
发布时间:2012-11-21 11:54:19   来源:文档文库   
中国农业科学 2010,43(18):3732-3741Scientia Agricultura Sinica doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2010.18.006光、氮及其互作对烤烟含氮化合物含量、抗氧化系统及品质的影响刘国顺,云 菲,史宏志,王 可,张春华,宋 晶(河南农业大学烟草学院/国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地,郑州 450002)摘要:【目的】揭示光照强度和氮素水平对烤烟含氮化合物形成与积累及叶片衰老的调控效应,探明适宜烤烟生长的最佳光氮条件。【方法】以烤烟品种“豫烟5号”为供试材料,采用4种光照强度和3种氮素水平的复因子盆栽试验,分析光氮互作对烤烟含氮化合物及衰老指标的影响。【结果】烤烟的硝酸还原酶(NR)、游离氨基酸(FAA)、可溶性蛋白(SP) 含量在整个生育期内呈先上升后下降趋势,遮阴和增加施氮量有利于烤烟含氮化合物含量的增加,提高氮代谢水平。中、低氮处理的NR活性高峰出现在移栽后45 d,高氮处理则出现在移栽后60 d,表明氮代谢转向碳代谢的时间推后。遮阴处理的烤烟适当增施氮肥有利于延缓叶片衰老,遮阴处理L2(70%光照强度)的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性最高且丙二醛(MDA)含量最低,说明适度弱光可提高烤烟的抗氧化能力,延长叶片功能期。随光强减弱和施氮量增加,烟碱、总氮含量上升,碳水化合物含量下降,总体上呈现氮代谢强于碳代谢的趋势。【结论】光氮互作效应对烟株体内代谢活动和衰老进程影响显著,在同一氮素水平下适度减弱光照(本试验70%光照强度)和在弱光条件下增施氮肥,能够有效地提高烟株的抗衰老能力及氮代谢强度,有利于延缓叶片衰老,高氮处理的烟株氮代谢滞后影响了碳氮代谢平衡,而中、低氮条件下氮代谢及时转入碳代谢,有利于品质形成。关键词:光照强度;氮素;烤烟;含氮化合物;衰老Effects of Cooperation of Light and Nitrogen on the Content of Nitric Compound, Antioxidant System and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco LIU Guo-shun, YUN Fei, SHI Hong-zhi, WANG Ke, ZHAGN Chun-hua, SONG Jing(National Tobacco Cultivation and Physiology and Biochemistry Research Center/College of Tobacco Science, Henan AgriculturalUniversity, Zhengzhou 450002)Abstract: 【Objective】Nitrogen metabolism plays an important role in growth and development as well as in yield and qualityof flue-cured tobacco. It is necessary to study the interaction effects of light intensity and nitrogen supply on the formation and accumulation of nitric compounds and senescence of flue-cured tobacco. A systematic experiment was conducted on the farm of Henan Agricultural University during 2008-2009 in order to elucidate a feasible combination of light and nitrogen by which the growth of flue-cured tobacco could be better advanced. 【Method】 With Yuyan 5 (Nicotiana tobacum L.) as an experimental material, two elements including light intensity (four levels) and nitrogen supply (three treatments) were designed in a pot experiment to study the effects of the cooperation of light and nitrogen on the dynamic changes of nitric compounds and senescence characteristics in flue-cured tobacco. 【Result】 The content of nitrate reductase (NR), free amino acids (FAA), soluble protein (SP) increased first and then decreased in the whole growth period. With the increasing rate of nitrogen and shading, the activity of nitrate reductase reached the maximum at 45 days after transplant in N1, N2 and 60 days after transplant in N3, showing that the nitrogen metabolism was postponed. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was the maximum and the amount of malondialdehyde收稿日期:2010-01-29;接受日期:2010-03-30基金项目:国家烟草专卖局项目作者简介:刘国顺,教授。Tel:0371-********;E-mail:liugsh1851@163.com


