
发布时间:2014-11-24 09:58:51   来源:文档文库   

Unit 3 What's Your Favourite Food

Part A


一、Look and match.(看图连线。)

二、Look and write.(看图写单词。)

三、Read and write.(按要求写单词。)



3I am(缩写形式)__________




四、Read and choose.(选出每组中不同类的一项。)

(  )1Atomato  Bpotato  Cfood

(  )2Apork Bcabbage Cchicken

(  )3Aeggplant Bgreen beans Cmutton

(  )4Agrape Bhamburger Capple

(  )5Aonions Blunch Cbreakfast

五、Choose the best answer.(选择最佳答案。)

(  )1—What would you like for lunch?

—I ______ like some beef and green beans.

Alike Bhave Cwould

(  )2—What do you have for dinner today?

—I have some ______ and tofu.

Atomato Btomatoes Ctomatos

(  )3I'm hungry.I'd like some ______.

Aeggplants Beggplant Cpotato

(  )4Oh, the ______ is soft and white.

Atofu Bgrape Ctomato

(  )5Amy is hungry.She ______ some potatoes.

Awould like Bwould like to Chave

(  )6We______potatoes, beef and rice for dinner.

Ahave Bhas Care

(  )7She would like tofu______green beans.

Aand Bbut Con

(  )8.把学校菜谱递给别人时,应该说: __________

AThis is our school menu.

BHere is our school menu.

CThat is the school menu.

(  )9.某件事听起来很不错,应该说: __________

AThat sounds good!

BThat listens good!

CThat looks good!

六、Rearrange the sentences.(连词组句。)

1like, fish, We, would, beef, and, some.


2tofu, fish, tomatoes, and, We, have, )(.


3would, like, What, you, dinner, for(?)


4our, is, Here, menu, school.


5good, That, sounds.


七、Fill in the blanks.(填空。)

1I like cabbage.

You like cabbage.

He likes cabbage.

2I __________ chicken.

You __________ chicken.

She __________ chicken.

3I __________ onions.

You __________ onions.

He __________ onions.

4I __________ fish.

We __________ fish.

They __________ fish.

八、Reading comprehension.(阅读对话,完成表格。)

Wu YifanHello! John and Mike!

John and MikeHello! Wu Yifan!

Wu YifanWhat's your favourite food?

JohnMy favourite food is tofu, because it's healthy.I don't like tomatoes.I think they are sour.

MikeI don't think so.I like tomatoes very much, because they are fresh.

Wu YifanWhat about you, Chen Jie?

Chen JieI think fish is tasty, but Bai Ling likes carrots very much.She thinks they are a little sweet.


一、1tomato 2eggplant 3tofu 4potato 5cabbage 6fish

二、1mutton 2eggplant 3tofu 4tomato 5potato 6fish 7green beans

三、1tomatoes  2 onions 3I'm  4grapes  5 has 6too

四、1C 2B 3C 4B 5A

五、C B B A A A A B A

六、1 We would like some fish and beef.2We have tofufish and tomatoes. 3What would you like for dinner?  4Here is our school menu.5That sounds good.


3don't likedon't likedoesn't like

4don't likedon't likedon't like



