash on the roada frightened feeling ________ across my mind.

Aflashed Bstruck Chit Doccurred

15. Look, dark clouds are gathering. It is ________ to rain soon.

A. probable B. possible C. likely D. perhaps

16. In our childhood, we were often ______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A demanded    B. reminded    C. allowed    D. hoped

17. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _____ of exercise.

Alimit    B. lack    C. need    D. demand

18. After he retired from office, Rogers _______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A. took up    B. saved up    C. kept up    D. drew up

19. Its easy to _______ sight of the real issue with so many people arguing together.

A. catch    B. lose    C. raise    D. lower

20. A peaceful _________ concerning the border dispute was reached between the two countries.

Aceremony    Bpreparation    Csettlement    Dstandard

21. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _________.

A. breaks    B. has broken   C. were broken    D. had been broken

22. —Why was the thief caught by the police so quickly?

  —Because he had left __________of his foot in the garden.

A. an impression    B. a shoe    C. a toe    D. a part

23. The reason ______he made the mistakes is that he has had no ______ experience of this job.

A. whether; previous      B. which; before

C. why; previous        D. that; before

24. Owing to __________ of time, we cannot do more than __________we have done.

A. lack; that    B. lacking; what    C. lack; what    D. lacking; which

25. Fashion differs from country to country, which may reflect the cultural differences from one ________.

A. style    B. pattern   C. sign    D. aspect



1. surrounding 2. tolerate 3. ached 4. optimistic 5. previous

6. instant 7. constant 8. ecology 9. guides 10. impressed


1. taking up 2. unsettled 3. suffered from 4. transported 5. lack

6. got lost 7. with 8. caught sight of 9. providing 10. in no time


1. sped/speeded upto catch up with 2. take up the challenge of

3. what impresses me most 4. reminded me of that American professor

5. do you think is convenient for us 6. is back on her feet

7. slid intowithout being noticed 8. as if/ as though she knew me

9. pressed down hard on 10. likely to finish


1. Cconstant adj. 表示“一贯的,永恒的”,强调总在发生、重复或不变; continuous

   表示 “继续的,连续的”,强调一段时间内不间断;continual 表示“连续的,


2. Dimpress...on/upon ones memory意为“给……留下深刻印象”,多用于被动语态,


3Clack是及物动词,意为“缺乏,缺少”,句子主语his parentslack是主动关系,lacking作条件状语。lackof连用是名词,没有-ing形式和过去分词形式。

4. Bcatch sight of 示“突然看见”;lose sight of 忽视,看不见。

5. Atake up 表示“占据”,句意Helen总是帮助她的妈妈,尽管上学占据了她的大部分时间。

6. Bswitch用作动词,表示“转变,变化”。mit 犯错,交付;favor 赞成;transmit 传播

7. D。从下文可知他的行为是让人鄙视的,所以D最佳with greedy(贪婪地)。句意:他贪婪地盯着那些钻石,在场的每个人都看不起他。

8. Bprevious to......之前;此空中还可以用beforeearlier than句意:1976年前这个委员会没有女性,但是现在女性占多数

9. Cache 是不及物动词,意为“疼痛”。pain作动词时是常用作及物动词,表示“使疼痛”;harm指有意地伤害;injure一般也是及物动词,意为“伤害,损伤”。

10. C。第一空指的是周围的事物这一客观情况,用surroundings;第二空表示对人的道德观念等有影响的环境,用environment。句意:这个男孩在美丽的环境中长大,但是缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。

11. Aout of sight 看不见了。in sight 在视野之内;句意:直到船看不见了他们才停止挥手。

12. Aspeed up 加速;take over 接管;get across通过,被理解;turn to 转向。句意:互联的广泛使用促进了英语的发展。

13. Abend down 弯腰;bend over 将身子倾向......bend one’s knees 屈膝。without是介词,后面要接动词-ing形式。句意:你能弯腰不屈膝摸到你的脚趾吗?

14. Astrike hit 都直接接宾语,不需用介词;occur 需要与to 连接。句意:当我看到公路上汽车相撞时,恐惧感闪过我的心头。

15. Cpossible likely 后面可以接不定式的一般式,而probable不可以;从前句可知下雨的可能性很大,排除B。因此选likely

16. Bremind 提醒。demand 要求,查问;allow 允许。demand一般不接不定式作补足语。句意:小时候,奶奶经常提醒我们要注意餐桌礼仪。

17. B。与上文身体问题与坏习惯对应,应是缺乏锻炼,所以选lack

18. Atake up 此处意为“开始从事”。save up 储蓄;keep up 维持,继续;draw up 草拟。

19. Blose sight of看不见,忽视;catch sight of 瞥见。句意:这么多人争论来争论去的,很容易就忽视了真正的议题。

20. Csettlement 和解,协议;ceremony 典礼;preparation 准备;standard 标准。句意:一个关于边境争端的和平协议在两个国家间已经达成。

21. C。从句谓语动词表示的状态与主句的谓语动词同时发生,所以从句的谓语动词用一般过去时来描述状态,不强调break的动作是什么时候做的。故选C

22. Aimpression 此处表示“印迹”。因为是小偷,来去多不被人察觉,所以选项CD不合题意。选项B的常用搭配为a shoe on his foot

23. C。第一个空why引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the reason; 第二个空previous


24. Clack用作名词表示“缺乏”,句意:由于缺乏时间,我们不能再做更多的了。

25. Daspect 方面;style 风格;pattern 样式;sign 标志,符。句意:国家与国家之间流行趋势互相不同,这也许从一个侧面反映出文化的不同。


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